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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He snarls lowly and pushes his tongue past her lips as he grabbed her ass firmly and ground her harder against him.
She pressed tighter against him, wrapping her arms tight around his neck. He could smell her, feel her juices soaking through her shorts.
She wiggled out of his grasp and pushed her shorts from her hips, tossing them aside and biting her lip as she stood in her lace boyshorts.
He growls lowly. She could see the outline of his massive rocket. Fuck he was so perfect. Just the sight of him made her weak.
She bit her lip and moved to tug off his shorts, "Do you wanna sixty nine on the bench~? That sounds fun~" She purred. She then stopped and blushed, "Ah...maybe not...I'm too small..."
"I have an idea that would work perfectly." He said. He removed his shorts and sat up, picking her up easily and turning her upside down to face his cock. If she were larger this would be much harder
She gasped and braced herself, though being so close to his rocket drove her nuts, "A-Are you comfortable, Jackie?"
"More than comfortable, go nuts." He growled before slowly tugging her boyshorts off with his teeth. The scent of his rocket alone made her dizzy.
He didn't need to tell her twice. She gripped the knot with one hand to stroke it as she swallowed him from tip to knot, over and over like the greedy thing she was.
He was so tempted to start forcing her down over his cock, but he let her work her usual magic, as he suddenly plunged his broad, hot tongue into her core, moaning lowly at the taste of her.
He couldn't handle much more, moving faster and a bit rougher as his the base of his tongue worked over her swollen clit.
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