Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

"Really now?" Bellatrix took off her own robe, and then sneaked her way out of another cardigan, shirt, and finally, she unhooked the back of a bra. "Was she any good?" A wide smirk was on her face, and she slipped off the last upper clothing on her body. They seemed to completely forget that they were in Lucius' home at all. Not that it really mattered, they had done this in the Manor many times before. What was so different about a house? Plunging herself back down on the member, Bella opened her mouth wide as she went down, and then tightened as she pulled up, and a rhythmic manner seemed to fill her moves. Everything was now like habit. She would lick just the right place, and gently poke a certain spot on his sac that would hopefully send shivers down his spine. "What is her name?"

Suddenly Hermione felt protected. For once, she truly felt safe in his arms. Even though she knew that was a silly thought, a stupid feeling to have, she couldn't help it! Yes, he had done such terrible things to her, but she wanted him to hold her like this forever. Oh, it was odd. "Why can't she leave? I don't like her at all. And if she sees me she will hurt me!" The brunette whined a bit, before pushing her face back into his chest. A smirk then fell on her face, and she had a strange new mischievous glow to her face. Pushing back, she had Lucius on his back on the bed. Pulling him a bit, she arranged so that she could lay beside him, and hold onto him while being completely comfortable. "So... Do you like me now, or is this still for revenge?"
The man nodded at her first quesstion, and her second question, he had to think, which was really hard considering Bellatrix Lestrange was sucking his cock. "Meh, she was chained up, not much movement." He said to her as he himself was oblivious to the fact of who's estate they were in. When she came back down, she came down hard on his dick and he gripped the edge of the chair. His knuckles were turning white, as he was gripping the sword so far. He arched his back as she poked his sack, and he was speechless for words as he watched her rhythm. She was so good. If only Lucius could feel this, he would know why eventually he would betray her. Also, with a name like Hermione, she would be unforgettable. He just kept quiet. . .

The pale man looked down at her. "If it was up to me, she would be gone." He whispered into her ear. He knew she would hurt her, and that was something he didn't want. Over the couple days they had together, he had grown rather attached to the girl. His pet. Maybe even love was forming here. Something was happening though. The man was on his back now, something she had never done before. The man snaked his arm around her and the two just laid there. "Why do you ask that question now?" He asked her with a slight smile.
Working away on him, Bellatrix smirked to herself. She felt the tension raise through him, and she knew he was close. But being the cruel woman she was, her movement stopped, and she stared at him. "What is her name Severus?" She asked solemnly, before waiting a long moment. And then, she couldn't resist sliding her mouth back down him. If she got him to cum quick, he would have to answer her now. It was like a game in her head, a chess of getting whatever she wanted. For a few more minutes she slurped away at him, sucking tightly at moments, and then loosely fucking him with her mouth. "Mmm... Come on Sevy."

Shivers ran all down Hermione when he whispered against her ear. Goosebumps formed on her skin, and thankfully the darkness hid her blush. For once, she didn't mind so much being considered a pet. If a pet got this cuddling time, if she got a warm soft bed and good food, what was the issue? Oh yes, the fact he was a married Death Eater with a son her age. Somebody had to notice she was missing from school! Maybe Snape was taking care of that. "I don't want to get attached if you really are just going to hurt me more." She mumbled quietly. "If you aren't ready to stop torturing me, I'd rather get that done first, and then you could be nice to me."
The man gripped harder against the seat. He was trying so hard not to cum. He was Lucius's friend. Why would he sell him out? He groaned louder and louder, until he moved his cock out of her mouth. It was time to change things around. He moved quickly and placed her in the chair, him between her legs. Swapped position. His hands gripped hers, and held them to the chair, and he moved it, placing his tongue in her. He began to fish around, and with his tongue, flicked her clit. Using his tongue to suck around and he explored her cunt. He had done this enough as well. The man held her arms down firmly. He was one of the few that made Bellatrix squirm when he wanted to. Now, he wanted her to squirm and writhe in her chair.

Lucius let out a noise as he thought about what was going on. He felt the goosebumps on her arm. Lucky for him, Snape was covering for him at the school. Hermione being the best student, it was easy to hide where she was. Whether it be an academic conference, a challenge somewhere, or a potions challenge. "Why would you get attached dear?" He asked her with a smile. "Why can't I have my cake, and eat it as well?" Only Malfoy would have thoughts like that. He was, in fact, quite the character.
Bellatrix felt herself fill with pride as he got closer and closer to the peak, closer to her answer-! But then suddenly, things were switched. A new strength seemed to go through Snape, and soon she was the one being held down in the chair. On one side, she was annoyed. She had almost got her answer! And yet, who wouldn't be a bit happy about what was going on? Bella gripped the edges of the chair, and her thighs went tightly around his head. "Not-fair!" She choked out, just before letting out a soft moan, a shocking sweet tone that never came from the crazed woman.

Hermione was definitely a bit annoyed at the words coming from Lucius. There was that aristocratic air about him once more - the 'I'm better than you' attitude - seemed to be oozing from him, as it always did with Draco. But for once, the aggravation expired quickly, and she was now pouting a bit. It seemed somewhat obvious now that Hermione wanted to be around Lucius. But why? Well, he gave her attention. Even if she had gotten a few dates, a first kiss, all of that - no boy or man ever really seemed interested in her. And sure, Lucius had only been in it for petty revenge and his own pleasure, but at least she could pretend he liked her. "Because the world isn't fair." She mumbled quietly, and then she draped her arm over his stomach. "You started this nonsense, and now you have to deal with the adverse effects." A soft pinch came from between her fingers, she had grabbed a bit of his skin. It wasn't nearly enough to hurt, but more symbolic of what could happen.
The man thrust his tongue deeper into her. He smirked at her answer and smiled when she moaned. He struck her g-spot by accident on a couple of occasions, and as the game went. If he made her cum first, he wouldn't have to tell her anything. At least, that was how he was playing the game. Snape was quite the death eater, he was a double crosser, he was a lover, and he was a friend. He moved his tongue like he was an experienced whore. He wasn't however, he was just good. Good at what he did. He felt her hands and wrists move in the confines of his hands, and he felt her hips move, and he knew he was stronger. Especially since she didn't have her wand with her. . .

The man laying next to her let out a noise in a disagreeing fashion. He was a bit annoyed when she pinched him. He sighed as he just laid there, staring into the blank air in front of him. "What are the effects?" He asked her with a laugh. She was not really in a position to barter with him. Due to the fact that he had somewhat grown attached, he let the pinch slide. The man failed to see the symbolism however. He knew whatever happened, he was screwed in life. He was a Death Eater, a rapist, and a kidnapper. Awesome resume. ..
Bellatrix pushed herself against the back of the chair, trying to contain whatever pleasure was building inside of her. She knew how these games were played, and deep down it was obvious she would be the loser here. There was no way she would pull him off of her. She may be a strong witch, but physically, she was small. Another groan came from her, and she kicked her feet a bit in annoyance. "This-won't-stop-me!" She slurred, before taking in a sharp breath. But of course, she knew now her games were over. Letting out a long moan, her head banged against the chair, and blood rushed to her toes. It was coming. Rather fast, but, he was good.

Hermione laid her head on his shoulder, and thought for a moment. "Well, eventually someone will find where I've been, and you'll get in trouble for that... Your wife might leave you if she knows of this... Draco might think you betrayed him... And... I might end up enjoying your company." After a moment she sighed, and sat up. She had been in this room far too long. There was nothing she wanted more than to have the people upstairs leave, and be able to walk more than five feet on her own. "Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?"
The man on his knees looked up deviously. His hand moved from her wrist to stroke his cock, and when he thought she was getting ready to cum, he stood up and gave her a devilish grin. He could smell her juices brewing. In a quick motion, he thrust into her, something that the resulting moan from her was something he was sure Lucius would hear. He was doing him a favor. He should be moving Hermione, he had no idea that they were just laying down there. His hands moved to pick her up, and he walked to the table. He needed a change of scenery. . .

Lucius smiled to himself. "Do you really want to know why?" He asked her with a smile. "Draco and Narcissa can deal with it." He said as he pet her hair. His hand moved her leg over him so she was straddling him. His hair lay out on the pillow. He would move her soon. Maybe. That was, if he got what he wanted. Which he always did. No one would find her if he could help it. . .
Bellatrix was partially annoyed when Severus suddenly stood up to thrust into her. But of course, that feeling soon took over her. She groaned loudly, and writhed against the chair. It was almost too much. She hadn't seen him, or Rodolphus, for that matter, in at least a month. And that was quite a long time for someone so addicted to sex. "Sev-severus!" She yelled, much to her dismay. Bellatrix didn't like showing that someone else had that control on her.

Hermione sat up on Lucius, her hips just above his own. "Don't you miss home though?" She asked quietly, a bit frightened when she heard Bellatrix. A disgusted look fell upon her face. Snape might have raped her, but she was able to cose her eyes the entire time. The picture of him and the Death Eater wasn't exactly pleasant. "I mean, it has to be more comfortable at the Manor than here." She waited a moment, and then her voice became even quieter. "... Am I going back to school?"
The onslaught of her pussy lasted almost for fifteen more minutes. Finally, Snape arched his back and fired his load deep into her snatch. He had won again, therefore, he wouldn't have to tell her anything. The man panted a bit. Something he didn't usually do, but after that, he figured he could. For all Bellatrix knew, Rodolphus was alive. This, of course, was not the case, as the dark lord had gotten fed up with his failures. Good riddence. More Bellatirx for Snape. Deep down, Snape knew that she was displeased with him. He knew that she wouldn't mind. Though he also knew that she was displeased with him winning their little game. ..

The girl's question didn't phase him. No, he didn't miss home, and no she was not going back. "Probably not dear." He started to tug at the nightgown she was wearing, indicating what he wanted. He let out a breath. The door was not going to lock from the inside where they were. If they were going to be found out, he would rather be in a good mood for the most part. "Why would you want to go back?" He asked her slightly, caring to hear her answer.
Bellatrix went off right before Snape, fidgeting and moaning for a good minute before she came back into reality. Her vision cleared, and she was able to focus once more on the task at hand. A few seconds later she felt Snape finish into her, and almost collapse against the chair. "Ha!" A loud cackle came from her proceeding the teasing comment. "I thought you had more in you Severus." She cooed, and then, pushed him off a bit. "Well... I suppose I'll have to wait to get everything out of you..." Her voice trailed off, and she sneaked around him to get out of the chair. Straightening her dress, she walked out of the room into the hallway. "But that doesn't mean I can't find out myself."

Hermione wasn't sure if she was thankfully or disappointed when he answered her question. She did miss her friends, and being able to roam like a human being. Learning new spells and potions, acing every exam that was handed to her - those things she truly did miss. But if she went back... It wouldn't be the same. Questions would arrive, and not to mention the Slytherin boys eying and snickering at her every chance they got. "If I don't go back to school, I won't go back home." She mumbled. Oh yes. Mum and dad.... How were they going to fit into all of this? "But I suppose... I'm afraid to go back. I'd rather be a captive than embarrassed like that." What she didn't mention though, was how much she would in fact miss Mr. Malfoy. Leaning forward, she seemed to be laying on top of him for a moment, and her nightgown lifted ever so slightly.
Acting quick, Snape stood up and wrapped his arms around her. She was going to find Lucius, and that wasn't something Snape could allow. At least not yet. With his arms around her waist, he moved back to the armchair and sat down, so she was on his lap. His hand travelled south and he slid one of his fingers in her. If this would buy some time, he woulkd gladly oblige to do so for his friend. He was stronger than she was, he could will his way into things because of his strength over her. She loved to taunt him, because she knew it got results. That was Snape's theory at least.

Finally. The man moved his hands toward his robes and opened up a hole for his cock to slip through. Upon doing so, he moved her toward it, mostly by pushing her. He sat up slowly, leaning his back against the bed rest. He gave her a break, and he needed to release some stress. He pulled her nightgown over her head and smiled. "Be a good girl. .. " He said as he motioned toward his now erect, now exposed cock, and ran his hand through her hair. . .
Bellatrix leaned back against Snape in the chair, rolling her eyes playfully. "You certainly seem touchy today, Severus." She cooed, and then put her hand against his own. "And very outgoing." She laughed to herself for a moment, and then turned to look at him. "So how are you getting out of teaching your wide eyed pupils today?" Her tongue rolled out the last word, and she made a teasing clicking sound. If they weren't having sex, Bella was very keen to teasing him, sometimes going to the point of hateful remarks. That was just in her nature.

Surprisingly enough, Hermione did not push away from Lucius. It wasn't because of his grip, either. Sex didn't hurt as bad anymore, and besides, when someone was being as 'sweet' as he was, the event could be enjoyed. Lucius was attractive after all. And if she made him happy, he'd probably let her out of the room! Her eyes lit up a bit at the thought, and she scooted herself back a bit, and then moved onto her knees. Ever so carefully her body was lowered onto his cock, and a loud groan escaped from her. She pushed her head forward as her neck bent, and she grasped the blond man's shoulders tightly. Even if it wasn't true pain, the pressure was immense, Lucius wasn't exactly small. "Mmphff...." She let out a frustrated huff, and then tried to center her hands on her chest, rocking her hips back and forth gently.
The potion's master that every hated smiled. "Let's just say, I haven't been with a woman in so long." He said to the Death Eater that was almost as crazy as he was. This next question, was one that he would actually answer. "Ah, the use of the substitute teacher." He said with a laugh. As the Death Eater rolled into him, he groaned. His lips made contact with her neck, and he just stalled for the most part. Slowly coming back, and being able to fuck her again, he sucked on her neck and nibbled on her ear lobe. The two were certainly a pair.

Thhe long haired man was almost surprised when she lowered herself onto him. His back arched as he went into her, and he let out a groan of pleasure. She was being a good little girl this time. He wondered about the change of heart. Not but one day ago, she was fighting him for everything he was worse, and seemingly overnight, she became a good little obedient. His cock throbbed whilst it was in her, and it felt good to fuck her without the rape, without the struggle. She would defineatly receive a prize. After the sex of course. His hands were on her hips in an effort to steady her, and finally, she started working. The man looked up at her, and opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. He would wait. . .
"They have substitutes at Hogwarts?" Bellatrix asked into the open. She wasn't just crazy in an angry way, she was so easily distracted by random thoughts that often she would make comments at any moment, even in front of Voldemort. It was a bad habit. Shivers ran down her spine as he toyed with her neck, and she straightened her back a bit. "I really should be getting back..." She mumbled quietly, an ever so quiet moan escaping from her. It wasn't just from sex, but from the situation. A slightly gentle touch, affectionate attention... It could do wonders for someone who had been alone so long.

It was quite a change. Hermione herself was confused by how quickly her opinions had strung a new chord. But, half that time she had been tortured, the other half she had sat alone in silence, starving and dirty. If she was going to be treated decently for being obedient, she would do it - even if it went against everything she believed. But she was still quite exhausted. It was hard to move herself up and down at all, and soon she was leaning over him, her cheek against his own. Heavy sighs constantly escaped her, along with a few short groans. And then as her hips slowly started to loose pace, she moaned loudly. Oh, she wanted energy right now. She wanted to continue on. "Please..." She muttered quietly, and her hips came to a slow halt.
The long haired man nodded to himself. Of course not. Today was Saturday. The thought drew a laugh, though it was only to himself. It wasn't that big of a deal really. "Why?" He asked her, toying with her both mentally and physically. It was a matter of fate really. She had been doing this to so many other people, and now it was time for it to happen to her. He was going to continue to toy with her, but she was being such a good girl, he would let Lucius's secret out of the bag. "Lucius has the mudblood girl as a pet now." He whispered into her ear slowly. His hand creeping between her legs. . .

The man looked at the red headed girl with a slight tinge of confusion. She wanted it so bad now, but before she was struggling. Granted, she had been in a dark, damp basement for the past couple of days and who knows how many hours. He positioned his hands on her hips and rolled her over and moved into her in a slow manner. He was just enjoying this now, enjoying her. Slowly, he leaned down to kiss her tenderly. Something different was coming over him. He was becoming soft. It was almost at a point where he actually enjoyed her company. What was wrong with him?
There was a certain calming sensation that ran through the brunette for a while, slowly rolling her neck from side to side, curling into his lap... But after his words, her eyes shot open like a bullet. She sprang up from his lap, despite the hold he had around her waist. A certain energy ran through her, like pure electricity was coming from the tips of her fingers. Running down the hall, she listened very carefully. There was a noise... The noise of people. Jotting forward, she came to a slightly opened door that led down to the basement. With a flick of her wand it crashed opened. "Lucius!" She yelled, her voice sounding much more demonic this time.

Hermione had slightly been enjoying her time. Her dark curls feel around her face and draped over onto his chest. Soft, innocent noises came from her, and she was actually getting quite close to a climax. But the smooth rhythm calmed her immensely, as if it was taking her to another place and time. But of course, this was all short lived. With the current situation, Hermione hadn't heard the footsteps of Bellatrix. All that she knew was the door had broken down the staircase, and a green bolt of lightning flew from someone's wand.

A gasp left her, and Hermione immediately got off of Lucius, and buried herself under the covers, huddling against his warm body. What was going to come of her now?
The arrogant potion's master was wrong. Again. This was not the reaction he had expected from her. As she stood up, he tried to stop her. Though deep down, he knew nothing would come of his efforts. He quickly followed her down the stairs and saw the two. A sharp gasp escaped from his lips. Almost as if he knew nothing of their relationship. All Snape knew is that Lucius was caught by surprise. He was still unsure as to whether he was pissed or just surprised. That was something that would be made clear soon. Lucius didn't have a content setting. The man stood at the top of the staircase, just watching things unfold. Regardless, someone was going to be angry at him.

The pale man was enjoying the time he was sharing with her. She had finally reached sexual maturity and he was enjoying it with her. His eyes immediately darted to the door. His mind started racing, and then the door burst open. He cursed under his breath and let Hermione hide. He moved quickly away from her and put his robes back on. Well, he put on what he could before she was downstairs. He stood in front of her as Bellatrix made her way down the stairs. His cane in his now ungloved hand. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, he glanced up only to see that rat Snape. Lucius let out a snarl and tried to work out how he was going to get out of this situation.

Finally, his eyes met Bellatrix, drawing his wand and hiding it under his robe, he threw his cane aside. He tried to stay calm. As time seemed to slow down, he took three breaths. He counted. Another sharp inhale and he spoke. "Bellatrix. . " He said her name and his tongue had a sort of, burning sensation. "Let's not be rash here." He said as his mind spoke angrily at him. Why had he trusted that little fuck? Why had he gone down to check on her? This whole situation seemed to have had a way of being avoided. It wasn't as though he could turn back time though. He had to handle this. . .
Hermione couldn't help but whine, a small scared sound came from her. Lucius suddenly wasn't with her anymore, and she curled up into a ball out of instinct. Her eyes were wide with fright, and she tried to mentally comfort herself. This had to be a dream. This whole experience was a dream. And this was the cliffhanger in which she would wake up. Yes! It was almost over... She would go to class and everything would be alright and-!

The brunette's surreal thoughts were cut short by the crazed woman in the room. "Rash?!" Her voice laughed menacingly, and she waltzed towards the bed. "I don't see whats so rash about revealing your little secret..." Bella's hand flicked and the blanket was on the ground, revealing the terrified teen. "Aha!" A small blue light came from her wand, and Hermione jumped off the bed and landed on the floor in a dazed set of mind. "You were here spending time with the mudblood Potter girl, instead of meeting with the Dark Lord?" Her voice sounded stunned, and she shook her head slightly.

"What am I going to tell Cissy?" Her tongue clicked, and she tilted her head to the side. "What is she going to tell Draco?" Bellatrix's eyes lightened up, an evil fire in them. She enjoyed this kind of power. The ability to scare others, or to make them beg. This would be a fun evening.
The pale haired man tried hard not to lose his sense of being. His temper flared, but his overall appearance was calm. Sure, he knew that he had done wrong, but at this point in time, the cat was out of the bag. He sighed as he walked toward Hermione on the ground and covered her up with the blanket. Slowly, he moved toward the crazed witch and put his hand on his shoulder. "C'mon now, let's not do this." He said to her with a sigh. As he inched his way behind her, maybe getting an edge on her, maybe so he could pull his wand and dispose of the bitch. Alas, that would not go over well, but it was an idea.

The footsteps stopped as he stopped beside her. He moved her so she was looking at him, and her attention was temporarily away from the girl on the ground. "What could I do. . ." He stopped for a second, appearing to ponder which words to say. He knew he had to be delicate with this situation. Should he say the wrong combination of words, he and the mudblood were both gone. ". .for you to forget this situation?" He said with a smile on his face. Inside, he just hoped Hermione would maintain her sense of being. Any whimper, and slight noise from her would set off the witch.

Glancing back at Snape, the man gripped his wand tighter. He would dispose of him as soon as he got out of the situation. He looked back at Bellatrix. "It's not as though I was enjoying a carnal relationship with her. I mean, she doesn't want to be here." He said as he glanced over at her. Anytime Bellatrix tried turning her head, he turned it back so she was looking into his eyes. "Besides, I'm sure your twisted mind could find some gain out of this whole situation to where we would both benefit. . ."
After a few moments of flaring silence, Bellatrix seemed to calm down a bit. Not to a sane level of course, but enough to show her wand wouldn't strike anyone again for a bit. Still, her grip was tight on the maple, and she kept it pointed at Lucius. Bella was of course a manipulative person, but even she couldn't withstand the power of a Malfoy. Lucius had some sort of ability to make people go his way. It was probably why he was in fact so powerful. He didn't use pure fear to get his way. The blond would make you feel like this was good for you, and so you obliged. Oh, what a sly fox.

A small smirk finally appeared on her face, and Bellatrix looked towards the girl. "I think we should bring her to the Dark Lord." Still unable to speak, Hermione couldn't scream how she wanted to, but oh, inside she was wailing. "I think we should take her to him, and say we both captured her for more information on Potter." Moving out of his grasp, Bella walked towards the blanketed figure. "She could be a little spy of sorts. And, then, Voldemort will reward the both of us."

And thats what Bellatrix really wanted. Did she love Voldemort? Did she love Snape? Did she love Rodolphus? No one truly knew. But impressing the Dark Lord was definately the most important thing in her life.
The funny thing about the both of them, was that they usually got what they wanted. Now it was a matter of whose will was stronger in this situation. Lucius was not one to back down, unless it was in his own best interest and at this point in the conflict. It wasn't. He noticed her calmness now, thought calmness and sane were two far different words for Miss Bellatrix Lestrange. He moved toward her, his wand still pointed, they were at a stalemate. He knew, however, that she was much quicker than he was, he had to make the first move in this occasion.

As he started to move away, he knew far better than to take his eyes off the witch in front of him. He just had to buy himself enough time. "You don't want to make your dear sister Narcissa angry do you?" If there was one thing he knew about Bellatrix, it was she had at least some sort of love for her sister. Even if she didn't show it. He smiled at Snape, it was a matter of what he did now, and he could do anything he wanted to. He was infact a double, maybe even a triple crosser. ..

The matter was quick, he raised his wand and shouted. "IMPERIO!" The other unforgivable curse. The one that made people do what he wanted. The spell headed straight for the witch infront of him. Lucius just hoped that Snape wouldn't be a quadruple crosser. That man was so hard to read sometimes. . .
  • Bellatrix glared back at Lucius, her face turning rather pouty compared to its normal expression. "Angry? Cissy wouldn't be angry due to this." The deadly white hand of the woman pointed her wand at Lucius' chest, but she did not fire any spells just yet. "She would be devastated, depressed, self-conscious, alone, hateful..." Bellatrix didn't want her sister to feel any of these emotions if they were aimed at her. But if she could someone make Mrs. Malfoy turn against her own husband, well, it would be quite a fun thing to watch.

    Another evil cackle came from the woman, and she twirled a black curl in her fingers. "And then she would go back to her home in the countryside, pull Draco from school, and try to find herself a new life that didn't involve a man who can't control urges." Her tone changed from high-pitched to dark, and then back to the insane. But before she could continue on, something hit her. The unforgivable curse she had so commonly used had been done against her. "UUHHAGGH!" The brunette screamed in anger, just before her mind was completely wiped of its own doing. She was a puppet for now, and without her own account, she slumped to the floor.

    Hermione stared with doe eyes at the woman, and back up at Lucius. Pulling the blanket up to her face, she covered everything but her eyes. She was still terrified, despite the fact the woman was now knocked out. Lucius had shown he hadn't care for her, and she was well aware Snape hated her... Alone in a room with three death eaters, without any sympathy from a single one. "...W-whats g-g-going to hap-pen now?" Her voice shook like a scared mouse cries, and her knuckles were once again white with fear. What if Lucius decided to dispose of her now, to keep himself safe? What if Snape killed Lucius and buried her alive in the backyard?! Oh the possibilities...

The man smiled. He usually got his way, either one way or another. He moved quickly toward the girl, his wand still pointing at her and he looked up at Snape. "Brew a memory wipe potion." He said to her as he quickly took the spell off and cast another spell on her. "Petrificus Totalus." He said in a sly voice. There was no way to dodge the spell and soon Bellatrix would forget everything she saw. He moved back toward Hermione and covered her up with the blanket. He smiled at her as he lifted her back onto the bed, and sighed. "Rest well, dear girl." He said as he moved back to Bellatrix's stiff body.

As Snape moved upstairs to make the potion, he realized he was glad to still be alive. With Lucius and his temper, he should have been done. The man quickly brewed the strongest memory wipe potion he knew, and syphoned it into a vial, returning downstairs to watch as Lucius taunted the woman on the floor. Snape looked up at Hermione, in truth, he did feel bad for her. He trusted Dumbledore, and he was only playing a role in this whole matter. Shame.

The blond haired man took the vial, and opened Bellatrix's mouth, pouring the purple liquid inside. He smirked to himself as he put a little sleeping spell on her, and removed the totalus spell. He ordered Snape to remove her, and take her back to Voldemort, and close the door behind him. . .
  • Hermione watched in shock as the events played out before her. When Lucius lifted her from the ground, she froze with fear, unaware if he was actually her foe once more. Carefully propping up her pillows, she laid down, but kept her upper body high enough so that she could watch the two in front of her. It became even more obvious then that Lucius was cruel. Not only against his mudblood enemies, but to his own marriage family... to everyone. She wouldn't be able to ever know his real views.

    Bellatrix merely remained crushed on the ground, as if puppets strings were attached to her wrists and joints, and were keeping her from moving. Her cheeks were flushed with anger, and her yellow fingernails dug against the floor. She hated Lucius now more than ever, his taunting was pushing her over the edge. And now she had no way to ruin him! There was no possibility his marriage would be down the tubes - at least, not right now. Soon she felt a harsh liquid pour down her throat, and the woman gagged. "Ugh!" Bellatrix spat a few drops out, before truly forgetting the past few hours. And then with another spell, she was lulled to sleep.

    The brunette in bed continued to stare at the three, before Bellatrix was pulled out of the room. Left alone once more, Hermione stared down at the bed covers. "Well... At least that is over..." She whispered quietly. Finally looking up at him, her head quirked to the side. "Does this mean I can leave the room?"

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