To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦

"Jesus, Sanada..." Masamune muttered, eye wide. Hidemune merely shook his head calmly.
"You needn't apologize, Yukimura-sama. You had equal right to punish him for harming Akihime-dono. Forgive me for not cutting out his tongue first." He replied coolly. Sasuke gave his coat to Sayuri, bundling her up tight and keeping her from looking at the gore.
"We're gonna get you home now, Yuri...Aki has been real worried about you.." He told her gently.
Sayuri was still too out of it and crying too hard to do anything other than nod and apologize, clinging close to Sasuke.
Yukimura turned to the rest of the party, face set with a dark scowl, and eyes burning, but he was doing his best to calm himself.
"Let's go home. I'm starting to lose feeling in my fingers." Masamune said as they headed out. Sasuke kept Sayuri close, trying to cheer her up.
"Aki was so happy to hear you were coming home that she went out and bought you a bunch of tsukesage. You'll love them, they're all really cute." He told her.
Masamune moved to Yukimura quickly.
"You ok, kid?" He asked, "Obviously you didn't wanna hear anymore of his bullshit but...that was brutal, even for you.."
Yukimura’s jaw was clenched and he was shaking, but it wasn’t from the cold. He gave Masamune a glance and nodded. “It wasn’t appropriate for him to speak that way of Akihime.”
Yukimura relaxed a bit, then nodded. “Yeah... I know.” He rubbed his neck gently, his expression softening.
"Let's just get home. I'm sure your future bride already has a feast waiting~" He teased gently, slinging his arm around Yukimura's shoulders.
The trek back seemed to go by faster than the journey to Hokkaido, and it wasn’t long before the men had returned to Kai and the Takeda estate.
"Ah! Akihime-dono! Minehime-chan! They're back!" Hachigen called. Akihime came out of her room, dressed in her furisode but her hair had not been tamed just yet, leaving it down to the very base of her tails. She jogged out to the gate, stopping and smiling as she kept herself in place.
"Okaeri..." She greeted weakly. Sasuke grinned and pulled Sayuri forward gently and Akihime almost cried as quickly as she did with Minehime, "Okaerinasai, Sayuri-chan...!"
“Tadaima..!” Sayuri wept against Akihime’s chest, holding onto the Kitsune tightly. Yukimura watched Akihime with a faint smile, happy to have his family whole again.
Akihime pet Sayuri's hair gently, "I'm so glad you're safe. Gods, look at your poor feathers." She said as she looked Sayuri over, frowning heavily.
The only feathers left on her body were the ones on her neck and back, but she was starting to grow new feathers on her arms and legs again, just slowly. “You aren’t hurt anymore, are you Nee-sama..?”
She shook her head, "No, I'm all better now. Much better now that you're safe at home." She smiled, "You must be hungry, hm? There's food waiting for everyone, I wanted to wait for you all to come home." Masamune nudged Yukimura with a grin.
"Told ya~" He whispered.
Yukimura had seemed to return to his old easily flustered self, face flushing as he quickly escaped Masamune’s grasp. “Sh-She made it for everyone..!” He protested, hurrying after the Kitsune to the dining hall.
Yukimura shook his head, looking to Akihime and visibly relaxing once more. “Nothing, just... excited for your cooking again.” He smiled gently.
She blushed and allowed Sayuri to enter first, "I'm going to get Minehime."
"I'll go to her." Hidemune offered and headed off before Akihime could protest. Akihime allowed everyone in and grabbed Yukimura's hand before he could slip passed her, leaning up and gently kissing his cheek.
"I'm glad you returned home to me safely, Yukimura-sama." She whispered.
Yukimura’s cheeks flushed a bit, but he smiled warmly down at her. “I’m glad to find you still here when I returned.” He said softly.
She swatted his arm playfully, hiding her smile behind her sleeve, "You say that as if I would up and leave you behind~ I'm determined to become your bride still~" She teased coyly.
Yukimura laugher softly, but took her hand in his. “Let’s eat, ne..?” He said gently. “I’m starving.”
She nodded and moved to sit with him, smiling brightly when Hidemune and Minehime joined. Masamune excused himself to go get Megohime; she would be steamed to know he came back and didn't greet her. He moved to the guest room and slid the door open gently.
"Are there any beautiful works of art in here?" He called.
When he opened the door, Masamune was Megohime stuff a scroll quickly in her sleeve, glancing over her shoulder at Masamune with a flushed face and wide eyes. “You’re back!”
"Wha'cha got there?" Masamune immediately set into his usual ways of teasing and being a jerk, moving closer to investigate, "Was that my master piece~?"
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