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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He huffs and pants as he moves faster,knowing full well that she would get what she wanted out of him, one way or another.
He slammed as deep as he could go before he arched hard and howled her name, flooding her tight pussy with a hot load of his thick cum.
She watched some of it spill from her and made a soft noise, always disappointed with what was wasted; but she was beyond satisfied with their activities that evening, "How was that honey~?"
She snuggled into his chest and smiled happily, "Well, you seem to really like it~ so I can wear it with my frilly panties too~ that would be cute~ would you like that~?"
She smiled dreamily and pet his chest, "I love you, Jackson...I love you so much, I would do anything you asked in a heart beat~"
A couple months later, Petunia came in from gathering the mail; rifling through and making a noise at a handmade envelope, "Jackie, you got more fanmail..!" She called.
"Yeah...looks like someone made the stationary themselves.." She said, handing him the envelope. It smelled faintly of perfume.
"Dear Mister Hayes,
You are such an inspiration to me; I've seen all of your matches since you were first starting out as a boxer and your perseverance has helped me through so much. I wish I could meet you in person and shake your hand and tell you all this in person but I can scarce leave my home without suffering from an anxiety attack. I hope you don't mind if I continue to send you these letters. maybe even vent to you a little? Please continue to do your best and I will do the same.
Your Biggest Fan,
Haylee Binge."
"What does it say, Jackie?" Petunia asked curiously, "Just another one of those 'you're so amazing I love you' letters?"
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