To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"Fuck, it's cold." Masamune huffed, "Jesus, why did it have to be the snow...?!"
"At least Akihime was kind enough to buy us these winter coats.." Sasuke mused as he pulled gently at the coat he wore, "I'm amazed she even made it to the market."
“Megohime-dono’s healing certainly helped quite a bit.” Yukimura said, pulling his own fur coat tight around himself to fight off the cold.
"How far are we going, tengu?" Masamune asked, fighting his chattering teeth. Sasuke made a face.
"Pretty far."
"Oh fuck me." Masamune muttered
They would take hours to hike up the mountain, which it was hard to believe anyone was living up there in that cold.

Sayuri was sat in the far corner of the temple, shivering hard, her new feathers just starting to grow back, but that didn’t mean Shiromasa was nice enough to give her warmer clothes.
Sasuke would have flown if it weren't for the snow fall, so he trekked with determination to get to Sayuri.
"Did Akihime give you a kiss for luck before you left~?" Masamune teased Yukimura quietly.

Shiromasa sat by the only fire, still recovering from Masamune's attack. The wound had cut pretty deep, but ue would not be defeated so easily.
Yukimura's face lit up like a lantern. “A k-kiss!?” He blurted out, quickly pulling his scarf over his mouth and nose to hide himself. “N-No!”

Ever since Shiromasa lost Megohime, he had no one to heal him, leaving him vunlerable.
Sayuri’s skin was pale, and she looked drowsy, eyes glued to the fire. “P-Please... Can I sit by the fire Shiromasa-sama..?” She begged weakly.
"Aw~ poor guy~" He teased, "That's a shame. We may lose now~"
"Please shut up." Sasuke stated gruffly.

Shiromasa gave her a glance before glaring at the fire.
"Do whatever you want, I don't care."
Sayuri stumbled over to the fire, sitting across from Shiromasa and far enough away so he couldn’t hit her.
Sayuri wouldn’t give her opinion on the matter, the last time she did, he yanked out a fistful of feathers from her neck. She perked however when she heard the faint crunching of snow. “S-Someone’s coming..”
Yukimura was right behind Sasuke, amulet in hand and at the ready as he threw out a barrier, which trapped Shiromasa, but allowed Sayuri to escape. The poor girl was too scared to move however, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Sasuke!!” She wept.
“Masamune-dono, I have a hold on him.” Yukimura said, keeping a firm hold on his amulet.
Sayuri could barely walk, stumbling after Sasuke as fast as she could.
Shiromasa's eyes narrowed as Masamune stepped closer.
"Good to see you again, Date." Shiromasa hissed. Masamune unsheathed his katana.
"Can't say the same." He growled.
“You have crimes to answer to, too many to count, what say you in your defense?” Yukimura scowled deeply, shaking slightly.
"Fuck off." Shiromasa passed his glare to Yukimura, "I've no time for your prattle."
"Yukimura-sama," They had forgotten Hidemune was allowed to come along, he had been so quiet, "I will carry out his punishment when you are ready."
"Funny how the one who granted me his previous home is now working to kill me." Shiromasa noted. Hidemune looked as bored as ever but his eyes were burning with fury.
"You made the grim mistake of causing harm to my imouto. I cannot allow such transgressions to go without retribution."
Yukimura scowled at the mere memory of that horrid day, when he returned home to find both his and his masters Shikigami at deaths door, he still could not find it in his heart to forgive Shiromasa.
Yukimura, who had his eyes closed to focused on the barrier he had put up, scowled deeply, but didn’t open his eyes; the barrier around Shiromasa shrunk considerably, nearly folding him in on himself.
"I hope she died. Honestly, what good is she? Certainly not for protecting anything. Maybe you do only keep her around because she's a decent fuck, hm? That's the only solution I can come up with." He noted. Hidemune was growing annoyed with Shiromasa's behavior.
"Akihime-dono is a kind woman who did not deserve to be cut down with such disregard." He said firmly. A sinister smirk split Shiromasa's face.
"Of course, if she did die, who else would be there to swallow everyone's cock when you're bored?"
A sickening crunch sounded as the barrier shrunk smaller and smaller, down to th size of an orange, reducing Shiromasa quickly to nothing more than pulverized flesh and blood on the floor.
“Suman, Hidemune-dono, I didn’t allow you your chance to avenge Minehime-dono.” Yukimura said quietly, his talisman burning away as the barrier disappeared.
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