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Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Masamune had brushed Megohime’s hair to perfection, like she would’ve everyday, he gave her her baths, made sure she ate, and even talked with her all day like they usually would. Her make up went undone however, Masamune having no knowledge of such things, and even when he tried, it came out horribly; she did love doing her make up though, wouldn’t be caught dead without it.
"Maybe just some lip gloss today, eh, Mego? I know you like your darker colors but let's try rose." He said as he gently painted her lips, "I'm sorry I'm so awful with your make up...maybe I'll have one of the girls come in and paint you all pretty..."
She would’ve told him he was awful at makeup, laugh that he couldn’t even paint her lips, then kiss him, only making his messy job messier. She didn’t smile, she didn’t frown, she didn’t even cry.
He hesitated, wanting to speak more; tell her he was frustrated with her and that this wasn't fair to him. But it was fair, this was his punishment for letting this happen to her. "I love you, Mego..." He muttered, "Please come back to me soon..."
Days would drag on, and one day, after returning from bathing- Kojurou nearly having to force Masamune to do so -Megohime was gone from her bed, all the machines disconnected, and she stood at the window staring outside.
Megohime didn’t respond, remaining where she was at the window, and when he finally was able to look at her fully, he saw her eyes were still blank and lifeless.
"Oh, baby..." He whispered, brushing back her hair, "We're getting there, at least..." He took her hand gently, "Come on, let's get you changed."
He took her to their room and took her out of the hospital gown, dressing her in one of her night kosode before pulling one if her heavy robes to keep her warm, "There we go..."
She stared at him blankly, or rather at his chest; she never made eye contact with anyone that came in, including him. She still looked worn down, but her slack-jawed expression showed she still wasn’t all there.
He continued to do as he usually did; he changed her clothes and bathed her and made sure she ate properly. He braided her hair to keep it from being too unmanageable and held her close when they went to bed.
The days never got any easier, Megohime would wander off when he wasn’t looking or was busy, often times wandering to harmless places like the lounge, but on occasion would be found in more dangerous places. She was only found on the roof once, and in the garden at numerous times, all without her slippers and coat. The doctor even recommended having her do simple motor function tasks to help her progress faster, but even when Masamune did set something up like a paint easel, she wouldn’t really do much, even if he held her hand and helped her paint.
Once again, he had only left for the bathroom for maybe two minutes tops, but this time, he didn’t come back to Megohime gone. She was absolutely trashing the bedroom, knocking the easel over, throwing the canvas and paints, screaming and crying the entire time she did so. She was finally back, and she was hurting.
"Mego! Mego, babe!" Masamune didn't want to grab her in case she would flash back but didn't really know how else to stop her, "Mego, easy, I'm right here! Calm down, you're good! You're safe now!"
Megohime only screamed and struggled hard against him, even managed to land a solid elbow to his jaw, but he knew she would never mean to hurt him. After enough struggling, she finally gave in, slowly sinking to her knees, leaning against his chest and sobbing. She didn’t have any words that would express how she was feeling, so she just cried.
He pet her head and tried to sooth her, holding her tight against his chest as he rocked her back and forth, "It's ok, it's're safe, Mego.."
“... Got him..” She croaked out. “Just tell me... we fucking got him..” Her voice was hoarse from the yelling; still not pulling away from Masamune.
He felt her tremble against him, shaking becoming more noticeable. “Why..? Why would you do that..?” She croaked, fresh tears pouring down her face.
Megohime sobbed quietly, slowly starting to beat on his chest with one fist. “You still should’ve stopped him..”
“You should’ve..!” She didn’t sound so adamant about her argument, slumping against his chest. “You should’ve let me die..!”
She sniffled and clutched his shirt tightly. “But I was useless, just like every other time... I thought this time I would be able to help you, but I fucked that up too..”
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