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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Kojurou clenched his fist so tightly that he broke the skin of his palm with his claws. Hia heart was still aching with betrayal, at times he would argue with himself to go back and beg her to return, but his pride always won. If she didn't love him, truly, then she should suffer as he did.
Still, even if his pride would win out, he dreamt of her, begged and pleading for help, trapped by heavy red chains that weighed her down and kept her from leaving the prison she was in. In the dream, she would be crying always, reaching out to Kojurou for help, but he couldn’t hear her, and no matter how many times he tried to get into the cell, the bars wouldn’t break.
"Dammit." He muttered and stood, walking off the deck.
"Wha- hey, where ya goin', Kojurou?!" Masamune called but he received no answer from the Ibaraki.
Megohime grumbled from her spot in Masamune’s lap, upset he was being so loud while she was trying to sleep. “Urusai...” She mumbled.
"I better get her to bed.." Masamune said and scooped up Megohime gently. Akihime smiled and nodded, still having Yukimura's head in her lap.
"Hai, I may need to help him into bed as well. Oyasumi, Masamune-sama." She replied and Masamune nodded as he carried Megohime to their guest room. Akihime shook Yukimura gently and helped him hobble to his room where she stayed with him to make sure he would be ok.
Yukimura’s face was flushed red as he walked with Akihime, mumbling softly to himself and holding onto Akihime for dead life, the room spinning around him.
She laughed as she stumbled with him, pushing his door open with her foot and helping him inside, "I think you had a bit too much, Yukimura-sama.." She teased as she set him down to pull out his bed.
Yukimura sat where he was placed, head spinning and close to passing out right there. “No, no...!” He slurred. “We’re celebrating..!”
She giggled and straightened the futon before moving to pick him up and pull him over, "Hai, but the celebration is over now, everyone has gone to bed.." She sat over him and smiled gently, "It's just you and me now, Yukimura-sama..." She said gently, brushing some hair from his face.
Yukimura looked up at Akihime, then slowly reached a hand out to cup her cheek with, leaning up and kissing her gently.
He moved closer as was urged- or rather, he pulled her on top of him, having her straddle his lap as he deepened the kiss, hands rubbing up and down her sides slowly.
She loosened her furisode to give her more room to comfortably sit over him, guiding his hands over her supple thighs before working on her sash.
Yukimura’s face was already flushed with the alcohol, but his ears grew hot, hands trailing over her thighs to her hips, then to give a firm squeeze to her rear.
She gave a soft noise as she pushed off her furisode and kosode, sitting bare over him. She looked embarrassed but otherwise did nothing. "Moments like this lead to the promise of marriage...~" She teased gently.
Yukimura suddenly flipped her over, Akihime now on her back underneath Yukimura as he looked down at her. “Then we shall marry.” He said lowly, kissing her shoulder and chest as he worked on untying his own sash.
She felt butterflies in her heart and stomach, moaning softly as she helped with his robes, "Was it really this easy?" She asked with a small laugh.
Yukimura’s tongue moved over Akihime’s nipple, hard and slow as he kissed and licked her breast, taking her wrists and pushing them over her head, pinning them there.
He focused on her breasts, groping one as he toyed with the nipple of the other with his mouth. Keeping one hand pinned over her head, he brought his lips up to her own, kissing her deeply once again. Akihime then felt a pressure between her legs, rubbing against her womanhood- his knee.
Yukimura didn’t seem greedy, taking his time to kiss her passionately, touch her in every intimate place he could reach, and finally when she was trembling beneath her did he stop to remove the last of his clothes. Moving over her again, he positioned himself at her entrance, kissing her again as he waited for her to tell him to continue.
She played with his hair and kissed along his jawline slowly, "I want to be yours, Yukimura-sama...please, I've wanted nothing more in my life.."
Yukimura nodded, then brought her chin forward with one hand to kiss her once again as he pushed inside of her, stopping only once he was fully inside her before pulling out and pushing back into her, starting at a slow steady pace.
Her moans gave him goosebumps, never before had he heard something so sweet in his life. She could hardly contain her sounds, turning her head away and biting her knuckles in a vain attempt to keep as silent as possible.
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