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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

She moved and laid against him, cuddling into his chest, "You're going to be great, honey, I just know it...~"
She relaxed against him, forgetting all about Mo Ba and Felix Mitchell as she laid in her husband's arms. She spent the last week they had getting everything ready for the trip to New York for the match. She wasn't excited to see Ma Bo again, but they would have time before and between match time and interviews to unwind with her husband.
He was training still, making sure he was ready, mentally. Soon, it was the night before the match.
Jackson and Felix sat next to each other while the press drilled them with questions. Petunia and Mo Ba were at the side out of sight of the cameras. "It nice seeing you again, Pehtooneea." Mo Ba said, keeping her pale blue eyes on Felix; her accent was thick and obviously very Asian. Petunia was playing with the point of her pen so much that her thumb was bleeding. "I can't say the feeling is mutual, Mo Ba Xiang."
Jackson sneered at the scrawny fox next to him. He knew that this kid wouldn't stand a chance. But why be this adamant about it? There's gotta be something this kid's trying to do.
"How does it feel being so close to the stone wall himself?" A weasel asked Felix. The fox made a noise. "He's not so tough. Sure, he's massive, but he looks slow." He answered. All attention shot immediately to Jackson.
"I'd be cocky too if I'd never been in a real fight before. Must be nice coming from a sheltered life, little man." He said.
"How the hell did you know that?" Felix growled. Mo Ba glared at Petunia from the corner of her eye. The tiny hare didn't keep her eyes off her husband, her blood staining the inside of her pocket.
"Word spreads when some newcomer starts shooting his mouth off. I've earned the right to shoot off, kid. Six title belts, midweight to heavyweight champion three times, I might not be the best but I've got a better track record than you, mama's boy." He snarled.
"Let me guess, you only accepted my challenge because your garbage tier shit stain wife threatened to stop sleeping with you if you didn't, huh?" Felix sneered. All attention suddenly snapped to Petunia, who looked beyond mortified. "Obviously it's no secret that your agent is your wife. Is that how you got ahead? You had her pull some strings and suck some dick for you?" He added. Petunia felt like her heart had been ripped out, her chest hurt so much. She didn't like all this attention, it was making her sick.
"A real man wouldn't drag another man's wife into this, asshole. Besides, how the fuck did your ancient ass agent pull this off? Gotta be bribery because no man alive would sleep with that. No offense, Ma Bo." Jackson smirked. He leaned in close to the fox. "Talk shit about my wife again and you won't live to hear the starting bell, shitface. Do well to remember that, and you might survive this fight." He said.
Ma Bo muttered something bitterly in Mandarin and Petunia did her best not to run off in sneer embarrassment. Not even that, but she wanted to stab him over and over with her pen right there in front of everyone for insulting her husband like that. "Don't write a check you certainly can't cash, old man." Felix whispered back.
"Keep playing tough, I'll be haunting your fucking dreams." He said. Jackson got up and looked back as the interview ended. As the cameras turned off, he moved over and kicked the chair out from under Felix. "Whoops, slipped." He said as he walked out.
"You son of a bitch!" Felix jumped up and Petunia moved quickly between them. "That's enough." She stated firmly before she moved to hug Jackson's arm, "Let's go to the hotel room, honey..." She said.
"Ma Bo isn't one to sleep with a client, his family must've paid her well to sponsor him." She said. It was then he noticed her thumb was still bleeding.
She looked and her indifference was replaced with a reborn rage, "I was stuck being so close to that slut that I must've broken the skin playing with my pen." She said, tone shaking as much as she was.
They went out to dinner that night, Petunia paid for the whole thing. She wanted Jackson to forget about the awful things Felix had said to him; she didn't care that they were about her, but Jackson didn't deserve to hear such negativity. After that, Petunia let him relad in the room before she went off to try and talk Ma Bo into making Felix apologize. "I'll be right back, honey, don't move an inch! I'll bring you a treat if you do~!"
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