To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

Megohime nodded slowly, wiping away her tears before moving over to Akihime and kneeling beside the Kitsune. She carefully removed the bandages completely, then hesistantly went to work healing the wound on her shoulder.
It was slow, so slow that even Masamune didn't think it was working. But soon the taint began to shrink steadily and Akihime's breathing began to even out.
Once Megohime began to see progress, she only pushed herself harder, focusing all of her attention on that one wound, putting all of her effort into cleansing it and closing it up.
Megohime slumped to her hands and knees once she had finished, ink tears dripping down her face. “Thank god..!” She whispered.
Footsteps sounded in the room and soon Yukimura moved into view, when had he gotten there? How long has he been there? He kneeled beside Akihime frowning softly before bowing his head. “Thank you, Megohime-dono, Masamune-dono.”
Masamune moved and pulled Megohime close, hugging her tight to soothe her.
"No problem, Sanada. Mego will obviously need a few days to recover." He said. A weak noise sounded beside Yukimura and Akihime's eyes opened slowly, unfocused and hazy.
Yukimura gave Masamune only a small nod as he turned back to Akihime, heart skipping a beat when he saw she was finally awake. “Akihime..!”
Yukimura gently took her hand, holding it tightly, cupping her cheek in the other. His heart ached to see her so weak, but he shed tears to see her awake after so long. “Please, do not try to speak yet.”
She tried to look around, finally noticing Masamune and Megohime. Her ears twitched as she stared, trying to keep her eyes focused on them and not on spinning in her skull. Had they helped her? Her lips parted to speak but no words came as she slipped back into unconsciousness.
"Maybe we should let her recover some.." Masamune offered before helping Megohime stand, "Let's get some souls in you to regain your strength."
Megohime only nodded in agreement, feeling as drained as Akihime looked, simply following Masamune out of the room to leave Yukimura and Akihime to themselves.
Yukimura has a bucket of water and cloth prepared, soaking the cloth in the cool water before wringing it out and gently placing it over Akihime’s forehead.
Yukimura looked up from Akihime, nodding. “She’s still unconscious, but the miasma is gone from her wound.” He sounded releaved, happy.
"What a relief...if it had stayed in her body any longer, she may have died." He actually hated saying it but he was right. He was actually glad Megohime could help; Akihime seemed to make Yukimura happy, and if his master lost her he didn't want to think of the ways it would destroy him.
“Thank you, Sasuke.” Yukimura sat beside Akihime, watching her sleep, still looking concerned, but not as worried as before.
Sasuke nodded and left him be for a while. Akihime didn't awaken again until the sun began to set beyond the horizon. She gave a weak noise, slowly looking up at Yukimura. "Yukimura-sama...?" She asked, "I didn't worry you, did I...? Gomenasai..."
Yukimura smiled softly and removed the cloth from her forehead to rinse it in the bucket. “You needn’t apologize, Akihime.” He said gently, wringing out the cloth before carefully placing it back onto her forehead.
She frowned softly, "Have you been caring for me this whole time...?" She blushed heavily, "I-I'm undeserving of such attention from you...!"
"I failed to protect Sayuri and Minehime...I am a terrible Shikigami and guardian." She muttered remorsefully, "I do not deserve to be cared for by anyone..."
“Minehime-dono is recovering nicely.” Yukimura said, but stopped at that, seemingly hesitating to relinquish information on Sayuri. “She’s already asked about you a few times..” Akihime felt something take her hand, giving it a soft squeeze- Yukimura’s hand.
Yukimura was struggling with his own embarrassment, but he did his best to put it at the back of his mind. “Y-Yes..” He cleared his throat. “I can stop if you’re not comfortable with me doing so..!”
"I..." She moved to sit up, not taking her hand away for a second, "No...please continue to do so, Yukimura-sama.." She smiled softly.

"God, they're so awkward.." Masamune whispered as he spied on Akihime and Yukimura.
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