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Mass Effect: Trials in Tainted Space (Firestarter09 & Archet)

Meena giggles and pulls out a second one, uncorking it with a single movement and injecting it into his other leg.
Fal cried out in ectasy, feeling his cock shrink once more, its length dwindling. A split sensation racks his body as pussy open up behind his balls, changing his gender to one of a female. Her voice began to raise in octaves climbing upwards with her unique accent; making sound her slutty and exotic at the same time. "Ugh! Fuck!" She cried out feeling her body shift more and more. Becoming feminine as her chest burned and grew outwards, the former male was now a stunning herm Quarian; she looked to her feet and gladly thank herself; as the Quarian species over the years had a few changes done to them, such as males gain a third toe, placement of said toe which applied to both genders of their species. "Fuck!" She let out pained gasp, as her hips widened and butt began to cushions amd grow rounder amd larger; her thighs began to grow plumper and larger; jiggly just like any females of her species. Menta licked her lips happily as she watched the new herm grasp at her crotch, whimpering and crying out about her cock. "Looks like the stowaway is getting pretty horny!" Menta says with glee and dominance, stroking her cock with vigor and eagerness. The former male kept rubbing at her diminshed cock only to cum seconds latter to all the built pleasure in her body. "Well I think we did a great job." Menta smugly said to her sister, letting a blissfully sigh of relief as she came. Hitting both her twin and the former males body.
Meena giggles in agreement. "I think so to- youbitch!" she says suddenly as the cum hits her across the front of her clothes and a bit onto her face. She then grins and says, "Fine! Two can play that game as she pulls out her own cock, starting to stroke it with a wide grin as it didn't take long, between the spanking teasing earlier and rubbing herself across from her sister earlier as the now Herm Quarian was hit by a second load of cum and her sister got a load aimed well at her face.
Menta smirked as she side step the cum flying at her body, laughing whilst doing it too. She knew it would make her twin utterly livid and angry; and too add a bit more to the situation she decided to also stick her tongue out at said twin; the former male gasped as more cum hit her visor, coating the upper half of chest as well. Her new breasts strained inside of their confines as shaft continued to stay erect.
Meena growls lightly, "Hey, Don't dodge, you slut!" she says with a pouting face as she gets up, cock still out and leaps at her sister. Menta may be physically better, but Meena wasn't a pushover as she grabs Menta by the butt, grinding up against her lightly. "You're not getting out of this." she teases as her tail wraps around the Quarian's neck and, with ehlp from Meena's foot, puts the Quarian on her back and pushes her sister on top of her, making Menta's face land directly in the Quarians new, barely contained, and cum covered chest area.
Menta gasped as she fell face forward, right into the modest cleavage of the former male stowaway. Though this wasn't much of any issue for the girl, as she would literally clean the breasts with licks; eliciting moans from the new herm. Mentas tails flicked and motioned towards her sister sending her a signal to help her get the Quarian out of the suit. Menta continued to lick at the cum covered breasts which were contained in a suit.
Meena sees what her sister was doing and grins mischievously. However, she wasn't going to be gentle. With a sly slap to her sister's ass, she reaches down, hands trailing off of the bulge in the Herm's tights. Instead of just helping unclothe her, she decided it'd be a lot easier to just...riiiiip. There was a soft tearing sound as Meena tears a hole in the tight pants of the Quarian, letting the Herm's cock and pussy breathe of the air around them. Her face then moves forward to teasingly give her sister's but a soft lick through the shorts (if she still had them on).
Fal gasped as she heard her suit tear, and the cool breeze run against her shaft and new pussy. Her Quarian balls churned with cum as her face which was covered by the visor; was turning a shade of dark purple as embarrassment spread across her body. She began to wriggle and struggle moaning all the more as her breasts were assualted by Menta tongue lashings; who in turn moaned into Fal breasts as her sister licked at her behind through the shorts she currently wore. Her shaft pressed against the tummy of the former male and so did her balls; as her pussy leaked girl fluids profusely. Raising her head up from tbe two mounds she called out to her twin. "Mmmm! Fuck sister! I think we did a bang up job! But I feel bad for this Quarian here... Did we have a right to do this to him... Er her?" She asked her sister
Meena raises an eyebrow. "You're worrying about that now...? It's fine, we can fix him later...After all, normally stowaways would be turned into the Authorities, and we don't want that, do we...?" she asks teasingly, "So it'd be good for him to at least pay us back for the ride, right...?" she teases. "Well, Stowaway? Would you like us to 'take a toll' or would you prefer to be turned into the authorities?" she asks with a grin as she moves upwards to push her cock forward, frotting with both the Quarian's and her sister's cocks.
Menta frowned at this, knowing her sister was partially right. But that wouldnt be the focus for long; as she let put a howl as her, the now herm and her sister dick where all frotting now. The Quarian Fal, blushed and moaned as she heard what the kaithrit girl said. "I-I-I I'll." She choose her next words wisely, waying each option with the best of thinking, giving her answer soon after. "I'll take- t-The toll!" She cried out, the pleasure growing immensely in her body. "But... I'm going to need my old-... Dick size back." She moaned to the twins, it seemed this Quarian wasn't as pure and was possibly just a perveted as the twins were. Menta giggled at the Quarians' odd request; knowing it would be diffuclt for any of them to fullfill such a request; as the necessary mod'$s required may not have been brought along. Though if they were... Thered be no doubt that her twin Meena wasn't going to say anything. Not a word, or squeak or small noise. Menta and Fal let out more moans as the frotting continued, both of their pussy's leaking large amount of fem-cum, which was starting to pool on the floor and stain it a bit. Menta began to lick at the former males suit covered breast tentatively and with care.
Meena smiles and says, "Glad to hear it." she says, as if ignoring the bit about wanting his own dick size back. With a wide grin she slyly rubs her sister's ass and, still thrusting her dick lightly between the two asks, "Well, sis...? Which hole would you like to impose your 'toll' to?" she asks with a panting grin as her own juices softly leak down her legs but she didn't care.
Menta thought of what hole she'd like to take, and began to way her options. "Well, my dear sister... It would seem that the most accessible hole would be her pussy. Due to the fact I'm nowhere near her ass, and you've haven't torn a hole there. And.. She wearing a mask.. Helmet? So bjs are out of the question." She tells her twin before asking. "What is her skin color? Pinkish? Purpleish? Light purple?" Quarians were known for coming in a few shades of color, and it gave them an exotic look. Since they looked just like humans; and then add that with their bioluminsecent eyes and well... You could see why a few people who did date Quarians, loved their lovers very much. They were an interesting people with an interesting culture and society to explore. That and they were good mechanics.
Meena giggles and says, "Mmm...I can change that..." she teases as she whispers to her sister to get off and lay on the ground. Once her sister was on the ground she grabs the Quarian's tits, tearing the outfit open, "Seems like those girls needed to breathe." she teased before she rolls the Quarian on top of her Sister. As the ass was now available to her, she tore the rest of the seat to the bodysuit open. "There! Now her ass is open~" she says with a giggle.
Menta giggled as she watched her sister tear at the suit that contained the Quarian, the only thing remaing were tattered clothing and her helmet. She took note of the aliens skin whicb was a lightish purple. Which made looking at her pretty cute due to the color. Fal hastly tried to cover her body an arm going to her breasts, whilst the other tried to push Meena away. But would find herself soon on top of Menta. Blushing as their nipples would rub together whilst their cocks rubbed against each other.
Meena giggles, "MMm...She's quite the cutie, isn't she, sis? Wish I could see her face, but...Guess just seeing her ass and tits will have to do." she teases, slyly moving forward. With a mischievous grin, she thrusts her cock into her sister's pussy, stuffing the thick cock into Menta's depths. "Gotta get lubed up first~ She's going to be tight something fierce~" she purrs out. "And I'm certain you'd prefer to have her vaginal virginity, sis..." she purrs next to the Quarian's head. With a few thrusts, she pulls back and lines up the Quarian, holding the herm's arms as she gets the Quarian's holes lined up with her and her sister's cocks. "On the count of three~"
Menta gritted her teeth by the sudden thrust of her sister cock into her pussy, which was not expected at the momment. But was fine all together and it came to a surprise that her sister quickly left her pussy. Only to let out a moan as her sister gripped her cock and positioned at the new herms pussy, she smirked as she knew it was going to be a fun time fucking this former male. Fal gritted her teeth and blushed profusely, letting out a groan of discomfort at her arms were held back by the Kaithrit girl; who's mighty shaft was close to her butt. Fal gulped as she could feel the literal heat coming off the damn thing. She let out another gasp of surprise as she felt the Kaithrit below her giggle like a mad women; only to find out that her shaft was getting closer to her new pussy. The former male Quarian struggled as her erect shaft pressed against the person below her. Her balls churned as her whole body felt tingly and her blood pressure began to sky-rocket. She wss afraid and scared, this wasn't something that a Quarian usually felt add that she was a former male and well... You get the point. She closed her eye's gritting her teeth harder as she listened to the Kaithrit behind her count down from three. 'two' 'one. The numbers went off in her head as she braced herself for the worst to come. Never having experienced the feeling of being penetrated.
At the end of the countdown, the twins thrust into the Quarian herm. Both were big and it took some stretching, but the Quarian soon fit both of the twin's massive cocks, each one taking one of his virginities. "He" wouldn't have time to focus on that as Meena's hands reach around to grab the Quarian herm's tits, giving her sister a good show of playing with them. Then, like true twins, they both started to move together, giving the Quarian the strange sensation as two thick, hot kaithrit cocks push in and out of her at the same time. "Mmm...~ How is it so far, Mr- or rather, Ms. Stowaway?" she asks teasingly.
The former male stowaway moaned and cried in ecatsy. Her words were barely escaping her mouth, and it was becoming harder to speak as such sensations were not common.... Well like this at least, her cock throbbed as it pressed against Menta stomach and her nipples grew erect from all the teasing they received from Meena, both of the twins thrust continued to send foreign pleasure though her body; something she had never felt before as a man, that and as a male she'd rarely masturbate. If Fal coukd see herself she would feel ashamed and a little intrigued, that and she could compare herself to a fairly average Quarian woman, nothing like the few Quarian porn stars that had been popping up on the net. She could faintly hear the twin beneath her at this point saying something along the lines of getting rid of her dick, and injecting more estrobloom into her. Of course this was all to fet her answer from the earlier question. "Y-yes I like it!" She stuttered out, as the feeling of the 'barbs' running against her inner walls felt strange, yet amazing. Fal did not know that she was going to be spending a lot of time with the twins, and she would not be the only member of her kind to be joining their harem of girls. Letting out an exotic cry fitting for a Quarian Fal felt first of many orgasm apporaching.
Meena pants and moans against the formerly male Quarian, her and her sister's cock ravishing him- she'd be disappointed if they didn't with all the time they spent fucking eachother. A virgin was a piece of cake! It wasn't even that long after they started when the Quarian was already looking on the edge of an orgasm. With a wide grin, Meena starts to play with the Quarian's nipples as she and her sister were nowhere near their orgasms compared to this little- Well, not guy, but they were not done yet- not by a long shot. Even as Fal came on their cocks, the twins just grin at eachother and speed up, Meena wanting to see how far she could push this recently herm Quarian.
Fal moaned and squealed slightly as she was edge closer to an oncoming orgasm. Her nipples were pretty sensitive and sent a lot of feedback to her body, only furthering the pleasure she was getting already. Her eye's widened in shock and fear slightly as she feels both their cocks tremble inside of her holes; and then she feels the hot wave of thick cum being shot into her ass and pussy. Her own cocking twitching just like the twins; as she began to bite at her lip and sputter out. "Fuck! Fuck! So hot! Cold! Agh! Feels so good!" She cries out in pleasure, as she began to buck her hips slightly; messing up the rhythm the twins were trying to go for. It seemed she would a need a slap on her fair rear-end to maie sure she got some form of punishment. Her toes curled as she felt herself drawing nearer and nearer. Menta groaned and moaned as she wat hed her sister play with the former males nipples, which were fully erect from the stimuli and looked perfect on her sizeable breasts sported on her body. Her thrusts were starting to go back to the usual rhythm, as they had been using before, though taking into account the movments of Fal struggling body. Mentas ears flattened as she gritted her teeth; her balls were practically churning and going into overdrive at this point and it was driving her nuts.
Meena grins as she was the one who happily forwarded the slaps her sister had given her back in their room. Even as she rails the cum-slickened ass of the Quarian girl- No, Quarian Slut was more accurate, she thought to herself as she lets her sister handle the Quarian's purple tits to grab the Slut's ass. With a mischievous grin, not breaking pace with her sister, she pulls one hand back and delivers an audible slap to the Quarian's ass. "That's it you little criminal, moan for us. Moan like the purple skinned whore you are." she says, pulling her hand back and delivering yet another sharp spank to the ass, enjoying the sight of its jiggle, but enjoying how tight Fal got afterwards. She gives her sister an apologetic wink as she says, "We're not cumming for you until you admit you're a little whore. Barely a few minutes into experience womanhood and I bet you're drooling like crazy for more."
Fal blushed as she realized that the Kaithrit girl was right. The way her body was now... Hiw everything just felt and was... It was all to much and something that she was taking a gulity pleasure in. Of course the Quarian herm did not know that the two twins were doing some form of foreplay with her, and as such she saw this as all veru real. So much she began to whimper and struggle against their thrust, though her body would sometimes conform with their thrusts. She bit her lip once more as her ass received another slap, its soft fleshing jiggling and boucning a bit before she bit her lip again, thus time as the twin below her was just startj g to suck on one of her nipples, before alternating between her mighty tits. It was all starting to get to the Quarian as her mind began to think that this was the only way to- No! Fal'Zulon vas Mukor was not going to give into the demands of the twins and as such! She would try her best to speak sternly to them in protest. "No! I'm not yoyr slut-." She bites her lip and moans as her g-spot is hit, but pressed onwards. "I'm not some toy for you to play with!" She says defiantly to the twins, not realizing what was actually going on, also not seeing as how this would contribute to her own downfall and spiral into a logn deep seated fellings of regret and choice of words.
Meena just giggles down at her sister and mouthes, 'follow my lead'. "Well, then...! Guess we made a mistake." she teases as she pulls out of the Herm's ass. If Menta followed along, the Herm would be left on the verge of orgasm and Meena starts to jerk herself off. Taking some of the cargo with the other hand she binds the Quarian's hands behind her back before she brought herself to cumming, coating the Quarian's back before giving her a spank on the ass as her sister also blew her load on Fal's front.
Fal gasped and moaned feeling the rush of cum hitting her body, her stomach getting coated in Mentas warm seed, whilst her back suffered a similar fate. Being coated in warm fluids that began to cool on her light purple back. Her body was shaking as she was still very close to cumming and the fact she was being teased didnt help. Whimpers escaped her mouth as her lips parted. Her body began to wriggle in her bonds as her ass continued to receive slaps, oh so many slaps. Her body was craving the sweet release that was not having and it wss causing the poor girl to cry out. "Fuck! Fuck! I need to release! Please!" She cries out.
Meena just smiles as she rubs her cock against the girl's back. "But you said you weren't our toy. And we only play with our toys or eachother..." she purrs as she delivers another soft spank to the Quarian girl's cum coated ass. "Besides, we've done plenty to you, so we won't turn you into the UGC now, but we will release you after we get you cleaned up and fitted for a new suit. But until then, we can't trust you so you'll have to stay bound up in here. Luckily we're the cargo, so we don't have to worry aobut you getting anything dangerous." she says with a playful wink as she helps her sister up.
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