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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

"I don't deserve you..." She could cry right there. Death wouldn't keep him from her? He was too much. "I don't deserve your love and affection but I can't get enough of either."
She melted and kissed back, pressing so tight against him that she thought they would fuse. Her heart chanted over and over "I love you", vowing then and there that she wouldn't let some mysterious harlot come between her and her husband.
She couldn't be happier, sitting here in his arms, pressed so closely to him. His kisses gave her chills, making her ears and skull tingle with each one. "Do..." She tried to speak between kisses, "Do you want to go to the bedroom?"
"Do you want to..?" He asked, almost breathless. He shook his head. "No.. Let's go..~" he said, kissing her again as he moved to pick her and the bag up before heading to the bedroom.
She held onto him, feeling like it was their first time. What a sap. "Do you want to make love this time, honey...?"
"We'll see how long until you can keep making love..~" he joked. He moved to the bed snd moved to kiss her, hovering over her.
She kissed back, making a soft noise. She could totally last long enough to make love. She wasn't completely obsessed.
He slowly removed her clothes and kissed over every inch that was exposed to him. He made a soft noise and removed his as well.
He smiled and chuckled. "I guess just go with it~" he said as he removed his shirt and moved to undo his belt.
He smiled and gently tugged off his jeans as he moves back over her to kiss and gently nip her collar bone.
He shuddered and growled softly as he moved to gently kiss and suckle on her breasts, moving to gently part her thighs eith his hand.
He makes another low noise and slowly tugs her panties off, snarling and gently running a finger over her folds.
He smirks gently against her breast and gently runs it kver her clit, wanting to gauge just how badly she needed him. He sloely kissed into the valley between her breasts and up onto the other breast as he gently latched onto it.
He moaned lowly and continued only for a moment before slowly pulling back. He made a low noise and moved to tug his boxers off before moving back over her. "So do you wanna try the ring still..~?"
She dug through the bag and pulled the box out, ripping it open to get to the ring. It was huge in her small hands; guess it had to be if it was supposed to fit him.
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