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Mass Effect: Trials in Tainted Space (Firestarter09 & Archet)

Fal bit her lip knowing that she was going to regret whatever the hell was going to happen, she didn't want to be left with this denied feeling and emptiness that had just started; she knew the only way to fullfill that desire would be to accept the fate. "I-I." Her choice would affect the outcome of her life. "I'll be your toy... Just please get rid of this feeling!" She said to the twin, before letting out a whorish moan as her cum covered ass was slapped. Menta grinned as she knew that this was going to be fun. "Please! I'll follow you were you go! Just please make this go away!" Cried out the former male.
Meena giggles softly as she said, "Fine." she says, swaying back towards Fal. "But...You have to apologize for lying earlier." she says softly. With a soft grin she sits down behind Fal, cock still hard after all that and grabs her by the bonds that held her arms behind her, pulling her tight, cum leaking pucker back towards her tip, but stopped there. Her sister followed behind, lifting the male's legs as the tip of Menta's cock was at the entrance to the girl's pussy.
Fal moaned happily as she tried to form words at her mouth, but found herself unable to. A minute passed as she tried to speak. "I'm sorry! Pleae help relieve my stress!" She cries out to the twins, in hopes of them actually helping and not teasing anymore. Menta grinned as she looked to her twin for the answer, knowing that her twin might continue to play with the former male. "I swear you can do anything you want to me!" Shd cries out once more, making both of the twins ears perk and grow devious grins. Never ever say that to them, Ments looked at Meena once more and smiled as she received the ok. Plunging her cock into the tight walls of Fal vagina.
Meena follows suit, plunging her cock into Fal's tight ass. She let her sister be more on 'top' this time as she thrusts upwards into the Quarian, holding onto the bindings and using it as a handle to keep her still as she thrusts the cock up into her again and again. Even if Fal came, she had just came so she'd have to endure more of Meena's sex drive at the very least. However, as she was thrusting into her, "But what are you Sorry for? I wonder if you know..." she purrs out.
Fal whimpered and moaned as she was thrusted in and out of, as Menta burried her face in between her tits; as such The Half-Kaithrit girl began to motorboat the pair of tits belonging to the Quarian herm. Mentas cock moved in and out of Fal pussy as her 'barbs' rubbed against the inner walls. Creating friction and immense pleasure for the two of them, just as the same thing began to happen to Fal ass as her cock began to leak pre-cum on to Menta belly. Menta could feel her own pussy juices like from her cunt and pool on to the floor. Fal began to try and say something and give out an answer to the twins, only to soon realize that the next few words should've been chosen carefully. "I don't care! I need it! Make me cum!" She cried out, her face gaining a dark purple blush inside of her mask. Her cock twitching and throbbing as it was getting closer to a release, one could wonder if they would mess with her a bit and inject more estrobloom into her body, it would be a horrible thing to do since she did not answer Meena, but jt seemed that it may not be very likely to have that happen at all. Fal moaned happily as her cunt squeezed tightly around Menta shaft as her ass began to do the same. It seemed she was actually getting close to cumming and beinv close to her next release of being a herm, her cock trembled once more as actual cum leaked from the tip.
Meena just grins mischievously and says, "But WE care. How could you lie to us about not being our toy when you let us play with you like this?" she purrs, thrusting into her ass again and again, giving her yet another pointed spank. "I used that Estrobloom on you just to make you more fun to play with, but...You're begging us for more. Maybe not Vocally, but your body definitely is." she pants out, teasing the former male incessantly. She was enjoying this immensely- She had initially planned to just play with this Quarian once or twice, but she seemed to be really into this despite her insistence she wasn't...And that made her only want to keep going. To see how far she can push this newly made herm. Seeing her sister about to be cummed all over was just a bonus, which she was eager to see as she speeds up a bit more to slam her cock into Fal's ass and cumming hard, filling it with more of her heated kaithrit spunk.
Fal moaned as she listend to the words spat out by the Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele. She bit her lip trying to contain a moan as she received another slap to her arse; her eye's went wide by Meena next little tangent. Her lip biting became harder as she thought of what she said. Was it true? Did she love being the toy of the twins? Did she enjoy the process of the transformation? Becoming a woman? All these new sensations and the such? Unconsciously her body language changed and her body herself was slamming her ass and pussy respectively on to the twins respective cocks, purrs began to escape from her mouth; as she was finally starting to change mentally, her thoughts running more rampant than before, don't get her wrong. She would love to work on things and fix things... But now she was thinking of more sexual things; hell staying with the twins. A flash appeared in her mind of her body, one that was voluptuous and overall sexy; each of her tits being sucked on by one of the twins as milk leaked from her nipples, her cock being stroked by both of their hands. Fal lips quivered as she slowly started to enjoy it more and more, letting out happy squeals and moans as her ass was filled with Kaithrit spunk, she let out another erotic moan as her pussy was filled with Menta spunk; her cock trembled and throbbed as it came. Shooting hot ropes of cum at Menta stomach, pooling on the half-kaithrit stomach ans then cooling off. Her pussy also had cummed as well, having released loads of fem-cum onto Menta shaft. The Quarian had not notice that her hymen had been torn by Menta cock.
Meena purrs as she reacted better than she hoped to the teasing, able to tell when someone was fantasizing while having sex after years of playing with her sister and a few...Others. "You just came thinking about being our slutty toy, didn't you...?" she says after a short time. "Sis, I think we're making this innocent Quarian boy into a lewd Quarian slut." she says, giving her another soft slap on the rear. "...We've still got a while to go until the ship gets to Tavros..." she trails with a grin as she says, "Maybe in that time we can convince this little slut to take that helmet off and let us use- I mean see her face." she says, purposely making that 'mistake', but it wasn't hard to tell it wasn't a mistake, especially when she's still grinding herself inside of Fal, hands rubbing the Quarian's ass. Her spanks were painful, but they weren't hard enough to leave meaningful marks- At least not yet.
Fal blushed at Meena accusation knowing the herm Kaithrit was not wrong about it, knowing that she couldn't say no; all the former male did was give a soft whimper and a head nod; her pussy was still tightly clasped around Menta cock; as the aforementioned herm was trying to thrust once more. Her blushed darkend when she heard Meena say those words, it was true. All of it... She was becoming and a slut and then when her purpose was served she'd be discarded by the twins. It was kind of sad and well horrible; though of course Fal did not know of the twins plans, and as such would be surprised when she found out, Menta grunted as she started get the ability to thrust once more. She looked to her twin and said. "Maybe we should hit her with another thing of 'estrobloom'." Menta said to her twin, though the way she said the aforementioned was special; as it meant to grab one of the estrobloom that had been tampered with, one that would leave the cock and balls intact, no shrinking or nothing. It still kept the original intent of the drug intact. "Or maybe some Nepeta?" Menta purred
Meena purrs, "Knew it." into the girl's 'ear' when she nods. "But at least you're being honest~" she teases, before looking teasingly at the bag. However, Meena shakes her head at Menta, "Hmm...Tough choice. What if we run into someone a bit more...Deserving of that particular dose...?" she teases. "We don't even know if our little toy here wants to be our little female fucktoy? Maybe he doesn't want his cock getting in the way of us playing with her." she teases.
"Aww, I thought it be fun to have that does completely feminize her, but keep the cock intact." Menta childishly huffed at her twin, Fal blood ran cold when she heard the teasing continue; did she want to be female? Become a full blooded girl? She gulped and swallowed as she rolled herself off Menta, her blood pressure rising to higher levels. The image of Fal being a full on female flashed in her mind; said image showed her being double teamed by the twins and her assets much larger. Fal began to rub her legs together as cum leaked from her lips.
Meena just giggles at Menta, "Oh? But would use does a cock have to our little slut? I'm not letting any cocks in me except yours and a very special few." she says, moving just past Fal's face to push her lips against her sister's mouth.
Fal blushed as she watched the two banter, and then kiss each other. Her cock twitching at the sight of the situation, biting her lip as she thought of a decision to make, it wasn't going to turn out well if it went south... But it might just be able to give the herm Quarian an advantage, quickly with as fast movement's as she could, Fal made her way to Meena behind; spreadong her legs and shoving her cock into the Kaithrit pussy. Earning a surprised gasp from the twin who pulled away from her sister mouth. "Hahaha!" Laughed Menta as she realised that her ssiter was getting fucked by the Quarian. "I like this girl already!" She joyously said, smirking as her sister cunt was pounded by the former male Quarian. It was quite the scene to behold and just went to show that not everything was according to plan.
However, the Quarian's hands were still bound behind their back and Meena was, one the initial pleasure passed stared very angrily at him. "A girl she'll be then." she says, rather coldly as she attempts to push away from her sister and shove the Quarian onto their back so she can pull off, only to be stopped by her sister. "M-menta!" she says with a gasp.
Menta smirked as she kept her sister back from continuing her little attempt of trying to fully make Fal a girl. "Ahaha! No! My dear sister. I believe some humility is to be learn from this, have fun our dear little Quarian. Fuck till your hearts content." She chuckles, letting the Quarian herm resume what she was trying to do, Menta giggled like a devious mad woman; her hands gropping and pinching her twins nipples.
Meena gasps as her breasts and nipples were groped and pinched, "B-but...Sis-" she protests, biting her lip as Fal was thrusting into her. "I d-don't like anyone b-but you in there..." she pants, pouting a bit as her hands squeeze Menta's breasts.
Menta cooed softly into her twins ear, letting out a soothing hum to the tune of an old Kaithrit lullaby. Every other second though she would plant a kiss on her twins neck, then continue the tune. Fal thrusted faster.. Well as fast as she could with her hands bound. Her cock going in and out of Meena pussy, as it was getting coated in copious amounts of fem-cum. Menta smiled as she began to softly play with her sister breasts, kneading and caressing them; as her tails moved up and gently moved her sister arm's away from her breasts. Soon the humming stopped yet the fucking continued, the twins tips touched and bounced off each other a little, as their tits now mashed together. Fal had yet to cum and yet she felt closer to the approaching orgasm, yet everytime she got close it would be pulled away from her and taken. Like if life was denying her from having her orgasm, it annoyed her to no end. "Shhh, it's ok sister. I know that you don't like people fucking your pussy. That's why this is different. We're making this girl a part of our family. She'll be the prettiest herm around, unless of course we find ourselves another Quarian. We'll then have to herms for our needs, and just think! You'll have beautiful hybrid children!" She added some excitement to her voice, making the idea more enticing and eccentric whilst preying on what could drive Meena. It also helped to quiet the protests from Meena as it got the twin to think, and of course if that didn't work Menta could always kiss her twin.

(Look up Tali zorah, she another Quarian)
Meena was slightly soothed by the lullaby, but even as they ground against eachother, silently enjoying it, she wasn't entirely enjoying herself, even as her hips lightly push back against the Quarian's cock. Even as her hips were lightly rocking against the thrusts, she was still lightly whining. However, Menta's words were working up until the mention of 'having hybrid children', to which she immediately looked much, much less okay. Even if she was weaker physically than Menta, she still started to struggle. "No...! I only want yours, sis." she says, ears down. Meena was really resistant to this, her head shaking lightly. "I-I wouldn't even care if it was my ass, but...there's special." she whispers to her sister.
Menta chuckled at Meena soon compliance knowing that her words were having it's intended affect, giggling as she watched her sister push back on Fal cock; rocking back and forth on the shaft with ease, coating it with fem-cum as her twin's cock still touched tips with Menta cock. Cum leaked from the tip mixing with the cum, coming from Meena cock. The half-Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele frowned, when Meena began to resist the thrusts from Fal. "Shh, it's ok Meena. If it makes you feel any better, I'll fill your pussy with my fat cock after this, ok?" She purred softly into Meena ear, before licking at her neck as her hands began to rub her back; while their nipples rubbed together earning moans from both. Fal moaned happily with each thrust, her breasts bouncing with each and every thrust. Beneath the mask of the former male alien, one could find a face with a lewd grin on it, and nearly crossing eye's due to all the pleasure said alien was receiving. Making it quite humorous to look at, Fal could feel her cock tremble inside of Meena pussy; throbbing as it was approaching an orgasm, her balls churned with hot cum which was being produced at a faster rate than before. Fal didn't know how long she would last for; but her answer would soon come to her, when Meena pussy began to tighten and squeeze around her shaft. Breaking the final bone in the camels back if you will. And as such with a final thrust Fal lodge her cock deep into Meena pussy, her tip touching the womb slightly and unleashing a torrent of thick seed, hot ropes of seed plastering the insides white.
Meena still whines, even with the offer from her Sister. "Nn...You better...Fill me enough...To flush out his..." she whispers, enduring the Quarian's thrusts into her pussy, her breasts jiggling lightly against Menta. She however, would not give the Quarian the pleasure- No, the Privilege to make her cum! Instead, she endured it all, even as the cum pulses into her womb, surprised his cock could even reach it given her size and that he even had the length after a doze of Estrobloom. Afterwards, she flared up, giving a soft hiss as, typical for her, what she lacked in physical strength, she was quick with her tools and mind. Even through the reluctant pleasure, she reaches into her Doctor's Bag of goodies and, pulling it out with one fluid motion to bite the cap off, she jams a vial of Estrobloom right into Fal's leg. One of the untampered ones. Then pushes the plunger, injecting Fal with the second dose of Estrobloom before bucking him off of her. With a fierce, cold look, she stood up from her sister, standing over the Quarian as they change from the Estrobloom, and eagerly finishes herself off, fem cum, a bit of Fal's Cum, and her cock all aimed to land on him. Needless to say, the mask was coated in the white, sticky Kaithrit seed as the rest drips onto Fal's chest.
Fal moaned as she was injected with the estrobloom; her cock spraying out cum as it shrunk with her balls, her breasts burgeoned with flesh and growth. Her ass gaining mass as her hips flared outwards, thighs becoming plumper and face becoming more feminine in appearance, cute lips and a very womanly face. Her shaft shot out more loads of spunk as her hands glided across her cum covered mask, Menta looked at her sister with a look of distaste. "You know, not very sure I like that. I mean... you had it coming sister." Menta looked at her sister, watching as her twin kept her eye's on the Quarian. "No... We are going to fix this, or at least I will." Menta sauntered her way over to Doctor Bag of goodies, smirking as she grabbed a vial of throb. Yes throb the illegal dick growth drug, though this variant was extremely tampered with by Meena. It easily showed that the twins were up to a lot of things. "Sorry dear sister, but I ain't having some limp dick Quarian. But I promise that I'll make it up for you with a lot of sex." Menta eye's glanced as Fal cock left her, along with her balls. Leaving her fully female; Menta made her way over to Fal, bending forward with the thing of throb.
Meena did not look very happy though and cared little about the distasteful look. They were sisters, they'd get over this. "Had it coming?! In what way? You were the one who wanted to use Mods on him first! But even so, I wouldn't have cared if it was my ass, but I don't like letting just anyone in my pussy." she says, looking down at her sister angrily as she takes from the bag, instantly recognizing the vial with a small bit of tape on it she uses to indentify modified mods, looking hurt. She just sighs as her sister moves to inject the Quarian with the modified Throbb. "You're wasting one of my personally Modified Throbbs on her? Seriously? I didn't go through the trouble of modifying that Throbb to use on some Quarian we just met who boarded one of our ships without permission- Or that Modded Estrobloom you were suggesting earlier. Those aren't exactly easy to obtain that deep in the Core in the first place." she says, looking at the Quarian with disdain, even as it wipes away the cum coated visor on its mask. Without waiting for a reasponse she just scoffs and steps away from the Quarian. "Fine. Enjoy the Quarian Cock you want so much, Menta." she says, walking over to grab something from a side pocket of the doctor's bag- A Sterilex, and getting dressed into her Blouse and skirt once again. Her tail was puffed out, but down as she was both angry and sad, almost never calling Menta by her name. "I'll go see how long until we get to Tavros." she says with a grumble. She then storms out of the room, closing the door behind her, foot steps stomping on the metal floor of the ship as she was no doubt going to her own private quarters on the luxury ship- Which while not as big as a Liner, was more like Yacht sized.
Menta rolled her eye's knowing that her sister would not be too pleased by her statement. "Oh well my dear sister, you see that it isn't my fault for your current position; I mean you kept messing with her mind." Menta slyly smirked; watching as Fal cock and balls slowly grow back. "Also not him, her, remember she's got a pussy and breasts. Sorry that it couldn't be your ass, but she didn't understand it so... Its both our problem really." She looked at her sister frowning as she watched her sister hurt face. "I'm so sorry sis, and I promise to make it up to you, bug we didn't have any thing else at the momment." Menta frowned, a little upset at the current situation. "Yeah they aren't; but we're are illegally using modded items." She sticks her tongue out at her sister, knowing it would edge her on a bit. "Well I will then." She took note of her sister grabbing the sterlix and heading off, but before she could leave Menta yelled out to her. "Sis I love you! Don't do anything crazy with the sterlix." She giggled watching as her twin two tails were puffed out, Menta turned her attention to the Quarian. Smirking as she leaned down and began to to stroke her regrown shaft, smiling all the while as pre-cum leaked from the tip; the pre-cum dribbling down the sides of her hands. Her smiled slightly faded as she glanced to the door, feeling really bad about her sister. "Sigh.... I'll have to fix this won't I?" Menta sighed once more, as she stroked the Quarian even more. "So your name? We need to properly introduce ourselves."
Meena just grunts at the "Love you!" from her sister and continues off. Her foot steps were firm as she walks away along the metal floor of the ship. She immediately heads to separate quarters from the one she had went into with her sister and grabbed her suitcase before heading to a different room. It was as she reaches the door that Endine greets her, heading down from the Ship Captain's area. "Ah! Meena. If you're wondering how long it'll be until we reach Tavros, it should be in a few hours..." she trailed off at the Hours as she saw Meena's irritated look before Meena just nods and smiles, "I see. That's good to know." she says before heading in, only for Endine to put her hand on her shoulder, "I've been around you long enough to know when something's wrong. Wanna talk?" she asks, Meena scowling slightly before giving a sigh. "Fine. Come on in." she says as she heads inside, Endine following close behind.
Fal moaned as Menta lips touched and brushed against her cock, gritting her teeth beneath mask. Her cock was sensitive since it literally just came back! And it didn't help that Menta had also put her large bosom around the base of her meat! "C'mon let's talk some more." Menta purred to Fal, licking at the tip with the flick of her tongue. "I know that now might not be the best of time, but pleasure with business is something I always do." She let out another purr, Fal couldn't help but moan like a slut loving the feeling of Menta breasts around her shaft; a part of her body wondered how her own breasts felt... Well that was a lie. Her whole mind wanted to feel what all her female assets feel like. She took a note of her own breasts, which had been previously decent. But now they were even larger than before looking like a pair on one of the few Quarian pornstars; it also didn't help that her darker purple nipples looked so alluring. Her thoughts were taien away from her as Menta tongue played at her tips slit. "Mmm, tastes so good." Menta purrs letting a lewd lip smacking fill the air; she eye's Fal with devious intent. "Now c'mon I wanna talk, what's your name? How old are you? And do you like your current form?"

Endine followed Meena into her room, wondering what had the twin in such a foul mood; her mind raced for answers. Many answers presented themselves in her mind, all of equal validity, the most prominent one of them... Was that Meena had gotten into a argument with her twin, making a quick gesture to ask if it was ok to sit down on the bed; Endine found herself asking her employer. "Did you and Menta argue?"
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