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An Unexpected Journey (Rayn_Chain & Tyr)

She moaned a little more trying to figure out how to word it, "Why are you doing this, what is the point? I am inexperienced and you obviously know a girls body very well but I don't fully understand, and I wish to please master." She moaned trying to explain what she was asking having a hard time concentrating. But she managed to say it as she moaned softly still almost gentle sighs, his mouth having more of an effect, and a little rougher than soft made her react more in pleasure, but too hard would make her flinch, she like a little twisting but not much since she was very sensitive.
Robert heard her words, and so too did he heard her body, as he manipulated her sensitive nipples, pulling and twisting them to the edge where pain and pleasure met. Everybody was different; each one required a different touch, a different mixture of pain and pleasure.

Yes, you are inexperienced, you don’t even know what your body truly likes and doesn’t like. And are you willing to please me, as a method of avoiding pain, or as a burning desire to make your master happy? You see there is a difference.

His eyes continue to watch her body, as his fingers continue to administer various degrees of pleasure and pain to her breast and nipples.
She was unsure if what he asked was a question or a comment but she answered the first thing that came to mind, "I would pleasure you to avoid being in pain or punishment master, but in time I would to make you happy and please you I would just need a little time to adjust, I'm not use to all this at once, master," She said softly, hoping she had not spoken out of term, plainly thinking it had been a question. She moaned a little until his twisting and pinching hurt then shewould let out a small yelp or flinch and grit her teeth she she wasn't allowed to speak.
Robert could hear the confusion in her voice, she wanted the normality of life, she wanted for him to let up, but that was not to be, she must come to realize that she had a far different role to play.

That is an honest answer, but also an answer that shows that you still have a long way to go in your development. You and I will only be happy, when you reach your full natural potential as a woman.

The hand releases her nipples for the moment, and now just travel over her body, much like they’d done with the gel the previous night, this time though there was nothing on them. Together, they run up her arms, one then the next, followed by her legs.

You will in time come to realize that pain and pleasure are almost one in the same, and that one without the other is somehow lacking.

The hands work their way almost to her heat, but stop just short of it, before going to the next leg. They slide over her ass cheeks and waist. The touch was firm, and yet not directly sexual in nature, it did show that she had no way to resist him.

Why in time, what holds you back from giving in?
Dahlia knew the situation and didn't bother trying to fight him when he touched her actually enjoying the feeling despite a few times she flinched when he ran over a bruise or mark. She sighed as she answered, "What has me holding back is I would like to know more about you, and right now all I know is your a complete stranger who knows probably more about me than I do him, for a girl to care about someone she has to know him on a personal level, know a little about him before she can care about him, I was taught to have manners as a girl and as such I don't just allow the first stranger I meet to touch me and expect me to be his, in all I just don't really know you and that holds me back if you were in my shoes wouldn't you want to know something about your master? master." She explained adding the second master as she did to every sentence, she made sense a little but wasn't sure if he would see it her way, or form her position.
Though the girl can’t see Robert’s head he nods a bit at her logic even if it’s flawed.

Know this I am strong willed, dominant, controlling, exacting, confident, and powerful. I am what man was supposed to be, prior to all these upside down roles that this society has created. You are a woman, and thus your role too is clear. You were born to serve, to give yourself to a man, without regard to anything else. By doing so you will discover more about yourself than you ever knew.

Standing behind her, his clothed body presses against hers, while his hands travel over her body, and he softly whispers into her ear, his hot breath lightly caressing her ear.

Have you ever fantasized about a man, someone you don’t even know, just taking you, making you a woman?
She heard his words and wanted to argue with him, but knew it would be best to keep her opinion to herself. Her body shook a little not knowing where he was until she flet him pressed against her and jumped a little not sure what to think or do but she shook her head, "No, Not until now, I would have concidered it rape.Sir." She said quickly still nervous about him, he didn't answer what she wanted to know, giving her no input into who he was, all she knew was his personality which was a given.
One hand tilts her head to the side, so he may kiss his way up her neck. Lips, tongue, and even his teeth work in unison, to administer attention to her neck. Sometimes it soft, and other times rougher, as he goes higher and higher. One hand keeping her head to the side, while the other holds her about the waist. From her shoulder he rises to her ear, again changing up the various things his does to see, hear and feel her reactions.

And what would you consider it now?

Robert knew it would take time, so that she could see the changes that were occurring, some small almost not noticeable, other more and more drastic. Only when she accepted her new life, completely and totally would she achieve the highest level of satisfaction.
She shivered as her body shook in pleasure her body relaxed while she let out a soft gentle moan from the kisses enjoying the gentleness more than anything, she shook her head as she answered, "I don't know, cunfusion I suppose, I want to, but I don't want to, I don't know you so I know it's wrong, I would feel like a whore if I did without knowing more personal things around you master," She explained not too sure if she made sense to him but never being penetrated made her frightened of being entered by him.
My pet, a whore does it for money, she doesn’t care whom she does it with, her love is not of the act, but of the money. Once the money is exchanged everything after that is simply a mechanical, perfunctory, and unemotional act

While he’s whispering his teeth are nibbling her lobe, and his tongue and lips exploring the curves of her ear.

A slave does it, because she desires to please her master, nothing means more to her than submitting to his will. She would never charge, and in fact gives everything willingly. Her body relishes in its submission to her master.

The hand around her waist, slides up and cups her breast, again the hand kneads the firm perky mound.
She nodded understanding his meaning giggleing softly as she felt him touching her ears a little ticklish as she shook a little. But none the less, she spoke up to ask, "I'm sorry master, but to not know your master and let him have his way with you only makes me feel as though I'm a ... well... a slut, I mean a decent girl doesn't just sleep or give into a guy she hardly knows, it's wrong, I know I'm your slave, but still despite what my body wants my mind tells me it's wrong." She said softly, moaning lightly. She gasped as she felt an arm around her waist blushing brightly and biting her lip gently.
With his hand still playing with her nipple, he answers her question.

A slut my pet, is a girl who is promiscuous, who has sex without regard of who they have it with. Are you telling me your going to cheat on your master?

His hand lets go of the breast it had been playing with, and slaps her ass with a firm hand, but this time, he stops and kneads the wounded spot.

Do not misconstrue sexual desire and need with being a slut. We all have desire, it’s how we satisfy those desires that defines us. Decent is what society defines it to be, and if you mean recognized standards of propriety and morality, then you are right that your decency will be challenged, because those standards are to do with conformity.

Robert found himself being verbose again, but he meant it. He had to show the girl that there were other options available and different ways of looking at things.
She whimpered when she felt him stop touching her breasts, and let out a yelp feeling him slap her ass letting out a whimper until he was more gentle which caused her to loosen up a little and untensed her muscles. She was becoming use to his touch and enjoying it, and began arguing with herself wondering if that was wrong or if it was her adjusting, and so she just relaxed feeling his body against hers leaning into him the best she could with the bars attached to her.
Robert leaned in so her body touches his, as he continues to play with her. His finger slides through her hair taking a firm grip so he can more easily control her head. Turning her head by her hair, as if to kiss her, he instead continues to talk to her with but an inch or maybe two between their lips, his warm breath lightly touching her face.

Your mind say no, but your body say yes. Are you afraid to give in, to let go, to let someone else be in control?

The hand on her ass sliding down, the backside of her inner thigh, her legs spread by the bar, so close to her sex, and yet not quite touching. They might touch if she moved, as he seemed to be teasing her, drawing her out. Robert knew how to use body betrayal, and what it took to excite a woman.
She gasped as she felt his breath on her making her shiver and a whimper escaped her lips trying not to look at him despite the fact that he was so close to her, "I'm not afraid of giving up control but I am afraid of giving into my bodies urges since my mind tells me it's wrong." She said, her voice changing a bit, not from his hand wanderig but from him getting closer to her lips. She bit her lip nervously feeling him against her body warmed her and made her want to get closer to keep her naked form warm.
Robert felt the small shivers shake her body, and heard the little whimpers as her body reacted to his proximity. His lips just ever so lightly brushed hers for a very brief moment. His hand slides by her heat, to slap her ass cheek with a good solid swat.

At all times you will address me in an appropriate fashion due my station. I will accept, Sir, Master or My Lord, anything else is disrespectful and shall be worthy of punishment. Do you understand?

The slap just hard enough that their lips touch with force as the hand makes loud contact with her ass. The kiss breaks just as quickly, as he grasps her ass cheek and holds it firmly, almost clawing at it.

I’m not afraid and I know what I want, do you?

The words are more than sound as his hot breathe now slides over her own lips. His eyes enjoying and savoring the little movements, the small flickers that cross her face.
She let out a yelp, her body tensing again as it had when she was first tied up. "I'm sorry master, I'm still getting use to this sir." She whimpered as tears came to her eyes shaking in fear again at the slap, obviously frightened by his slap and his voice. She never would have admitted it but she was a very emotional and sensitive girl, she felt his breath again and tried to move his hand away form her heat growing unease again no longer comfortable, her mind reminding her not to give in. "I don't know what I want all I know is that I don't want you hurt me or touch me any more sir," She was being honest not that it mattered, it would earn her a slap or a strike with a crop or switch.
Though the girl’s request should have elicited a quick response, Robert decides to punish her in another way to show her that there were other ways to suffer. He steps back, disengaging himself completely from her.

I understand.

He steps back, and makes his way across the room to the bench, where he puts the items he’d gotten away. Taking time to open and close each drawer, and carefully hang each item.

I guess I’ve failed and there’s no reason to continue. You are unable to decide what you want, and can’t bring yourself to letting go. I believe there is no need to go any further.

He makes no effort to remove her from her manacles or remove her blindfold.
She looked around nervously, "Master, w-what's going on? Please I'm sorry I over reacted, and I'm a little over emotional and when I was slapped it frightened me like before, I'm sorry, master please, I really am sorry sir." She muttered looking at the ground wondering if he would accept her apology and understand what had happened in her mind. "Please, don't stop master." She asked softly her head still down until she sighed giving up. She found herself wanting his touch again her muscles relaxing.
The blindfold was serving its purpose, because, he would have found it difficult to hide his smile as she asks … no almost begs for his attention. The words were a significant moment of progress in her development. Making no attempt to rush back, he asks her a question to see what her thoughts are.

Is this your body or mind speaking?

The question was so simple and yet it would help guide her mind to an answer. Robert knew that a true slave, wasn’t bound by chains, but given by the soul. Anyone could capture and hold a person, but a slave gave their body, mind and soul freely to their master without question. Robert had no expectation that such a revelation would come to the girl today, but in time he felt she would make the metamorphosis.
She had to think about it before answering his question wanting to word it right and explain how she was thinking at the moment and why she didn't want him to stop, "Both, because I like your touch on my skin, and when you talk to me and show me a little effection, and your all I really have here master." She said softly looking at the floor not sure what he was thinking or what he was doing since she couldn't see his reaction.
Robert kept his distance, letting her consider what he’d said. Each time he draws her out, he knows a little more progress has been made. How he would have loved to ravage the girl, but to do so would have destroyed what had already been gained.

I can be affectionate, but that requires obedience and compliance for which I believe you have voiced displeasure in fulfilling. So if you wish my touch, then you must show a willingness to earn it. Ask in the right way and you might be surprised what the results are.

Robert liked the way her head hung and tone of her voice, it meant she was trying if even at times she was fighting only herself.
She nodded, understanding what he was saying as much as she didn't want to admit it she wanted his touch and for him to comfort her, "M-Master, would you please... caress my body again, my cheek, my arms, my legs, anything you want, I just want to feel your touch again, please sir?" She asked, wanting to feel it again since it made her more comfortable with him, but was frightening herself by asking, her mind screaming at her asking why she did that arguing with herself but it had already been said, but with the way she had been acting toward him she wouldn't be surprised if he denied her. Her breath was caught in her throat nervous since she didn't know where he was or what to expect.
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