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News from the Rose

"The man who should be my greatest enemy somehow is the only man on this planet in whose arms I feel safe and protected but also cherished, even if his blackmail brought me here."
"You're my wife. Not my captive." He tangles his fingers in my hair, tilting my head back, and nips at my chin. "The world lies at your feet to do whatever the fuck you please with it. The only thing you'll never be able to do is leave me. You're forever bound to me."
there's a scene where the main girl finds a note with her name written like 50 times scribbled angrily and you find out later it's because he couldn't keep her off his mind and is disgusted with himself because they were enemies and I thought the scene was amazingly vulnerable, humiliating but so charming when the main girl makes him explain the note and he's all ashamed and she's like oh shit what
Going through my old class stuff. I learned English (university) and I love how they still thought we need to know how to say courtship.

My husband may inherit a title - but the one holding it we discovered had a brother! Decluttering we found old wills, one from an aunt leaving each object to a different person, one from the man's mother mentioning a brother. Goodness. Now we have to find if the brother has sons, etc. If not my husband is the closest in line. I'm literally harassing him to find.
Someone sent me this

Also parents revolted against class closing, so it will be opened. Yay tuition, because if not for money we'd have no say.
What is this thing with Fiver vendors harassing you? I said I will recontact you if it's a deal. Don't write daily and harass me, especially not in a normally busy time... I ended up saying no because he wanted an answer quickly and I didn't have time to check his stuff, so no.
I was just replying to this on a fandom group!

My fav tend to have this in common: intelligence/competency/self control, pickiness over women/being chosen, good looks but not in a "superman" way (not into huge muscle), possessiveness coupled with faithfulness (LOVE virgins or just not those who will bring ex or other woman drama).

I'll add clothes. A man who can dress, whether historical or suit or a GOOD uniform.

A man who smells good (perfumes aren't weird in France)

And it's funny because I married someone who is all of this so they exist... I sometimes tease my husband reading him stuff about characters who are like him.

Anything courtship, wooing, what people might call "English" or "European"
The door, the chair, the coat, knowing where to walk, hell even a hand kiss if I am receptive. Well, any sign of male attention in a romantic way. He sees me as feminine, picks me as the ONE and is wanting, willing and going to protect me. A friend, very modern, PhD, etc, told me the sexiest words are (translated) "Don't worry, I handle it all." - je m'occupe de tout -
Unfortunately some parents don' t teach their boys, and some women attack men who do this (I hear).
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Villain that people mistake for gay because he's not into any gal until he meets heroine and "feels poisoned" by his feelings is my speed (Poison study)
Parishioners asked me to film the women choir. I did. With my Empire (star wars) phone. I saw them look. No one said anything. I guess those who know, can't.

friendly reminder that you need to purposely sexualize your digusting problematic fave
Tell me there's slash and love/hate without telling me there's slash and love/hate
added stuff about gunplay, bj and others because it apparently was not clear
tldr, yes if it's not down there, yes if it's not only that, others you'll have to check

Once again a cultured, refined (btw words like delicate are absolutely gay coded in old books) villain who doesn't abuse children and can't imagine someone doing it, and I am not supposed to root for him because the hero is more resistant when digging latrines - ok
Sick again. Since corona, I keep being sick. It's not corona (I finally bought home tests as they won't test me, being vax). It's always something else, bronchitis, strep... I'm onto my second antibio round now. I have no voice this morning, even worrying. I joined a choir so it's just not the right moment.
I joined a "soft gym" lesson (once a month rofl) and apart from the teacher, obviously, I'm the one who manages best. I haven't exercised in years and somehow this is very worrying for me to see all those ladies who "cannot" bend, or lift their arms, or stay standing. They demanded to do it SITTING. But at least, I'm doing the program daily now. 5 minutes or so. Aaaand teacher hurt herself. What's wrong with us frenchies??
People claiming an obviously big house is small... Huh, are you going to pay a bigger one for people? Also learn to be happy. Some live in 60 squ meters with kids. Still in the process of moving. It's crazy. There is so much STUFF and also construction on the site. If I said I'll be back, I'll be back.
It's INCREDIBLE. Insane. I really hope to be back in the week after the nine...
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