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Mass Effect: Trials in Tainted Space (Firestarter09 & Archet)

Menta groaned as she felt herself approaching an orgasm, the licking of her tip was really starting to wear on the Steele daughter. The rubbing of her balls helped sped up her orgasm; soon it would be to much for Menta. Her cock then unleashed a torrent of cum into the former male's mouth. Her balls churned and emptied there load; her hot sticky seed clinging to every inch of Fal mouth, coating it white. "So cute!" She cooed out, it seemed Menta found the blushed to be cute. Her cock twitched as it seemed to be empty, but Menta wasn't finished yet though, as her cock would start shooting out ropes of her seed once more. "AHHH! YES! That's it! Get used to my baby batter! Let it fill your mouth! Your stomach!" She cried out in ecstasy, all the while preying on Fal perverted mind. "Yes that's it! You’re going to be a great addition! You’re hired!" She purred out Fal. "Just think of all the things we'll do~. All the sex and credits you could want~. You'll make a perfect lover." Menta let out one more moan of satisfaction, the last rope of her seed shooting into Fal throat. "Mmm, what do you say Fal? You liking what I'm offering?" She wondered what the Quarian would say in response, her hands continuing to stroke Fal soft hair as Menta waited with a gleeful grin.

Endine nodded silently, blushing as Meena brought her face closer to hers. "Well yes I am, I've been waiting for such a long time." She brought her face even closer to Meena, pursing her lips as she did and bringing herself into a kiss; a long heated kiss.
Fal was having a hard time handling as well, the thorough ideas pushed into her mind by Menta and her twin filled the former male with some rather girly and submissive thoughts. However, in the midst of the fantasies placed in her head, she suddenly feels the cum flood into her mouth, pushing forward so the tip was at least pulsing most of it down her throat. However, the cum filling her mouth and the loud moaning teasing from Menta as her mouth, throat, and stomach was filled with the half-Kaithrit's spunk was enough and her hand moved super fast until she brought herself to her own, much quieter orgasm. Cum shot from the purple cock as it hits Menta's legs and the floor behind her. It was too much and as Menta finished and let the girl pull off, the eyes looked at her, and despite the fact they were a clear white, they were almost desperate. "Y-yes...P-please! I'll be your p-private Mechanic to work on your ship and cock." she moans out, panting as Menta could see in her mouth as white still covered the outside and much of the inside.

Meena smiles softly as she kisses back before Meena's hands leave Endine's ass, only for Endine to feel something a lot harder- and hotter- Than the Kaithrit's hands rub between her thighs. "Then, my dear Intern and Assistant, guess I'm going to have to promote you now...To Girlfriend." she purrs, this time being the one to slide slowly down Endine's body. The pink haired girl was on her back as the rough Kaithrit tongue, which had pleasured her plenty of times before, had a much softer...Loving tone as Endine found her panties pulled away and the lips tenderly lavished by the Gray Haired Catfuta.
Menta giggled as she patted Fal on the head, smirking as she felt the cum of her skin drying, becoming colder and colder. wriggling her hips a bit as she pulled herself off and away from the former male, a perverted grin plastered on her face. "Good girl, I here by make you a member of me and my sister harem!" She cheers to Fal, clasping her hands together. As she stretched and stood up with ease, her tails flicked and curled as she smiled. "C'mon lets gather everything, and head to a private room. I think it's time to see what your cup size is; maybe measure waist, hips and butt size. Throw in the in some measurements over you hips. And ta da! We'll have everything we need to make a new suit for you! Hell even some panties, bras and well... You get the point." She let out a joyous laugh, placing a hand on her hips and offering out the other. "C'mon, let's get going. We don't have that long left... I think." The Half Kaithrit was enjoying this new found relationship; it was some of the if not the best fun she's had in a while. "I wonder what it would be like, if I injected her with Kaithrit DNA." Her mind was trying to process what a hybrid would look like between the two species. Menta was going to do a lot of things; and Fal would be in for the time of her life.

Endine blushed heavily and moaned the excitement inside of her growing, with each and every passing second it grew. She loved the way Meena tongue ran across her skin; she shuddered and moaned more. She knew that Meena was going to enjoy her time down there. "I-I thank you! Thank you for making your girlfriend!" She cooed out in excitement. "I hope that one day, I can bear your children." She stated to Meena.
Fal's face glowed red at the cheerful announcement and the idea of heading to a private room for 'measurements', part of her hoping that meant more sex and part hoped it would have been a normal measuring. She tentatively takes Menta's hand and stands up, making sure to grab the helmet as the rest of the suit was rather...torn, to say the least. However, the cum leaking from her ass and pussy leaked down her legs and the cum that had dripped onto her face and breasts made her blush heavily and silently nudged Menta to try to hurry to a private room.

Meena just smiles softly and says, "Mm...Of course, my dear." she purrs out, still licking the Pink haired girl eagerly, her hands rubbing the girl's thighs as her rough cat-like tongue explores her insides. Her mouth lightly sucks on her lips between licks, giving the occasional kiss to Endine's clit. However, she soon moves her head back up and says, "Mm...That's well enough wet." she purrs out, her face moving up to Endine's, kissing her on the neck before saying, "And don't worry...I'll make sure to grab some Priapin sometime soon, dear." she teases, kissing her on the lips before pushing the tip of her cock into Endine's entrance.
Menta giggled as she watched the cum leaking from Fal's orifices, she giggled like a child a candy store. She quickly led Fal out of the room, she knew by the nudge that Fal was embarrassed and really didn't want to be seen like she was currently. "Tsk, tsk. If only my dear twin didn't run off." Menta sighed to herself. "I bet she would've loved to dress you up." Her eye's glanced at Fal body movement. Due to her Kaithrit nature she easily understood movements, as well as tail movements when it came to other Kaithrits. Though it was difficult to tell what Fal's body language screamed, as she wasn't to used to seeing Quarians body movement. She did grew in a relatively non-populated Quarian areas. "I'll love studying you, your so exotic. So fucking exotic; I wonder if we'll find any other Quarians to add to our harem? Wouldn't that be nice?"

Endine moaned as her thighs were rubbed, moaning happily as Meena cat-like tongue explored her insides. Throwing her head back in pleasure and letting her tongue hang from the side of her mouth. Though she was quick to bring herself back together. She squealed and moaned as Meenas tentative lips lightly sucked on her entrance, as well as the added occasional licks; she was sent to cloud nine with every occasional kiss to her clit. Whining when she stopped but was quick to stop, she blushed as Meena brought her head closer to hers. She nodded in agreement over Meena statement about being wet enough, she closed her eyes as Meena kissed her neck. "Ohhhh~." She moaned happily. "That would be amazing!" She cried out, as she felt Meena cock slowly enter her.
Fal just shifts slightly as she quickly follows behind Menta. "Erm...Dress me up...?" she asks a bit, though continues on following her new 'employer', though no paperwork or anything had been taken care of yet. She didn't know what to say either as Menta talked about how 'exotic' she was. "Uhh...I...I don't know...?" she mumbles.

Meena smiles warmly, "Mmm...I'll keep that in mind then, hun." she teases, easing inch after inch of the thick cock into Endine, stretching her a bit to take the large length. It wasn't long until she pushes right past the Hymen and quickly pushes the rest in as quick as she could, soon resting hilt-deep into Endine's pussy. Meena looks very pleased with how it felt, Endine's pussy wrapped around her cock oh so tightly. "Mm...~ You're the second virginity I've ever taken, y'know...The first being my sister, of course, but nn...You're so much tighter~" she purrs out, tilting Endine's face up towards her and kissing her on the nose lightly.
Menta giggled at Fal. "I see your confused by what I mean, well let me explain." Oh how she was going to enjoy messing with the former male. "You see your in need of some temporary clothes, till we can get a new suit for you. So I'll gladly let you use my clothes. But I need to know your measurements, just to see how they would fit. It would make shopping easier and faster; also could give you some hand me downs." Bluntly what Menta was saying was, that they were going to do a lot of shopping. "Now we'll alsp discuss the terms and agreement; then I'll make sure you'll be hired and then you can work for me as a Steele Tech employee!" She told the Quarian herm excitedly, not knowing that it would shock the fotmer male. "Or else my name wouldnt be Menta Shepard Steele! The rough and tough girl who makes things work!" She was practically beaming with enthusiasm, so much so it would make a emo go blind. Menta face held a wide grin as they approached the private room. "Just think about all the fun! All the stuff we can do!" She smiled as she arrived at the door, quickly opening it up and motioning for Fal to follow. "Oh hey Fal! Do you have any family? I think it could be neat if they joined our crew?"

Endine moaned as the cock buried deeper into her pussy; she could feel every inch pulsing and throbbing inside of her. "So big, so hot." she whimpered and moaned, letting out a hiss as her hymen was torn. Blood rushing onto Meena cock and staining it, she gritted her teeth as the cock rested hilt-deep in her. She blushed at Meena statements knowing that Menta would be the first, Endine would always be second fiddle. Though it was nice that she was tighter than Menta, blushing as her nose was kissed by her lover. "T-thank you very much." She murmured.
Fal was silent as she explains, but simply nods slightly, though seems to go wide eyed when she introduced herself, "I-I've heard of Steele Tech..." she says but just gulps slightly at the entrance of the private room. "I umm...Not any that're anywhere near the Planet Rush to my knowledge." as she takes a tentative step into the room.

Meena smiles at Endine and says, "No~ Thank you~ This has actually helped improve my mood." she teases, lightly starting to move her hips slowly as she lets the pink haired girl get used to the large cock buried deep inside of her.
Menta giggled as Fal's eyes went wide, knowing that she would be surprised by such a revelation. "I know, it's kind of embarrassing... I-I don't tend to tell people... Because it draws attention." This was one of the few things Menta didn't feel comfortable talking about, as Menta didn't really like being treated lime different person, because of a name. "Please don't try and treat me any different okay?" She smiled softly and motioned for Fal to sit at the bed; as she walked over to her luggage that was on the floor. Checking inside of it for measurement tape, as well as some clothes that Fal could wear. "Hmm, give me a minute or two. I may have misplaced my measurement tape." She tells the former male. "While I'm looking, why don't you talk about your favorite type of machines? Or maybe sexual assets? Or how do you like your current form?" She was just spit-balling questions to the former male.

Endine gasped and cooed in pleasure, loving the feeling of Meena cock thrust in and out of her! It was so big and filling. "Fuck, it feels like she'll split my pussy!" The human bit her lip, trying not to scream out in pain, or moan to much in pleadure. Her face started to grow red by Meena statement. "I thank you for such a compliment, I only wish that I could be better.... Ugh! HNGH! Fuck!" She groaned and gritted her teeth, trying to finish what she was saying. "Like your sister."
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