To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"I think I found out where Sayuri is being held. As well as where that Shiromasa bastard is hiding." Sasuke said quietly, so Akihime wouldn't hear. Masamune stood and moved closer.
"Seriously? Where is he? I need to repay him for what he did to Mego." He huffed.
"Hokkaido, hiding in the snowy mountains of Hida. The crows at the border informed me they saw her and Shiromasa making their way there." Sasuke answered. Hidemune bowed to Yukimura.
"If you would allow me, Yukimura-sama, I would like to join you. Shiromasa needs to be punished for harming Minehime." He requested politely.
Yukimura looked to Hidemune before nodding his head. “I will request your aid from Master Shingen.” He said, itching to pay back Shiromasa for what he had done to his own family.
"We'll make a day of it." Masamune said, "Just let me know when you feel like heading out, I'll get Kojurou and we'll go. I'm gonna go talk to Mego.." He turned and headed to the guest room.
"We could probably get answers out of him, too. See why he sealed your power to begin with, dana." Sasuke said.
“He’ll do much more than that, he’s going to answer all of our questions.” He said firmly.
Megohime was in the guest room resting in bed, but not quite asleep yet, simply dozing.
Masamune moved and sat beside her, "Me and Kojurou are gonna go with Sanada to find Shiromasa. I want you to stay here." He told her softly.
Megohime opened her eyes when she heard the door open and sat up when he told her of his plan. “No!” She protested. “What if you get hurt, or worse? I have to be there for you!”
Megohime squeezes his hand tightly, looking down at the bed covers and slowly moving his hand to press it against her forehead, giving a shaky nod. “Please just come home.” She said softly.
"When Sanada gives the ok, so maybe a day or so...I think he wants to focus on finally smooching it up with that kitsune of his." He smiled, "Can't say I blame him, I wanna smooch it up with you while I can, too~"
Megohime’s face went red at the mere mention of kissing, and she quickly covered her face. “You don’t really mean that..!”
Megohime let out an embarrassed noise and quickly retreated under the covers, escaping Masamune’s awful, kissy wrath.
He laughed, "Aw, well at least you didn't hide in your scroll.." He teased, "Fine, fine, no kisses for poor old Masamune...!" He said dramatically.
“Maybe one.” Her muffled response came from under the blanket, Megohime peeking out with a flushed face.
Megohime nodded poking her head out from under the blanket so she could kiss him, pressing her lips gently against his.
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