Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He smirks and holds her hand as he begins stroking his knot, arching a bit and moaning lowly, it being swollen hard and throbbing.
"I-I wanna finish one more time, and I know you're a sap for some little bit of romance so is this okay..~?" He asked, breathing shaky.
"Y-Yes, of course!" She moved closer and laced her fingers with his, face flushed, "C-Can I help some how, honey?"
She nuzzled his hand, her breathing a little uneven, "Out of all the bunnies you could have picked, you picked me~ you're so big and strong and handsome and smart, any girl would be lucky to have you~ but here we are, happy as clams~ I have never loved someone as madly as I do you~ I would do anything you asked at the drop of a hat~"
He moans lowly. "F-Fuck that feels so good..~!" He pants, rocking his hips as he continued stroking with her. He was getting so close
"You mean everything to me, Jackie~ I would do anything you asked~ both intimately and not~ my heart and body are yours forever and ever~" She moaned
She helped him work hos knot, wanting his final orgasm to be interstellar, "Come on, honey, don't fight it~ cum for Petty~"
He tossed his head back and howls loudly as he climaxes hard, firing his massive load deep inside her, drooling and clawing at the bed.
They stayed in New York for a while longer so Jackson could have his victory interview and so she could spoil him for winning. They were sitting in the hotel room feeding each other fruits like the sappy nerds they were when there was a knock. "Coming!" Petunia called and moved to the door. She was greeted by two police officers, who tipped their hats to her. "Evening, ma'am. Could we have a moment of your time?"
"What seems to be the problem, officers?" Petunia asked, smiling softly. The first one shifted his weight from foot to foot. "Ma Bo Xiang has been missing for a few days now. We've asked around and it appears you were the last to see her before she disappeared." He said. Petunia nodded, "Yes, we're both agents for professional boxers. I need to meet with her every now and again so we can discuss publicity for our clients. I went to the office at around...Mm...eleven-thirty?...and we discussed schedules for interviews between my husband, Jackson, and her client, Felix. I was there for maybe two hours and then I left." She explained.
"Well...we'll have to check it out...but if we find anything that says differently, we'll have to ask you to come to the station. Don't leave New York for another week, please?" "Of course! My husband and I will stay right here awaiting news of Ma Bo! I do hope you find her, she's a really good agent..." She looked genuinely upset and they nodded before leaving. She shut the door and moved back onto the bed, hugging him tightly, "Don't worry about a thing, honey~ there's nothing to pin me to her disappearance~"
"They won't~ I destroyed everything~ I fixed the footage, too~ we'll be ok~" She assured softly, "I told you nothing will tear us apart~"
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