To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

“Much better!” Yukimura seemed to be happy to talk about his lords improvement. “Although he suspected such a journey to Oshuu would take too much out of him.”
"I kinda figured," Masamune nodded, "I'm glad you could at least make it out here."
"We do need to get back soon, Akihime was still unconscious when we left." Sasuke said.
"Still?" Masamune repeated, "He beat her up that bad?"
Yukimura frowned and set his chopsticks down. “There were complications with dark miasma in her wound, which prevented her from healing properly..”
"Yikes. Well, I bet if Mego were up for it, she could totally heal her good as new. Ain't that right, Mego~?" Masamune pulled Megohime close and kissed her cheek gently.
Megohime’s face flushed and she looked completely embarrassed. “I-If that’s what you wanted me to do..” Megohime muttered.
Yukimura bowed his head. “I would be most grateful if you would do so.”
"Gives us an excuse to get out of the house and relax. Maybe smooch under some cherry trees~" Masamune grinned. Sasuke rolled his eyes and continued eating.
Megohime only seemed more flustered, but she didn’t push Masamune away or outright say no.
Yukimura sat, watching the two with his mouth open slightly; how was it that these two had such a relationship, even with Masamune being a human and Megohime a spirit?
Yukimura cheeks flushed when he realized he was staring, quickly returning to his meal. “Yes! Of course!”
Masamune glanced at him knowingly and went back to his meal, "We'll follow you guys over when you're ready to leave. Kojurou needs to get out of the house, I think, he's been moody."
"Urusai." Kojurou huffed from the deck.
Megohime frowned, having heard of what had happened to Jin and how she had even attacked Kojurou; it was terribly sad.

Jin, who had been with Matsunaga for quite some time now, had changed in appearance; her ears had become more pointed with the more blood she consumed, eyes still solid red and hair still white, but her wings had increased in size, meaning she was now capable of flight. The only thing that didn’t change were her tears- every time she fed from fresh corpses or Matsunaga, she would always silently shed tears, regardless of feeding anyway.
"His girlfriend broke up with him." Masamune gossiped quietly to Yukimura. Sasuke made a face.
"The Vampira?" He whispered and Masamune nodded.

"Why do you weep each time you feed? There is nothing to be ashamed of, my dear." Matsunaga cooed, petting Jin's cheek.
Yukimura frowned in confusion, Kojurou and Jin has been a thing? He hadn’t even noticed to be truly honest.
“Masamune.” Megohime said quietly, nudging him gently in the ribs to quiet him.

Jin said nothing as she continued to feed from Matsunaga, tears still flowing down her cheeks at a steady pace as she lapped at the blood dripping from his forearm.
"Sorry, sorry.." Masamune said softly, "I was just letting him know.."

He pet her hair gently as he watched her.
"Is it Kojurou? Does he upset you so?" He asked.
She didn’t respond, but she did actually bite down into his arm, tears flowing more at the Ibaraki’s name, her expression pained.

When Yukimura and Sasuke returned with Masamune, Megohime and Kojurou, they were greeted by the servants warmly.
"Where's Aki?" Masamune asked gently.
The servants looked sad at the mention of her name, but they gave Masamune his answer.
“She’s still resting in her room, Masamune-sama.”
Megohime looked nervous, standing behind Masamune and holding onto his sleeve like a small child would, eyes glued to the ground.
He nodded and took Megohime's hand, "You'll do great." He said softly and pulled her along. When they reached Akihime's room the kitsune was restless in her bedding. The shoulder of her robe was pulled down so they could keep an eye on her wound, a radiating purple taint almost squirming over her wound, covering to her collarbone and elbow. Her breathing was labored and hoarse, sweat coating her brow like a second skin.
Megohime stood beside Masamune now, looking down at Akihime and her wound with a sad look on her face. “What if I can’t..?” She whispered, not taking her eyes off the wound. “What if I can no longer help others because of my sins? What if I only make it worse?”
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