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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime’s face flushed more and she held onto her sleeve tightly to keep her painting hidden. “You won’t like it.”
Megohime muttered something before slowly pulling the scroll out of her sleeve and holding it out for Masamune. “I finished it..”
She sat on her bed, not moving an inch as she listened to Masamune unroll the scroll. Inside was a serene picture, a dragon soaring among the clouds; it was undeniably Megohime’s distinct art style- vividly beautiful.
His eye widened as he looked over every detail of the painting before looking up at her.
"Holy shit, Mego..." He said, "I...Jesus, this is beautiful.."
Instead of feeling happy, she felt anxious and sad, fidgeting and glancing over her shoulder at Masamune. “It isn’t terrible..?”
“My paintings are terrible, I don’t understand why you still want them..!” Her tears only flowed faster.
The one time she had painted for Shiromasa, he had laughed at her, insulted her skills as an artist and used the paper as kindle.
"Mego, your paintings are gorgeous. I love this one, it's wonderful...! I'm gonna hang it up in the summoning room so every shiki we bring into our little family can see how talented their big sister is." He said.
Megohime wanted to shout no, wanted to take the painting and throw it in the fire, but she only nodded. “Hai..” She whispered.
She shook her head and wiped her tears away quickly. “Nothing, sorry, is dinner ready yet? I’m starving.”
She shook her head, turning to look at Masamune. “N-No, it’s ok..! Just... Maybe don’t hang it up yet..” She said softly.
Dinner was more than a feast, it was extravagant, Akihime pulling out all the stops and making every dish she could possibly remember. All the food liquor was brought out, and everyone was attending, all the servants, spirits, and Shikigami- even Shingen.
After the dinner, most of those attending were left stuffed full of food and sake, and even Megohime was rather drunk- Yukimura almost completely gone with his head in Akihime’s lap as he laid dead still.
"Yare~ I had wondered why Yukimura-sama never drank so much~ now I see why~" Akihime giggled drunkly, petting hos hair gently, "Kawaii ne~"
Masamune held Megohime close, face flushed with drink as they had the time of theor lives. Kojurou, on the other hand, sat away from everyone, opting to keep to himself; there was no joy in the celebration, not with Jin still out of his life.
Their last interaction played over and over in his head as he stared out at the moon.
The wound on his stomach still ached at times, but what he couldn’t forget was her face. Her blood red eyes were blank, but her face told him all he needed to know: she was suffering. She had reeked of human blood when he found her, and she looked utterly devastated, whoever Matsunaga was, he had taken advantage of her unquenchable thirst and used it to bend her to his will.
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