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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

She smiled and leaned up to kiss him, "I will be right back, don't you move a muscle~" She said and hopped off his lap and scampered about to get everything before leaving.
Petunia was at the store for a while, asking questions and making sure she got the right one for the purpose it was needed. She was glad she wasn't recognized, at least. That would have been awkward.
Immediately her personage changed from soft and gentle to rigid and utterly furious. What did the harlot want this time? Didn't she know any better? She took it and ripped it open, reading it over in her rage. What she read did not make her any happier. This words were disgusting; vomit on paper. This woman, this sub-creature, was writing about how she dreamed about Jackson - touched herself to the thought of him, hoped that one day she would have the honor of bedding him. Petunia was shaking. How dare this Haylee whore say such things to her husband. As if Petunia didn't even exist. As if he wasn't married. "You don't nearly realize just how lucky you are, homewrecker." Petunia muttered darkly, "Your heart is still beating because Jackson would be upset if I came home covered in blood."
Jackson was still inside, blissfully unaware of what he nearly saw. Could she distract him? Maybe if she did, he wouldn't get suspicious.
She tore up the letter and threw it away, like she did with the others, before heading inside with a bright smile, "I'm home, honey~!"
She swooned and bounded over, "So I asked a ton of questions to make sure we practiced safety and comfort and they gave me the best ring they had~"
"Oh, am I~? I'd love to see just how perfect you think I am~" he had no idea just how dark her obsession was, especially now.
"Sharing your bed is like Heaven~ hearing you say my name is like the sweetest symphony~" She said breathlessly.
He moans lowly and kisses back, running his hands over her slowly. He was hers. Only hers. Not that whore's.
"Tell me you'll never leave me, Jackson..." She pleaded gently against his lips, "Tell me we'll be together forever; til death do we part..."
"Forever, Petty.. I promise.." He whispered against her lips, "til death.. And I'm not even sure that will stop me.."
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