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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Yukimura only pulled her hand away from her mouth lacing his fingers with hers as he continued to thrust into her, deep and slow, grunting softly.
His name tumbled passed her lips weakly, squeezing his hand tight as he had his way with her. She couldn't register anything else but him and the pleasure he caused her, her mind swimming blissfully in a haze of passion.
Yukimura hung his head, resting his lips against her shoulder as his pace slowly quickened until he almost seemed desperate, grunting and breathing heavily as her own name escaped his lips.
Yukimura was only spurred on by Akihime’s noises, biting down on her shoulder, his movements becoming more desperate and fast, before finally spilling his seed deep inside her, remaining still for a moment longer before pulling out and laying beside her.
She laid on the futon trying to catch her breath. She curled up beside him, nuzzling into him, only caring for his satisfaction over her own.
"Daisuki desu..." She whispered happily.
Yukimura looked like he was asleep already, all the alcohol finally catching up with him. “Daisuki...” Was all he was able to mumble out before succumbing to sleep.
Megohime had woken early in the morning, finding she needed to use the bathroom after all of the drinking she had done, and was now making her way back toward the room she was sharing with Masamune, still quite drunk.
"Megohime." It was Sasuke's voice, but it sounded different, off even. He looked pale, sick almost, but his eyes burned with a familiar hatred.
Megohime was still too drunk to notice these small differences, turning to look at Sasuke and stumbling slightly before stablizing herself against the wall with a wobble. “Tengu? What do you want?” She asked, struggling to keep her eyes open.
She didn't realize how close he had gotten until he was in front of her, his hands wrapping tightly around her throat.
"You didn't really think you could get away from me so easily?" He growled.
Megohime immediatly felt like her body was on fire, trying to back away from Sasuke, gripping his wrists tightly and trying to pull them away from her throat. Her heart raced and her eyes were wide, finally registering what was happening as she stared into Sasuke’s eyes, gasping and wheezing. She was trapped though, back pressed against the wall behind her, trying to scream for help, but nothing came out, only tears.
More tears rushed down her face and she started to struggle less and less, slipping and falling to the floor onto her knees as she clawed at Sasuke’s hands and wrists. “N...No...!” She forced out, then as her vision was starting to go black, she punched outward, her fist slamming into Sasuke’s groin.
He recoiled, releasing her and falling backwards in intense agony, groaning loudly as he curled up tight.
"What the fuck...?!" It sounded like actual Sasuke this time, pain heavy in his voice.
Megohime collapsed to her hands and knees, gagging and hacking, struggling to breathe, then trying to get to her feet and escape Sasuke, heart pounding in her ears. “Masa...!” She could hardly speak, voice raspy.
Kojurou exited his room and immediately ran into Megohime, eyes bloodshot and bruising around her neck, still unable to keep herself completely upright from the sake earlier. “Kojurou..!” She looked absolutely terrified. “He’s back! He’s back!”
“Yes..! W-Well no! It was Sasuke! Shiromasa was inside of Sasuke..!” She was still crying out of fear, but it was clear she had been physically attacked and it wasn’t just some sort of nightmare.
Megohime nearly knocked Masamune over she embraced him so roughly. “Shiromasa’s back...!” She weeped. “He isn’t dead!”
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