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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

They sat in their corners before the bell rang and Felix was on his feet in a flash. He was fast, that was for sure.
Jackson smirked. He was fast. But luckily, he had no tactics. Jackson hopped to his feet and moved close, tapping gloves with him before he put them up. He let the kid throw the first punch.
He went for a right hook, only it was a mock swing and he quickly switched to a jab at Jackson's gut.
Jackson blocked easily and threw a solid line right into his jaw, surely breaking teeth. He didn't let up. Swing after swing. And after Felix began protecting his face, Jackson moved to start working his gut, and switching between. He had him in a corner, blow after blow.
Felix couldn't keep up and took every punch Jackson slammed into him. It didn't take long for his body to give up and he fell limp against the ropes before dropping to the ground. "There was no doubt in anyone's mind today, folks! Stone Wall Hayes has done it yet again!" The announcer shouted and the stadium erupted in a chorus of cheers.
Jackson snarled and rose his fists in the air, huffing and puffing. He was sure he felt ribs crack. He hoped Petty would be happy enough with that.
Speaking of, she was no where to be seen. In fact, he thought she had been missing the whole time. Maybe she was in the room watching the pay-per-view.
There were so many girls waiting for him to come out and get his autograph. Young women all head over heels for a man they could never have. Though incredibly loyal, he would be lying if he said the attention didn't inflate his ego.
He loved it. The thought that if he wanted, he could have any of them. He didn't want any of them, but he still loved it.
Many asked for some token of affection; a kiss or a touch or something. Anything to brag to their friends about. Reminded him of Petunia.
That's who his mind was on, and he grew a little concerned. Oh well, she always had a nack for disappearing.
Only, she had been gone since this morning. If she was up and gone before he was at eight this morning, that was twelve hours of his wife no where to be seen. What if something happened to her? He hadn't heard anything from her since before the match two and a half hours ago.
Nothing. Not a damn thing. Not even a little check to show him she had seen his message. Dread fell over him like a slow pour of ice water. He didn't want to think anything bad could happen to his Petunia.
Maybe Ma Bo would know where Petunia was. Sure they didn't like each other, but they both technically had the same job, no one would know where Petunia would be better than Ma Bo would.
It was a bit of a walk from the hotel to the temp office they were given while in the big apple. It was starting to get really dark by the time he got there. No one was around, most of the lights were off and it was dead quiet. There was a bad feeling crawling up his spine.
You know that feeling you get in your gut when something bad is going to happen? When your legs start to burn like they're about to bolt straight from your body and away from where ever the hell you are? That's the feeling he got just then. Like his blood was replaced with ice and he needed to get out of there fast. But his curiosity was far greater. He pushed the door open slowly and was met with a nightmarish sight. Petunia - his cute sweet little Petunia - was sitting next to the mutilated corpse of Ma Bo Xiang, covered from the tips of her ears to her dainty little feet in blood. She looked sharply when she heard the door, eyes wild and gripping the bowie knife tight like she was ready to use it, but stopped and smiled lovingly when she saw it was only Jackson, "Hello, honey...! How was the match? Did you beat him? Oh, what am I saying, of course you did~"
He dropped to his knees. "P-Petty.. wh.. what the fuck did you do..?" He asked. He was numb. Was this happening? It couldn't be.
"I told you, honey, I was going to protect you!" She smiled and moved over, tossing the knife away and sitting in front of him, "They wanted to hurt you, Jackie...they wanted to take you out of the game...! They were going to hurt you so bad, I couldn't let her get away with that...! So I took all his gear and his lead and I threw it in the garbage...! And I came here to talk to her, honest...! But she attacked me first, I had to defend myself...! I didn't want to die and leave you, Jackie...!"
She smiled sweetly and cupped his face gently, "Relax now, honey...Petty's here...~ you don't have to worry about a thing~ neither of them are going to hurt you ever again~ I'm gonna clean this all up and then we can go out to dinner or something! You must be really hungry after beating up that mean fox!" How was she so calm about this? She murdered someone, sure it was in self defense, but shouldn't she be shaken? Freaked out? Maybe she was hiding it for his sake. She did look pretty out of it before she realized it was him that came in.
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