Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

The man slowly shook his head. "Now, why would you be able to leave, dear girl" He said to her as he got back to his feet. He pulled on his cloak. He had to mull over the situation and what he was going to do. "Get dressed." He told her as he moved toward the staircase and started to ascend upon them. He would be back later, though now he was shaken up to say the least. He had no idea when he would be ready, but he had to come up with an excuse for the dark lord to why, one of his most trusted companions decided to betray him.

The dark lord sat, petting his dear pet Nagini, wondering why the crazed woman hadn't returned yet. He smiled to himself, as Nagini moved to feast on a little morsel before. His deformed face looking in the mirror. At that moment, Snape and Bellatrix Apparated in and he smiled. The door closed and he wanted to know the truth from Snape. . .
"But I thought you said I could leave the room...." Hermione whined quietly, before falling back against the bed. Sighing to herself, the brunette eventually kicked off her blankets, and proceeded to pick up the fragments of her outfit off the ground. After a moment she got dressed, but this time she had replaced part of her outfit with the longer, less appealing clothes of her actual uniform. Sitting back down on the bed, Hermione began to picked at her outfit, then her nails, then twisting out pieces of her hair. Her mind was so full of confused she was dying to keep her hands moving. "Why must things keep being difficult..."

Bellatrix had arrived at the Dark Lord's hideaway asleep, with her mouth half open against Snape's shoulder. It took quite some time for her to actually come to. Opening her eyes she found herself quite shocked. "W-what?" She questioned, and then straightened herself on her own feet. "Whats going on here?" The woman snapped, grabbing Snape's arm.
Voldemort's face alone showed his emotion. Bellatrix had failed him, she was supposed to keep tabs on Lucius, find out what he was doing, find out everything. Instead, she got charmed and thrown out. He stood up and moved over to her, his forked tongue looking over her. "I have a make up assignment for you. ." He said to her as he motioned for Snape to step away, as he did obediantly. He kneeled down to her and smiled. "I want you to bring me, one Luna Lovegood." He said as he stood up. "Perhaps she will tell me the actions of Potter. He motioned for Snape to leave the room, and as Snape left, he closed the door behind him. Then he looked at Bellatrix. "Please your master. . ." He said opening his robe up.

As Lucius sat in his chair, he sipped the whiskey. He was not feeling so well but he was willing to cope. His head was in his hands and he felt like vomiting. Was it time to let the girl go? Was it time to forget this whole thing? He needed to think. .
  • Bellatrix winced as if being beaten by his words. She had disappointed her master, and that alone was a blow to her confidence. Now being told to bring a little girl made her feel even more lowly. Assignments such as this were for lower levels, it was the adult Order members she should be catching! But despite this thought, Bella didn't dare fight him. And instead, she dropped to her knees. "I know I'm unworthy of your ears now, but I must plead my apology. I must have been hexed before I even knew where Lucius was." She moved her hands forward and quickly undid the buttons on his pants. "I promise to make up for it." And within moments, Bellatrix had a thick cock down her throat, lapping away at the flesh.

    Hermione, on the other hand, wasn't excited in the least. She sat on the bed, twirling her brown locks in boredom. After at least half an hour passed, she began to feel impatient. He said he would come back! Where was that Malfoy? The muggleborn stood up off the bed, and decided to take daring action. "Lucius?" She asked quietly, waiting for an answer. But nothing came. She tip-toed towards the stairs, and found the locks to be undone. Hermione grinned.

    Grabbing the door she silently sneaked into the hallway. She couldn't remember how to get around, but the sound of crackling fire led her to the opening of his den. Glancing inside the girl saw Lucius sitting there, a glass of alcohol in his hand. "Are you alright?" She asked quietly, her innocence poking through.[/list:u]
The Dark Lord never showed his pleasure, he never showed any emotion, his face was as solemn as it always was. When she started, he moved back to his arm chair and sat down, opening his legs a little bit more so that she could get in a little more. To say Voldemort was a little fan of bondage and other things of this nature was an understatement, in fact, he loved making women gag on his cock, it gave him that feeling of power he loved to feel. He also loved making confident witches like Bellatrix herself to feel his cock down the back of her throat. With one grasp, he moved his hands to the back of her head, pulled it down and thrust his cock deeper in her. . .

The man looked up at her from her drink and sighed. His first thought was to get angry at her, his second calmed him down and the third told him to motion her over. "Have a seat." He said motioning her toward his lap. It was a big chair, and he was not the biggest man, size wise of course. He set his glass down on the table so his hands were free and proceeded to smile. Despite her coming into his humble estate, he was not too upset at her actions. He shook his head at her question, the reality of life had hit him hard. His life was in danger now, more than ever. ..
  • Bellatrix pulled herself close to the man, and moved into the very center of his crotch. With her elbows propped upon his legs the Death Eater began to bob her head up and down on his cock. She tried to go as fast as possibly, to the point where her neck became dangerously sore. But, unfortunately, it wasn't good enough for the Dark Lord. His face would never change, never let out a groan, or show any form of pleasure. It actually was quite a blow to the crazed woman, to work so hard and never get the reward of his reaction.

    Hermione stared at the man with big eyes for a moment, almost regretting the fact she had come. But then Lucius told her to come in, and she happily skipped over to his chair. The brunette curled herself in his lap, and leaned her head against his chest. Despite the past few hours, she felt even closer to the man. He was scared now, or at least, worried. The fact he showed emotion was most likely what pulled her to him. "What is wrong?" She whispered quietly, before looking up at his face. Lucius wasn't really a cruel man, deep down... He... He just had a hard time showing his other side. "It'll get better." Hermione encouraged, and gave him a nervous smile. "And... If you need any help... I can try to assist." Her face looked like an adorable porcelain doll, still innocent and pure, even though her body had been ravaged so terribly.[/list:u]
As much as the man knew she was trying, he just wasn't amused. With a sigh, he spoke, "Enough." He said as he stood and looked at Bellatrix. "Perhaps, you should carry out your assignment." He said as he closed up his robe and moved to the armchair again. He held his hand out and Nagini moved into it, and the man sighed. Perhaps, if the woman had not failed him, he would have been able to give her, the reward she deserved, but now, he had other things on his mind. Young Luna Lovegood, was an outsider as it was at Hogwarts. It would not be hard to corrupt her, to seduce her, even to probe her thoughts. . .

The man, quite frankly, was not listening to what the girl had to say. He was lost in his own thought. Another sip, and he looked at her. How would she help him? She barely had a wand, let alone anything else she would need to help him any. He opened his mouth to ask. "And how would you manage to do that?" He asked her. His voice not cold, but not warming. It was not meant to be encouraging or discouraging. It was just a question. And in his mind, a good one at that.
Bellatrix frowned to herself when the Dark Lord asked her to stop. For a moment she wanted to whine at him, or perhaps beg to continue on, but there was no use. She would probably just make him more upset, and that wouldn't end well for her at all. And so, she stood up from her spot, and straightened her dress. "Yes, sir." She muttered quietly. Stepping towards the end of the room she apparated to the Forbidden Forest.

Hermione stared at her lap, and then back up at the blonde's face. "Well... I could try and help you." The brunette laid her cheek in the crook of his neck. "I could make food, or clean things up for you...." In truth, there was little she could truly do to help him. But, she guessed, it was the thought that counted. "I guess I could just do little helper things?"
A snort could be heard as the woman left and a shadowy figure slinked out of the shadows and stood beside the dark lord. Voldemort turned to him. "Perhaps, you should get back to your post." He said to the wizard, who nodded slowly. "I have a feeling Bellatrix will ahve some. . .steam to take out on you." He said as the man Apparated back to the dungeons in which he occupied. THe man looked down at Nagini and laughed. "Besides, I like the young ones anyways." With a hiss, the snake moved up and coiled around his master's arm. He pet it lovingly. He knew Lucius had the girl, it was only a matter of time until he broke down. . .

The man looked at her. She was getting so affectionate lately. He sighed. "Be a dear and fetch me another glass of wine." He said to her. Perhaps it was time he returned her to Hogwarts. He would visit her from time to time, and put her in her place, but as of right now, he had other things on his mind. When she stood, he moved wuickly to a trunk and fetched her wand. "You may now go." He said presenting it to her. "However, should I visit, I expect you to be very accommodating." He said with a twinkle in his eye.
Bellatrix remained completely unaware of whatever situation she had left behind. Soon she was walking through the dark forest, dead twigs and leaves crunching harshly beneath her feet. In the distance she could hear some heard running - centaurs, unicorns, or perhaps an even more dangerous creature. But none of this seemed to have any effect on the crazed witch. She was far too insane to worry about her life. Within an hour or so she was scaling the right side of the Hogwarts courtyard wall. Of course, it would have been easier to walk up the steps, but Bellatrix liked to pretend she had a least a small amount of danger to go against.

Crouching down, the brunette jumped over the stone wall, and proceeded to slide through a corridor. Thankfully, Ravenclaw's were the closest to this courtyard, and it would be long before she was in the dormitories. Twenty minutes later and she had hexed to portrait hole to get in, broke through the girl's door, and put a sleeping spell on every Ravenclaw in the room. Glancing around the beds she soon spotted the blond. The strange, and now enemy of Bellatrix, Luna Lovegood. Grabbing the girl around the waist she flung her over her shoulder, and apparated back to Voldemort's hideaway.

To say the least, Hermione was shocked by Lucius' words. He was letting her leave? She moved her stunned body off of his lap, and poured a heavy amount of wine into his glass. Handing it back to him, her heart continued to pound. Looking down at the trunk she saw her clothes, her wand - her beloveds she had been torn from. But now presented with the same life, she was afraid. "But... But... What if they say something to me?" Thoughts of the Slytherin boys swarmed into her head. How terrible it would be to face them! But on the other hand, she would get to see her best friends, go back home... "I promise I won't cause trouble!" Hermione suddenly yelled, and she sat back on his lap. This time on her knees, and her hands clasped before her. "Can't I wait a little longer? I'm too scared right now! What if they ask questions or someone says something?! I'm too shaken for that!" The girl sounded absolutely insane. Why wouldn't anyone want to go away from their kidnapper? It seemed stockhold had set in, and she loved her captor.
The snake tongued man watched as two new forms appeared in his hideaway. He snorted, soon realizing that he needed to change where he was hiding. If it could be Apparated to, that meant it would be far too easy to get to by any wizard. Not that he was worried, of course. He just wanted a more secure area was all. His slit like nostrils flared as he saw the young form in front of him, and his mind thought about the horrible things he would do to the poor girl. Unfortunately for her, he was not weak like that scum Malfoy. He smiled at Bellatrix. "You've done well, my dear girl." He said to her slowly. "Now, if you would please, go relieve yourself with Snape. . ." His eyes growing wide at the girl.

As soon as Bellatrix was gone, he moved young Luna to the basement. He chained her up to the wall by her wrists, and woke her using an awakening charm. It was time to let the fun began, and he most certainly loved making young girls scream in pain or pleasure. Both were music to his ears. As soon as she came around he smiled. "Why don't you tell me about your friend Potter." He said to her. Everytime she lied, something bad would happen to her. It was just a mattter or time. . .

Back at the mansion, Lucius looked at Hermione with a crooked eye. "My dear girl." He said softly as he swirled his wine around the glass. "At first all you did was complain, and now you want to stay?" He said as he let out a noise when she plopped herself back down on him. He smiled. He knew why now. He wanted to hear her say it. He wanted her to prove it. "Why would I want you to stay longer?" He asked her with a smile. "Why don't you prove to me, that you want to stay longer.. ."
To say the least, Bellatrix was not happy when she was told to leave the room. Of course, she knew it would be the first thing from his mouth, but it didn't make the pain any less. And soon, Bellatrix walked out of the room, sulking to herself. Luna on the other hand was just now awakening, and her entire body slumped when she was chained to the wall. Finally her eyes opened, and immediately a shrill scream left her mouth. Coming face to face with Voldemort was enough to make even the calm Luna cry out.

The small blond looked around her, and squealed again when she found her arms and legs attached to a wall. Glancing back at the frighteningly pale man, her entire faced drained of color. "What am I doing here?!" She screamed. It had to be a dream, it had to be! "Let me down, you, you...." Her thoughts searched for some form of insult, but it was hardly the thing Luna kept at hand. Her quiet voice tried to raise itself again, but she was too frightened now.

Hermione herself wasn't quite sure why she wanted to stay, or even if staying was what her heart truly wanted. But at this moment, returning to Hogwarts had many more cons than staying here. But, of course, a sweet smile came to her lips when she sat on his lap. Oh, no.... That couldn't be the reason she wanted to stay! She didn't truly hold any feelings for this man... right? "You obviously wanted me to stay for a while! You were the one who bound and gagged me in the first place!" For the first time in a while, Hermione raised her voice at the man. She could obviously remember the pain she had been through, but, he seemed to have made up for it.

Sighing Hermione let her eye drop from his face. It was his face, his eyes and smirk that made her do what he wanted. She hated that he could control her so easily, but it was plain as day he did. And so, her knees quickly parted and moved to either side of his legs. Moving forward, Hermione pushed her lips ever so gently against his neck. Her tongue darted out ever moment or so to flick at his flesh. "What do you want?" She whispered quietly into his ear. Her nimble fingers were meanwhile unbuttoning his pants. One index finger ran up and down the thin line of hair that arrowed from his bellybutton to his groin.
The blond haired man, eased up a bit a sunk into his chair. As their lips touched, he brushed her hair aside, so he could look at her face more clearly. "Go on. ." He said to her softly into her ear. As she moved to unbutton his pants, he moved to unbutton her blouse, taking each his sweet time at each and every button he reached for, and his long delicate fingers moving to do as he wished. In the back of his mind, this had to be a trap. The fact that her wand was laying not three feet from them worried him a bit, and the fact that she was ontop of him, controlling his posture and where his hands were, was also not a keen thing.

Still, amongst all this, he allowed her to continue. The dear girl had to much sense to betray the man, she had to. Whether or not, he liked where this was going. Finally, with a powerful push, he took off her blouse and blazer, staring at her bra and her topless form. Looking down at the skirt, his quirked his brow. He would let her finish however. He may have hated Mudbloods, in fact just saying the word left a distaste in his mouth, and he was sure that she would be his downfall, but none of that mattered to him. At least, not yet.


The black hair of the man was in his face as he watched Bellatrix leave the room. He smiled to himself, surved her right, he supposed. She did leave the man with blue balls, something he most direly hated. As she walked out, he made himself known. "Having fun serving the dark lord Bella?" He said with a flick of his tongue. The tone of his voice, not pleasing to the ears, though at this point, he meant no harm. Sure, she might question him as to what happened, but he figured a different case.


The bald man paced infront of the blonde haired girl. "You're a feist onnnneeee." He hissed. "I like that. . " He said as he moved closer to her so that the two were eye to eye. Then, the man locked lips with the young girl, shoving his forked tongue into her mouth and feeling the her soft skin against his flesh. After a few seconds, he pulled away. "God forbid if you should lie to me. . ." Fact of the matter was, he was going to have his way, regardless of the truth, though he wanted to make things more fun. .
Hermione truly had no urge to hurt the man at all. The thought itself hadn't crossed her mind. Of course, there were obviously good reasons why she would want to betray him. To grab her wand and use a curse on him, hex his body until he lay mangled and exhausted. But Hermione wasn't feeling hateful right now. As strong as she seemed on the outside, her mind was now weakened. Lucius had made her heart flutter and mind rage more than anyone ever before, and it was bound to have an effect on her still open mind.

The brunette finished unbuttoning his pants, but then quickly moved her hands up to his chest. Her soft fingers delved beneath the fabric, and the buttons were slowly popped open. His skin was warm against her hands, and the feeling of his smooth, sculpted muscles was enough to make her quiver. When her shirt finally was popped off, she tossed it to the ground, leaving her in her bra. Now it was easy to see her breasts rise and fall as she pulled off his own shirt. Pushing her chest against his, she kissed him harshly once more. Oh yes, Hermione did have feelings for this Death Eater. Her hands finally went back down to his pants where she pulled the edges down enough to reveal a hardening mound inside his undergarments. "And if I can prove that to you, do I stay here?"


Bellatrix sent a glare Snape's way when she heard his voice. "I always do, Snevillus." She spat, bringing back old Hogwarts names. The pale woman walked towards him, her shoes clacking loudly against the stone floor. "I wouldn't try pestering me at this point, Snape. You know I'm stronger than you are, and right now I don't even think Fenrir would bother me." Despite her strong words, she stood quite a bit shorter than this man, and her hallowed cheeks only made her look weaker. But with her hand tightly around her wand, she did have the advantage for now.


Luna nearly puked inside her mouth when she felt his tongue against her lips. Her eyes closed hastily, and once he backed off she stuck her tongue out in disgust. "I haven't lied!" She cried back, her voice still barely above a normal tone. She had such a soft personality it was hard to show anger. But now, tied to a wall, this new emotion was filling her. She wanted to destroy him and go home, or to go tell Dumbledore and the Minister. But there was not much the small blonde could do. "I never even said anything about Harry... And I won't. Because there isn't anything I know that you probably don't."
A sly smily grew across the man's face. His hand caressed the inside of her thigh and he nodded his head slowly. As it seemed, the young Mudblood had Stockholm Syndrome, something from the muggle world that he once thought he would never have to come into contact with. It wasn't a matter of he didn't think it would happen to Hermione, it was more of a matter of he didn't think he would kidnap anyone. As she kissed him, he was reluctant to kiss back, but she just kept pushing against him. She was pressed into him and his bulge was evident.

The man moved to unbutton her skirt, and threw it aside. "Show me that you want to stay. . " He said to her softly as he set his drink down on the table beside them. Hermione was better than Narcissa in all aspects. She was more beautiful, she actually wanted him, and she wanted to stay. She didn't nag or do anything to upset the man. After this little affair, he actually had to make his appearance at the Ministry, though he was not sure how he was going to hide the girl. . .


Snape knew the threat was a false one. He moved closer to her, in a snake like manner. Quickly, he grabbed her wand wrist and shoved her up against the wall. He kissed her neck tenderly and looked up at her. "Fenrir doesn't quite have as much lust as I have." He said as he kissed her neck again. He hated when she used his Hogwarts name, and he knew he could control her wand hand. "Come on, how do you feel. . " He said with a laugh. In a second, they were both Apparated to the Hogwarts Dungeon. The large wooden door was locked, as it always was.


The bald headed man was confused by this girl. However, his response angered the man. His wand pointed at her neck as he moved closer. "Well, you better figure out what I know and what I don't." His tone angry. Moving quickly, he ripped her shirt open, sending buttons falling everyone. If she knew what was good for her, she would comply.
  • Hermione's eyes lit up like fire when he nodded. The simple gesture made her heart pound with excitement. Moving her fingers quickly, she undid the clasp on her skirt, and hiked it up to her waist. The brunette slid forward against him, and with a bit of contortionist skill, she was able to pull off her panties. Soon her small hands were down at his crotch, pulling his member out of it's cage. "You know I do." Her lips went against his neck while her hand began to quickly stroke his length.

    But in a matter of seconds he was stiff as a rock, and Hermione positioned herself above him. With one quick drop she was fully penetrated by the Death Eater. "Oh!" She moaned into his ear. Her hands grabbed on to his shoulders, and she evened out her weight before raising her body. After a few moments of situating, Hermione was riding on his cock like a madwoman, and the room filled with the sound of her wet entrance lapping against his cock.


    Bellatrix immediately flared when her hand was grabbed. For a moment she shook violently against him, thrashing back and forth from the wall. "I told you to leave me be!" The woman hissed, and her dark eyes meet his own beetle-like orbs. Still a bit hazy, Bellatrix didn't quite understand what was happening as they apparated. All she knew was that her surroundings had changed. "Really, Snevillus?" Bellatrix was very aware that Snape hated this name, which was probably why she used it in such an annoyed state. "Taking me to Hogwarts?" Still in his grasp, her wrists wriggled out from his hands. "Can't you entertain yourself for a night?"


    Luna could help but squeal as her buttons flew onto the ground. Her eyes were closed tight, and her head was pushed back against the wall. "Okay!" She yelled hastily. But in truth, the Ravenclaw was almost too frightened to talk. Her normal pleasant and calm composure had been torn away, leaving her in a state of utter confusion. "Harry... Harry isn't very good at Transfiguration... " She blabbed for a moment. It was useless knowledge, but it was the first thing that stuck out in her mind. "And he has a crush on Ginny Weasly!"[/list:u]
The man strained a groan as his member was shoved into her. Soon, she was riding him like a bull and he was enjoying every minute of it. The room had sounds of him in her and the sounds of his grunting and wanting more of her. Perhaps the Stockholm Syndrome was setting in on him as well? Couldn't be. Though there was a chance. Matter of factly, he couldn't think about that now, all he was thinking about was how good she felt on him, and how much she needed him with him. For each of her downward thrusts, he had an upward thrust with his hips to meet her. He positioned his hands on her hips and helped her with each movement.

After a few minutes, the man grew tired. His body, sticky with sweat and likewise, his blonde hair stuck to his face. He felt up and down her body, but he could tell they were both growing tired. He decided to move and pick her up, walking over to the dinner table and setting her down, so he had ample room to thrust into her. He was getting close, ever so close. . .


The dark haired man smiled at her. "Can't you?" He said as he slunk over to her, his slender fingers tugging at her blouse, his other hand moving to unbutton it. "Don't act like you don't want it." He said to her via whisper into her ear. He moved his hand down toward her skirt, and stuck his hand in it. Feeling her through her panties. He knew she could say no, but chances were, she wouldn't. At least, he hoped she wouldn't.


Lightbulbs flared in the man's head. "Bella?" He called. He had another victim for her to grab. When she didn't answer, he swore under his breath but looked at Luna with eyes full of intent. The Transfiguration comment didn't really affect him, but if he could get that damned Weasley, things could be better. He smiled. "Move on. . ." He said as his cold hands felt her exposed body. Trying to make her feel uncomfortable. Trying to make her feel something. Maybe other feelings would come out, maybe not.
Hermione tried her hardest to keep up a fast pace, but as the moments crawled on, she too began to feel tired. With her hands gripping his shoulders tightly, her thrusts slowly became less frequent. But, as if Lucius has delved into her thoughts, she was soon saved from exhaustion. He picked up her fragile body and set it on the dining table. Hermione took a moment to situate herself, and then pushed her hips down against his. Now the push of his body was strong and hard, and the brunette moaned in pleasure.

After a few more minutes, her lower body became numb. The waves of pleasure centered in her core, and sent a few last tingles to the tips of her fingers. Hermione then threw her head back against the table, and let out a loud groan. "Oh, Lucius!" She cried, before feeling her body become lifeless. An extreme feeling of weightlessness filled her, and electrical shots ran through her body. "Mmmhmmmumm...."


"Severus!" Bellatrix yelled sharply when her shirt opened up. Oh, yes, she wanted to give it. But the overriding sense of anger was more powerful. Within a few moments she heard the Dark Lord's snake-like voice. "Snape!" She hissed between her teeth. "You can't keep me from him! We will bo-" Her voice was cut off by the cold fingers delving beneath her skirt. Like the turning-off of a light switch, Bellatrix seemed to melt into the man's arms. For some reason his fingers had touched just the right place, and now she was weak in the knees. "Don't you think it is wrong to be out in his corridor?" It sounded awfully odd for Bellatrix to even consider what was 'wrong' in the situation, but perhaps sex changed her for the moment.


Luna cringed when cold flesh touched her own. The ghastly sight of his grey flesh against hers was enough to even frighten Lovegood. "... Ginny and Harry like each other..." She whispered for a moment, still shocked by the bald man. "But they don't talk about it..." The blond twitched as his fingers went over her stomach, and she pushed her cheek against the cold stone wall. "So neither of them know that they have a chance."
Lucius himself was getting tired, and when he thought he could go no more. He climaxed into her, collapsing on top of her. After a few moments of panting, he stood up and grabbed her hand. Leading her upstairs into the master bedroom and into the bathroom. Into the shower they went, he turned the water on and adjusted it to his own personal liking, which was a little on the hot side. Though, he thought it was still comfortable. Once under the water, he kissed the girl and wrapped his arms around her, at this point, the man truly loved her. How could that be?


Snape looked up at the woman. "He can wait." He said as his hand slipped inside her panties, and he pushed her up against the door, pinning her there with his body. Using his body, he forced her to sit down and he slid his middle finger into her, feeling around her pussy like he had done before. He kissed her harshly. "Take a load off." He said as he fucked her with his finger. He brushed some of his own hair out of his face. He knew, that she was vulnerable, and he knew he shouldn't take advantage of that, but in his own mind, she would do the same thing. . .
Hermione was weak against his body as she followed him up the stairs. Her steps were small and sluggish, but after stepping into the shower, she regained some energy. As the water hit her skin and pulled the grime away from her, a new energy filled her core. She had the ability to smile and move gracefully, without feeling nervous or tired. After the short kiss Hermione smiled at the man. "I don't have to sleep in the basement anymore." She cooed, before giggling to herself.

The muggleborn's arms went around his neck, and she leaned against his chest for a moment. "And later I can help you settle out your 'Dark Lord' problems." Despite the dire situation, Hermione was smiling and content. It was so nice to have this inner joy But while she felt nice, she herself wasn't sure if love was a word to describe this relationship. But then again, what did a fifth year student know about love?


Bellatrix wriggled beneath his weight, and tried to thrash her way out of the situation. The sweat and dirt that covered her was getting irritating, and having another body against her didn't help matters. Soon Snape was fully abusing her body, grabbing and throbbing in areas private to most of the world. "Snape!" She yelled harshly, before digging her nails into his skin. "Stop it! Just because I take pity on you sometimes and put out doesn't mean you can fool around any time you want!" With her eyes closed tightly the Death Eater leaned forward and bit onto his shoulder. To be honest, though, who knew if she actually was trying to make him stop.
The man nodded at her comment. "Yes, but first I have to make a trip to the ministry." He said, knowing full well that he had missed multiple days of work. He was taken aback by her comment about the Dark Lord problems, and finally, turned the shower off. He stepped out of the shower and moved to get dressed. Draping new, fresh robes over his attire. Putting, his wand into the cane, he looked at her. "Would you like to come?" He asked with a small smile. He figured he had to keep her in his sights at all times. Though, he claimed to himself it was love, was he really sure?

As he moved quickly, towards the phone booth, with the girl tagging behind him. In the world, the man walked at a quick pace. He probably was going at a power walk, which for him, was a fast walk. Getting into the phone book, he waited for her to come in and closed the door behind him. To be honest, it was tough to hide the girl, but finally they got to his office with anyone the wiser. Setting his coat on a rack and closing the door and blinds. He sat down and started doing work, leaving the girl to her own device.


Severus moved quickly and stood up. "Fine, go to the Dark Lord." He said in anger as he moved quickly to create the potion that he would be covering in class the next day. Take pity. . Bah. Too bad Rudolphus doesn't give two shits about her, and he was the only one who used her for her body. No one else would like to touch her like he did. He let her go, besides, he probably had rabies or something right now from her biting him. He licked off his finger of her juices and paid no attention to the woman.
The water was a relief to her body, and soon she was clean once more. "The Ministry?" Hermione's voice asked quietly. Her last visit to the Ministry had been... Well... Never. She had never been to the Ministry of Magic, but Harry had told her a few stories about the place. From his point of view, it was crowded, frightening, and overwhelming. This time might not be any different. "I guess I wouldn't mind going with you." A small smiled trailed onto her face, and she too was soon out of the shower. After drying off the girl threw on the same old school uniform, except this time she left her tie on the floor.

Soon they were walking quickly through the crowds of people, into a phone booth, and then inside an office. The entire experience was a blur to Hermione, and once they finally stood still her head seemed to spin. "Is this your office?" The muggleborn quietly cooed. Her eyes glanced around the entire room. It wasn't nearly as grand as the office he probably had at home, but it still had a Malfoy air to it. Walking towards a shelf of book she ran her fingers over the titles. "Wizard Economic Portfolios, 1939 Issue. Why on earth do you need a book so old?" She giggled at the rest of the names as well. It was all so fake, some strange cover up. Or perhaps all Ministry members did this to make others think they cared. "Oh yeah, I think I need new clothes, by the way." She turned back to him with soft puppy dog eyes. It wasn't as if it would cost him a fortune to buy her clothes, anyway. And if it did he was one of the most wealthy wizards in the world!


After a moment of recollection, Bellatrix did feel a bit remorseful. And that was a lot coming from a person who killed without discretion. But one had to admit, Snape did quite a bit for her that no one else did. In the whole of things, though, Voldemort was her most important aspect. Without him, she was nothing. "Thank you." The woman hissed, before walking past him and back into the throne room. "My lord?" She cried once inside. "You called me?"
The tall, pale man moved quickly and expected her to keep up with him. The pair was back in Malfoy manner, and the place was empty. Draco and Narcissa must have been on vacation to the Quidditch Cup, and event that was only one game, but people went for the atmosphere and usually for weeks at a time. It had just started, so they wouldn't be back for awhile. Downstairs on the bed that was Hermione's new home, her Gryffindor robes and her skirt and everything was laid out nicely by the maid, along with the tiny red vibrator that had found it's home in her pussy for that day. The maid was good at knowing what he wanted, and also good and not slipping up to the rest of the Malfoy clan.

Closing the door behind him, he looked down at her. "Well, make your way to your room." He said, clearly stressed out. He let out a sigh and moved toward the liquor cabinet. Pulling out and examining different bottles that were filled with different potions and liquids. He took one of the muggle drinks and poured himself one over ice and followed the girl downstairs. Sitting on an armchair in the corner, he let out another sigh and sipped and nursed his drink. It had been a long day, and the Dark Lord was starting to get on his case about things. He needed to come up with a valid excuse to why he was darting. Perhaps he would let her return to school for awhile and do his duties as a Death Eater.

As he was thinking, he turned and just looked at the girl. His eyes seemed to just burn a hole in her. It wasn't out of spite, but he found himself just staring, and wondering what to do about the whole situation. Putting his cane to the side, he just pondered. He simply had no idea. Leaning back into the chair, he watched her every movement.
At first Hermione wasn't too keen on going to the Malfoy Manor. She didn't like the idea of running into Draco, or worse - Narcissa finding her with Lucius. But at this point the witch wasn't going to argue with Lucius. She could tell by the look on his face that he was stressed and was not in the mood to deal with her worries. But hen again, had he ever given much thought to her preferences?

After being led into a room that was deemed her own Hermione was actually a bit excited to be there. It was rather lavish, for a hidden room accessible only through Lucius's personal office. There was a vanity and dresser made from a light ash wood, with beautiful engravings of various gods and goddesses - along with a few nymphs here and there. Her bed was large and looked even more comfortable than the basement bed had been. In fact, the first thing Hermione did once inside was hopping on the mattress and testing its springiness.

The brunette giggled with delight when she found it to be the perfect mixture of bouncy and soft - just how she liked it. But when she caught sight of Lucius again her smile faded. "What is it?" Hermione asked, slowly getting off the bed and walking towards where he sat. She stared at him for a minute and then sat down in his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck. "What's wrong Lucius?" Her voice was soft and caring, but she still sounded awfull curious. "You got away with so much. You should be excited!"
The man looked at her with a certain look, to the extent that he was not messing around this time. He looked down at her and let out a harsh scoff. Why was she acting like such a little kid? She lost her innocence when her fucked her the first time, and she started liking it. He sighed as he looked toward her bed and looked back down. "You just don't understand." He said, finishing his drink and setting it down next to him.

The man brushed the hair out of his face and watched as he thought about it. She was so happy, even though she was being held captive against her will. Her friends were probably all looking for her, as she had not been around for days, weeks, maybe even a month. He had no clue as to how long it had been since she had been taken.

With another groan, and another sigh, he looked back down at her and started to touch her body. Moving his hands under her clothes and feeling her bare skin, he ran his hand up and down her stomach and her legs, and leaned toward her head, sticking his tongue in her mouth, and feeling around, mainly focusing on her tongue, and her cheeks. Pulling his tongue out, moved to her ear and whispered. "Make me feel better."
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