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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

Soon riku got back to his side with a sigh once he managed to mostly regain even a bit of his energy and consciousness, seeing his clothes fine but some different as he unfolded and looked at everything to see it was a yukata. With a sigh he dressed himself up and soon walked out slowly feeling a bit weird wearing this as it was mostly girls that wore it from what he mostly saw. Stepping back out and seeing her again they both started for the odd fiar that he wasn't expecting at all but walking with her to have something to do as they eventually arrived now. He simply said nothing to her as he had so little energy to even talk or do much of anything as he looked around before going up to a stall that had some grilled meats on a stick as he was lucky to bring at least a bit of money for something like that.
"Don't worry about money. Mama and Papa gave me plenty to enjoy the fair."
She paid for food for both of them, and they found somewhere to sit down so they could eat them.
"Mm. These are good..... Uhm.... Regarding when we were having sex in the hot spring... You started calling me a slut and saying i was yours or something?"
" what it was just something that was in my head, I don't hate you or anything and like I asked before you said your body would only take the shape for me or something like that...." shrugging as he sighed to relax and continued to eat.
"....i think you're right. Cause when you started saying that stuff..... My body felt really good. So if you want to keep doing that when we have sex, it's ok with me"
She leaned against him as she stuffed her face to hide her blush. After they finished their snack they went around to look at what stands were there.
With that he stood up and walked with her around as hopefully alot more people would come, though kind of even wishing he had more friends so it would be fun as a bit group thing. Crossing his arms riku looked around at the various different things before walking up to what he heard of course a tradition of selling masks, as of course he looked through to see the famous red demon masks, picking it up to look at it for a moment.
He took the mask off her and looked around to see another famous mask being the white fix with the red markings on its cheeks and face as he put it on her though the mask facing sideways. " that one is better...." Soon taking the demon mask and doing the same before turning to the man, " just these then..."
"Hm..... So you think i'm a fox?"
She covered her face with the mask, and for some reason he got the feeling she was covering a cheeky grin. After they bought the masks, the man warning them not to walk around with them on, since that was dangerous, Sakura put it on the side of her head and walked while holding his arm.
"Ooh. We've gotta get cotton candy. Absolutely"
She half dragged him to the cotton candy stand and got two big clouds of it, one for each of them.
With that he would just mostly follow her around and do whatever she wanted until he would see something himself and maybe stop for it. As they headed for the cotton candy he took his from her and they started again to walk around just enjoying the new sites and the festival together now.
They walked around arm in arm eating their cotton candy and playing a few games. Then they found a stand where you throw a ball and knock bottles over to get a prize. She saw a cute little stuffed tiger and her eyes locked onto it. She went over and paid for a try, but given sports isn't exactly her thing, most of them didn't even make it to the bottles.
Vendor-aww. Good try though kid.
"I'm 17"
Vendor-......go-good try... Ma'am? Ahem. Maybe your big brother would like to give it a try?
"This is my boyfriend"
Vendor-...i'm gonna stop talking now.
He couldn't help but chuckle at the embarrassed vendor, " don't worry about it too much, I'm good at running but probably not throwing...." as he shrugged and got a ball to try it, " I just hate the aim part...." as he walks back and tries to throw it, hitting the bottle but not seeing yet as it would completely tip or not then. Riku really bother to look as he turned around and got ready to leave at his announcement that he hasn't hit it, not being one for the games than the food and the atmosphere.
" well you didn't throw it hard or aim up and a bit more to the center, though I was thinking of curving a bit from the center..." shrugging as he crossed his arms. " which one would you want then?" Asking her as he could not really care for the prize himself.
"...most of that just went over my head. Ah, right, the prize. The tiger please."
The man took the tiger down and handed it to her.
Vendor-What a good boyfriend, winning a stuffed animal for his lady. Have fun you two
"Thank you" She bowed to him as they walked away, hugging the tiger as she held Riku's hand.
" weird I still damn hit that though...." giving a sigh as he would just forget it right now as they moved on with whatever else either of them saw, though from what he's seen and heard that there always had to be a fishing game.
After a few hours of looking around, and there was plenty to look at even after all that time, Sakura's feet started to hurt so they decided to rest a while. They found a quiet little area near a small old building, that looked like it used to be some kind of storage area, but was run down and not used anymore. They sat on a flat rock nearby.
"This is fun. Walking around a festival, eating a lot of food.... Probably too much honesty, heheh"
" would really wanna go for another if they have one in a few weeks...." shrugging as he didnt mind at all as he sat down with her. " probably should stay still a bit unless you really wanna go back...and if you do then I'll do all the tiring stuff and carry you back while you sleep then..." offering as he stretched and leaned back a bit.
" wonder you like your mom more, your exactly like her..." as he crosses his arms deciding not to answer her question. Riku really had to be more careful and even learn to outright tell her no when he felt like it, which was most of the time though there were also times that he wanted it but with how often she wanted to do it with him it has become easier for him to prepare to deny her so easily. Riku soon stood up and started walking back over to check mostly everything else out before they would go back now.
"Eh? No, i mean. Uhm, that came out wrong. What i was asking was are you recovered from.... this morning? I didn't mean to... i mean it'd be rude to here right? And we already did it so much in the hot spring, and.... i'm sorry"
" yeah you could have really asked that question alot better actually..." flicking her forehead softly, " but your still cute though...dummy..." as they continued to walk for a bit longer before eventually making it back to the inn where he laid down with a yawn and a stretch.
Sayaka was already in the room, with Kazui asleep with his head on her lap.
Sayaka-Welcome back you two. Aww, that's an adorable little stuffed tiger.
"Thank's Mama. Riku won it for me"
Sayaka-Dinner will arrive in a few hours, so if you want a nap, now's the time.
"Is papa"
Sayaka-He's fine. Just sleeping off the alcohol. Aren't these yukata nice? And so comfortable too.
" thank god to that drunk guy..." thinking with a sigh with of course what happened at the bath. With that he went over to the other room as he already started to lay down and sleep.
"I think i'm going to go to the hot spring for a little while. My feet are a little sore. Sleep well Riku"
Sayaka-Enjoy yourself sweetie.
Sakura left her tiger by her futon and made for the hot spring. Sayaka simply sat with Kazui on her lap.
Riku laid down, deciding to really sleep as much as he could, not really caring right now about what sakura would be doing as he would try to sleep very much as he could.
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