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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He smirked and did as she requested, moving her onto her knees and pinning her arms to her back as he used them as leverage to start slamming hard into her.
He huffed and growled louder, slamming harder into her spot. "Wh-What else do you want me to do to you~? To help you forget those troubles~?" He snarled.
"Please growl and tell me that I'm a good bunny~!! Bite me, drool on me, tell me I'm your one and only breeding stock~!!" She begged
He snarls loudly and starts roughly biting up her shoulder and neck, slamming his knot against her clit, not hard enough to hurt her though. He snarls lowly. "Who's my good little breeding toy~?" He asked.
He moans lowly in her ear. "You're the only one I ever wanna breed, Petty~ The only one that can really take all of me like you do~" he moans, moving harder.
That was it. She arched and screamed his name as she climaxed hard, her walls squeezing tight around him and refusing to let go.
He moans louder and tries to move, his breath catching. No, he was getting close. Now he was desperate to move. He bucked and slammed as best he could, not caring if she was sensitive or not.
He couldn't hear her, he was completely gone. He was snarling and drooling, moaning loudly as he kept moving. She had broken him. He was lost in his own pleasure, obsessed with it. His jaw fell open and his tongue fell out, dripping drool onto the carpet as he hunched over her and slammed faster and faster.
Her eyes rolled back and if he wasn't holding her arms, she would have smacked into the floor; she came once again, hard and heavily all over his thick cock.
He let out a howl and only moves faster, panting hard. His brow was knit hard in pleasure, his massive cock throbbing inside her.
He was howling, drool dripping onto her from his tongue. He snarls and gropes her soft breast, his eyes rolling back. He moved faster and faster, eventually whining. "Wh-Why the fuck haven't I cum yet." He snarled.
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