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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

" well I mean you could have checked inside first...jeez probably throw the disc or something..." as he took the disc wondering what to even really do with it right now. " just please make sure next time you dummy..." as riku at least calms down a bit for the moment but wondering still why she didn't even think to check before she got here.
" well I mean I'll just throw it then so it's fine..." shrugging as he hugged her back before taking the remote and putting it to the regular tv channels as he sat back again and relaxed with her for a while more.
"Ah, wait. Getting rid of it might not be a good idea. As embarrassing as this is to say, that's probably Papa's. If he learned it was missing i'd probably get in trouble.... Mama would probably punish him too, but still. I'll just put it back and, try to forget about it.... Forever"
She put it back in the case, then joined Riku on the couch. After a few minutes passed, she spoke as if she were a tad jealous.
"I'm surprised you turned it off. The woman did have huge boobs after all"
“ well I never said anything about watching something like that, even if you didn’t know. I’m not a perverted person like that to watch something like that in front of someone and I don’t care who it is, I feel really embarrassed by that stupid accident....” shaking his head still facepalming as he tried to forget himself about it. “ I wanted a regular movie not that I just wanted to relax...”
“ it was mostly an accident, so don’t really worry much...” hugging her close against his chest as he moved her head up to kiss her for a bit on the lips before pulling her up a bit against him, “ I love you a lot Sakura...”
Soon he would have been asleep for a bit as he leaned his head to the side a bit against his shoulder already needing to from hanging out with her a lot and because of school still. Riku was really starting to get busy with a lot of things from her and now it was weird how much she was mostly relying but also just giving up everything to him.
Riku was now moved to laying on her lap, putting his hand on her knee as after a bit he woke up wondering what happened for a moment before seeing that he did actually slept on her lap now. “ well it must night already then..” as he sat up then stood for a drink before heading to the bathroom and finally back next to her again wondering if she would go or if she wanted to do something else.
“ you can’t even get away from me...” replying with a shrug as a tease, “ well then ima shower....” not minding then if she would go to his room now then or do something else while he would do that. It was really weird now that most of the time she always has to be there with him like now, not hating it like everything else but still.
Sakura went up to his bedroom and stripped down to her underwear, then got into his bed, and by the time he finished his shower she was already sleeping. The following morning she as per usual woke up early, then scribbled a note for him saying she had some personal business to take care of, which is why she left. She did leave him a sandwich for him to eat for lunch, since she assumed he'd be sleeping to near noon. They texted back and forth a bit that sunday, however Sakura wasn't able to see him again until monday. The school week passed by quickly and normally, and then on friday at school Sakura said they were actually leaving that day, so she went with him to his house to help pack his things, then Sakura's parents picked them both up at his house and they drove to the inn, arriving just as it started to get dark.
With the week being the same as always he didn’t really expect much at all and when the weekend hit, wouldn’t really be expecting the same either from the trip though it was cool to have another first time out of a million others to be doing something like this not knowing that hopefully he wouldn’t mess up since he didn’t know anything about springs at all accept sitting and mostly relaxing. Finally packing his things, they started to head out fast, managing to make it there by mostly the end of the day since it was just starting to become dark now, which was fine as he wanted to just lay down and not really do a lot.
They were greeted by half a dozen gorgeous women, all wearing kimono. The inn in general looked quite traditional. The person who was probably the head of the place spoke to them
Boss-Welcome, we've been expecting you. Your room has been prepared already. We'll take care of your belongings, so you just follow Mariko-san here to your room, and begin your weekend of relaxation.
They bowed and a girl with short black hair lead the four of them to a nice and large room, with 2 futon on the floor in the main room, and another room through a door that was clearly meant for the parents on this "family" trip.
Kazui-Right, i forgot this is technically supposed to be family members only. So Riku, i guess that means if anyone asks, you're our son... Just in case.
Sayaka-They'll probably bring dinner in soon, so until then i suppose we just relax.
Kazui-heh, that about describes our whole weekend dear.
“ that’s why I was really weird seeing that I would have to go...” replying still with the slight confusion of why she wanted him alone besides hating to be alone but still as he would want to go for that for her anyway if it was normal at least. Now it felt a bit hard for him to be a boyfriend if he was gonna be dragged into stuff like this sometimes. He looked around as he went into the room, and laid down still feeling weird even just being here still.
The staff brought a bunch of food in and then left them to their meal.
Sayaka-oh my, everything looks so delicious. And there's so much of it too.
Kazui-let's put a dent in it then.
They started eating, naturally everything was delicious, and in the end the four of them couldn't finish even close to all of it. It was quite late by this point, so everyone decided to go to bed. Sayaka and Kazui of course went into their private parents bedroom with Sakura and Riku in the main room. They had 2 futons available, but of course Sakura just shared one with Riku. Unlike the last time they shared a bed though, she actually wore pajamas.
"Good night Riku"
In no time at all, she was fast asleep.
At least so far now everything seemed normal with all the awesome food and how everyone relaxed together casually. Soon he started to eat himself and eventually left with sakura as they went back to their rooms for the night, laying down only to see the girl lay next to even when there was one for her. " she's like a puppy..." thinking a bit as he brushed some hair from her face and touched her cheek before already sleeping himself now.
The next morning everyone woke up fairly early for breakfast, which was just as good as dinner was. Then they all decided to go to the hot spring. They all walked there together, getting directions when their breakfast was brought in. However on the way there, they pass a large area where what looks like a bunch of businessmen are drinking. Or rather, STILL drinking. One of them stood up and just put his arm around Kazui.
Drunk-hey man! Come on, lemme get you a drink!
Kazui-i don't even know you
Drunk-don't gotta know a drink to get a drink!
Kazui-.....what? I'm with my family
Drunk-3 girls and a guy iz boring, just genna drink!
Kazui-there aren't 3 gi-waaht!!
The guy pulled him over and sat him down.
Kazui-Uhm... i guess i'll catch up with you 3 then.
Someone gives him a drink
Sayaka-See you later sweetheart
She just smiled and waved as they continued walking away. They arrive at the changing rooms and the girls go into their side and Riku the boy's side.
Managing to wake up mostly a bit late but still early, they all went out with him following next to sakura as they go ally made it outside, now being able to see how cool the look of the buildings and the hot springs would be as they finally arrived. With learning about the hot spring he mostly understood why there were separate sides for of course very logical reasons as he didnt mind....though now with her father stuck with stupid drunks he was alone as he slowly walked out into the actual large area of the hot spring and looked around before slowly getting in. " man...." Closing his eyes and leaning back to relax.
The changing room is completely empty, but also completely normal. There were towels available which they were supposed to use to cover themselves below the waist. However once he actually went out to the hot spring, he'd be greeted by a smaller than normal bath, and just walking out the opening from where the women's changing room is was Sayaka and Sakura, both of them naked and only covered by their towels, and naturally Sayaka wasn't wearing her glasses.
"Eh? Riku? Why are you on the women's side?"
Sayaka-There aren't any sides Sakura. I guess since I won a FAMILY trip, they assumed everyone coming would be related, so they gave us a family bath. Isn't this wonderful? We get to share. Well, let's not waste time.
Sayaka sat on the edge of the bath, the towel only covering her front, giving Riku an eye full of her nice ass, which was nicely shaped and more developed than Sakura's. She sat down and then got into the bath, removing her towel so now Riku could also see her nice big tits too. Sakura just looked between her mother that seemed to have no problem showing HER boyfriend her naked body, and her boyfriend that didn't seem to have any problems LOOKING at her naked body. She puffed up her cheeks and quickly got in the bath too, just letting her towel drop much sooner than her mother did to give him a better look at her body, letting him see her pussy as she got in.
Sayaka-Well, come on in dear. No need to be shy.
He jumped when he heard sakura's voice turning around with a bright red face of blush as he also saw her mom as well. Of course as any good guy he did take his own look at her mom then his eyes widening as he just witnessed the holy spectacle of seeing the biggest and most awesome and most holy tiddies ever as he stared for a moment before looking over and seeing sakura as well which was still pretty good as he quickly and slowly got in with his hands covering his cock as he didnt want them to see his boner.
Sayaka-So, how is your relationship....developing?
"We're fine"
Sayaka-Riku-san, you certainly do buy a lot of condoms at once.
Sakura went fully red and sunk into the water up to her nose.
He felt embarrassed but even more about knowing the relationship, wondering if sakura had told her about it, though also probably just knowing from when he was even first invited by her. " y-yeah we're fine...." Looking over at sakura and doing the same exact thing accept closing his eyes with his hands still covering his dick as he felt the embarassment himself now.
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