Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

Hermione could only grin at Lucius when he began running his hands over her skin. She didn't expect anything less than a full-on molestation, but at the same time she found it rather odd that he could do such things while being so upset. The witch tilted her head to the side and looked at him like a peculiar creature. Once he pressed his lips against her own, though, her mind was distracted, and she placed her hands on his shoulders and moved to straddle his lap.

"Are you sure this will make you feel better?" She asked quietly, though there was a slight smirk on her face. "Do you really think you will be less pessimistic afterwards?" Hermione followed his instructions despite her questions, and carefully began unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it out of his trousers. Soon she had him shirtless, at which point she pulled off her own blouse and cardigan to reveal her breasts.

"I mean, are you sure you don't want to talk about it first?" Hermione almost laughed at her question. It seemed ridiculous that Lucius would talk about his emotions at all, let alone skip out on sex to do so.
The man smiled as he started to be undressed, and just looked at her with his comment. He put his hand on her breast, something he hadn't done for awhile. He slowly shook his head nad pushed her off his lap and in between his legs. "You almost got it." He said as he unbuttoned the button on his trousers and moved her hand past his trousers and into his pants.

He looked down at her and smiled with a devilish glint in his eye. This was the great thing about having her as his new personal toy. Perhaps the Dark Lord needed a toy, something to relieve the stress of taking over the world and taking out Harry Potter. There was something about having sex and anything he wanted, anytime he wanted. It was great. He set the drink on the ground and leaned back in his chair.

This was it, after this, he would send her back on her way for a bit, leave her with the vibrator, and everytime she used it, he would know. Sometimes it would pull what it did when it was stuck in her for days and he would know. In fact, he would be the one controlling it. He just hoped that he had gotten the idea in her head that sex was a great thing. Especially with him.
Hermione smirked at the man when she was pushed off of his lap and between his legs. Her hands pulled the sides of his trousers down a bit and then slipped underneath the fabric to grab for his cock. The moment her fingers found it she yanked it out and began licking at the head of his member. "I wish you weren't so pessimistic all the time." The witch commented, before sticking the first half of his cock into her mouth.

The brunette bobbed her head up and down on his length, letting her tongue run over the pulsing skin. She sucked at his cock for a moment before moving her head back and kissing the tip. "You act like you need to keep everything a secret from me." Hermione hit his cock against her tongue, which she promptly stuck out so he could see it as well.

"I thought you were starting to trust me." With that Hermione went back down on his cock, going down far enough so that her lips brushed against the few hairs that remained around his cock.
The man leaned back against the chair, enjoying her tongue against his cock. He groaned for a bit, and gripped the armchair before using his hands to move her hair out of the way. He just stayed silent and let her do her job. Moving his back against the back of the chair, he looked at her and smiled. "I am, but my trust does not go very far." He said with a laugh.

It was true. The man trusted Draco and Draco was his son. He failed too much, and he was sure a mudblood was not going to be any different. In fact, he was sure that the mudblood would be worse off than his own son. The man moved his hand down her face and groaned again in pleasure. He loved the yound witch's mouth on his cock.

Suddenly, a wave of anger filled the man's veins and her grasped her hair and started to fuck her throat violent. He needed to take out some pent up anger before he let her go, and within minutes, he blew his load deep into her throat and let out another groan of ecstasy. When he was done, he moved her back on his lap and sat against the chair with all his weight.
It was the part of Hermionr that didn't want to seem completely vunerable that appeared during the onslaught of her throat. She didn't want Lucius to know that she was hurt when he said he answered her. Hermione had begun to trust him, even though she was the one who had been bound to a new life of sex and torture. Couldn't he, the man who started this whole mess, at least pretend that he valued her as more than a toy?

It seemed not as Lucius began violently ramming his cock down her throat. Hermione gagged against his member, but she didn't fight him. Instead she stayed calm and waited until he had came to move at all. Once he had, the witch swallowed his seed and began cleaning off his cock with her tongue. But before long she was pulled back into his lap.

A small smile spread across the witch's face, and she kissed his cheek. "Do you feel any better now?" Hermione asked sweetly, brushing a few stray hairs out of his face as she did so.
The man nodded slowly. It wasn't as though he didn't trust her, even though he didn't but honestly right now, she wasn't nothing more than a sex toy to him. A living, breathing, warm sex toy. The gag that he had produced only made him cum quicker and the he smiled down at her when she licked his member off. He was proud of her, that was exactly what he would have wanted her to do.

He wiped his cheek off, not because he didn't want her to kiss him but instead because he had just came in her mouth and then she kissed him. He groaned as she brushed the hair out of his face and nodded at her question. He did feel better, and she did help him relieve stress about the whole situation.

"I have good news." He said to her as he slipped his hand down her pants and moved two fingers in and out of her. He moved his mouth to her nipple and nibbled on it a bit, before the third finger moved in. "I am going to take you back to the school for awhile, but the condition is you must use the little red toy on the bed on a regular basis." He said as he moved back to her nipple.
Hermione whimpered when she felt his fingers enter her slit. Her hips bucked at his movements, and her back arched as Lucius began to toy with her nipple. The witch's neck rolled back as he continued to play with her. It had been a while since she had gotten played with in such a manner, and she had missed it. Still, his statement made Hermione freeze on the spot.

The brunette's eyes were wide, and after a moment she blinked and looked down at his face. "School?" Hermione's voice was soft, but you could tell she was in shock. Long ago she had gotten over the idea that she would go back to school. It seemed like an eternity ago, her days as a regular student. And now it seemed almost ridiculous to think she would be able to adjust to her regular life at Hogwarts.

"Why?!" Hermione suddenly cried, her hands hitting his chest. "What did I do wrong? I thought you liked having me around! I thought I was fun!" Her lower lip was quivering as she yelled at him, and her eyes turned red with emotion.
The man just slowly nodded at her. It was true that he had grown quite fond of the ability to have carnal relations any time he wanted, but fact of the matter was, now he needed some space, and now he needed to take care of business so he didn't get killed by the Dark Lord. It worried him that he hadn't seen Bellatrix or anyone else fore that matter in the longest time. He really was worried. Usually they would have come calling by now.

"I'm afraid." He said brushing some hair out of her face and increasing the pace that his fingers moved in and out of her. He knew it was rather ridiculous of him to send her back and he knew it would probably be pretty ridiculous of her to go back and try and live life that there was nothing wrong, but he had to watch out for himself now. There was business to be had.

The man withdrew his fingers from her and put them near her mouth so she could suck off her own juices. He stood up and let her move, then started to put his clothes back on. Looking at her, he wanted her to do the same so he could take her back to school. When he did, he grabbed her and Apparated her to just outside of the school, then without a word, Apparated away. Saying nothing.
Hermione wanted to throw a fit when Lucius finally told her she would indeed be going back to Hogwarts. But before she could flail or raise her voice his fingers were put in front of her mouth. As if it were a reflex, she leaned forward and took his hand in her mouth until each finger was licked clean. At that point she smacked her lips and slowly began to gather her clothes back up.

She put them on as slowly as she could, and with each movement her eyes welled up further. Suddenly she was being pulled through the vortex that apparation caused, and swirling through space until finally they landed outside of Hogwarts. It was then that she broke down. All of a sudden he was gone. No goodbyes or promises, not even a kiss on her forehead. She was, once again, completely alone.

Tears began to roll down her cheeks, and before Hermione knew what was happening she was sobbing. Like mad. It was her frantic crying that alerted a few female students to her attention. The caring Hufflepuffs ran over and tried to calm her, before they realized it was Hermione Granger. The missing student!

For what seemed like eternity to Hermione she was questioned. The students had taken her to see Professor McGonagall. There she was interrogated about her disappearance, though with a kind voice and gentle touch. But Hermione made no attempts to answer truthfully. She made up some false story about getting lost and going unconscious for many days before ending up back at school. When it was finally evident that they were getting no answer from her, the witch was allowed to return to her dormitories.

There she still cried, and ignored her 'best friends' caring voices. She left them behind and went up to her four-poster bed, hiding under the covers and continuing to cry over the man no one knew of.
At some point during the middle of the night, Harry and Ron found out that Hermione was back. They had been looking for her for so long and they had been worrying so much. As soon as they found out, they sprung out of bed and quickly hurried to the girl's side and barged their way in, finding her in her bed, just crying.

It had been days, week even that they hadn't seen her and now they were finally seeing her. Why was she so sad? Harry put his hand on her and tried to comfort her, but he couldn't get a response. He looked at her with sad eyes, and all Ron could do was stay quiet. They just had to tough this one out and be there for her.

The ginger insisted on staying with her, but Harry moved to find Ginny. When he did, he just sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. "Hey, are you awake?" He asked her slowly. Hoping that she was awake.


The blonde haired man moved quickly through the corridors of the old, rickety house and finally getting to a dimly lit room, kneeled down and bowed his head. "My lord, I am so sorry for my abscence, I. . ." The Dark Lord put his hand up and silenced the pale man quickly. With a snake tongue, he spoke. "Sssilence." He said slowly. "I neeed you to doo sssomething for mee."

"You will be working with Misss Bellatrix." He said to Lucius's dismay. He motioned for Lucius to stand up and the man quickly followed his hand. He waited for his partner to come and he sighed to himself. What could the mission possibly be?
Hermione knew that someone was in the room as she tried to fall asleep. She tried to ignore them, but it seemed apparent that whoever was waiting for her was completely willing to sit for hours until she came to. When the witch felt someone sit down beside her she flinched and turned around. "R-ron." Her voice was quiet, and she looked at the boy with empty eyes. She had missed her friends terribly, but now that she had been through so much with Lucius, she couldn't look at him the same way.

Still, her arms wrapped around him and she hugged his stomach, still teary eyed. And before he would know it, she had passed out - hoping that it was all truly a dream.


With a loud crack a small wave of smoke appeared in the Dark Lord's lair and out popped Bellatrix - she did like making an entrance after all. Her black hair seemed more wild than normal, with curls going every which way as she strutted towards her master. The dark dress she wore clung to her body like a second skin, emphasizing her curves. "My Lord," Bellatrix cooed to Voldemort with a toothy smile.

Only after greeting the Dark Lord did Bellatrix notice Lucius standing there. "Why hello there Luci." The woman teased, before walking over towards him. "How has life been alone in the Manor?"
The blond man looked toward the source of the crack and let out a his when he had the misfortune of seeing the cause of the crack. It was the sound of the Apparating witch Bellatrix Lestrange. Bowing his head a bit, to her, he said nothing about her comment.

The Dark Lord looked at the two, disregarding what Bellatrix had said about the manor. "Go now, you have work to do." He said as one of the other Death Eaters handed Lucius and envelope, and the man nodded as he turned and left, expecting Bellatrix to follow him. "Meet at the manor." He said to her quickly before he Apparated.

The man met her at the manor and grabbed her by the neck and shoved her against the wall. He was clearly upset with her. "What the fuck are you trying to do? Are you fuck me?" He said with a bit of a sting to his words. Today, he was not having any of the witch's games.


The ginger let her rest comfortably on him, even falling asleep after a time. Soon it was time for them to get up for classes and he shook her awake, not saying anything before he left her room to go and change into his own robes for classes that day.
Bellatrix seemed rather lofty, in a demonic sense, as she frolicked behind Lucius. She apparated when he told her to, though only because she accepted his idea - never would the witch say she followed an order from Lucius Malfoy.

Once Bellatrix had landed inside the Manor she felt a hand on her throat. A growl rolled through her and her eyes narrowed. "You think that humiliated you?" The witch scoffed in his face. "There are worse things said behind your back by the Dark Lord himself!" Bellatrix raised her arms and pushed Lucius back. Unlike Hermione, Bellatrix had quite a bit of strength in her arms.

"Now, we have a task, my dear brother-in-law!" She snatched the letter away from him and tore it open to reveal the instructions. Bellatrix let her eyes scan over the paper before tossing it to Lucius. This pair had worked together before, and most of the time Bellatrix let Lucius come up with the plans, and she would approve or disapprove of them.


Hermione slept soundly, though in her mind visions wracked her brain fiercely. She saw Lucius's face most often, though sometimes it was his body. He was much sweeter in her dreams, letting her sleep beside him and holding her close. The dreams were so perfect, in fact, that the girl overslept despite having been shook away.

After most people had gone to their second class Hermione was only just rising. She slumped through the dormitories getting dressed, looking rather pathetic with messy curls and untucked clothes. Eventually she made it to the class she remembered as being third, DADA. Lazily the brunette walked into the room and took a spot at the back, causing most everyone to turn their heads.
The man moved quickly and sat in his chair near her. He thought about the plan and the mission and realized he had no idea what they should do. They had to go and get rid of a Death Eater that had been a good member of the team. As it seemed there was a certain werewolf that was causing trouble, and not laying low and the two of them were supposed to take care of him.

The man looked at her, and sighed. "Why did Fenrir have to go on a rampage?" He said as he thought about the plan of attack. Why on earth the dark lord needed both of them to take care of the crazed werewolf was beyond him, but he had no idea what the plan was which is why he had to leave so quick, and even then, even if he protested, there would be nothing that would be able to change Voldemort's mind.

"Why don't you just go, and take care of the problem" He said with a laugh. It would make everything easier. There didn't need to be two Death Eaters, especially Bellatrix and Lucius to take out Fenrir. Besides, he was not that dangerous, and if he didn't know they were coming, he really thought that there was no problem.


After classes were through, Harry took Hermione aside and sat her down. He looked into her faded eyes for a bit before speaking. "What is the matter with you?" He asked her, grabbing her hands and trying to get her attention. There was no way that she would be able to get away this time, and he desperatly wanted to help his friend.
Bellatrix toyed with a few papers that had been left on Lucius's desk, scattering them about when she got bored with what was written on them. Soon she had made quite a mess, but this was to be expected of Ms. Lestrange. Finally the blonde man spoke up, and the witch lifted her head. "Why should I do all the work? You were assigned to this job too." Even though Bellatrix wouldn't mind the glory of doing the task alone, she felt rather lazy at the moment, and simply didn't want to.

"No, you will think of a plan and we will both go and get rid of that dog." Bellatrix let out a short crazed laugh at the irony in her statement. Dog and werewolf - ah, she was so well humored!


Meanwhile at Hogwarts, Hermione was being held still by Harry. She glanced up at him for only a second before diverting her eyes. "Nothing! You heard what Madame Promprey said, I might have problems getting back into things. That is all!" Hermiond was getting rather worked up, so she decided to writhe her way out of his grasp and go to her next class - Potions. She wasn't crazy about seeing Professor Snape, but something about the situation made her think he would come in handy later.
The man let out a sigh when the papers flew everywhere. He needed those organized for his job at the Ministry. She did have a point that they were both assigned and he realized that he was along so that he could make it seem like he did the work for the Ministry of ridding the world on that damned werewolf Death Eater, it was a win - win.

Moving toward the crazed girl in the chair. "I needed those." He said to her as he grasped her and moved her over the now empty desk. He was feeling rather uptight and angry today. Using force, he bent her over the desk and leaned into her ear. "When was the last time your dear Rudolphus just bent you over a desk and fucked your brains out. You naughty, naughty girl" He asked her, holding her by the back of the neck.

A plan was concocting in his head. Weren't wereeolves only weak to silver? If so, they he needed to come prepared, but until then. . .


Snape stood in front of the class and caught sight of the brunette. He sighed, she was back and that would mean that Lucius had broken and decided that she was too much. When class got over, he moved back toward his desk and sat there for a bit. He started to right a test for the class tomorrow.
Bellatrix only laughed when Lucius told her he needed those papers. He hardly needed them, what he needed to do was to follow through with the Dark Lord's orders and come up with a plan. And of course Voldemort knew Lucius was the plan coordinator and Bellatrix was the scare factor, so it wasn't a problem if she didn't think up something. All the blame would set on his shoulders.

Suddenly the brunette found herself being bent over. At first she tossed her arms to try and get away from him, but a smirk soon crossed her face. "Oh, he is still in Azkaban. Unlike you, he isn't afraid to fall for what he believes in." The mad woman laughed and her body shook against his. She had fucked Lucius before, but it was never for anything more than fun. And if it happened this time, it would be the same. "But I suppose you Malfoy men are... Weak."


Hermione, once again, hardly paid any attention in her class. She looked up every once in a while at Snape, but nothing he said was ever processed. Ron had insisted that she sit by them near the front this class, so she did, but that didn't help at all with concentration. She was still daydreaming, still wondering about what was happening in the home that had almost been hers.

After class Hermione told the boys to head on to lunch, she needed to get make up work from Professor Snape. They reluctantly left the witch alone, but she stayed at her seat for a while after all the students had poured out. "P-Professor?" She finally spoke, and while doing so she climbed out of her seat and walked towards the front of the room. "Did Lucius ever talk to you about why he wanted me to leave?"
The man sighed. Not out of sadness, but more out of the fact that he just wasn't interested. The man would show her how strong Malfoy men really were. The man moved his hand around her and just held her, then using his skilled and slender fingers, got underneath her clothing, and slid a finger into her. This always seemed to be a game these two played. A game where the one tries to make the other one break.

However, this time, he wasn't playing, he just wanted her to break. He started moving his one finger more vigorously in and out of her. In fact, he was surprised that his finer was still there with how dirty the woman was. Today, Lucius was not messing around. "Beg for me." He said in her ear. "Beg for me to please you." He ripped her top off and threw it aside, taking her breasts in his hand and squeezing them with force.


The potion's master looked up at her and sighed. Shaking his head, he spoke. "No, why?" He said as he stood up and moved toward her, sitting next to her. She seemed that she needed someone to talk to and he was a professor, so he decided he could help her. Maybe just this once. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"
Bellatrix writhed against the desk as she felt a hand go beneath her clothes. She didn't want to beg, it wasn't something she ever did unless it was at the feet of the Dark Lord. But still, his finger felt so good inside of her. She hadn't been played with in what seemed like ages, so she was even more willing to give up her pride. "Beg?" Bella finally spat, turning her head slightly.

She didn't even seem to notice when her shirt was torn off. The brunette kept looking back at him with narrowed eyes. "Why don't you beg me to please you? To suck on your dick or let you fuck my ass? Why should I be the one begging?" The witch smirked at him and moved her hands to go on top of his, pushing them harder against her breasts.


Hermione looked down at her feet once the Professor took notice of her. She didn't think that it would be so nerve wracking to talk to him, since they had already seen so much of each other. But, he was still rather intimidating. "Well... It's just... I don't want to go to Hogwarts anymore." The witch scooted closer to Snape and let her head rest on his shoulder. "I want to stay with him and make him happy... But he doesn't seem to want me anymore." Hermione let out a rather depressed sigh and shook her head. "I wish I could make him like me again..."
The man just kept pushing on with what he was doing. This time, he was going to be completely frank, this incident was going to be a show of his power and nothing else. He knew that Snape and her, at one point had a fling, but other than that, there was nothing. Rudolphus would be dead soon, another job from Voldemort that was between Lucius and the Dark Lord. What was there to do after that? Maybe get rid of Bellatrix herself, though to be honest, he would probably go before Bellatrix. The man pushed another finger and using his forearm pushed her body down on the desk even further.

"Why don't I beg?" He said in a mocking tone. "My dear girl, it doesn't seem like you are really in a position to be making smug statements." He said as he grasped her wand and threw it across the room. The Dark Lord had to know that these things were happening between his Death Eaters. Yes, the job was on his head should they fail, but even if they did, Lucius was Voldemort's only man in the Ministry, and at a high seat of power at that. He took a sharp breath and cleared his throat a bit. "Now, how about that begging. . ."


The potion master sighed and shook his head. What was he supposed to say to her? He couldn't control Lucius as much as anyone else could. He put his hand on her knee and gave it a little pat. "Well, maybe he is just busy." He said, realizing as soon as he said it how stupid it sounded. "What exactly did he say to you?" He asked, moving his arm to around her. Lucius had really messede this one up, it seemed that she even wanted to quit school because of him. What did they do together. "Why do you feel this way?" He asked her as he eyed the hourglass. Classes were over for the day, and there would be no one else coming to the dungeon.
Bellatrix gasped as her wand was flung across the room. She glared back at Lucius for a moment before his strength over her made such a position difficult. Her head turned back around and her cheek was forced against the wooden surface of the desk.

It would be lying to say she wasn't bursting at the seams with pleasure. The witch was having such trouble containing herself, in fact, that she bit down on her bottom lip until it began to draw blood. Oddly enough, the metallic taste of this elixir pushed Bellatrix just over the edge, and she moaned quietly. "Lucius.... Please.... Please fuck me." She gasped, before stamping her foot against the floor. "Fuck me now!"


Hermione sniffled. She didn't know what to say to her Professor. It was safe to talk to him, or at least, it seemed to be safe, but the very thought of it all made her want to cry. The witch wrapped an arm around his stomach in a tight hug, burying her face in the side of his abdomen. "Well... He told me that it was time for me to go to school." A few tears rolled down her face, but it was nothing compared to the night before. Her lower lip quivered and she looked up at him, rather confused by his next question. "I... I don't know." Hermione answered bluntly, before using the back of her hand to wipe away a few tears. "But I miss him. When we would finish he got very sweet sometimes, and he would let me lay beside him and cuddle with him... I know I shouldn't like him so much, but I can't help it!" The witch looked up desperately at him, as if he would have some magical cure for her sickness.
The pale haired man just smirked to himself. Bellatrix was like gelatin in his hand and he was just enjoying the moment, and molding her like pudding in his hands. His skillful fingers kept moving in her, and already they were starting to feel moist and he could smell her juices. He pushed her further into the desk and groaned. A large bulge in his pants starting to appear and push into her back.

The werewolf would be dead soon, that was for certain, but for now, he was much too happy taking his time and making this once proud witch beg for him to degrade her. "Oh, come on now you fucking slut, you can do better than that." He said as he violently ran his fingers in her. He didn't feel remorseful at all, just satisfied.


The potion master groaned and looked at her. She was starting to get very clingly. He thought a bit to himself when she said all that mushy stuff about Lucius. Was he really falling for a mere girl? A mudblood at that? It didn't seem like that could be the case. "Do you want to relieve some stress with me?" He asked her, quirking his eyebrow slightly. Her eyes showed that she wanted something, but he honestly was just running out of things to say to her.
Bellatrix pushed herself against the desk as her back continued to arch. She let out another loud, shrill moan as Lucius jammed his fingers into her. Oh, how she hated him having this control over her. She could destroy him in a second in a duel, but here she was no match for him. The brunette writhed against him as Lucius continued on, letting out random gasps and moans.

"Fuck me, Lucius. Fuck me like the slut I am! Come on!" Bellatrix screamed, pushing her cheek down against the surface of his desk in a desperate plea to release the tension that was building up within in. "You know you want me Lucius."


Hermione looked up desperately at her professor, unsure of what to say. "I want Lucius." She stated firmly, before letting out a soft sigh. The thoughts in her mind were moving at a thousand miles an hour, contradictory and confusing - complete chaos. Perhaps letting Snape play with her would be of help, even though she was sure it wouldn't be the same as Lucius. "But... If he doesn't want me I guess I'll have to settle for others." The witch didn't mean to sound insulting, but as far as she was concerned no one could compare to the blonde man who had changed her life forever. "Do you think, if we do, you can tell Lucius how wonderful I am? Maybe make him want me again?"
The man just stood over her exerting his will. At some point throughout this whole ordeal, he had upwards of three fingers in her, but withdrew them quickly. Wiping them off on her stomach, he moved toward the pieces of paper and picked them up quickly, not bothering to sort them out. He could do that later. Then he took a short breath.

As he made his way toward the fireplace, he looked back at her. He would leave her like she was, just leaving the horrible taste in her mouth. He just left her. He stepped into the fireplace and spat. "Clean yourself up." Taking a large handful of the floo powder and a large flame engulfed him and sent him on his way towards where the damned werewolf was.


The potions master leaned back into his chair. She was taking this thing all wrong, and who knew if Lucius decided to jsut dump her. It seemed like Lucius was wasting his time then, and he hated to waste his time. He looked at her and shook his head. He suppossed that if she was willing to put out, he would be happy to oblige. "That depends on your performance."
Bellatrix growled loudly when she felt the man back away. "What do you think you're doing?!" She snapped as he backed away and picked up the mess she had made of the papers. Her eye twitched for a moment, threatening that she would go into a fit of rage at any second.

But she didn't. Instead, Bellatrix seemed to decide that she would hide the fact she ever submitted to Lucius. The witch would ignore anything he did to her now as a return punishment for leaving her needy on the table. Bella pulled her clothes back together and straightened her hair back into it's messy buns before taking her own handful of floo powder. She certainly wasn't cleaned up compared to the usual person, but for her it was good enough.

When she landed in the predestined spot Lucius had she searched him out. "Luci! Where are you?"


Hermione pouted at her professor's response. "You can't do that! You know I'm good, very good. So you have to convince him. He trusts your opinion doesn't he?" The witch stood from the desk and moved around to him, holding his hand in hers desperately. "Please, Snape. I need your help, you're the only one who can help me. I'll do what you want now so long as you promise to talk to him."
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