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An Unexpected Journey (Rayn_Chain & Tyr)

She felt him walk away from her and her arms wrapped around themselves wanting him back, and looked at the heels remembering her grandmother teaching her how to walk properly on heels, "Yes master." She said simply as she looked at the shoes wondering if that was all he was going to have her wear. Not much more than the collar.

Though such shoes were always impractical, there was never a woman that didn’t look better in them. So Robert steps up and kneels, setting the shoes down next to her. Holding her foot he briefly lifts her leg and foot so he can slip her into one shoe, then the next. Though the shoes may not have been the most comfortable in the world, they did loosen the chains that hung from the ceiling for she now stood slightly higher. His hands caress her feet as his laces up the straps that came up her calves.

Finished he stands, easily taking note of the additional definition and change in her posture. Robert was pleased, taking a moment to walk around her, enjoying the view. The girl just exuded sexuality.

You truly are a very sexy creature your lines are exquisite. Have you ever done any modeling?
Already having long legs it made her legs look longer than before as she finally touched the floor and bowed her head like before, "No master I havn't, I'm too shy to try and model, sir." She said looking at herself wishing she had a little more or that she could take the horrible shoes off since they would give her blisters after a little while. She figured she knew where this was going so she didn't bother asking she merely stood in place waiting for him to say what ever orders he had for her.
Well then we need to change that.

He steps forward and again kneels down to remove the spacer bar that goes between her legs. Untying the binding, he takes the bar and returns it to the bench where he hangs it in the appropriate spot. Now her feet were free without any binds of any kind. Stepping behind her he unhooks her from the chains hanging from the ceiling, though he does leave the bar between her wrists.

Come I’d like a little show.

He steps over to the bench to give her room to strut her stuff.
She shook her head confused as to what he meant feeling so exposed and wrong right now and she wasn't sure what to do since she wasn't exactly a stripper or pole dancer, she had no experience about being sexy other than to walk back and forth, she sighed with her head down as she asked her master, "What is it exactly that you want me to do, I'm a little unclear sir." She said softly.
Oh come girl, strut your stuff. Walk, turn, show your legs, and bend over, be sexy. Think what a man would like to see, entice me.

Her nativity was both a redeeming factor and at times annoying. The girl had a body, and didn’t seem to have a clue how to use it. Had she never worn something sex, had she lived in a closet, no wonder she was still a virgin? Robert saw that he had his work cut out for him. She needed to learn how to use her body, and not only in the acts of sex.

A good slave displays herself for her master, knowing full well that gazing upon her arouses him. She learns his likes and dislikes, and adorns her self accordingly. She wants to please him; she yearns for his attention, and finds ways to do it, be it the way she walks, talks or presents herself. Do you understand?
She obviously didn't feel comfortable with herself that much to try and show herself off especially in the lack of clothing she had on but she tried, nodding as she attemtped to walked around a little show some leg and do some things that she remembered in dance class in ballet being very flexable bringing a leg all the way up to her head and a type of split before snaking up.

But after a while she felt herself getting more upset feeling disgusted with herself trying not to cry as she moved for him, she knew she had looks and how to walk like a model but other than that she only knew ballet, and basic belly dance which didn't work without clothing on. She finally grew tired of dancing falling to the floor and wrapping her arms around herself in a saddened heap, her whole body feeling disgusting and horrible to her as she looked at the ground tears hitting the floor. She quickly bowed on her hands and knees to him sobbing, "I'm sorry master, I tried, I'm so sorry master." She said in a quivering voice.
She did as instructed which was the important part, though her implementation of the program left something to be desired. However, Robert wasn’t expecting much, the girl was young and untrained with obvious fear of her body. Why were woman taught to hate their bodies, to loath the very act of their beauty? The more they showed the less others thought of them, how ridiculous. Finally her show if it could be called that was done, and she bowed to him.

He steps over to her, and pets her head as she bows from her kneeling position.

Sorry, sorry for what? You did exactly as I instructed. Failure to do so would have been something to be sorry for. If you had no skill or training in what was requested, how could you be blamed for failing. I appreciate that you attempted even if you didn’t know what to do.

You see the reason you are sorry is because you felt you failed your master. Now ask yourself what would have made you happy?

His hand pets her as he talks, trying to sooth her fears.
She wiped her eyes as she nodded understanding what he was talking about, "I just wanted to please you, and I didn't know what I was doing so I thought you would be displeased master, I mean other than ballroom dancing and ballet I don't know anything, I was saying sorry for breaking down like this and crying, I just felt uncomfortable doing that without knowing what I was doing, I'm sorry for being this weak master," She sobbed feeling his hand and found herself bringing her hands up to his arm touching his skin and enjoying his petting her, calming her alot as she thought about something, "M-Master, would you... would you please hold me, I want to feel your embrace sir, please master." She begged and pleaded wanting his effection, one of the things to get her to open up to him, his effection to her showing he could be gentle.
The girl’s obvious emotional turmoil continues as evidenced by the tone of her voice and tears. Still the need in her to please him was growing, as she progressed through the changes. He wondered if she even realized how much sexier she was becoming by her very actions.

You have done as I have asked, so you have earned my touch.

Stepping behind her and leans down to help her stand.

The desire to please is what’s important. You are but a girl, you’re weakness and nativity is nothing, if you re willing to learn. Do you want to learn how to be attractive to your master?

His hand slips around her waist, helping her stand and pulling her closer, the back of her body coming in contract with his front.
She got to her feet, wobbling a little since she was plainly upset, and nodded to his question, feeling him wrap his arms around her made hers go to his her fingers running over his arms as she wrapped hers over his, her body shaking in fear at what was happening to her, she was frightened and nervous, not sue what to say or do she leaned her head abck onto his chest closing her eyes so she wasn't looking at him just wanting to feel another being holding her safely. "Yes, I'll learn what ever you want to teach me, or what ever I need to know to please you, so long as you are here to comfort and hold me, master." She cried, tears flowing down her cheeks again as she clung to his arms tightly not wanting to let go of him, needing to calm herself down, and this seemed to help.
The girl held on, her body shaking, as she pleaded for his comfort and support. Robert knew that her need would grow and grow, and she gave in and submitted. A day with out the touch of her master and she would be ill, two and should be beside herself, such was life of a slave. The almost desperate way she now held on, only confirmed that her education was going well.

Then stand straight, don’t slouch. The eyes of your master are on you because you are a woman. Take pride in it, present yourself, and let him see that you are desirable and that you want him. Remember how much you want the touch, the caress of your master, so show it.

Robert extracts himself from her embrace, but only moves a step or two away. He starts to walk around, obviously watching and inspecting her as he talks.

Now learn, stand, think about where your legs are, think about your posture and how you will look. Now think about how much you want to attract your master’s eye. Is this making sense?

She did as he said standing up straight in the heels her hip a little to the side her arms soft yet flowing at her sides, her knee bent a bit, she had been taught by her mother how to model, but it never interested her, so she knew how to pose to atract a man, but she felt nervous as well wanting to reachout and hold onto him again, but she stood where she was, her eyes down. She was plainly nervous, after everything that had happened all in two days was making her dizzy and frustrated and frightened, and soon took a told on her as she felt woozy stumbling back a bit in the shoes, obviously pushing herself too much with this, trying to do too much at once, in a day. She caught herself leaning against a wall as she closed her eyes for a moment trying not to faint or black out.
The girl looked good, her natural curves accentuated by the bar between her hands and the high heels she wore. Her inexperience came through, but in some ways enhanced her beauty for it was so innate. She wobbled here and there, almost stumbling, but each time getting herself together and standing as requested.

Good first try. Kneel, sitting position.

He walks over and strokes her hair, showing an affectionate moment.

Not everything can be learned in a single day, but you are advancing very well.

Do you have any questions before we continue?

The girl would need to build her endurance and stamina for her duties would not always to be easy. She probably had a fitful night of sleep, so in all likelihood would only be able to do a limited amount of things this day, Robert knew.
She Dahlia began to kneel she felt her body going numb from the legs up finally causing her to see black spots then nothing, falling to the side and hitting the ground with a thud, she had been trying too hard, over exerted her energy by attempting to please her master, had a lack of sleep, was stressed, frightened, and just over all it was too much at once for the girl, in her mind she hated herself for being so weak that she had passed out cold, her last thoughts were wondering if she would be punished for this.
The girl collapsed on the floor obviously losing consciousness. Concerned he leans down and checks her pulse and breathing. Both were fine, which led him to believe it was either stress or exhaustion or both. He’d seen similar thing with girls in the past, so he removes the spreader bar connected to her wrists, putting it to the side. Reaching down he picks up her small delicate frame and walks her over to the cage, where he sets her down on the mat. Leaving her there for a moment he goes and gets a bottle of cold water and a rag. Dampening the rag, he returns and moistens her face to see if that would help. A reminder to self he thought, need to make sure she eats. Don't need an expensive asset going to waste.
After a few minutes she came too feeling dizzy trying to stand up afraid that she had upset him. But fell back down on the mat of her cage looking around then laying back down catching her breath obviously unable to walk for a while due to the combination of everything. She moved to lean against the bars, "I'm sorry master, I don't know what happened sir, I tried to please you, please I'm sorry sir." She said, thinking she had dissatisfied him and didn't want a punishment.
Good you are back with us.

Robert gently applies the moist towel to her face, pleased that she has regained consciousness.

Don’t be sorry, you did what you were requested to do. If you hadn’t than that would have been a problem. Now rest and regain your energy. We will take this up later.

Robert prepares to stand and leave. He planned to give her time to rest, and would try to return later in the day, to continue the training. Robert was relieved that the girl was recovering, which was a good sign. Training could be draining and such, so some minor setbacks were expected.
She looked up at him sadly, "master please, don't leave me here, I want to be with you please sir?" She said, not wanting to be in this cage down here alone, even if it meant just taking her cage to his room to allow her to stay near him. "Please I don't want to be alone here master," She begged leaning against the bars while her head was down showing she really wanted to.

((g2g to be, night.))
Robert strokes her head again, satisfied that she will recover with adequate food and rest.

No our training session is over. I will be back later. I have business to take care of.

The tone of his deep voice was clear and determined. Robert sets her the rest of the way down on the mat, and gets up. The girl continued with her request not to be left alone, which pleased him, simply because it showed the training was taking hold. No slave could be with her master 100% of the time, and such constant attention, could actually harm the master/slave relationship.

Now you will rest and eat, and think about what we have done.

He steps back and closes the door to the cage, locking it. The mechanical sound of it, seemingly loud this time.
She sighed as she layed down curling up into a ball, remembering everything as he had said looking to the door wanting him to come back in, feeling alone, wanting someone there with her, a pet, another person someone to keep her company, being secluded was the worst feeling and the first thing that came to mind was her pet at home, "Misha, I wish you were here? I hope your alright at home," She said to herself hoping she would be alright her young cat at home that she had left when she was kidnapped wondering if her master would allow her to have her brought there for her, atleast it would be some company so she didn't want him all the time for company. She had no idea she was on camera as she fell asleep tossing and turning in her sleep grabbing hold of blankets and holding them like a security blanket to calm herself and make her feel safer.
Since it was still morning, he went about his business, returning to his office. There he immersed himself in the intricacy of his various businesses making key decisions that further filled his accounts full of money. With the Internet and the vast array of electronic devices, his immediate physical presence was no longer required to manage his empire.

He took lunch, and enjoyed one of his slave girls that served it, leaving her satiated on the table, before returning to his office. Occasionally he would check on the new girl sleeping again in the cage. While she was asleep he had one of his guards change her water and leave some more food for her. He figured he’d finish his work, and check back up on her later in the afternoon.

The day went along well enough, and Robert was satisfied with the day’s business, so he heads downstairs to see how his new girl is doing. Stepping into the room, he naturally looks to the cage first.
All day she sat in her cage trying to fall asleep looking around seeing a guard come in but payed no attention to him, feeling so alone in there, her mood changing from wanting her master to hating this place and being alone in this cage wanting some type of company during the day, hours going by like days to her, and finally she heard him enter the room backing away form him in her cage obviously upset, she had been alone and wanted some type of company. She looked down at the floor knowing not to look at him or speak unless spoken or asked to speak. She curled up her legs brought to her chest while her arms wrapped around them pulling them closer to her resting her head on her knees. She had eaten, but not as much, she had no appetite after everyting and her body was practically life less at the moment. She didn't like being alone especially for hours. She felt herself breaking down, and had very little spark left to her especially after going back over her lessons realizing what he had been doing to her and that she was actually obeying him, and did it to keep herself from being hurt, she hated herself and him at the same time, not wanint to be near anyone. Her breathing was slow and eyes were dull with sadness.
The girl was curled up in the cage, not entirely reacting to his entry. More than likely she was in some stage of self-pity, denial, and/or some form of internal conflict of self. All the girls went through emotional hell, till they found comfort in serving, and got past their hang-ups. Still it was essential that he reinforces who and what he was, as this would give her an anchor which to hold on to.

Kneel, now! Your master is in the room.

Sometimes a quick command was enough to snap them out of their misery. Others would try once again to assert their individuality; he was still a little unsure where this girl was in her development.

Did you sleep and have you eaten? How are you feeling?

The questions were to keep the girl off balance, and not give her time to really establish herself as anything but his slave. His words commanding her to answer.
She wasn't sure what was going on but her mind connected with what he said as she moved feeling alomst like a doll moving on it's own, her body moving even though her mind didn't want to, she wasn't self pitying she was just lacking in physical contact with anyone or anything, and that was often not good, she knelt in her cage before him, her head down and looking at the floor as she heard his questions, her voice even was different as she answered, "Yes master, I slept for a little, I ate when the guard came in, and I recovered from yesterday's accident sir," She said blandly, avoiding the question about how she was feeling, think it was probably just a question about her falling and fainting not her actual feelings, since he only seemed to care about her training and breaking her down, which was happening on the inside, but not sure if that's the way he wanted to break her down.
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