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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He huffed and looked down at her, growling lowly as he gripped her waist and started forcing his cock into her throat again and again, his thick shaft still throbbing in her tight throat.
She was so wet, and it drove him crazy. He moved her faster before snsrling loudly and forced her off of his cock as he flipped her around and quickly slammed her down onto his fat cock, howling loudly.
"L-Look at you~ so powerful and handsome and strong~ all you have to do is bounce me and I'm stretched full~" She moaned.
He snarls and moves to play with her clit, drooling and moaning lowly as he suddenly pins her to the floor.
She screamed and held her cheeks, the hearts only growing bigger, "Yes, I love when you breed me, Jackie~ I love being used by you~"
"Good girl, Petty~" he snarled lowly as he slammed from tip up until knot into her again and again. "Scream for me." He ordered.
He huffs and slams harder and harder into her before he panted and looked down. "Y-You okay? You're usually a puddle by now." He said
"I-I have a lot on my mind, I'm sorry...I didn't ruin the mood, did I?" She asked, frowning, "I'm sorry, honey.."
"Maybe you need to breed me harder~ pull out all the stops~" She purred. Make me forget about that whore trying to woo you.
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