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High School Romance (Haku and Wiki234)

“ it’s fine you don’t have to help, you must be tired from school anyway so don’t push yourself like that sweetie....” going over to the kitchen now as she started to take things out and start cooking. Haruna soon got busy at the kitchen as she left the two to mostly do whatever like watch tv while she worked. She really was a women who liked to help other people, making her as calm and free spirited as Sakura was.

With that Makabe turned to them as well, “ come on relax kids we’ll be fine...” deciding to turn on the tv and just lay down not minding they wanted to as well as he was always tired but would get back to his work in a little while, still being able to actually finish

Riku gave a yawn and a stretch as he sat down on the chair, letting his dad have the couch then as he decided to just watch tv as well.
Sakura observed the family and decided to listen to what Haruna suggested and relax. Since the couch was occupied and Makabe was clearly tired, which she could understand considering her own father's occupation, she also decided to not try and move him. She went over to the chair Riku was sitting on and sat in his lap, hugging him and laying her head against his chest, closing her eyes. Truth be told she actually WAS kinda tired, though not really due to school. She just really didn't get enough sleep the night before as she kept herself awake most of the night. A little nap would do her good, so she took the opportunity given to her.
Everyone seemed to relax as Haruna was busy in the kitchen not needing to take any help with having to prepare dinner for all of them of course. She liked the idea of everyone really having to rely on her as it was even a bit special. Riku leaned back a bit more with a yawn before looking over to see Sakura sit and lay on him deciding to of course just let her stay then.

Makabe looked over at the two wondering what they would be doing but now seeing that the girl was actually sitting on him, which was mostly for couples at least he knew. Like Sakura the man was too tired anyway to really care they continued to wait before Haruna finally came out to them.

“ well come everyone...” calling out as Makabe slowly stood up and leaned to kiss Haruna before sitting down as Riku slowly poked her cheek then going over when she was awake.
“ take as much as you want everyone!!” Haruna said with a smile as everyone got together causally to start eating for a bit before it had turned to night where everyone would mostly do their own thing before sleeping. “ well we got school...” saying as he went outside with her when she had to leave before leaning in with a kiss.
"Yeah.... School is starting to get in the way now"
She leaned in too and kissed him, standing with her chest pressed against him and a hand on his chest.
"I guess i'll see you tomorrow then. Any requests for lunch?"
“ maybe meat or seafood then...I’ll see you then love...” as he gave a hug before she would leave them and go back inside as he would sleep and just move on with the rest of the week now.
"Got it. See you soon Riku"
She hugged him back, kissing his cheek before she left, and the rest of the week played out as normal, Sakura making him lunches and then they either part ways after school or go out on a small date, usually to go shopping a little, getting ice cream at a park or just walking around. Then on friday, Sakura seemed to have something on her mind most of the day. At lunch Riku got to the Sakura tree first, and a few minutes later Sakura arrived, then just sat in front of him and said something.... unexpected.
"I want to try public sex"
Riku be like -

Following the usual weak, it finally hit another weekend and the end of school for a bit as he sat down waiting for her with a sigh as he relaxed. “ ummm h-how?” Wondering what she would even think about for it but being mostly confused. “ jeez now your addicted to it you perv..” as he flicked her head but only having it as a joke. For now he didn’t really want to think about it really mostly trying to avoid it a bit but still even wondering why or how anyway.
"it's just.... We haven't been able to have sex for quite a while. Not since karaoke... and, during dinner..... and in the shower. And uhm... hotels are expensive, so i figured... this was the best option? Not just doing it in front of people of course. That'd be so embarrassing i'd die on the spot. Like, in places people don't go to, places people can't really see us. I just wanted to be with you again"
She sat on his lap as she looked into his eyes.
“ I thought you would be fine once in a while for it? But why would you want it a lot? I see you at school anyway and stuff so we’re not really apart you dummy...I wouldn’t really want to though. I mean unless it’s really the mood but still not really.” Deciding to just have it normal then. “ I’m always there anyway.” Putting a hand on her cheek.
"You really don't want to do it more?....."
She reached into her bag and took out a manga, opening it up.
"hmmmmmm. This doesn't make much sense. All boys should want to have sex. Having a girlfriend so willing is a good thing right?"
She seemed to study this manga like it were a textbook.
“ I want to, but I’m not someone to do it just like would probably be better if I asked sometimes but I don’t mind if you show it though...I don’t want the risk. Maybe I don’t want it a ton but I’ll give you enough then...” trying to think of something that would work then as he moved his hands from her thighs up to grab her ass.
"You don't need to worry about risks. You can do it all you want, you can even cum inside me"
She sat in his lap again, her crotch against his and her hands on his shoulders.
"You don't need to hold back. You can do whatever you want to me. Anytime, anywhere"
After he grabbed her ass, she started kissing him, once again being very erotic about it.
“ well then you shouldn’t really ask or worry then...” as she kisses her back and starts to squeeze it before pulling back, “ we should maybe eat..” as he waited still letting her sit on his lap “ I’ll just take it when I want if you wanna say that....” as e takes in the look of the skirt and stockings.
"Ok. If that's what you want. So long as it makes you happy"
She kisses his cheek.
"Can i sit in your lap while we eat?"
She gets their lunches out and gives him his, sitting in his lap, faced away from him, as they ate.
Riku just leans back as he finally starts to eat causally not really thinking about anything for the boring school day since nothing has really happened beside even all the crazy sex that she always wants from him. “ now your like me don’t really care for yourself...” teasing a bit as she lets her lean back against them so they can both relax and eat.
"Of course i care for myself. I just care for you too now"
They ate their lunch and after finishing Sakura just laid against Riku, looking at the clouds pass by. After lunch ended they finished the rest of their classes, then chose to walk around town for a while. They ended up walking through a park while holding hands.
As school was already finished, he walked out with her again as they met at the front, putting both his hands in his pocket before she rescheduled out to hold his hand. Of course going with her plan then that she wanted to walk around before eventually heading to the park again walking quietly and just taking everything around him as this was something he really didn’t mind.
"Strange there aren't many people around today. Since the weather's so nice. Not that i mind of course, just means i get to be alone with you"
She held onto his arm as they walked through the quite park, surrounded by trees and the chirping of birds.
“ yeah...” giving a shrug as they continued to casually walk through before seeing a bench and deciding to sit down for a bit as he went on his phone while he sat and relaxed with her unless she would still want to keep walking.
" jeez what have you even being doing...." giving a facepalm as he really didn't understand what would have made her suddenly change from not getting alot of sleep at all, though with how much of they day they did hang out he didn't really get alot anyway either. Wrapping his arms around her he looked up at the sky then started again with his phone as he just left her alone.
" well it's fine anyway to be out like this...what did you even do if you didn't get alot of sleep? Poking her in the cheek before sitting up and letting her lean against him more. " well let's go then..." Finally standing up and turning before walking off beside her. " anything you wanted to really do right now or you wanna just go back then..."
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