Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

Hermione should have expected what came next. Suddenly she was grabbed, but upon inspection no one was behind her. But oh, she knew who it was. With a sigh, she soon felt the oncome of the apparating, and they were back in the second house. Looking down she now saw Lucius, his hands slowly becoming visible once more. Rocking in his lap, she tried to break free, but quickly stopped moving. There was no point in her fighting. Even if she was somehow able to get free, this thing would never get out. Besides, she was far too tired to argue for long. And even if he was somewhat evil against her, his lap was rather comfortable...

"No!" She yelled back. "I almost got in trouble because of you..." She whined, and then closed her eyes, leaning her head back against his shoulder. Hermione wasn't going to lie. Mr. Malfoy was attractive, and strong... It was like a nice little fantasy. But soon, she was pulled out of her thoughts, and the vibrator was pulled out of her. A sigh of relief left her, and she collapsed against the man. "Now don't put that back in..." She ordered quietly.

But then, her hole was filled once more, and she whined. "Can't you let me be? I'm exhausted and so sore..."
A crude laugh escaped the man's lips, and he was almost disappointed that she wasn't even enjoying the attention she was receiving from him. "You don't like this?" He asked her as his fingers explored her deeper. Slowly, he adjusted them, moving his back against the headboard of the bed, and using his own legs to spread hers farther apart. Her head was still leaned against her shoulder, and as he thought, she was enjoying this. Even if she should not admit it. He swapped his index finger for his ring finger, and fingered her with the two middle fingers. He stuck his tongue out and licked the right side of her face, showing his dominance. . .

While he was distracting her with his finger job, and he knew he was good. He would make Narcissa moan for hours with his skillful fingers. Narcissa! He had almost forgotten about his wife. He was very experienced in this matter. His long hair, falling over part of her shoulder as well as his. His other hand, slowly handcuffed her hands behind her back. Anything she wanted to do now, she had to go through him. Regardless of what it was. His fingers were moist with her juices, and with that, he moved his other hand back around her waist.

The realization of the fact that he had to go back to Malfoy Manner was one he did not want to think about. Sure, he still loved Narcissa, both as his wife and as the mother of her children, but truth was truth. He was no longer attracted to her. He was attracted to the young blood. The virgins of the world. Hermione was a perfect fit for him. Something he could mold as his sexual lover, and Narcissa could be his companion. She didn't writhe like he wanted his partners to do, she just moaned. Something he was sure she was faking. . .
Hermione closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out what was happening. To be honest, she wanted to roll over on the bed and sleep... But of course, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. The brunette whimpered a bit when she felt his tongue against her cheek. It was disgusting. Her laying here, being tied up, and fingers pushing into her sore slit. Her ass her, her entire hole continued to feel like it was buzzing. It was tormenting, this game he was playing with her. "I told you, my body is raw right now... It hurts."

Still, she couldn't deny that despite the soreness, she did feel good. It was the little things that were turning her on more than his fingers. The blond hair that was cascading over her shoulder, the heavy breath that he let out next to her ear, how warm his skin was... Blast! She didn't want to like the situation. She wanted to hate it. If only she could deny everything he was doing, tell him that she hated it. But she couldn't bring herself to tell that much of a lie. And after a moment, any hopes of coming off like she hated it were gone.

A soft moan escaped her, this one much more innocent than the times before when she had been in class. Her chest was going up and down at a fast pace as her breath quickened. "Mmm.... M-malfoy..." She whispered quietly, her eyes softening.
Slowly, his fingers withdrew from her hole. It was about eleven in the P.M. He unlatched the handcuffs and weaseled his way from underneath her, causing her to lay there, with her panties pushed to the side. Though she still had her uniform on. Malfoy put his moist fingers into his mouth and tasted her. Yum. . He moved back toward her, and planted a kiss on her lips, pausing only a moment, so he could shove his tongue into her mouth, and taste what her other hole had for him. After the passionate, yet maybe sloppy kiss, he moved toward the door. He would let her rest for now. "Goodnight." He said slowly as he retired up the stairs. She could blow out the lights when she needed to, and since she didn't have her wand, he wasn't too threatened.

After closing the large, heavy wooden door, he locked it in three different places. Finally, after his usual closing glass of wine, he retired to his room, so he could call Narcissa via Floo Network. After making up an excuse about how it was taking way longer than it needed to, he moved back toward the bed, and lay down. For what it was worth, the bed that she has was much softer and fluffier than the bed he himself had to sleep on. He supposed that was the trade off. With a flick of his wand, the light turned off and the blond haired man, drifted into a much needed sleep. . .

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he could say he was maybe falling for the girl. She knew when to keep her mouth shut, she was smart, and further more, she was much attractive than anyone had previously pondered. What kind of man was he becoming? Attracted to Mudbloods. That was why he was in the situation he was in. She would still be his pet, nothing more. He figured his feelings were nothing more than the love any other person shared for their cat or dog. Or was it? Was he getting soft? Only time would tell. . .
Hermione was rather surprised when Lucius let her lay down. She pulled her wrists to her chest, and rubbed the red skin against her. She felt a sudden kiss, and was rather taken aback. It was far less demanding, and much more caring than his other actions - despite the random slip of his tongue. She watched him leave with big brown eyes, and then laid her head against a pillow. "I shouldn't be here..." She whispered to herself. Pulling the covers over her, she cuddled into the bed. It was quite a soft bed. Much better than what Hogwarts had to offer.

Oh, thats where she should be! Not in some damned basement. She was going to get into so much trouble for this... She wouldn't be able to tell the professors of Mr. Malfoy because of the potion. They would accuse her of sneaking out, she would be suspended, and sent home, and, and-!

The brunette let out a heavy sigh. She shouldn't worry so much over things she couldn't control. Rolling over, she decided to let the light flicker through the night. Pushing a hand under her pillow, she found her self so perfectly comfortable that she almost immediately fell asleep. And in her dreams, the constant face of Lucius was appearing to her. It was strange. She hated him so much, but for some reason, she wanted his attention. Not so much for the pleasure, but the fact that he was in fact a MAN. Not a boy like Ron. He was strong, tall, powerful, rich, gorgeous! He was perfect, well, except for the fact he hated mudbloods and worked for Voldemort.
The morning rolled around far quicker than he would have imagined. Slowly, the man got up from his bed, and walked down the stairs and into the basement which held the girl. The fun would really begin today. He would put her on display for him and if she did a good job, he would reward her. He set out a set of robes and uniform for her. The skirt was cut much shorter than usual, and the shirt was cut short as well. She would wear no panties. He grasped two pairs of handcuffs and was ready. He would put her on display for the good students of Slytherin House and they would be able to have their way with her. . .after him of course.

Slowly, he made his way and moved on top of her. She was still under her covers, and he looked down at the girl. She still wore her school uniform, she had nothing else to wear. With great care, he moved her covers to reveal her underneath, and turned her onto her back. Putting one hand and grasped her wrist and pinned her against the bed. He leaned down, his hair hanging in her face, tickling her nose and her upper lip and he planted a wakeup kiss on the girl's lips, parting them with his tongue, and exploring the inside of her mouth.

The man was straddled over her. The top part uncovered only, the bottom part with the skirt was still hidden beneath the covers. He had still yet to see her in the flesh, and today. . today he would train her to be his pet. Therefore, she would never be able to get away and there would be no question as to what was going on in her mind. Even Mudbloods had a purpose. . .
Hermione slept surprisingly well for the situation. She curled herself into the covers, the soft bed quite a relief compared to her previous nights at Hogwarts. Whether or not she wanted to admit it, this was one of those few lush things she liked about the situation. The brunette was still in a deep sleep when Lucius climbed on top of her. The cold air began to hit her chin though after he pulled the covers back, and she made a soft whining noise. Oh, she didn't want to wake up...

Slowly she cracked one eye open, though the girl was still half-asleep, so she wasn't quite sure if this was a dream or reality. Lucius' lips crushed against hers, and her head sunk into the pillow. But the teenager didn't fight him. She took his kiss with an almost wanting look, and once it was over, she merely laid her head back on the plush pillow. Perhaps it would be easier not to fight this man. Maybe things would be easier if she was a 'good girl'.

Trying to make herself seem more helpless, and less of a threat, she moved her other wrist from under the pillow, and out across from her. If he wanted to pin her down, at least now she wouldn't get as many red marks around her hands. "W-what time is it?" She groaned. Even if she was being used as a pet now, she was still a teenager. And she wanted her sleep.
"Seven." The voice said softly. Not loud enough to draw en echo from the room they were in. She had a long day ahead of her. He understood how she would need her sleep, and after the day, she would get ample enough sleep. The girl should think of sleep as her reward, as to the task today, by the end, she would be exhausted. Something that she only thought she knew what it was before the end of today. He was not playing around anymore. Well, okay, he still was playing around with her, just not in the sense that anyone would find out soon.

As she moved her hand out, Lucius frowned. He wanted a bit of a struggle from her, it always made things more interesting. The girl, had she gone to bed directly after he had left her, would have enjoyed approxamatley 7 hours, being that he left her at midnight. That was all she needed for the day. Another kiss, one for her to wake up. When that didn't work as well as he had expected, he moved his left hand underneath the covers, and into her skirt. Perhaps this would stir the sleeping giant. . .

On the way down, his hand caressed the smooth skin of her legs, feeling the inside part, before returning back under her skirt. He played with her a bit, through the panties, and made another loop of the same couple of parts. "Wake up dear." He said softly. His voice chortling for her. His undeniable tone, that of want, and lust. He took both hands and started to unbutton the school blazer, then moving to the blouse, hoping to reveal what he wanted most. . .her body.
Hermione groaned when she heard the time. That was far too early... Today was supposed to be a day with a free period in the morning. Sleeping till at least nine. Slowly the girl opened her other eye a bit, so that two brown slits were looking up at him. She saw the figure of Lucius, the outline of his face and hair, but she was still only half realizing what was going on. And soon, his hand was beneath the covers, toying with her skin once more.

Immediately the young girl squirmed. She pulled her arm down and gripped the sheets. Note to self, pleasurable movements had a much more intense result when one was just waking up. Her toes squeezed together, and her eyes finally opened up. Moving a fist to her face she rubbed her eyes, and then finally got an focused look at the morning. She watched him for a moment, and then noticed that his hands were at her clothing... Even though he had technically 'raped' her, he had still not seen her naked. It was something she could fight to keep her own.

"Stop it!" Hermione snapped, putting her hands on his wrists. But the fact she would try and stop him was almost humorous. Her hands had to almost be half the size of his, and her arms were quite small compared to the muscle that hid beneath his clothing. Any sort of fight she had was pointless, but it didn't matter to her. It was 'the thought that counted'. "Why can't you just leave me be? I didn't do anything to you!" She fussed, and then tried to tug on his wrists, pulling him away from her clothes.
Perhaps the girl overlooked the fact that he was bigger than her. Perhaps she over looked the fact that he was stronger than she was. Perhaps the biggest thing she overlooked was that fact that he didn't care she didn't do anything to him. The struggle had knocked the covers off of her and tangled them around Lucius's legs and dangling on the ground, but still they fought. This was it. He was actually going to physically rape her. His large hands working on her blouse, and with a forceful show of strength, pulled as hard as he could causing it to rip.

Using the moment of ripping as a moment to strike, he got off of her enough so he could turn her onto her frontside and he had her back, and using his large hands, he grasped her wrists and pulled off the blazer, taking only a moment to realize that the top half of her body was to the bare air now. Not taking much time at all, he carefully exposed himself releasing his cock. The thing stood at 9.5 inches and was ready to do some damage. Without even bothering with the skirt, he grasped the panties hard, causing them to rip off. Now, the fun began.

In one swift thrust of his hips, one swift jolt, his member penetrated her virgin hole. Granted, while she had orgasmed before, no one had officially entered her. Well, at least to Lucius. Her hole was tight around his penis, causing Malfoy to goan in ecstacy of the situation. He let her wrists go, so his hands could move to her hips in order to keep her there, and they tightly grasped her. Another thrust, and the long day for Ms. Granger began. . .
Hermione whined like a child when she was turned onto her stomach. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to not think of what was actually happening. There was a pit in her stomach, churning, as if she was about to vomit. But she didn't come anywhere close to fulfilling that act, no, she merely let her eyes sting with tears. Within moments, her upper half was bare, and the cold air breezed against her skin. Goosebumps covered her back and arms, and she shivered against the warm bed.

A few tears hit the white covers, and stained the soft material. And then, all of a sudden, a loud scream filled the room. She felt an inner ripping, as if her insides were being teared in two. Hermione cried out again, yelling loudly, an obvious pain consuming her. "Stop it M-Malfoy!" The brunette yelled. That seemed to come out of her a lot lately. 'Stop'. But it never did any good. Lucius cared nothing of her feelings.

She pushed against the bed, as if trying to escape from his tight hold on her body. The constant throbbing inside her made her want to scream again, but she refrained. Being quiet now, besides from a soft whining, she could hear the thrusting Lucius was making, her entire hole being filled with him. Biting into her lip the girl lay there, crying and hurt.
With each thrust of his powerful hips, the deeper the cock into her awaiting pussy, and the more he thrust, the moer violent the thrusts became. At a point, his thrusting was so hard, so violent, the bed began to move. The wooden bedposts had metal ends, which were scraping across the bottom of the floor, causing a loud screech. The man could hear his own thrusts, his own grunts, and could feel the sweat running down his body, only to be absorbed by his robes. He didn't care though, he would pay somebody to wash them. The faster he thrust, the harder he gripped her thighs. He was in, to be simply put a lust induced rage. . .

Any insecuritiies he had, anything he didn't like, and anything he was thinking about, in a negative fashion was being taken out within his thrusts. He wanted her to face him. He wanted to see her face when she finally would orgasm, or when he came inside of her. He wanted to see the horror in her eyes and he wanted her to see how pleased he had been. He stopped thrusting, only enough to flip her on her back and to remove the rest of his clothes. It wasn't very long. Before she could utter any words, he thrust as hard as he could into her again, and pinned her arms against the bed, just soaking in the look of horror that had implanted itself on her face.

The long hair hung in his face, as slowly the thrusting slowed, and finally came to a stop. He was tired, but he felt great, and with one final thrust, fired his load into her sweet, sweet crevace. As he pulled out, he sunk to his knees and spoke slowly. "In the corner of the room" He started slowly. "You will find a shower. . use it and be back here in fifteen minutes." She was lucky to get fifteen. He didn't know how long he lasted, but he did know that he enjoyed that immensley. All doubts and concerns he had were gone. He would ready the butt plug, the rope, and the camera for tonight, but first. He would watch her. . .
Hermione was crushing herself farther against the bed with each thrust. Every time he moved, she tried to get away from him as best she could. But suddenly, any imaginary tranquility she had formed was turned to mist. Her body was flipped over, and she was forced to face him, and take in everything that was happening. It made her want to scream, or claw at his wrists, but she was too scared. The look on his face showed everything that was running through his head. He was the Death Eater, who fell short compared to others. The father, whose son wasn't exactly living up to standards. Anything that might of upset him was now glaring back at her, and she cringed.

Even if she had wanted to enjoy the situation, he was going far too rough for her to try to. Her once virgin hole was being ravaged, and there was no way such a new comer could enjoy his actions. Finally though, amidst her crying and whining, he slowed. A sigh came from her, it was over. But then the girl was surprised to feel something enter her. Something new, and warm. As he finally pulled out, she saw a string of cum that was still attached to his member. Wizards hardly had sex ed at school, everything she knew came from rumors or flaunting students. This was... semen?

The student in her looked down curiously, but the rape victim just continued to tear up. Within moments she hopped off the bed, and ran towards the corner he had spoken of. Of course, it was still fairly dark, and she did bump into a few objects on the way. But within a few minutes she had rid herself of any scraps of material left on her body, and stepped into the shower. Turning on the warm water, she pushed her head underneath, trying to rid herself of the actions that just happened. The thoughts and the memories that would scar her forever.
The man sat panting, leaning up against the bed. He knew what he had done, and to be frank, he wasn't really too happen with himself. Lust had taken over. As soon as he had smelt the girl's subtle scent, he couldn't be town away. He ran the thing over in his mind. He should have just gone slow, he shouldn't have been out to hurt the fragile girl like she was. Even if she was a mudblood. Even then, he would be lying if he would have said he didn't want more. Sex with Narcissa was no where near that good. Not even close. There was no way. He heard the water turn on and let out a sigh, he was finding himself wanting more with her..

Perhaps he would make a potion. Perhaps he would make a potion where the past three days, all she would remember was hanging out with her muggle parents and living the muggle life. Though that was something he doubted he could do. Her hole most have been sore, as there had been nonstop action within it for many hours. He almost felt the need to console her but the words never came to him. What the hell was the rapist supposed to say to his victim?

The long haired man moved toward her, still being naked, he had no clothes to remove. Standing next to her under the shower, he let out another sigh, this one a sigh of remorse. He obviously wasn't happy with what he did. His hand moved to touch her, resting itself on her thigh as he pulled her closer to him. His mouth close to her ear he whispered. "You will learn to love this. . " He said as his hand moved to her pussy. The very thing which he had just ravaged. Slowly his fingers worked, not in her, simple massaging the area and around it, trying to soothe it.
Hermione sighed as she stood under the warm water. There were still burning tears running down her cheeks, keeping her eyes a bright red shade. There was no way to describe how she felt at that moment. Hurt, betrayed, empty, victimized- nothing seemed to show how terrible things were. Letting out a loud sniffle, she took a washcloth from the rack, and rubbed it against a white bar of soap.

Slowly she lathered up her body, covering her sensitive skin with suds. Letting the warm water rinse off the bubbles, she heard the shower door open. "What do you want?" She asked in an annoyed tone, but her voice was still shaking. As much as she hated this man, after how much he had hurt her, Hermione didn't push him away. His touch was much more gentle now, a soothing rub against her raw skin.

"I highly doubt that." The brunette snapped. Despite this and her other actions, she ended up leaning back against him, the back of her head against his chest. She wanted comfort, even it was from the man who had hurt her.
The pale man did what he was good at. Manipulating the situation. His delicate fingers massaged her, stopping only at her clit and them moving back. He wasn't going to make her, but he wanted her to orgasm again. He wanted her to embrace her body. He felt her head against her chest, and the warm running of the water. He pulled her down onto his lap and spread her legs further. "Give in." He whispered into her ear. "Give in to your lust, your urges." He said, rubbing her still. His other hand slid across her stomach, holding her in place. His fingers were experts, exploring every region, every crevice, leaving nothing untouched.

The man knew she was annoyed with him. He knew she was hurting and he knew what she was feeling. He knew how vulnerable she was, which was why she was giving in so wasy to him, with her head on his chest, seemingly enjoying every minute of his touch. It would be a shame that she would be the sex toy of the Slytherin upperclassman soon, but for now, they were connecting. He would always have this relationship with her. Nothing more, nothing less. She would soon seek his comfort for everything he would put her through. Something that he questioned himself. Maybe he did deserve Azkaban, should he get caught. Hell, maybe he deserved the death sentence.

Though she was having a good time, his mind couldn't help but wander. What would the dark lord say? He would want to use her for himself. That was something that Lucius probably could not bare. The dark lord? He hated him anyways, he always talked down to him, why would he offer him a treat? He worked for him, mostly out of fear than anything. But what wasn't to fear? Only one boy had survived the Death Curse, one mere boy. Someone who could have probably been killed by other means. The shower brought him back to reality. His wet hair, clinging to his face. .
Hermione raised a brow at the man, as if somewhat amused. "My urges are for sleep, not for sex, mind you." She said matter-of-factly, before moving forward, making his grasp on her somewhat looser. She flipped her head over, and let the water run into her curls, turning them into a wet mess. Looking like quite the monster from the front, she poured shampoo into her palms, before lathering it through her locks. He had told her to shower, to get cleaned up. That was what she was going to do, even if he couldn't keep his hands off of her.

After scrubbing for a few minutes, she let the warm water rinse away all the soap, careful to keep her eyes shut as to not irritate them. Sighing, she finally flipped her hair back over - which she was almost positive gave Lucius a mouthful of water. Running her fingers through her hair, she found her self satisfied with her cleanliness. "If you were going to come in here, shouldn't you at least wash up?" The brunette asked.

She handed him the soap and washcloth, and then try to pushed his hands away from her crotch. Even if he was being gentle now, she didn't want to played with. She had been tortured for the past half hour, and the entire day before that. She was sick of it. "Besides - don't you have a wife you can go have sex with instead of keeping me from school?"
The pale haired man quirked his brow at her slowly. What did she think she was doing? Did she not remember the events that had just taken place? He shook his head and gave her this time to get away, though next time she would be punished. "Fine, I'll take you back to school." He said in a sneer. "Though your clothes and stuff are ripped up. But don't worry, I have extras and they are just your size." He said as he thought about how hot she would look in the clothes that he had prepared for her fun today. He decided she was right, grabbed the bar of soap and started to wash his cock off, not bothering to get anything else besides.

Finally, he turned the shower off. He almost ignored her when she mentioned Narcissa. He hated it when people brought her into the equation. He was going to oblige and take her back to school, though it wasn't book learning she was going to be doing. He got her uniform out. It was a short skirt, one that would barely cover her ass, a short, tied blouse, and a blazer that barely covered that. There were no panties for her to wear, no bra. He looked at her, giving her a look that almost wanted her to change immediately. He was also bringing some things with him.

The girl wouldn't have much of a choice not to change. It was a matter of he had a wand and she didn't and even if she did, he was a much better duelist that she was, that was for damn sure. He moved away, letting her change in peace, though that was just a trivial thing. In all reality, her changing into that new uniform wasn't even going to do anything. It was a Gryffindor Uniform though. . .
Hermione glanced back at him with big eyes. "I'm not actually going back to school!" She said in a very high pitched voice. Putting her hands on her hips, she glared down at the man. "For one, what excuses would I make about being gone? And two - even if I can't tell Dumbledore exactly what happened, I could tell him something that could land you in Azkaban. You trust me to go there?" Rinsing the rest of her body off, she grabbed a towel and ran it over her skin. She hardly seemed to care anymore that she was naked in front of him. Not as if he hadn't seen, and touched, every part of her.

She gave a short huff of a laugh at the outfit. "I never understood what was sexy about short clothing. Or not wearing undergarments." But without arguing, she put the clothes on. "I do hope you know though, that not wearing a bra makes girls breasts sag faster." She put her hair in a towel, and wrapped it up. Hermione seemed awfully confident right now. So outgoing, so sarcastic - it was quite a change from the sniveling she had be doing only moments ago.

She finished buttoning up her new blazer, and then began tying her red and gold tie around her neck. This was rather annoying. But she wasn't going to lie, it was nice having an outfit she knew would turn somebody on. Even if Lucius didn't want to admit it, she had some power over him. He was a man. Men weren't very good at not giving into lust.
The man let out a snort at her comments. As it seemed, she was getting more comfortable around him. That was good. At least for not. He had to admit, she did look good in the new outfit. The man walked toward her and smiled. "Ready to go?" He asked her slowly, though it didn't really matter if she was ready or not. She was going. As he moved toward her, he pulled his wand out and Apparated them once more. He had never really thought about it, but Apparating was a very useful spell. He didn't realize how much he used it. He digressed. . .

As they reached their destination, one would realize that it was the Slytherin Boys Common Room. Paid for in full by, well, Mr. Lucius Malfoy. One would call it, the Lucius Malfoy Tower, if Dumbledore wouldn't like tradition so much. This was where Hermione would do work for him. He always found a way to make money and profit. He walked over to an area where there were two pillars, and a desk and he looked at Hermione. This was a good place. He handcuffed her to both of the pillars, one hand at each, and put a pillow on the ground. "Better make yourself comfortable." He said to her as he put a sign on the desk, with a cup over it. The sign read: Fuck a Nerd. 1 Gallion.

The man stepped back slowly then realized he had forgotten something. He didn't want her asshole to get stretched out, it was for her good really. He took out a buttplug and looked at her. Not really having any hands, he decided instead of handcuffing her, he would shackle her. He took the handcuffs off and put one shackle around her right ankle. He handed her the buttplug and smiled. "You might want to use this." With that, he Apparated away. He would return soon, after the seventh and eighth years were done. . .
Hermione found herself very confused when they returned to Hogwarts. She had never been anywhere near the Slytherin common room, especially not the boys'. Of course, after a moment, she knew where she was. Green and black, serpents painted on murals. It was definitely Slytherin. But the looks of the furniture, how food was left laying around, trash somewhat scattered, it was obvious this was not the girls'. Slytherins may be vile, but girls were almost always clean.

"What the..." The brunette started, and thrashed a little under his grasp. Finally coming into realization of what was happening, she slammed her arms around. "No!" She yelled, and her teeth went out to try and bite his arm. "You can't do this! Someone will hear me! Snape will come in here and you'll get in big trouble!" Her face was bright red now, and she gave him a disgusted look. "I can't believe you..." Staring down at the ground, she pushed the plug aside with her foot.

Within moments he was gone, and she was sitting alone. This had to be a joke. There was no way someone wouldn't catch this act! Someone would find out what Lucius had done.... Right?
In a moment of Lucius leaving, the two large wooden doors burst open and a tirade of men entered. Lead by the head of Slytherin House himself, Snape. A sneer adorned on his face. He looked at Hermione and the men in the back of him started to lick his lips. They all circled the helpless Gryffindor Mudblood. The men started to pull gallions out of their pockets and proceed to put them in the jar on the desk. It was enough for each man to have two gos at the female.

Amongst themselves, the men seemed to be talking. They were all in their upper teens, as they were all eighth and seventh years. One of the men, who later revealed was the Slytherin Quidditch Captain. He gave a sick grin, immediately recognizing her. He removed his robes and proceeded to move behind her. He noticed the butt plug on the ground out of the corner of his eye and sat down on the pillow. He grasped Hermione's waist and ripped her toward him. In one thrust he was in her. Not in her pussy, but in her asshole. Should have used that buttplug. . .

The other men didn't take long to get in the action. One man between her legs, a man at each of her hands, and another man standing over her, with only one hole left to fill up. Snape watched as his boys did work. He would have to thank Lucius later. For now however, he was next in line after someone came. The men were prodding her, waiting for them to take her, and when they were done, they would cum all over her. ..
Hermione wanted nothing more than to break down and cry at that very moment. She wanted out of there. She wanted to go kill Lucius, to rip every limb of his apart! But she didn't have that power... She had... no power. At the sight of Snape, she almost smiled, but then realized, he wasn't going to be the good guy this time. He wasn't going to be his pretend 'bad-guy-turned-good' right now. Snape was the Death Eater now, not the professor. The brunette didn't recognize most of the boys in the room. She knew they were Slytherin students, but, she didn't associate with any of them.

Within moments she heard the drops of coins in the cup, and she closed her eyes tightly. There was somebody behind her, and soon, she was yanked backwards, into the lap of some unknown boy. She prepared for something bad, but no sort of preparation could have kept her from screaming when he entered. "Ow!" She screeched, and she bit into her lip. There were chuckles from some of the guys, but she still didn't open her eyes to see who it was. Tears ran down her cheeks, and in moments, every possible part of her was filled. Hands were on top of her own, moving them up and down on someone's cock. A large member filled her mouth, and she gagged on it.

Hermione wanted to fight back, to bite or squeeze on somebody, but there wasn't a point. She would be punished, raped some more, and then thrown back to Lucius' home. But at this point, that didn't sound to bad. That bed was awfully comfy...
The event had gone on for some time now. After everyone had their chance, Snape ordered them to file out and give him alone time with her. The other students respectfully obliged and left Snape and the girl to their lonesome. He moved slowly, his eyes never leaving the frail, cum soaked body of the girl. Starting to unbutton his robe, he spoke. "You have no idea how long I have waited for this Ms. Granger." He snakelike voice spoke softly as he moved toward the girl. "For years, you have been nothing but a burden to me in my class and for years I have wanted to punish you myself." He said as he moved toward her.

The long black hair hung in his face, and his loud footsteps echoed throughout the room. What a gift Lucius had left them, and what a pleasure it would be to use it and be that thankful and grateful to a fellow Eater. He kneeled down between her legs and looked her in the eyes. "I would prefer, if youh didn't struggle and gave into your lust." He said as he moved to remove what was left of his attire. When it was gone, he knelt naked before her, and she before him. Something no one outside of the house of Slytherin would notice.

It was a matter of respect. She had respect for him, but she also hated his guts. It was completely obvious. He would take revenge on Potter and Weasley and all others through this act. She was so vulnerable, yet so helpless. Maybe he would help her, make a forgetful potion for her, so she wouldn't have to relive this whole debacle over and over again. Maybe his heart would shine it's way through. That was, if he actually had a heart. . .
After what seemed like an eternity of constant pain and weird shocks of pleasure, Ms. Granger found herself covered and completely exhausted. Finally the boys were escorted out of the room, and she was left alone with Snape. Cringing, she closed her eyes, trying to avoid the fact that he was there. Malfoy was at least obviously attractive, and she had only seen him a few times. Snape was her teacher! The teacher that yelled at her and her friends. And no matter how tightly her eyes were closed, she could still see his face, and those piercing black eyes.

"Let me be...!" She whined, and then went limp, as if all her energy suddenly left her. The brunette laid partially on the ground, her legs partially bruised with a few cuts here and there. Scraped were on her elbow, and scratch marks covered her arms and head. It was actually quite set from a third person view. "Can't I just go back to the house?" Hermione sounded as if she was completely out of her mind, as if she was talking about another world.

All of the innocence in the world came into her at that moment, and she laid farther against the floor, and she moved to the pillow to rest her head on. So tired, so hurt. She waved her hand a bit as if to tell Severus to go on. "When your done can I at least have something to eat?" She asked quietly.
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