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Mass Effect: Trials in Tainted Space (Firestarter09 & Archet)

Meena just gives her a soft smile and pets her sister's head. "Of course it will. We still have eachother." she says with a wry smile. She helped her sister, washing her sister's back before lightly hugging her from behind, her own large breasts pushing against Menta's back. "And, we always have memories of him to comfort us." she says, arms around her sister's waist as she puts her head on her sister's shoulder in a warm embrace.
Menta sniffled as she let her sister oean against her, her hand raising up and moving to where her sister head layed, before rubbing the top of her head. Water trickled and ran down their bodies hitting the floor beneath them before going down into the drain. "Sis, do you think he went peacefully? I dont want to imagine him having died horribly." She sounded worried and sadden, right now she needed comfort and safety. And she would get it from her sister as her tails curled and moved, before making their way Meena thighs, curling around them and stroking them. "Sis, do you think it might have been... A good idea to have at least tell our old man, that I may uave gotten someone pregnant?" This seemed to be attempt from Menta herself to ligthen the mood and change the overall tone of the situation. It seemed to have a little impact at the least, giving Menta the chance she needed to vent everything, The Half-Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele moaned slighlty as she feot her sister nipples brush against her back skin, as they grew harder and harder. Menta couldn't heop but bite her lips and moan muffledly; she wished to not ruin the moment. "Remember that time dad... Tried to get that really beautiful Quarian to work as a maid?" She asked her twin, wanting to start reminiscing about the past and all that had been done. "It's funny " she paused to chuckle. "We did get her as a maid.'
Meena giggles slightly, "Think...? He must have. He was a tough sunuvabitch with his equipment- I should know, I helped custom-make his shield generator at the very least. I wasn't privy to the rest, but...I don't think any of it was 'weak'." she says with a prideful grin. At the question of Pregnancy she laughs softly with her sister. Her hands wrap tighter around her sister, bringing them along her midriff. "I'd hope you would tell him, but I don't know anyone but eachother around here that would be able to- well...Take us comfortably." she says, though her face heated up. Menta could at least feel her at the very least as a not very subtle heat and hardness presses lightly against Menta's rear. Seemed even in these sad situations, lewd thoughts still messed with her sister. With a tilt of her head at the Quarian maid she just shrugs. "I know about her, but I never really spoke to her." she says with a giggle.
Menta moaned and bit her lip once feeling her twins hard-on; press against her large rear. "I didn't mean that he died in a fight. Sheesh, always thinking I'm talking about fights." She closed her eyes for a second, allowing herself to take focus off the hard-on pressing on her bum. "Hey now, I know a lot of people that can take us comfortably." It was true that Menta knew a few people able to take their cocks pretty well. "I mean... Look at my girlfriend Cass... She'd always loved how my cock fit in her. Plus she was the one who gave birth to my kid." She began to nonchalantly rub her rear against Meena erection, as she talked about her girlfriend Cass. Cass was a Kaithrit much like themsleves, and had been great friends with the twins for years. Of course it became more during their highschool years, as Cass had found herself gaining boyfriend after boyfriend. Finding herself dumped from all of them; just because she didn't have the biggest assets, eventually Menta who at the time watched from the sidelines had enough, and personally decided to talk to Cass as well as admit her feelings for the Kaithrit; and since from then on the two had become... Well girlfriend and girlfriend, whilst Menta herself like big assets ( I mean come on look at her body!) She loved Cass for her personality and spirit and had become tired of seeing her used. "Wonder how my Cass and the kid are doing? It's been so long since I've talk to them." It seemed Menta was finally cheering up, though it was no doubt just temporary. "Maybe I should call her after the funeral?" Menta wondered aloud, her ears flicked as her sister mentioned not remembering the Quarian maid that much. "What? Your kidding? No wait I remember. Your were always caught up in your books, never got the chance to hang with her.
Meena chuckles a bit at Menta before blushing a bit harder at the talk of Cass as her sister's ass rubbing against her ever increasing hard on. Dammit...! Now's not the time, Meena! she grumbled to herself mentally. When Menta mentioned calling her up, Meena smiles a bit, "Probably wouldn't hurt. And at least I spent time reading- I'm not the one with a kid." she teased, sticking her tongue out. "Though, if Endine didn't say she wanted to save her virginity for someone very special, I probably wouldn't be talking..." she says with a light huff. But all the talk was definitely not helping Meena's throbbing, heating erection that was now lightly hotdogged in Menta's rear. For all her big talk, Meena was still a horndog- or rather a horncat- just like her sister.
Menta giggled as she felt her sister breathing rising faster and faster, it was quite funny to see her sister reacting to her sudden grinding against her shaft. "What's wrong sis?" She asked pretending to not know what was wrong. "You it's not fair to say stuff like that, I will have you know my kid is one of the best things ever!" She said proudly defending herself. "Besides it's not like I was fucking people when we were younger, I was a normal playful kid; and you were a utter bookworm. Oh yeah sure, totally. Sis if you had the chance you've already would've had twins." Menta began to grind against her twins shaft more and more, letting her rear end swallow up as much meat as it could. The water continued to rain down on their bodies; making them look glossay and shinny in the light. "Remember that time I beat up one of our bullies? Big muscle head? You know the one I attacked in the males bathroom and forced a shit ton of estrobloom into?" She asked her twin, hoping she would remember that.
Meena pouts lightly at the teasing grinding of her sister's ass against her groin, and her lightly prodding Meena about being a bookworm. "...Well, one of us has to be smarter. Figures it should be the older of us." she teases, even though she was at most minutes older. However, she does say, "And...I wouldn't say I disagree to that, sis. And given our genes...They'd probably be pretty cute ones regardless of who I had bear them." she says in mock before leaning further against her sister, starting to grind back against Menta as her cock lightly teases Menta's pucker. "Mmm...Vaguely..." she purrs out as she softly moves her hands down to lightly rub just above her sister's crotch to tease her back.
Menta scowled as her sister said she was the older sibling. "That's not true! And you know it!" She hissed at her, Menta grinding started to pick up a faster pace than before. She chuckled when her twin admitted to not remembering the muscle head, so she took it upon herself to remind her. "Let's see... I do remember injecting him full of Nepeta as well, he ended up a little submissive bitch... Dont remember if he kept his cock or not... Oh right his name was Lucas. Ring any bells?" She asked her twin, slighlty hoping that her sister would remember the unfortunate asshole that crossed their path. As she waited for an answer Menta began to reminiscence over the event in her head. "OH GOD! PLEASE NO! BREAST! MY VOICE! MY MUSCLES!" The screams of the unfortunate teenager rang through her head, giving the Kaithrit a more sadistic grin; which was washed away when her twin pressed her cock and teased at her pucker. She squealed in ectasy as her sister soft hands began to tease at her crotch, her tails began to tignthen around her sister pegs and thighs. "Mmm." Moaned Menta.
After hearing the name and the Nepeta and Estrobloom. "Oh, yeah! Practically turned him into a Kaithrit that night." she giggles softly. "Mm...Felt kinda bad about it for a while afterwards, but...Now...?" she teasingly reaches down to grab her sister's cock. "I think he probably enjoys being a kitty bitch by now, or should I say 'she'? He was definitely meowing like a cat when we double teamed him..." she purred out as she softly bends her sister forward a bit as her cock soon pushes into Menta's ass slowly. "I remember withholding the last dose of Estrobloom to make him fully female until he begged forgiveness." she purrs out, pointedly thrusting more of her thick length into her sister.
"We didn't just practically turn him into one, we made him a new sister!" Menta joyously moans, as the feeling of the cock lengths going deeper felt amazing. "We gave her the best facial ever, though I don't remember correctly if we took away her penis?" She began to thrust herself back onto the cock, as her own erect cock flopped around, balls churnig with loads of hot thick seed, she let out an ecstatic squeal as her sister hands grabbed her shaft. "We did have fun with her, I think we were trying to make her our sister as well? Dyed her hair too... I think, though we did let her keep her cock right?" She moaned out to her twin, as she didn't remember some of the events correctly. "I think I told you to tamper with the Nepeta.... Oh fuck! S-s-so it contained our DNA right?" She moaned out to her twin once more, hoping that she could start clarifying what they had done. As both had some trouble remembering certain events.
Meena giggles as her cock slowly pushes deeper inside of her sister, one of her hands lovingly starting to stroke her sister's cock as the other slyly moves down to rub her sister's balls as well. "Mm...We did take it away, but then gave it back when 'she' played nice...It was pretty tough to find a feline synthsheath, but still..." she giggles as she leans her sister against the wall lightly, "Mm~ Damn I love your tight ass~" she pants out as she starts to move slowly but firmly. "B-but yeah, we tried, but well...All it did was make her a bit taller and more stacked than a normal Kaithrit...Didn't work quite as expected, but...she did resemble us pretty lightly." she purrs out as her own thick, churning balls were lightly pushing against Menta's rear with each firm thrust.
She moaned happily as her cock was stroked, and balls throughly played with; she let out a cry of ectasy as her tits were pressed against the wall. "Well- NGH!" Menta moaned as she was cut off. "Well fix that if we find her. Mmm, fuck! Oh I love it. Fuck my ass! Fill it with your cum!" she cried out, while in the back of her mind she began to recall the event. "NO! GOD NO!" Cried the voice of Lucas his-er feminine voice calling out as she grasped at her shrinking cock and balls. Her body racked with intense pleasure as she felt her cock growing smaller and smaller, retreating and making a squelching and schlick noise once gone. SQUELCH! SCHLICK! "Ahhh! Its gone!" she cried out, looking at Menta and Meena in shock as the two pull out a thing of Nepeta. Menta cried out in pleasure as she came from her sister fucking. "God! That was so hot! I'll never forget the sound of his penis going bye-bye." She giggled slightly, tails growing tighter around Meena legs as her testicles slapped against her butt. "Harder! Make me cum! Again and again!" Cried out Menta practically begging for her sister to fill her ass; and it seemed she was just begging to be shot in the face with her own load of cum.
Meena pants and moans as Menta came from being fucked in the ass. Her ears stand on edge and her tail flicks back and forth, "Nnn...God you're such a slut, sis." she pants out teasingly. Her hands were soft and fast as they stroke her sister's cock eagerly, the other hand soon moving to help as both hands start to rapidly stroke her sister's cock as her own cock rams into her sister's ass, even as cum lightly coats the wall in front of her sister. However, instead of letting it stay like that, she slowly starts stroking and maneuvering it to aim upwards. "So eagerly taking it in the ass and pussy from your own sister and begging for more...You've definitely become quite the dirty slut." she teases as pre was leaking generously from her own cock. The dirty talk even getting her own balls riled up as she was already very close. It didn't take long for her to finally cum, burying her cock balls deep in her twin's ass as her hands squeeze lightly on her sister's own turgid rod.
"AUGH!" Cried out Menta as the thrusting became harder and swifter. Her eye's glancing down to see her cock pointed upward and perverted grin spread across her face. "Yes! I love it! Fuck!" Menta scremas out as her twin bury's her cock and balls deep into her ass, filling it to the brim with her hot cum, as thick ropes shot out from her own cock, splattering across her breasts and hitting her face; her tongue sneaking its way out and cleaning her lips as she hit with another load of her cum. It seemed Menta was quite capable of continuous orgasms, her mind raced as she wondered something; she didn't know if her sister had done anything else to her body when she had made her a temp bimbo, like if she added some type of tick that would make her a buxom moron... It slightly worried her, but she brushed it to the side as she knew her sister above that. "Mmm, fuck! More! I need more in me!" She cried out, her body reacting to all the cum filling up inside of her. "Sis! Let's not forget our promise! To make a lovely a harem! And make some dicks go bye-bye! Now fuck me harder!" She cried out her sister declaring and demanding, what they were going to do; especially that old promise they made years ago. To form the biggest harem ever!
Meena giggles as her sister reminds her of the promise they made long ago. However, even as cum leaks from her cock still, she starts thrusting and saying, "Mmm...Of course sis. The biggest harem for our own desires." she purrs out, "But first, let's fill that buttslut craving of yours~" as she pushes her sister against the wall a bit rougher, hands moving away from the cock to grab a tight hold of her sister's ass and her movements became a lot smoother, a lot more sure, and a lot more lustful. Her hips speed up and becomes more forceful as her cock roughly takes advantage of her sister's eager, cum lubed tailhole. "God! I probably never would have to bother with more bimbofication experiments~ I doubt you could become more of a whore for me, sis~!" she moans out. She never intended the Temp-Bimbo thing to be used on her sister, but the fact it had some lasting effects is something she didn't mind. It was a med to enhance a couple's desire in the bedroom if it is refined well enough, and it's proven very nice at making her sister and herself a lot, lot more closer~ Though, she did get the fun idea of getting one of the refined doses and using it on her sister again. She did enjoy her sister being practically glued to her cock, obedient, and unquestioning for a while~
Menta moaned like an absolute slut as her ass was further used by her twin. Her cock spraying out more cum which hit the wall. "Ugh! Fuck! Harder! Fill my ass!" She cried out but kicked when her sister mentioned the bimbofication thing. "Fuck off! That shit was bad! I love you no matter what!" She moaned out to her sister. Her breasts nipples rubbed against the wall as she thrusted in out with ease; her pussy was leaking large amounts of fem-cum as her cock shoot out more cum. She began to grind against her sister cock once more as it started to become more of thrust, Menta grumbled as she wss fucked as she slightly remembered her time as a bimbo.... It wasn't that fun... She couldn't remember if she had lost her cock or not... And it bothered her to no end. "Fuck! God damn! Don't ever make me a bimbo again!" It seemed Menta couldn't get the thoughts out of her mind. "I never want to be that again." She cries out once more as another orgasm racked through her body, through and through.
Meena giggles softly as her breasts jiggle lightly against Menta's back, "Aww~ But you were so cute when you were cute and bubbly~" she teases, "The way you would do anything I said if it meant getting to play with my cock or fuck my pussy~" she teases, just the memory of it, clear as day, sending her grabbing her sister's shoulders and ramming herself very suddenly into her sister's ass, filling it with yet more spunk. She did get a perverted thought as she teasingly asks, "Or...Perhaps you'd like to be the smart one of the two of us~? Make me the busty, dim, slutty sister doing anything for more cock." she whispers teasingly. "Just imagine, burying your thick cock inside of me, begging you for more and more." she purrs to wind her sister up as her cock easily slides in and out of her ass.
Menta moaned as her sister whispered the suggestions into her ear. Her body leaking large amounts of spunk and fem-cum. Her breathing was ragged as she forced herself off her twins body, panting heavily as she began to clean herself; it had dawned on her once more thst her fsther had died... Fuck! And she had started fucking her sister and forgetting about the whole thing. She went into a panic and began to frantically scrub and clean herself of her and her sister seed. Her movments now frantic ajd fast as she tried ajd tried to clean herself of all the seed and the cum.
Meena huffs slightly as she was pushed off, cock still hard and twitching, but instead of trying to force herself back onto her sister, she just sighed a bit and leaned back against one of the walls and starts to jerk herself off one last time as she watched her sister rubbing herself clean, biring her lip when her sister was working on cleaning out her ass, her own cum leaking out of her sister. It was then she came, a hard jet of cum releasing and hitting the door to the outside of the shower. WIth a thick blush she started to get clean herself, rubbing herself clean with soap and water as water softly washed the cum off of the door.
Menta groaned and hissed as she cleaned herself, with the finest of products in the galaxy. Leaving her body with a very nice smelling scent that would attract anyone. "God that was a little too much. Sis I want you to know that I love you.... But your fucking crazy sometimes." She blunlty tells her twin, sauntering her way over to her twin, as she mashed her tits against her's. "But who am I kidding, I'm fucking crazy too! But to answer that question from earlier... Maybe I would sister, maybe I would." She kissed her on the cheek, before turning on her heel and heading to the door; ass jiggling and wobbling with each step. She opens the door to the shower and steps out, heading over to the spare coothes and putting them on. It was time for them to get ready for their father's funeral; to come face to face with a tragic event. The twins would soon find themsleves in a very odd situation on Travos, they would meet new face and old faces. Some friendly.... Others were less than likable.
Meena just gives her sister a grin and a chuckle. But before her sister left the shower, she grabbed her sister by the waist on one hand, a hand in the other and pulled her into a rather passionate kiss. She held it for a short while before winking and saying, "We're both crazy- Especially since we seem to have no qualms about casually fucking eachother." she teases as she gets out of the shower. Just outside of it was a drying station which worked quickly to dry them off. The clothing available was probably a bit more girlish than Menta liked, being fairly well made blouse and skirt, which Meena has no problem putting on underneath her lab coat. "Let's go pack up some clothing and stuff before we go." she says to her sister as she finishes getting dressed, stepping out and slipping on her shoes.

Endine was waiting outside the door, "I shut down the computers and machines. And uhm...Sorry about the clothing, we don't have much, erm..." she shifts slightly, "Suitable clothing." she finishes. Meena just has a light blush as she says, "It's fine. We'll probably need to pack up some stuff before we go. We need some of our nicer clothes- as much as both of us hate it, we do need to hold up some sort of appearance." she says with a soft giggle. Though she dodged the question, it was easy to assume by Endine's blush and shifting that whatever stash of clothing Meena kept in the lab wasn't clothing you'd wear in public much.
Menta followed her twin to the door, only to grin a bit when a perverted idea popped into her head. "You know sis, I think it be great if we tried experimenting on any Asari we see.. You know find some new intriguing shit to mess with... Like maybe give an Asari a cock? Kind of want to see what that looks like." She comments about the aforementioned blue alien women from Citadel space. "Or maybe a Quarian? Ugh, I dunno I'm just spitballing at this point." She turns her attention the current scene and scowls as she her sister talk with Endine, her scowl soon leaves as she hears that they need to pack, grinning like an idiot Menta gained the bright idea of racing her sister to her room. Of course she would need to make her suggestion know. "Excuse me for butting in and everything.. But sis would you like to.. Race their? Like when we were kids?" She asked her twin.
Meena chuckles. "I'm pretty sure with all the mods out, some Asari and Quarians have at least tried." she says with a smile. However, at the mention of a race, Meena and Endine look at her curious. "Erm...Why?" she asks, a bit confused what brought the idea of a race to their rooms up so suddenly. Especially when not too long ago Menta was incredibly broken up, then lustful...Maybe the bimbofication thing had messed with her a bit more than she knew was the first thing that came to mind. Endine just frowns slightly as she takes out her codex to start getting things ready for the two of them- Primarily a ship and organizing their arrival. Whatever happened in the race didn't affect her at all, if it even happens.
"Well.. It's just." She tapped her foot as she thought of a way to explain the race. "Well... With all this reminiscing and stuff, and talking about all that we did... I was thinking it be kind of nice to have a race, you know?" She looked at them, she scowled at her twins puzzled face. "That and I kind of what to have something light hearted..... I mean!" She raises throws her arms up as she tries to explain. "It's either I've been fucked, had to learn something depressing as hell... Or fucked... So I really want to try something different for once." She explains tails curling and swishing behind, ears flatting as she looks to the ground. "Is it to much to ask, you know to have some fun? Like when we were kids? I mean c'mon lets give it a wirl. It shouldn't be that hard? Or are you going to be a book worm about it." She says, bitting her lip as she hoped her sister would understand hos she was feeling, and would come to understanding of what she was trying to do. Hopefully was to much for her too hope for as she knew deep down that her sister wouldn't say yes, and it would sting when she would say no. It rattled the Kaithrit girl deeply and showed that she was just as vulnerable as anybody as else when it came to family. Sighing Menta knew she would have to entice her with something. "I know your not going to say yes, so I'll add in something for fun. If you win a round of drinks on me, and you'll get to fuck all my holes... But if I win... Hmm.. I'll figure that out."
Meena giggles slightly as she mentioned being fucked twice, however, the idea did sound kinda like a good idea to, well...They've blown off plenty of steam, but a good way to get energy out. "Hmm...How about instead...Loser owes the Winner a single favor?" she asks. "One thing, anything they want to be redeemed anytime in the future." she explains with a smile, "No restrictions as long as it's in the person's power to give or fulfill." and as she says it, Menta could already see the cogs in her sister's head turning. "Though, I suppose we could just go for determining who fucks who and who buys drinks instead~" she teases.
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