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An Unexpected Journey (Rayn_Chain & Tyr)

The girl continued with her protests, which of course needed to be dealt with as such behavior was unacceptable and fruitless. As she continues with her demands and pleading he steps over to the bench and picks up a sharp set of shears. Though he hears her words, he pays them no head as he comes calmly around to face her.

First you must be taught respect. From this point forward, you will only speak when spoken to, unless to beg for my permission. At all times you will address me in an appropriate fashion due my station. I will accept, Sir, Master or My Lord, anything else is disrespectful and shall be worthy of punishment. Do you understand?

He stands but a foot from her, as he calmly lays out her subservient role and the requirements of her obedience. Nothing about is tone his is less than commanding, as he calmly awaits her reply.
She knew she should have just agreed and done as he said to avoid any complications, but her pride was too high to be put down, "I have plenty of respect but for only others who respect me, and I am not going to call you anything other than an asshole. And the last time I checked I can speak whenever I want." She hissed coldly at him, not yelling but still defiant. She looked at the shears biting her lip hard wondering what he was going to use those for, and her mind wandered on what he could do making her regret mouthing off but she wasn't about to take it back, this man had kidnapped her and she was not about to make it easy for him.
The young girl continues to protest and insult as she unfortunately believes is her rights, something he would of course dissuade her of in the future. The defiance and resistance would diminish with time he knew, and at moments it was amusing for it was such a normal response, especially given the girl’s misguide concept of emancipation. Now he needed to guide her to a completely different notion of freedom, one in which her role would be very dissimilar to those she had been taught.

Neither asking nor warning he begins to cut her clothes from her body with the sheers. First he steps behind her and cuts the back of her corset, then moves to the front, he cuts the corset right up the middle. The two discarded halves still hang on her arms. Never a word is said.
She gasped feeling her corset loosen but remembered what he said and not wanting to get into any more trouble held her tongue clenching her eyes shut tightly hoping she was just having a bad dream and would wake up in her room at home in bed perfectly fine. But she knew that all of this war real and that there was nothing she could do about it other than just allow him to do as he pleased with her, and even though she might listen in body she would not become some mindless sex toy who lived to please him, the thought frightened her of becoming something like that.

She looked back at him her firm breasts barely covered by her corset remains and wondered what he was going to do now, thinking he would go after her skirt.
Robert stopped to enjoy the sight of her breasts nestled in the debris of her corset, only gravity and her raised arms keeping the material from falling away. Still standing in front of her his hand slides up under the tattered article of clothing and runs his large rough hand over the soft flesh of her breasts. This interlude was only momentary as he smiles as her, and lowers the shears to the front of her short skirt. With a few quick snips, the garment quickly falls to the floor. Not removing the panties, in fact leaving them for last, he raises the sheers so she can see the sharp edges, before returning to the corset, and further cutting it and anything beneath it away. Not only was this to further see what she looked like, but served the purpose of exposing the areas he planned to apply more attention too.

Nice, very nice.
Dahlia shivered at the feeling blushing brightly at him looking at her and his comment, not use to a man seeing her body. She held very still while he moved the shears over her body not wanting to get cut while she looked down at herself seeing her undies still on, thankfully since she had just shaved today and she was completely bare down below. She looked up at him nervously, "W-What are you going to do?" She asked in a weak voice obviously a little worried, her muscles tensing and body shivering, a little cold at the moment making her try to curl into a ball to keep warm. Her eyes stayed on him realixing how attractive her was to her now that she could see all of him, despite the fact that she was angry at him.
When she speaks, Richard slaps her across the face. The hit was quick and sharp, an experienced hand for it would sting, but be just shy of leaving a bruise.

I did not give you permission to speak.

Before she even knows what was going on, he slaps her again on the other side of her face with equal force.

Nor did you provide the correct honorific.

The tone continued to be calm and commanding, as he assaults her, never raising his voice.

You may restate your question now.
She rubbing her cheek against her arm to sooth the pain as she looked at him, and realized what he wanted but refused to word it the way he wanted, "I asked, what are you going to do?" She asked again, her voice calm and she readied herself for another slap knowing it would probably come but didn't matter, she knew there was only so much that she would be able to take physically. She didn't bruise easy but with another hit like those and she mighthave a pretty mark in the morning, if she was even allowed to sleep.
Never even waiting he slaps her again across the face when she fails to use the appropriate title. Neither does he answer her question for it was not asked in the correct way, and thus deserved no answer. The shears make quick work of her panties, as they fall down along one of her legs. Satisfied that all articles of clothing have been sufficiently removed, he steps over to the bench and neatly returns the shears to their proper place. Looking the whole basement had a very neat order about it, as he was a very meticulous man.

He takes a small leather handled paddle from the bench and a switch, before steps over to the girl. Walking around her he takes the opportunity to enjoy her feminine vista, getting to see her backside for the first time and being impressed with the exquisite lines and tone. Finally he returns to face her.

You shall not raise your voice in my presence, unless it is to acknowledge sexual gratification.
Flinching at the slap and clenching her fists to ease the stinging she watched him and saw what he got from the bench biting her lip telling herself not to be intimidated but she didn't want to be hurt or scared by being stubborn. She heard what he said listening closely and nodded slowly, "Yes... sir." She said, obviously taking her time before calling him master since it felt so strange. She kept her eyes on what he had in his hands. She was a little confused at what he said not about to thank him for taking advantage of her or atleast she hoped not.

((g2g night))
Robert was far from believing her words were anything but a way to avoid the effects of his hand. So he continues to inspect her and sees her eyes following him, something he would have to break her of. With a paddle in one hand and a switch in another he switches one of her exposed breasts.

Eyes down in the presence of your betters.

From the glances she was doing could be considered the “evil eye”, and as such was a sign of disrespect and punishable.

One does not stare, glare, or look directly at ones betters, unless specifically instructed to do so. Do you understand?
She yelped out in pain as her breast began to turn red and the spot he hit began to raise a little. She looked up at him her glare remaining, "You bastard." She hissed between gritted teeth watching him, plainly not listening to him. She found his orders rediculious but wasn't use to being hurt and wasn't sure what her pain thresh hold could allow her to take without bending to his will. She watched him, her fists cenched, preparing for another hard whip biting her lip gently. She struggeled against the restraints wanting down from the ceiling while her arms screamed in pain at her as though they were out of socket.
As she fruitlessly struggles he walks around watching. Her efforts were amusing, but needed to be dealt with an appropriate reaction.

How does the saying go… sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me? Well, I do believe that this statement is in error.

His tone remains extremely calm and neutral. The paddle hits her ass with a resounding smack He never once said the reason for such, because it would just be repeating the obvious. Again he raises it, and brings it down on her ass. The process is repeated several times so that she clearly understands that every action has a reaction. That each misdeed was punished quickly and concisely. Each smack is far from soft, or restrained.
She screamed in pain each time the paddel hit her ass bruising it no doubt and her body shook she he stopped, her face streaming with tears as she looked at the ground having enought of him paddling her her body quivering in pain and her ass stung greatly not wanting any more. She reamined silent with her head hung low not looking at him her jaw clenching tightly to keep from sobbing in pain.Her fists were clenched tightly as sht ethrobbing of her rear cause so much pain she could hardly stand it. In the back of her mind she knew this wasn't going well and with this being her punishment she wasn't sure how much more she could withstand before she bled or completely broke down.
Robert never raised his voice, and simply continued with her education. Many times he knew he would have to go over items or repeat them. This was a common practice in any form of education.

So let us go over that again. Eyes down in the presence of your betters. One does not stare, glare, or look directly at ones betters, unless specifically instructed to do so. Do you understand?

That she was crying, sobbing, whimpering and/or in pain meant very little to him. To properly train you had to understand what needed to be done, and how to effectively teach the subject. Everything took time and effort.
Her body shook as she heard his words, and once she heard him she nodded her head saying nothing. She didn't want to talk to him, biting her tongue gently eased the pain as her tears began to stop and she held back a few. Her vision was blurry but none the less she just looked at the ground wishing for this just to be over. She quivered wondering how many more times he might do that before she healed not wanting to bleed from being paddled. She kept her head down, her hair falling infront of her face a little caressing her cheeks while her eyes showed a no life, or so it seemed, she was basically calming herself down and telling herself to do as he said while telling herself not to do as he said and that she could handle this.
Her lack of a verbal answer was as much defiance as the spewing profanities, thus of course the incorrect action needed to be addressed. Though with some consideration she needed to understand the reasoning so such issues didn’t arise in the future. Coming around he switches her on the other exposed breast.

Failure to respond is an act of disobedience and requires punishment. You shall answer all of my questions clearly, precisely, immediately, and honestly, any other response will be require discipline. Do you understand?

The red marks, though bright red would fade, some minor bruising might occur, but most of all he was sure he had her complete attention. A nice benefit of such training was the deep heaving breaths she was taking, and the nice affect it had on her rising and falling chest.

(Heading home, will be back on in about an hour or so)
Dahlia yelped at the hit looking up at him but stopping at his neck not looking at him, she breath quickly trying to ease the stinging her body tense while she looked nodded slowly, "Yes sir." She said clearly but in a soft frightened tone, while her tears continued to threaten to fall from her glossy eyes. She took a break asking softly, "May I ask you something sir?" She asked softly biting her lip harder making it bleed a little as the pain corsed through her.
The girl’s squeal of pain pleased him, for he knew he was slowly getting through to her. For her to grovel at his feet was not to be expected, for each curtailment of her rights would slowly erode her position till she understood who and what she was. The switch smacks the area of her soft exposed under arms when she asks her question.

You may ask you question, but I warn you I don’t take useless trivial questions lightly.

The tips of the switch runs along her side, teasing the flesh as he waits for her question, it presences an obvious threat. While his eyes continue to take in the small shudderss and twitches of her body, reading the body usually spoke far more truth than the mouth.
Quivering in fear she yelped in pain as she was hit again, She bit her lip as she thought about it, "Sir, could you please loosen the chains on my wrist or lower me a little my arms are hurting, please sir? And when you say to answer you the truth, I don't want to get in trouble for telling the truth if you won't like it, will I get punished for answering truthfully even if you don't like my answer?" She asked in a calm almost begging tone, afraid of getting hit again. She kept her head down to him while her tears streamed down her body after a while.
The switch strikes out as she finishes her series of questions. The sharp crack of it against her soft flesh a very distinctive sound against her side.

I gave you permission to ask your question, not questions.

The switch travels over her body teasing her. Finally it reaches her inner thigh as he slowly and meticulously responds to her inquiries.

You might find this strange, but I prefer … no require the truth to any answer. Nothing is gained from falsehood but delusion. Believe this or not, the truth will really set you free.

He smacks her inner thigh with the switch, knowing that it hurts.

You did not end your last question with the proper honorific.

Again he smacks, this time the other side of her inner thigh.
Her legs tensed as she tried to pull up and the chains kept her in place whining at the stinging sensation, "May I please be released from the chains on my wrists, they hurt? Please... sir" She ask softly hoping not to be hit again since lastime she tried her hardest to do what he wanted and found herself angry about her effort not being good enough for him. She kept her head down closing her eyes and tensing her body waiting for him to hit her again figuring she had done something wrong by his book in some way. She looked at her poor reddened body, the wounds very noticeable on her soft, pale, fragile skin, knowing she would be bruised for days if not weeks since she marked up easily. She sighed as she got the courage to speak again, "I'm sorry sir." She muttered softly to him.
When she ended her first unsolicited question, he snaps the switch against her thighs twice so she realizes her error. Though he did appreciate that when she apologized for her indiscretion. So as a form of reward, he lightly tapped the switch against her nipple so she could see that the instrument had more purposes than simply administering pain.

You will be lowered when you have shown you can follow my instructions properly in more than a single instance. The pain is a good motivator and it application keeps the senses properly tuned. Simply it keeps your attention.

The small reward was over and he discontinues the gentle fluttering of the switch against her nipple.

Now tell me your sexual history.
She looked up at him blushing lightly, "Um... well other than foreplay like kissing, groping, and a handjob, I havn't done anything," She said honestly, a little embarased, the most she had done was groping and hand jobs other than that she hadn't done anything else. She felt her nipple getting a little hard as he excited it but told herself that she had to keep it together and not enjoy this. She blushed at her lack of experience keeping her eyes to the ground, her tears continuing to stream as she felt her arm screaming in pain to her. She couldn't take it much longer as her arms hurt so badly and she fought the pull on them to keep them from dislocating, "Sir, please loosen them a little, my arms are about to dislocate, please... master." She begged, flinching not at the pain that might come but the fact she had said master, the word sounding horrible to her, and the fact that she was begging him.
Robert listens, as she seemed forthcoming with her almost mild sexual history. There was no way to confirm if it was fact or not, except that she would still be a virgin if her story was correct, something that surprised him given her age. Of course her protest of agony fell on deaf ears.

So you’ve never given a blowjob, never been fucked, am I to understand that correctly?

The whimpering in her voice and body language were telling him that she was finding it difficult to refuse his inquiries, and that she was learning what it meant to have a master. Of course he realized that they would make steps forward, and then slide back, nothing would be accomplished overnight or in a single day. There of course would be many such session in her education.
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