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An Unexpected Journey (Rayn_Chain & Tyr)

She was already beginning to show the first sign of a slave’s need for her master’s touch. In the end she would need the touch, like she needed to breath air, or drink water, such was the life of a slave. The girl had gotten into the cage as instructed, and though he’d not given permission, she asked her question anyways, which of course was a violation of the rules, as a master one needed to learn the when punishment didn’t gain something and actually was a burden. So he lets her indiscretion pass, something he would not do in the future. The further she went along in her development, the less that such acts could be allowed to pass.

Stepping behind her, he closes the door, the chain having a gap in the door to go through, it still wrapped around one ankle. He could of course remove it, but its presence would remind her of what she was. The last thing he did was sort of a fulfillment of her request. He reaches in and touches the side of her head, petting her hair, just before he withdraws. Never saying another word.

Leaving the room, he turns out the lights. There was a small bowl of fruit if she was hungry sitting in one corner.

Robert withdraws to his palatial estate, satisfied that he’d done well today.
Fee;ing his hand made her assured that he had some type of care for her and that was good enough for her. Dahlia layed down slowly on the floor of the cage flinching in pain at the wounds as she tried to not to lay on them, looking at the chain around her ankle ignoring it the best she could. She sighed knowing this was going to hurt her back to try and sleep this way, but after laying down she fell asleep quickly trying to relax but all that came to her were nightmares and reminders of what happened so for the entire night she tossed, turned sobbed and cried in pain and fear every now and again waking up and backing into that bars of her cage looking around before scooting with her blakets curling up into a ball wrapping her arms around her poor naked body aching in pain and her body shook in fear not wanting to be alone down there in the cell. After a few hours of falling in and out of sleep getting maybe 3 hours at best she woke and remained awake, emotionless just wanting to be out of this cage even if it meant just to be taken somewhere by him or into his arms it didn't matter at the moment, being alone was a horrible feeling.
Robert took a leisurely dinner, shower and retired to bed with one of his slaves for a night of deep sleep. In the morning he awoke and took another shower, a common thing to do on a tropical island, plus he was a fastidious individual. Taking his breakfast in the dining room he replayed the night recordings updating himself on the new girl’s activities. Letting the girl experience deprivation was just one of the man things he used to break down their resistance. Though the girl might fear his touch, she would soon yearn for attention, and in each case he needed to be there. Robert knew that the slave needed to feel that her master was the benefactor from which everything came. Overtime she would look to no other for satisfaction of all of her needs. Robert was disappointed the audio revealed little, and so he would have to start again, after breakfast. Everyone on his staff had been instructed to stay away from the basement, and if going there was absolutely necessary, then to have no communication or contact with the girl.

Robert finished his breakfast, and returned to his quarter to properly dress and brush his teeth. He was in no rush to reach the basement as the passage of time was in his favor. The sun already up, fed, and this morning’s emails handled, he returns to the basement to see his newest acquisition.
During the night Dahlia only ate about half the fruit, not having dinner before he took her so she was still hungry, but when morning came she ate what little fruit she had left and sat crying to herself, her tears staining her face, but no makeup ran at all since she wore none. She wanted out of this cage and company from anyone but no one came for what seemed like hours as she reamined in the corner of her cage away from the basement door her head against her knees curled up into a ball the shackle around her ankle reminding her of lastnight and what he had done and said, she remained sad and her pretty eyes emotionless the entire time, people walked past her a few times but ignored her, no doubt ordered to, making her feel even worse, just wanting to talk with someone and not to have to ask for permission to. She didn't move from her spot. Her head hung low and long pretty hair covering her face entiredly as she leaned her head against her knees. She felt like a caged animal and now understood what the creaturs at the zoo felt like, so lifeless and uncaring, her attitude had changed but from her fiery and happy personality to one that was full of sorrow and sadness no sign of hope in her eyes and she didn't want him hear her or his touch as she had asked last night.
Robert steps down to the basement, turns on the lights and sees how the girl is doing. The room wasn’t heated or really cooled, unless the temperature got excessive. The humidity as it was most of the time was high. Dressed in long black slacks and a loose fitting long sleeve black shirt, with large black boots he walks over to the cage. The two silver rings on his fingers were one of a snake eating its tail, the other a silver skull with two black diamonds for eyes.

He says nothing to see how she reacts; it was always a good indicator of how the previous session went, and what was accomplished. Robert wasn’t yet exactly sure of what the girl was going to be taught today, he did sometimes like to switch things up, so he didn’t get bored. The switch was of course in his hand as it was an excellent tool for administering punishment, especially through the bars of the large cage.
She headr him enter the room and moved a little closer to the front of the cage for him kneeling as he had instructed the other day not looking up at him merely at his boots feeling her heart beat race despite the emptyness she felt at the moment, "Good morning Master," She said softly, with no tone, juet words. She remained where she was her head hung and hair draping down beside her. She didn't know what to say to him, she wanted to cry for even speaking to him, wondering if she would get into touble for even saying good morning to him, not that it mattered, every little thing she did seemed to upset him and she got struck for. Her body tensed incase she had stepped out of line and by saying something without his permission.
The girl assumed the position and was kneeling which was a good indication that the prior days education had sunk in. Still her words, prior to his permission were a mistake, but the context and application were in good form. Not bad, but not perfect.

Good morning. I see that you have remembered some of yesterday’s session, excellent. We will continue today helping your development into a full-fledge woman.

He uses the key to open the cage door.

Crawl over there and kneel.

He indicates the spot where she was chained yesterday. The tone held no kindness or compassion, it simply commanded. Robert makes no effort to assist, touch, or help her from the cage. It was always the next few session where he got preachy in explaining his philosophy, he was going to try better this time to minimize it. Still he knew he needed for the girl to understand why this was happening.
She nodded and stepped out of the cage and crawled on her hands and knees over to the room kneeling there as she had in her cage looking at the floor seeing small stains from where her tears from the day before hit the ground and the chains around her. She waited for him to come over to her and do what ever other 'training' and 'lessons' as he called it to her, while in her mind, it was abuse and beating her for being who she was and for that she would hide her sweet kind, and happy self from him not wnating him to take away her spirit and will, let alone her personality, so she would hide it from him to keep what she had left from him not wanting him to beat it out of her like he did her pride, happiness, and dignity.
Hold out your hands.

Robert walks over to the side of the room and returns with a short bar. At each end of the bar are leather straps. Without asking her he ties the straps at each of her wrists, the bar naturally spreading her arms apart.

The more he kept her off guard, the less she would be able to put forth a defense. Returning to the bench he picks up a leather collar with a large metal ring at the back. Stepping behind her he wraps the collar around her neck and secures it. For a brief moment she can feel the touch of his hands, but it passes as the leather tightens.

How often do you masturbate?
With her arms held apart she felt defenceless against him as she hold tightly to the bar flinching at his touch but held still as the collar was put around her neck making her feel even more like his pet than anything. She sighed, "Very often since I am afraid for men penetrating me." She said softly her eyes studying the bar. She was telling the truth, never having been with a guy she had to relieve herself in some way and with that she often masterbated to different fantasies in her head but she had a skill of holding back her orgasm for hours but when she did orgasm she sprayed instead of a regular orgasm that was just pleasure, she instead sprayed her juices, making her very embarased.
Robert hits her with the switch across the back, as she didn't use the proper title when addressing him.

At all times you will address me in an appropriate fashion due my station. I will accept, Sir, Master or My Lord, anything else is disrespectful and shall be worthy of punishment. Do you understand?

Well at least the girl had sexual urges, even if they did seem repressed beneath a fear of men and penetration. He lowers the chains from the ceiling, and attaches each to a ring on the bar. Walking back to the buttons on the wall, he presses the one that begins to slowly drawing her upwards. Robert takes the bar up high enough that her hands are over her head, but her feet just touch the ground. Satisfied that she is properly in place he walks over to the wall, and gets a longer bar. This bar like the last has several rings, and leather straps at the ends.

He comes over to her and unlocks the manacle at her leg, and replaces it with one end of the bar. Repeating the process, he secures both ankles to the bar, so that her legs are spread.

Do you masturbate by hand or device?
Tears streanmed from her eyes as she felt the wound on her body, "By... Device... sir." She sobbed out, her body still aching from before and this hit making them remind her of how sore she was. She felt the thing lift her into the air looking at the things attached to her ankles not liking this too much but she had no choice. She waited having a good idea of what she had in store for her, and feared what it was since she was still a virgin she didn't want her virginity taken by some rubber thing, she would prefer an actual guy, but it was different now, the only man allowed to touch her was him and her hate for him made her never want to loose her precious innocense that she had left. She sobbed softly, finally showing how fraglie she was beneath her touch shield which he had broken down and now was starting to break down even more with every stike of pain, making her frightened and want to curl up and die.
The way her body stood, so exposed, makes her extraordinarily sexy. The tears were expected, the girl probably didn’t even understand what was happening, and as time went on she would be confused by her body's betrayal, they all were. Few woman who hadn’t given in, knew what it meant or how it felt.

Robert talks to her as he walks over to the small dresser, and opens a drawer and draws out a black hood.

There is nothing to fear from a man if you give yourself to him unconditionally. All the conflicts in relationships we see now are caused by the misconceived assertion of equality. Men and women are not equal; they are different in almost every way possible. To deny these facts are to doom oneself to a life of mental and sexual frustration.

Stepping up he places the loose hood over her head and ties it off with a drawstring. The hood blocks out lights, but has sufficient perforations so breathing and speaking can be done easily.

Do you like when men stare at your body, knowing they are attracted to you?
She shook her head quickly trying to prevent him from putting the hood over her head pleading for him not too not liking the hood, making her feel sufficated even though she wasn't, it frightened her, almost a phobia and made her panic, "Master, please, please, please remove this, please sir, I'll do anything, just please take this off, please, master!?" She begged, nothing else mattered to her except that she wanted that bag off and quickly. She twisted and shook whimpering, sobbing and begging him knowing she had broken many rules but this was one of her fears and was pushing her too much. Her body shook in fear as she began hypervenolating((sp?))
Interesting, the reaction was immediate. Everyone had fears that were based on logic, and others had fears that went beyond logic. The fear of heights, or the fear of being enclosed, and this girl obvious had such a fear. Training would not be possible if she passed out, so Robert steps forward and removes the hood. He would keep the hood around as another tool to threaten a disobedient slave, the ultimate threat.

The hood was removed, and his hand stroked her face, gently attempting to sooth her.

That’s okay; I’m here for you. You’re safe.

It was important that the slave see that the master was the protector and individual the slave could depend on to be there for them.
She tried to calm her breathing down as her head spun a little and she looked at him, not on purpous but in a panic she looked around everywhere and feeling his hands on her skin calmed her down, while his words soothed her, she looked at him for a few seconds showing the great fear in her eyes before averting her gaze shaking furiously but calming down the best she could, "I'm sorry master I didn't mean to react like that, but those frighten me, and I'm sorry for looking at you without permission, sir." She found herself surprisingly leaning her head against his hand enjoying the feeling of it feeling safe once again and protected. "I have two fears, one of a bag over my head and the other of... well, Syringes, like IV's and injections, and again I'm sorry for talking without permission but I wanted to let you know so I don't get in trouble for anything that I might do in the future." She explained as she lowered her eyes to the ground closing them tightly waiting for her to feel a sting on her body from a slap from her talking, but it was best that he knew about his pet.
Robert understood fear, and how it could be applied as a tool for accomplishing and educating a slave. Now he also understood compassion and how it could do the same thing, but in the end he was a master and she a slave, and her actions required discipline.

I understand, but you too must understand that your actions require that I punish you.

His hand lets go of the side of her face, a look of almost sadness on his face as the same hand swats her ass with several quick hard strikes for each infraction. Without a consistent application of the punishment, she would never be able to learn what was and wasn’t acceptable. Stepping away he walks over to the dresser and begins looking through it.

Can you wear a blindfold?
Sheshe screamed and cried in pain whimpering softly when he finished nodding her head, "Yes... sir." She muttered, feeling horrible for even telling her, but she didn't want him to find out later by her freaking out again and showing her compassion made her a little more at ease making her want to listen seeing that he wasn't just rough and cruel but as he punished her, the thought faded away and her fear of him returned, she was an emotional girl and as much as pain played a role on her learning it only pushed her to fear him and do as he wanted and asked out of fear, not respect or anything else for that matter, like beating a dog too much, it will come to you if your order it to but it will fear you for a long time unless shown some compassion. But she waited for him to use the blind fold wondering what he was going to do to her.
Drawing the blindfold out of drawer, he walks across the room and steps right behind her and places the blindfold over her eyes, making sure the strap is on tight enough that no light will come in.

Now we are going to find out together more about you and your limits. The important thing will be honesty. You must be not only honest with me but yourself, if you are then this could be a wondrous journey, if not then all the more suffering will occur.

Though he stands but a few inches away, he doesn’t touch her.

Did you like my hand when it caressed you face?
She looked up at him unable to see him but she could hear him, she smiled remembering how it comforted her, "Yes I did master," She answered clearly and truthfully. She stood still feeling exposed but not too afraid if all he was going to do was ask questions, but she highly doubted that. She took slow calming breaths biting her lip at the pain of her bruises and red marks from where he struck her.
Robert’s hand reaches out and repeats the prior caress, and his fingers slowly rub her cheek and side of head. The touch is momentary and brief, as he quickly withdraws it.

Excellent. Now let us see what else we can find out about you.

He walks over to the bench and finds another implement, but tosses it over his shoulder, while he returns to the center of the room. Reaching out he begins to massage one of her breasts, kneading it slowly with his hand.

Do you like that?
She blushed brightly but nodded her head letting out a soft whimper, almost a moan, "Yes master." She asnwered in a quivering voice, not use to men doing that, but it did feel good making her a little excited, another thing her body wasn't sure about, along with her mind. She took a deep breath calming herself wondering how far all of this was going to go hoping it wouldn't lead to anything strange, but then again she was in no position to argue or protest.
Still holding her breast he leans in and brings his mouth to her breast, his lips and tongue gently playing with her. While he does that the other hand begins what the first had done and gently massages her other breast. With her vision blocked, he knew her attention would be even more on his actions.

Do you like that?

The answer he felt was obvious so he quickly continues to the next stage. His mouth releases her breast and switches to the other. Again his lips and tongue lavish attention on the breast. Her nipple getting specific attention as the tongue flicks it about. However, he changes what he was doing, and his other hand doesn’t massage or knead her breast, but instead, begins to gently twist and pull her nipple, so that she was experiencing several things at a single time.
She gasped nodding her head hardly able to talk, "Y-Yes, master..." She whimpered moaning softly blushing even deeper her body quivering in excitement, knowing what was happening but not wanting to admit it, she whimpered and moaned in pleasure. Her breathing became rapid as she felt herself getting wet her legs tensing and wanting to close her legs to get it to stop.She bit her lip hard before speaking up, "Master, may I ask a question, please, sir?" She asked in a moan.
With both nipples wet with saliva, he withdraws his mouth to answer the girl’s inquiry. Not to leave the nipples without his attention, each hand grabs one between finger and thumb and continues to play with them, alternating between soft and hard approach.

Go ahead?

Robert was a man who paid attention to details, so the small quivers, whimpers, and moans of the girl hadn’t eluded him. His experienced hands didn’t let her forget that he knew his way around a woman’s body, both when it came to pleasure and when it came to pain.
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