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Just A Little Quirky (1×1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

Jackson laughed a bit and sat soaking in his bath, that Petunia had insisted he take to help relax.
She kissed his snout and told him she loved him before she headed out. She moved toward Ma Bo's room, trying to force down her hatred the closer she got. She stopped at the door and took a breath, raising her hand to knock when she heard yelling. She moved and put her ear to the door. "That old fuck! How dare he belittle me like that!" Felix yelled. "Stop yelling. People hear you." Ma Bo scolded. Petunia started shaking, eyes wide. "You know plan. Put lead in glove, break someting important. Won't heal proper. You become champion." Petunia covered her mouth to keep from screaming in pure unadulterated rage. Injure Jackson so bad that it takes him out of boxing forever? That would crush him more than his injury. She wouldn't let them do that to her husband. She rushed off when she heard someone coming to the door, angry tears pouring down her cheeks.
That was it. Someone even think about hurting her Jackson? Unbelievable. Something had to be done.
He heard the hotel door open and rapid footfalls before someone hugged him tightly. It was Petunia, and she was crying.
"I'll protect you." She said weakly, "I promise, honey...don't worry about a thing...Petty will take care of everything..." She hiccupped.
She shook her head, "Hush...Petty will handle focus on chewing up that little punk and spitting him into the garbage tomorrow..."
"O.. Okay, honey.. why don't you try to get some sleep..? I'm gonna try to get some good rest.." he said.
She laid with him and didn't let him go all night, her head chanting to protect him. When he woke up in the morning, she was gone, but on his phone was a picture message of her blowing him a kiss, telling him that she loved him and that she would meet him later and the loudest cheering for him he heard was from her.
He smiled and started getting ready for the fight. He had a light breakfast, and headed down to the gym to warm up.
He could hear Felix shouting about his gloves missing, hell his whole bag was gone. All his gear was stolen straight from his locker. How unfortunate.
He chuckled to himself as he kept working. He'd be provided gloves, but if he had planned anything, it would have been spoiled now.
When last minute training was up, they were asked to head to the locker room to get their gear ready. He checked his phone one last time and saw a new text from Petunia: "You'll do great out there, honey! Knock some teeth loose for me! ❤"
He set his phone down and changed, getting into his shoes and shorts, donning the usual silk robe and having one of the trainers help tie his gloves before he stepped into the waiting area.
"Here he is, folks! Straight from the other side of the country! You know you all came to see him! Jackson "Stone Wall" Hayes!" The announcer called and the whole stadium erupted in cheers and applause.
He smirked. This was his limelight. This was where he belonged. He entered the ring and tugged off his robe.
There was a lot of female screaming after that as every single woman in that stadium watched him stretch and flex his muscles.
"And his challenger, the new meat from the south! Felix Mitchell!" The announcer called and there was small cheers as Felix made his way out. He looked pissed.
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