High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Sakura went to the hot spring again, and after a while she came back and laid down with Riku to get some sleep herself. Kazui woke up and went to the hot spring with Sayaka and by the time they returned it was dinner time.
Sayaka-Yoohoo. time for dinner you two. Gotta wake up now.
Riku was still very much sleeping, being covered under the blanket as he couldn't be seen, though his his form still under the blanket as it took a bit more than just being told to wake to actually wake up himself as sakura already knew it was a bit hard to wake him up but more in the morning.
Finally after a bit he would sit up with a sigh and stretch before standing up and looking around. With that riku would just follow them as there really wasn't anything he want to say or really do.
They all sat around the table as the staff brought the food in.
Kazui-So what did you two do all day?
"We went to the festival in town. Riku won me a tiger"
Kazui-that's nice. I hope you two had fun.
" was fine..." replying as he finally started to eat quietly, casually relaxing as riku didnt really have anything to say or talk about at all mostly even still right now thinking about the idea that he had the secret of being able to screw his wife and daughter without him there. Glancing over at sayaka about a new dirty thought already but then looking around casually as he went back to eating.
Sayaka-I'll bet Sakura ate half your cotton candy, didn't she?
"Eh... Mama, i don't do that.... Anymore"
Kazui-When she was growing up i actually forgot what cotton candy tasted like, even though we all got some every festival.
"Papa, don't tell him that stuff"
Sayaka-You were such a glutton when you were little.
Sakura blushed and just tried to focus on eating. In fact she ate so much she hurt her stomach.
Sayaka-I told you not to eat so much.
"Urrrrgh. I know"
Kazui-come on, i'll help you to bed dear.
He gets up and picks Sakura up, and she grabs the lapel of his yukata and hides her face in his chest.
Kazui-please warn me if you need to vomit. This isn't exactly my yukata.
"....i think i'm ok..... please stop spinning me"
Sayaka-you may want to hurry up.
Kazui-right, right, let's lay you down.
He goes and lays her down, then comes back, putting an arm around Sayaka.
Kazui-guess this is technically your first time seeing her sick. She gets clingy, so be careful.
" she's always like that even when she's not sick actually..." replying with the actual small amount of experience he actually has with it. With that he continues to eat not really having anything to say or ask her parent's about.
Kazui-I mean iron grip clingy.
They finish up dinner and by then it's fairly late, so Kazui and Sayaka head off to bed.
Sayaka-Good night Riku. Do check on Sakura before you knock off, will you? She will hopefully be feeling better by now. Nighty night.
They both turn in for the night.
" well of course sometimes that too..." as he stood up with a stretch and nod before going back to sakura and checking for a moment, kissing her cheek before starting to lay down.
Once he kisses her cheek, her arms lock around him, true to Kazui's word, in an iron tight grip. She was still asleep, and didn't seem to be in any poorer condition. In this position it might be difficult to get to sleep.
"Argh!! Jeez..." falling over on her as he tries to move to her out of her hold but seeing that it didn't even work. " hey sakura..." softly poking her cheek and maybe even trying to tickle her so she would let go. She really did have really weird parents with her mom being so damn dirty and her daughter being mostly the same and maybe her father being strong but someone who could easily be distracted by drinks.
She rolled over so now Riku was on his back, and she was laying on top of him. Then she woke up.
"Hm? Un. Riku"
She crawled up so she could kiss him. Then she sat upright, straddling his hips, and then moved her yukata aside to expose her breasts.
" maybe tommorrow if you even want..." taking the yukata and wrapping it back around her, moving her off so she could lay down, taking the other futon and laying down on it before making sure that she could sleep as well.
She kept hold of him.
"You seemed really eager to have sex with Mama. It looked like you forgot about me. I know my breasts aren't as big as Mama's, but i still want to be your most important person. I want my body to be the one you love the most. I don't want you to leave because someone with bigger tits comes along and steals you away"
" well yeah kind of because of the boobs...." admitting as he looked over at her, " I doubt any other girls in school with big boobs are even interested in a stupid person like me....since you kept your interest after I showed mine with the confession that really made me want to keep you for as long as I could. Promise that I won't leave you, your mom or anyone else can't really be there for me accept you and that's why as long as I can have that then ill give you whatever you need from me...I do love your body, even with the outfits that I wanted you to wear...they were the best damn thing and only you can do that for me..." kissing her again.
She kisses him back.
"You're super cute, so of course other girls would want you..... I'd like to think i'm not selfish.... And i'm aware my body can't do everything, so.... It's ok to do it with other girls, so long as i know about it and.... And so long as i'm always your number one girl. And you need to wear a condom of course!..... And i think i forgot to tell you this, but i've got a fair few outfits for cosplay. Some very cute outfits too."
She laid on top of him, her breasts visible looking down her yukata. Her crotch rubbed against his.
"This yukata looks cute on me, right? I think it'd look better partly off of me"
I wish I could wear a yukata like that, looks sexy with having one hang off the side of your shoulder when you do a certain pose like laying on your stomach or laying on your side." Soon she got on him again as he laid completely on his back now, " then I promise that you'll always be the only girl for me then..." but blushing at the idea of doing it with other girls, " l-like I said I don't think I'm even that cute or popular at all like that...." still doubting it as he held her by the shoulders and looked at her, " we should really sleep though...."



"I've been sleeping for a while now. And we both napped before dinner too. We're finally completely alone."
She put a hand on his and kissed it, nuzzling her cheek against his hand and moving her hips just a little bit.
" there's really not anything to do anyway.." replying softly as he ran his other hand through her hair with a sigh wondering why she didn't really want to sleep as he wanted to though. Riku soon have a yawn wondering why she would even want to try to make him do it again.
As she slept riku slowly moved her so she was laying next to him, pulling the blanket up for both of them as he finally started to sleep himself as well.
Sakura woke up later than usual the next morning, her parents having already ate breakfast and left, leaving them a note. When Sakura did wake up she kissed Riku before getting up and finding the note, as well as some breakfast waiting for the two of them.
As always with no dyrprise to sakura that even with her walking up mostly late, riku was still covered under hue blanket for a bit longer until she would finally wake him up so he could try to go for the showers before changing and finally giving over to eat with her
"Riku, time to wake up now. We need to eat breakfast. Let's go to the hot spring too. Mama and Papa are gonna be out all day. We can spend it relaxing and enjoying ourselves"
She shook him awake as per usual and then they ate their breakfast together.
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