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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

Once she made sure she was stable, she pressed against the knot as closely as she could, giving a soft whine as she turned to lay on her back. She shivered and reached to start stroking his knot, "G-Go ahead, honey~~"
He shuddered and moaned lowly. He started moving, huffing and panting. From this angle, he looked even larger, more powerful. He was still drooling, his knot swollen hard and throbbing in her hands.
She tried not to drool too much but it was difficult. He was just so amazing, so wonderful and powerful. She couldn't get enough of him.
"F-Fuck, fuck, it's so good~!!" He moaned louder and started moving faster and harder, his tongue hanging out again.
"S-So good~ you feel so good, honey~ I love having you buried so deep inside me~ do you love stretching your Petty~?"
"I-I love it so much~!! I-I can't even think about fucking anything or anyone else, y-you've ruined me~!!" He howled, slamming into her spot harder.
"N-No one else~!! I-I can't even imagine fucking anyone else but you~!! Y-You've ruined me~!! C-Completely~!!"
He slammed harder and harder into her, hie knot only getting bigger in her hands. Poor Jackson. He was getting close, so close. He eventually was on the brink, howling loudly. "Y-Yes yes yes~!! Fuck yes here it comes~!!" He cried.
He howls loudly and suddenly dumps a massive load into her, and she could feel the pulsing as his cock pumped every ounce he had into her.
Her head fell back, her moans nothing more than husky labored puffs of noise drumming in her chest. "S...So...much~ so hot~"
He pants and goes to pull out, but suddenly slams back in and howls again as he climaxes hard once more, flooding her with another massive load.
She relaxed and held onto him, kissing back gently, "I love you, too, very much...nothing in the world will ever change that..."
He smiles and moves to hold her gently. The weeks following seemed normal enough, and Jackson eventually forgot all about those very personal letters.
"So, Jackie..." Petunia moved over to crawl into his lap as he watched tv, "I was thinking about maybe going to the adult store and buying you a ring for your knot...that way when you're suffering during our love making, the ring will help ease your burden..."
She gave a soft sigh of delight, nuzzling under his chin, "I like to think so...I feel so bad that it's been taking longer for you to finish..."
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