Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

Through the corridors of Slytherin, Hermione's begging was heard. Whether by an Extendable Ear or other mean, the world would never know but one thing was for certain, the men and boys of Slytherin loved every moment. Severus took his position and unsheathed his erect penis. Stroking it, sending shivers down himself, he positioned it at her tight hole, and slowly slid in. He loved the feeling of fucking someone who was so smug. He loved the feeling of fucking some helpless girl, and he loved the feeling of being inside that smart, fucking mudblood, who had plagued his classes for the past five years over. One thing was for certain, her will was not breaking.

A quick noise, and Lucius had apparated again. It had been twenty minutes into Snape's sex with her, and Lucius raised his brow. Quickling unfurling his own robes, he moved behind her, as to get ample access to her already ravaged asshole. It was not in her yet, and he just sat there. Enjoying her warm presence. He breathed in her scent. Smelt her young hormones, and still, Lucius was turned on. His arms wrapped around her nude body, and held her, so Snape could get deeper in her, and he stuck his tongue out and licked the inside of her ear. . .
Hermione's face was hot and sweating when Snape started with her, and it only persisted. She whined once again as he slid into her. It wasn't as if she hadn't been toyed with all day, but the brunette was still feeling a bit of pain. Mostly it was that her body was sore, and aching. Her stomach was empty, all of her holes was sore, and her legs were scraped and bruised. To be completely blunt, she looked quite terrible.

After many minutes of the constant rhythm, Hermione felt Lucius appear in the room. Felt, because she hadn't the strength to look up, but she knew it was him. His eyes were bearing into her. After a few moments she felt him behind her, and she winced. She really didn't want to start again, and so to try and keep him from doing so, she moved into his lap, and merely sat there. It was somewhat nice to be able to lean against something warm, with soft skin... "Please hurry..." She mumbled to Snape, leaning her head against Lucius' shoulder.
In a last moment of decency, Lucius decided to spare his victim of yet another hoarse fucking, and just let her use him as a cushion. He smiled as his arms tightened around her waist, holding her in place for Snape. The man, had put her through enough for one day, he would let her shower again, and maybe put some decent food in that stomach. By now, she was probably sticky with who knows what, and one didn't have to be a genius to figure it out. The fact that he was naked had nothing to do with anything at this point. ..

Snape was nearing his end, and in one final thrust, he burst his load into her. Pulling out slowly, he was exhausted, he couldn't imagine how she was feeling at the moment. Though all she really did was just lie there. Snape moved slowly to his robes, put them on, and hustled to go grab a shower. He knew Lucius was going to Apparate them back soon, and once Snape had left. He did. He laid her down on the bed, and stood leaving her. There was food, the shower, and of course, the bed.
Hermione continued to whine as Snape had his way with her hole. After a few more minutes though, she felt a final finish, and he pulled out. Substances were pouring out of her slit now, as it was far too full for anymore. Sighing, she moved up a little, trying to grab her balance. Unfortunately, she was so numb, her legs crumbled beneath her, and she had to grab Lucius to keep from falling. "Ow..." She mumbled softly. A short while later, she felt herself being apparated, and when she reappeared at the house, Hermione was almost unconscious.

Cuddling on the bed, she closed her eyes, and then heard Lucius' footsteps walking away. "Malfoy?" Her voice was quiet and shaky. "Your not going to say anything to me?" She moved to sit up on the bed, and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.
The man's brow raised a tad. Say anything? What did that mean? There was nothing to say. By this time, he had been stopped in his tracks by her words. The man knew anything he did, he would be considered heinous by anyone at this point. There was no point in anything, he was sure to get life in Azkaban. What for murder, kidnapping, rape, the list went on and on. For a moment there, Lucius was lost in thought. Thinking about his fate when this was all said and done. Hopefully Voldemort wouldn't send anyone to check on him. Great, another thing to worry about.

Echoing footsteps foretold hew was turning slowly. His hair in his eyes, all he could see was the blonde locks he called his own. "What were you expecting?" He asked her with a smile, but this time, he truly did not know what she was getting at. The man moved back toward her with slow footsteps, almost marking his way as he moved carefully, until finally, he was at the foot of the bed and sat down on it. Did she want him to bring the food to her? He knew she was exhausted, but at this point, there was nothing he could do. Well, nothing he was willing to do.
Hermione sat up on the bed now, crossing her legs. "I just wanted some company." Her voice was now almost was a whisper. She hung her head a bit, and now was feeling quite ashamed of herself. She felt so alone, so helpless, she was willing to take attention and comfort for anyone. Even from the person who had caused everything. Sighing, she laid back down on the pillow, and tried to seem stronger than her words appeared. "How much money did you make?"

Rolling from the bed, she walked around him, and grabbed meal from a table. She immediately went back to the bed, and began munching on the food. It was a fairly good meal, really. Roasted chicken, some sort of greens, and a bit of bread. It had been almost two days since she had eaten, and once she took a bite, she gobbled the whole thing in moments. "Thank you." She murmured once more.
A sigh escaped the man's lips. All trivialities. Company, the money he made. Was this all going to be a giant case of Stockholm Syndrome? Just then, a letter came in, making his heart sink. It was one of those screaming letters, thought this time, it wasn't screaming. A suave voice came from it, as it turned into a deformed, recognizable face. "I will be sending someone in the morning, to check on your progress. . ." He said as he stared swords at Lucius, ignoring the girl he was sitting beside. It must have mistaken Hermione for Narcissa. Then, in almost a blink, it burned up in a ruby red flame, and crumpled to the ground.

The man could only watch. His eyes not leaving the tattered remains of the letter. Did he know where he was? What was going to happen? He almost feared for his life, something he never did. He looked at Hermione and opened his mouth to speak but was at a loss for words. He cleared his throat and put his hand on her leg. "Shower up and go to bed, you have had a long day." He said as he stood up and moved toward the door for the final time. Aside from the chicken, there was breakfast food for the morning, should he not be coming down. It might pay to give her a day off. In the corner, a set of robes.

The man hustled up the stairs. Who would he be sending? He hoped it was McNair, they seemed to get along well. Even Crabbe and Goyle was satisfactory. Anyone but her. That was someone whom he should have never broken out of Azkaban. His only mistake. . .
Hermione sighed as the letter came in. She recognized the voice coming from the letter, and it sent shivers down her spine. Even though they had stood up against him with Harry, and won, he still had killed more than any other wizard. Lucius himself looked nervous. Hopefully though, she could just hide under a blanket and never have to see anyone. Lucius was scary, but, to be honest he wasn't the 'toughest' Death Eater. He wasn't a werewolf, insane, or overly strong. He just had money and power - oh, and her wand.

After the letter was torn, Hermione put the plate on the bedside table, and watched him walk off. Oh, she missed her friends, her crookshanks, her family... At this point she felt so lonely she would cuddle with Draco. But the brunette had to remain strong. She kept telling this to herself as she stood up to take a shower. Minutes later, she was clean, well, as clean as she could be - and then she was in bed.

Exhausted, she immediately fell asleep. Only to have haunted dreams of more torture. Oh, joy.
In the night, the maid made an appearance into the room, only to clean it, and replenish her supplies. Making her way out, she watched the girl sleep, feeling bad for her, but if she did anything, she was sure something terrible was going to happen to her. That was just the way Malfoy was. He was a cruel man to the people whom worked for him. He did afterall pay them, and the job had to be done to his expectations, regardless of how inane and stupid. Noticing her being nude still, she covered her up and made a way to tuck her in. She was a mother at heart, and nothing would change that. She left as quietly as she came in, and was never seen during the day.

The man sat. Still awake. After these many hours, he was still awake. This was getting to be ridiculous. His mind was on the coming of the Death Eater that morning, which, was only a few hours away. The letter had been sent to this house, so they must know that this is the house he will be in. He was sure that there were Death Eater outside his house, making sure he didn't try to flee. They knew he had messed up. The man knew inside that there was a good chance, when the informant returned, there would be a death warrant out for him, but deep down, he wasn't afraid.

Finally, as day broke, he drifted to sleep in his armchair. Only armed with the fleeting thoughts of his peril. Of course, also with his wand. He was a fair duelist, better than most that followed the Dark One. Even still, he was ready for anything. He would have more fun with Hermione, but now, he was preoccupied. . .
Hermione remained asleep for some time after the maid came. She was completely exhausted, and now warm, thanks to the covers that had been wrapped around her. A hand tucked under the pillows, she had pushed her head into the plush surface. But after a while, her brain decided she had enough sleep, and her eyes fluttered open. Realizing she was still in the room, her eyes reclosed, and she let out an annoyed sigh. There was still hope in the back of her head that this was all a dream. Groaning, the girl threw off her sheets, and went to munch on the food that still left a scent in the air.

Meanwhile, a loud bang let off outside the house. A green stream was coming from a wand, and a tall tree was vaporized. A cackle was released from a dark female, and she then skipped to the front door. Standing close, she knocked for a few seconds, and then kicked the wooden frame open. "Good morning Luci!" Bellatrix yelled loudly. Another odd laugh came from her, and the black-haired woman hopped through the parlor, looking over shelves for the man. "Why aren't you coming to greet me?" She asked loudly, and then ran into the den. "There you are!" Her voice was now higher pitched, and she whispered a spell, sending a shock through the ground and to anyone's body in the area.

All this time, Hermione was startled by first the screaming, and then a dulled magnetic feeling in the floor. "Lucius?" She asked quietly. That voice sounded far too feminine to be any man, let alone Lucius.
The man's eyes opened when the first words uttered by the maniac hit his ears. He had just enough time to move out of the way from the spell and looked at the woman that stood before him. Fuck. That was the one he did not want to see. "Bella. . " He said with narrowed eyes. "What brings you to my humble estate?" He asked, reaching for his cane, which rested beside him. "Do you know how much it will cost me to fix this mess?" He asked her loudly, with a bit of irritation in his voice. Yeah, it was true he didn't like her, but they were acquaintances through the very same person.

He moved slowly around her and smiled. "Well, do you want a hug or what?" He asked her. In truth, he hated her. He really, truly hated her. However, if he didn't embrace her, he would be as good as dead. At least close. She would defineatly torture, maim, or worse. His eyes met hers, and didn't budge. His fingers wrapped around the head of his wand, in case he needed it of course, no need to draw it now. ..
After she had found the man, she began walking around the room in a very high and mighty manner, looking over everything with a faux curiosity. "You know what brings me here, blondie. I assure you got the letter yesterday?" There wasn't questioning in her voice, though. She knew he had. He was fully aware the Dark Lord had sent her, seeing as, in her mind at least - she was the favorite.

"The Dark Lord just wanted me to catch up on one of his little puppets. He was wondering why you were here..." For a moment her eyes moved from a statue, and bore into his own with a fiery hate. "And not with my sister." To be told, Bellatrix didn't hate her brother-in-law. But she wasn't fond of him. Of course, he was awfully fun to tease. The way his eyes burned, it was so amusing. "Why are you in such a dump instead of at the manor?"

All the while Hermione was sitting on the bed, staring at the covers. She herself was scared. She couldn't make out the words of Bellatrix exactly, but she heard the pitch raise and lower. After a few minutes of silence, she moved to get dress, and then back on the bed. Is this what awaited her today? Sitting in a dirty bed till the sun went down?
A fleeting thought in the man's mind wanted to rat himself out about Hermione, about everything. Yes, he did know why she was here. Yes, the man hadn't been with her sister in days. He moved toward the doorway, as to block her fro, exploring elsewhere in the house, and just stood in it. Watching her with burning, keen eyes. Waiting, and seeing if an opportunity opened up for him too curse her with the ever daunting, Avada Kadavra curse. Waiting, watching. Regretfully for Lucius, no such opportunity opened up.

In almost an instant, the man was saved as Snape Apparated into the room. He made his way to Bellatrix and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, and for an instant, shoved his tongue in her mouth then retracting it to give Lucius a look. They both know what he did to Hermione. Lucius had to rip his gaze from Snape and look back at Bellatrix. At this moment, he wasn't sure if it was a matter of they were doing something together, or if that was just Snape trying to be funny.

It must have been weird to be Hermione at the moment. Unsure of what was going on, unsure of who was all there, though Snape's voice must have stood out to the girl. It was dark, it was low, and it was recognizable. . .
Bellatrix merely laughed to herself when Lucius blocked the doorway. "You still haven't answered my question, Luci." Her voice seemed to sing a bit with those words, and then picking up a small vase, she inspected it. Turning the edge of her nail over the surface, in an almost gently fashion - before suddenly thrusting it behind her head, smashing the wall just inches from the blond's face. A few seconds later she heard the ruffling of papers, and a black wave of cloaks. It was Snape.

"Why hello the-" Her words were cut off by a deep kiss, and after a moment she pushed him back. It wasn't in a rejecting way, of course, but more in the fashion to let her speak. "Now before anything else happens, Lucius, I want to know whats going on here. Why are you in this rats nest instead of with Narcissa? Why weren't you at the Qudditich game. Oh yes, Draco wrote home about it. Gave him a fright you did." For a second there was a hint of motherly care in her voice. The whole family was very protective over their Draco. Especially seeing as Bellatrix and her imprisoned husband had no children of their own.

All the while, Hermione sat on the bed, scared, and curious. She curled herself under the covers again, covering her head fully. "Lucius?" She whispered quietly, knowing he would here. "Where are you?"
A sharp laugh escaped Snape's lips as he was pushed back. He loved playing with his Bellatrix this way. "What, don't act like you didn't enjoy it." He said to her in a quaint tone. Laughing as he took Lucius's place in his armchair. The house wasn't bad, in fact, it was baetter than many people's homes, just for him. For the Malfoys. this house was not up to par. The potion master just watched as this even unfolded, and waited for Bellatrix to make it up to him, as she always did. He noticed the pieces of vase on the ground and raised his brow.

Of course Lucius got angry when she mentioned his son. At the point which she said his name, he drew his wand and pointed it at her. "Don't you dare, bring my son into this." He said with a sharp tone. He was through messing around. "What do you want? Do you want a room here?" He asked her, trying to get her to stop destroying his stuff and stop fucking around. "Why don't you go fuck your buddy over there. . ." He said gesturing at Snape. In all honestly, at this point, he almost felt like Snape betrayed him.

As much as he wanted to go to Hermione, he couldn't now. It was almost as if they had some kind of a romance going on. Some kind of Romeo and Juliet thing. This of course, was not the case. . .
"Of course I did." She grinned an oh so evil grin at Snape, but quickly followed her sentence up. "But I was sent here by The Dark Lord. And we all know he is the most important one to listen to." After a moment, and Lucius' angry tone, Bellatrix tip-toed across the room, until she was right in front of him. Poking his chest with each word, her eyes narrowed. "I. Told. You. The. Dark. Lord. Wants. To. Know. WHY!" A fire came from her wand and engulfed the door post, before immediately disappearing. No ash lay around, and the door was completely fine.

With another smirk, she hopped over to sit on Snape's lap, and crossed her legs over the arm of the chair. They knew Bellatrix was pretty much legally insane, and these outbursts came quite frequently. "Answer me this, and I'll leave you be." With that, she gave Severus' neck a kiss, before biting on it a bit harshly. "Now aren't you getting lonely with us here? Go call Narcissa. I'm sure she wouldn't want to miss this."

Hermione knew this was all Lucius' fault. She knew he was the bad guy here, the one who took her away, who let all those boys rape her, and who had mostly kept her starving. And yet, she couldn't stay that angry at him anymore. No, she didn't think she loved him, but she didn't have the energy to hate. She only had the strength to sleep in the bed, perhaps carry on a simple conversation. Thats all she wanted.
The man was not impressed by her show of the wand. He knew she was crazy, but he knew it was all just an act. The man watched her and smiled. "Drink?" He asked quaintly, changing the subject once more. He moved toward the bar, pouring three drinks, and with one hand, dispersing them amongst the people in the room. There were the three of them, and he was going to grill him after it was all said and done. The man sat down on the couch and decided, that he wasn't going to call Narcissa and leave that matter to a later time. . .

Snape let out a slight groan as she placed herself on his lap. The man kept interrupting her by kissing her passionatly, entangling their tongues and showing a side that not many people saw of him. His hand stayed on her legs, moving their way up to her snatch, and just toying while she was conducting business. He wasn't quite sure if they were technically dating, but he was sure, they had something going right now. That was what happened when Lucius was being secretive and flaunting Hermione around. . .
After being handed her drink, Bellatrix gulped it down, and then began nibbling away at Snape's ear. "Lucius." She said in a heavy manner. "You aren't actually going to just sit there are you?" After a few moments, she put her hand on Severus' chest, pushing him back with a surprising force. "Whats wrong with him?" Bella asked bluntly. If there was something going on with Lucius, Snape would know. It wasn't as if they were best friends or something of that manner, but anytime Lucius needed something, or had some scheme, he called on the black-haired man for help. Probably because Severus was a bit of a bitch towards the older wizard. After all, Lucius had trained him to just be an accomplice during their school years.

Glancing back and forth between the two men, Bellatrix raised a brow. "What are you up to?" She asked in a surprisingly !demanding voice. That was one of her lesser qualities - Bella had to know everything that was going on. After a stern few seconds, she returned to Snape, and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She let her pale fingers run down the front of his robes, and slowly began to unbutton from the top of his chest.

Hermione was now starting to get more annoyed than curious. How could he just keep her down here forever? "Lucius!" She squeaked. And then waiting a few moments with no answer, she started again. "Malfoy!"
The pale man whom had been watching this unfurl, was disgusted by the two. Were they simply going to fuck here in his humble estate? He stood up quickly, letting the two do whatever, and moved toward the front door. His house elf was looking at the door in disgust. "Fix it." Lucius said to the house elf and before the elf could say anything, he cut him off. The house elf was so predictable. "Find a way." He said as the man trudged off again, finally getting around the corner and placing a written note on an owl, and sending it home to Narcissa.

Severus looked at her and smiled. He turned her around so she was facing him and stradding his lap and smiled. "Go on. . " He said softly. She always knew how to get secrets from him. It was always the same. Sometimes he though that he was just being played. For the greater good that was the Dark Lord. Sometimes, he just didn't know. It was a mystery. The man liked what was going on though, something he liked about Bellatrix, she knew what she wanted. . .

The house elf appeared downstairs to Hermione and smiled. "The Lord of the House is busy at the moment." He said to her with a laugh. "He will be with you shortly." And with a snap, he was gone.
"Ah ah ah." Bellatrix clicked, and she stopped halfway down the long row of buttons. "You have to tell me what Luci is hiding." She raised one brow, and with a fast pull, every button neatly became undone, exposing his lower shirt. "Thats part of the game, remember?" For a moment, she began rocking her hips back and forth against his lap, roughly rubbing her snatch against the leg of his pants. "Before you get too really enjoy it you have to let me know." Leaning forward she pushed her chest up against his own, and her cheek was against his. "Come now..." Her breath was hot on her ear, and with her entire body pressed against him, it was hard for anyone else not feel awkward.

Hermione stamped her foot angrily on the ground. He couldn't come down by himself and tell her that? No! Lucius Malfoy was a spoiled grown man who acted like a child, and had everyone else do things for him. Rolling her eyes, Hermione feel back on the bed, and angry pout on her face. "Not fair..." She mumbled, sounding rather hypocritical. She too was acting like a child.
The man in the chair knew how to play this game with Bellatrix. He had been gyped so much by now, that he knew. His bulge was apparent by now. He smiled, his hands moving to her hips and pushing her down between his legs, so his clothed member was near her face. He smiled. "You know how to get what you want. . " He said to her as his hands moved to her hair, and his fingers entangled themselves in it. He smiled looking down at her. His hand, petting her hair, his hands working in the same motion. He sat back in the chair and smiled down at her.

While this was all going on, Lucius made his move. He slipped into the heavy door, and closed it slowly. He made his way down the stairs and looked at Hermione. He sighed to himself and moved to the end of the bed. Sitting down, he looked at her and put his hand on her leg. "Enjoy the food?" He asked her with a slight smile on his face. His hair, tied back, and his hand resting on his wand. . .
Bellatrix smirked to herself as she was slowly pushed down to the floor. Getting up on her knees, she laid her cheek against his leg, staring up at him. "Are you sure you want to play Severus?" Her fingers tipped their way to the button of his pants, and nimbly it was opened. "Shouldn't you be teaching?" Laughing to herself, Bella pulled his pants down a bit, and then reached inside. Snape seemed to make a point to leave Hogwarts at any possible chance he got. Teaching was obviously not his favorite past time. Moving beneath his underwear, she pulled out the large, throbbing member, and her eyes lit up a bit. "So you were excited." And with that, her mouth gently moved to cover the head.

Hermione actually jumped a bit when the door opened. Now that Lucius was actually there, she found herself nervous. Why had she wanted him so bad in the first place? Oh thats right. Company. She was lonely... Right? "Whats going on up there?" Her tone was demanding, but her voice was still fairly soft, and she clung to the blankets that covered her legs. After a few moments of silence, she raised her eyes from the corner of the room. "Please don't make me stay down here another night!" She whined, a new begging side coming from her. "Its dark and scary and I can't sleep without being scared I won't wake up! I've been in this room for such a long time, besides the whole Slytherin thing..." She trailed off for a moment, and then glanced up at him, her eyes wide.
To be honest, Snape was an inside man. He hated teaching actually, and he hated students. Even Draco was a student was not a joy teaching. He was friends with Lucius though. He groaned as she put him in her mouth and his hands moved to her hair and held it out of her face. He sunk into the chair and enjoyed her mouth. Was she insane? Yes. However, was she good? Of course. The man just sat back and started talking. "Lucius. .. " He said, stopping to groan in ecstasy, and then continuing promptly. "Lucius, he has a hostage." He said to her, taking care not to say any names or any clues, she would have to work for those. It was a wonder on how much he was away, and how many classes he had to ditch in order to be here. How did he still have a job?

The man looked at her and sighed. "Bellatrix is here. Stay low." He said as he glanced into her wide eyes. He couldn't let her go back to school, and he could let her do anything else. He decided on what to say. "I. . .I suppose I am unsure on what you want me to do. . ." He said trailing off, his eyes at the door. "I sure can't let you go." He said as he moved closer to her, brushing her hair out of her face. He planted a tender kiss on her forehead, and moved to sit next to her. He didn't want anything now, he wasn't in the mood with her here.. .
Bellatrix had to laugh when Snape let out the first bit of information. Moving her hand down to the base, she stroked him for a good long minute while thinking over the possibilities. "Is he? Well, who is this hostage?" She leaned forward again, and ran her tongue underneath the base until reaching the very tip. She swirled around the head, and then quickly moved her mouth back onto it, this time bobbing up and down the entire length for a good while. She could quickly bring him to cum with a few good sucks of his head, but it was much more fun to draw things out. "Is it a girl?" Slurping a bit, she sucked hard on the tip, before letting her fingers gently move down to his sack, caressing it gently.

Hermione was filled with anxiety when she heard Bellatrix was there. That woman brought nothing but trouble with her. Besides, she was legally insane! "I... I just don't want to stay in this room." She mumbled. Her emotions had been so torn, her innocence ripped from her, and it had left her heart in shambles. She wanted someone, anyone to give her some comfort. And therefore, when Lucius kissed her forehead, she couldn't help herself. She crawled into his lap, rather like a child, and held onto his waist tightly. "I'm not asking to leave. I don't want people to see me like this." She looked up at him and ever so gently kissed his jawline. "I just don't want to be alone." Tightly hugging him around the chest, she pushed her cheek against him, suddenly feeling a warm satisfaction fill her.
The man nodded at her question. "He even let me fuck her. . ." He said to her lightly. He knew, that she wouldn't care. Or would she? He hoped she really wouldn't care, they really didn't have anything going. He tensed up a bit and moved hand to her cheek. The man looked down at her and he moved to unbutton her robe. He moved it off of her shoulder and smiled down at her. He would give her fun in a bit. He was first though. His long black hair moving back and leaned back into the soft plush of the couch. He didn't mention the fact that it was a student, and he also didn't mention the fact that he knew that Bellatrix knew her.

The man let her crawl onto his lap and he let her hold onto him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "People won't." He said in a sharp tone. "She won't find you." He said to her as he just rested his head against the back of the head. He was taken back abit when she kissed his jawline and looked down at her. He just let them sit there in the dark, and enjoy the moment. A feeling in the back of his mind, he thought things were going to hit the fan. . .
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