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An Unexpected Journey (Rayn_Chain & Tyr)

She looked at him with a sigh giving up and asking him to loosen the chains nodding to his question, "Correct, I haven't gotten past playing with a guy and having him go down on me, no penetration what so ever, and I'm a little frightened if giving a guy... head... sir," She said softly blushing bright while her body untensed and tired since she had been up for hours and began feeling the effect on her body. She looked up at the ground knowing he probably didn't believe her but she was, despite her age and appearance, she had never done that with anyone.
The answer seemed legitimate if a bit surprising. So Robert quietly watches her as he walk around as she describes her lack of sexual experience. In actuality he really didn’t have a preference about a woman's prior activity, as it played a small role in what was to come. Still if she was a virgin that was something a bit different. The fear she expressed about going down on a man peaked his interest.

What frightens you about giving oral sex?

The question had the same tone as one being asked by a teacher of a student. The calmness and neutrality of his words still conveyed that not answering would bring a swift response.
She shook her head, "I'm not sure myself, I just know it makes me nervous and the last time I tried to do that to a guy I almost bit down on accident. I guess It's the whole cumming in my mouth without warning or with warning but not knowing when well that scares me since it tastes horrible, sir." She said with a sigh, ashamed that she had almost done that.
The answer again was prompt, quick and honest with the appropriate title, so she apparently comprehended his instructions. So just as she finished he walked over to the buttons on the wall, and pushed the one that lowered the upper chains, depositing her on the floor in a pile. Her behavior with her previous man was an obvious lack of maturity and training.

You will come to understand that such behavior will be unacceptable, if and when I deem to allow you the opportunity to taste my seed; you will do so with vigor, your distaste will be irrelevant. Failure to comply will of course bring a harsh and immediate response.

He pauses for a moment.

Now you must kneel properly before me.

He swats her with the switch, so she realizes that slumping on the floor is the incorrect position to take while in his presence.
Falling to the floor in a heap she got up slowly on her knees, unsire of what the proper position was so to be munished for not being in it was a cruel act of punishment when she didn't know what she wanted, "Sir, please, I don't know how you want me to present myself to you, why do I get a punishment for something I don't know, master?" She asked softly trying not to anger him. The thought of drinking his seed disgusted her and made her stomach turn biting her lip hoping he would not hurt her for asking her quiestion, but she had a point.
The switch smacked her again as she complained about the harshness of his discipline.

I said kneel, any form of kneeling was acceptable. To question my instruction is to be punished. So that you understand I am a harsh taskmaster, who will not put up with any of your bullshit.

The switch lightly runs over body as he walks around her.

You will learn to kneel properly; there are three basic forms, knees apart and feet together, knees together and feet apart, and finally knees and feet together. The latter will be the one I require of you, unless otherwise instructed.

From there you have three possible positions while kneeling, those are sitting, standing, and bowing. Depending on the situation you will be required to use all three. Do you understand?

The switch again ready to apply additional incentive.
She nodded sitting in the second position he had said with her knees together and feet apart looking at the ground, Hearing his comments made her angry since she didn't know what type of kneeling he wanted she concidered it abuse. She shook and quivered at the feeling of the switch in his hand, her poor body trembling in fear of him, not wanting to be near him at the moment, "Yes sir." She said softly to him, but loud enough to hear. She caught her breath and squinted her eyes, "May I ask you a question sir?" She asked in a stuttering voice not wanting to be hit anymore. She would wait till he answered to ask her question.
The switch was quick as it came across her back with a snap.

Feet and knees together, I said. If you are too stupid to understand, than please say so.

The look on his face was dead serious as he the switch smacked against her exposed flesh, the red mark clearly distinctive against her light skin.

You may ask your question.

He was training her that she needed permission and required his authorization was an important part of breaking her. Random violence did nothing but confuse and cause inappropriate behavior. Clear and consistent was always the best training procedure.
She screamed in pain crying and sobbing in pain shaking her head, "I'm sorry sir," She whimpered softly sobbing to herself." She shook her head not wanting to ask him anything since eachtime she spoke she seemed to get a lashing agasint her skin turning her perfect skin red and bruised, "Never mind master, I would reather not ask, sir." She said in an emotionless tone, her body in too much pain to even want to talk to him. Her saddened eye looking at the ground but her fists were clenched as she waited for another strike from the switch, her long red hair infron of her face caressing her cheeks and a few strands matted to her cheeks from the tears.
The switch was again fast and quick when she said never mind. Having done this numerous times before, he knew the words by hearts, and this girl would know them too in time.

Failure to respond is an act of disobedience and requires punishment. You shall answer all of my questions clearly, precisely, immediately, and honestly, any other response will be require discipline. Do you understand?

Much of the training process was teaching the girl what was and wasn’t acceptable behavior. The sexual part just became an aspect of that education. Soon enough she would find herself answering and responding without even thinking. Her body and mind would just respond not knowing to do otherwise.

What you would rather or rather not do is irrelevant. Answer the question.
She screamed again in pain hery body going limp after a few seconds arm arms hilding her up on the floor as she kept her head down, "Please master, Would you please stop lashing me, I'm sorry for not kneeling correctly, I'm sorry for talking back, and looking up at you, but please my body aches, please master may I have a break or something to ease the stinging, please master?" She begged on her hands and knees. She tensed her body waiting for a few more lashings since that's what she was going to ask him and figured she would get hurt for it. She looked up at him but no further than his chest.
No victory was possible in one day or one session, everything was a stepping-stone. She must understand who administered pain, but also she must come to acknowledge who would protects, nurtures and cares for her.

Fine, I will take care or your injuries. Stand.

He walks over to the bench, and puts down the paddle and whip. Finding the bottle of aloe he returns to the girl. Waiting for her to come to a full stand. Knowing that her body was aching in so many places. Pouring an ample amount of the creamy substance on his hands, he prepares to personally apply it to all the affected areas.

Are you ready?
She let out a sigh relieved as she felt herself calm down and happy that he would do that, despite her want to put it on herself she stood up aslowly holing onto the chains that dangled from the ceiling, so wornout that she wanted to fall, but she stood there nodding, "Yes, please master." She said with a bit of a smile glad he had some sympathy for her, obviously her mind had already began to change, the words sir and master already drilled into her head easily, and avoiding eye contact, but that part she didn't like since she felt as though he didn't want to look at her other than her body her multi colored eyes a little blood shot from crying so hard. "Thank you sir." She muttered softly, not moving a muscle.
The young girl complied with his instruction and stood, the chain around her arms dangling down. The exhaustion from the first session was showing by the tilt of her head and the way her shoulder hung, still Robert was satisfied with the first day's efforts, and now was going to reward her. He answers her appreciation.

You’re welcome.

Rubbing an ample amount of the Aloe gel into his hands he begins to massage it into her body. Standing behind her he starts with her upper shoulders, and the red welts that cross her back. Gently and softly he works the gel into her wounds. When low, he just applies more to the affected area working her whole back.

Lift your arms.

From the back he moves to her once tormented sides applying the soothing gel to each of the damaged areas.
She let out a hiss of pain when he touched the fisrt wound but soon the stinging stopped as she kept her head down lifting her arms holding the chains near her to keep from falling obviously holding herself up so her arms didn't dislocate wore her out alot and she wanted to just faint right there. She made she lift her arms the best she could keeping her head down wanting to look at him since he was attractive but not ebing allowed kept her from doing so. She smiled as the pain soothed a little, stinging still but easing a little. "Thank you sir." She said softly with a sigh as her eyes closed slowly rolling back a little trying to stay awake not wanting more punishment.
From her back to her sides Robert worked his way down to her legs, applying the gel to her entire legs, both her outer and inner thigh and calves. His fingers and hands massaging in the gel working it in so that he not only got the welts of the switch and paddle, but also the areas scuffed by the ties from the plane flight. Finally he moves around to her front, finishing her sides and reaching around to her ass cheeks where he kneads in the gel. Every so often he applies more to his hands before returning to the task at hand.

Oh almost forgot a spot.

His hands let go of her ass cheeks and come around to her front. Just before reaching her breasts he leans over for more gel, his body but inches from hers. What he planned to do next was clear.
She remained still sneaking a peek of him once and a while wanting to look at him while she could, she didn't want to have to ask permission to look at him so after taking a glimpse she lowered her gaze again, plainly tired if she was thinking in the back of her mind that he was attractive but her mind was snapping and wandering at the same time hating him with a passion. She felt him etting closer to her and turned her head as he stood in front of her, looking to the side rmembering that he didn't want her to look at him. "Thank you master," She said softly her legs wobbling under her.
Not that he needed her permission to continue, but sometimes they offered excuses or fought against his touch, which only lengthened the session. This one seemed not docile, but smarter, which lead him to believe that she would be a very interesting subject. Robert thought he was going to enjoy training her. Covered in gel the hands cup her breasts and would the thick viscous fluid into her breasts, paying particular attention to the red lines caused by the switch.

His hands are forceful as they knead the flesh of her breasts, the gel allowing them to easily slide over the tender skin. His efforts though in an erogenous zone, aren’t really sexual, as he doesn’t spend more time on one area over another. They don’t either avoid any spot, as her nipple slide beneath them as they massage the whole of her chest.
She had much self control over herself and holding back from being arroused by little things like that. She watched his hands move over her body. It felt better with the gel on her wounds so she didn't struggle and she was too weak to struggle. "M...Master... may I... ask you two questions?" She asked in a soft yet slow tired voice not looking at him even though he was right infront of her. Her arms fell to her side her arms hurting badly from being up the entire time, her legs wanting to go out from under her already.
Robert stops for a moment, leaving his hands on her breasts as he answers her inquiry. The fingers continue massaging the firm warm skin as he talks.

Go ahead ask your two questions.

She was doing very well for her first time, far from perfect, but she truly was untrained. There was only so much he could expect, and today had been a good day. It would be interesting to see what the tapes showed tonight, while she was alone. Usually slaves weren't allowed so much latitude in asking question, but she truly didn't know all of her duties yet. Such exchanges sometimes assisted in helping the situation. So he patiently listened to her questions, why working the gel into her breasts.
She took a slow breath keeping herself awake, "Am I to sleep down here tonight, and why can I not look up at you, and I understand not looking at my better, but if my appearance displeases you then I'm sorry but I would like to be able to look at my master once and a while, please, master." She said softly hoping he would not get angry as she explained her reason for her questions keeping her head down. Her questions were reasonable since she would be sleeping in chains and on a hard floor and wanted to be able to look at him once and a while. Her legs finally gave out as she held tightly to the chains to keep herself up, "I'm sorry sir, I'm very tired, please forgive me." She begged softly her body shaking.
The questions were understandable as she tried to learn her role and position, as it was very different from the life she was used to.

Well what you would like to do or not to do isn’t important. You will sleep down here until you’ve proven your willingness and ability to abide by my rules.

The hands that had been kneading her chest, now stops, and lifts her head.

You may now look at me for a few moments. The reason you can’t gaze upon me without my permission, is it’s a sign of defiance. By constantly averting your gaze, you are physically submitting to my will at all times while in my presence, a reminder of who I am and what you are.

The girl collapses and he catches her, letting her slide to the floor at his feet. Looking down he gently pets her head.

Come its time you rest.

He steps away, undoing the manacle on her arms, and one leg. Walking over to the wall he pushes a button that unreels the chain holding her leg that was still manacled, such that she can easily make it to the cage near the center of the room. The cage is about a 6’ cube with a nothing more than a pile of blankets, a small chamber pot, and little drinking faucet. The door of which was open.


He indicated for her to enter the cage.
She looked up at him her eyes blood shot and full of tears as she looked up at him as he instructed, she wouldn't have minded sleeping next to him, but knew he would not allow that so she took a few stumbling steps forward toward the cage before stopping her head lowered as she turned to him, "Master, may I ask you one more thing?" She asked softly, "If it's not too much to ask I was wondering if I may... if I may get some sort of effection to make me feel a little more calm, not so frightened, and safe." She asked refering to something from a pat on the head to a kiss or anything that would comfort her alot as she dropped to her knees in a kneeling position showing him that she really wanted it badly more to comfort her and not feel so alone whileher legs stung from her kneeling stretching her wounds a little. She knew it was a strange request, but it would make things a little easier for her.

((I g2g to bed, good night, be back in the morning.))
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