The days never got any easier, Megohime would wander off when he wasn’t looking or was busy, often times wandering to harmless places like the lounge, but on occasion would be found in more dangerous places. She was only found on the roof once, and in the garden at numerous times, all without her slippers and coat. The doctor even recommended having her do simple motor function tasks to help her progress faster, but even when Masamune did set something up like a paint easel, she wouldn’t really do much, even if he held her hand and helped her paint.
Once again, he had only left for the bathroom for maybe two minutes tops, but this time, he didn’t come back to Megohime gone. She was absolutely trashing the bedroom, knocking the easel over, throwing the canvas and paints, screaming and crying the entire time she did so. She was finally back, and she was hurting.