Naughty Girl. . . (Katie X Atom)

A green flash from a room down the hall of the murky and creaky cabin foretold where Lucius had been. Another green flash in succession. Lucius quite honestly didn't know how to dispose of a werewolf, or even if one was able to magically, so he pulled out a silver knife and plunged it into his heart. One more green flash and he was done.

Turning as he saw Bellatrix appear, he tucked his wand away and smiled. "Can I help you with something?" He asked her with a smug smile. He moved toward the body and kicked it a few times, making sure the werewolf was dead, and moved to dispose of the body. Soon, the shack would be destroyed along with the body inside and it would seem like an accident.


The professor just laughed. "If you want me to put in a good word, you will have to prove your meddle." He said with a smile. "Maybe Lucius dumped you because you werent taking any initiative and let him lead. Besides, I heard through the grapevine that he wanted that Luna Lovegood." He said. The last thing was a lie, but Hermione didn't have to know that. .
Bellatrix's eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the shed already being lit up with light. She huffed and marched towards Lucius, quite annoyed that she had been left out of the fun. "You little rat!" The witch snapped. She was of course still upset about being left on the desk, and her ability to ignore emotions wasn't as good as she had hoped.

"I was supposed to finish him off." Bellatrix pointed her wand at him, as if she was actually going to curse him, but instead she just stayed frozen. "But I suppose you do need to take the credit." A mischievous smile appeared on the witch's face, and quickly turned into a nasty smirk. "After all, the Dark Lord knows how helpful I am. He has questioned your loyalty countless times."


Hermione crossed her arms and bit into her lip. "I did try! I really did try!" The girl fussed, but she was cut off by Snape's last statement. Her mouth dropped and for a moment was left hanging open in shock. But quickly she shook her head and fumed her anger out on Severus. "No! No, that's not fair!" Suddenly Hermione grabbed her professor's hand and pulled on him. "Telling him won't be good enough! Take me to the Manor! Take me and fuck me there so he can walk in and hear what he is missing, see it!"
The man just shrugged off her comments. He was the most consistent Death Eater the Dark Lord had. How could he question the loyalty. He didn't even need Bellatrix on this mission. In fact, she didn't even do anything. She just sat around, moaned like a fucking whore, and showed up looking like shit. That was all fine and good, and she was perfect in whatever dilusion she had created for herself.

"Quiet." He said, trying to shut her up. "Your estrogen is showing." He said as he brushed past her and toward the front door of the shack. He was going to dispose of this place, and report back to the Dark Lord, showing him how well he had done on his own and how he didn't need that runt Bellatrix without them.


The man smiled at her reaction. Why did she want him to go to Malfoy Maner and fuck her there. Then Lucius would have both of their heads. "Why would I pick up what Lucius had dropped?" He asked her with a smile. He knew he was getting under her skin, but she was far too easy to concern. He resisted her pull and just smiled.
Bellatrix's blood had nearly boiled at that point, but Lucius's final comment was what pushed her over the edge. She growled loudly and ran behind him to the front door, and with a flick of her wand the door was locked. True, the witch didn't quite have a plan for her actions, but then again she never did. Spontaneous bouts of insanity hadn't truly failed her yet, so she wasn't going back on them.

"You're not scared of me anymore, pretty boy, are you?" The witch teased. She pointed her wand a few inches from Lucius and mumbled a hex that sent a small pillar of flames rushing by his skin. No doubt he could feel the warmth, but nothing actually burned him. "I think we need to change that."


Even though Hermione knew she wasn't strong enough to pull Snape she continued to try. The brunette almost lost herself at his comment, but even though her ego was chipped at, Hermione managed to stay focused. "Because we both know I'm better than anyone else you've ever had." Her words were biting and cruel at that point, but she was getting desperate. "What do you have to loose? All you have to do is apparate me there and fuck me. No one will notice you're gone, everyone knows you're a hermit anyway!"
With the click of the doorknob, he shook his head. He moved right in her face, pushing past her wand. When she muttered the hex, he felt the heat. Almost to the point where he couldn't even stand it, yet his face remained solid as stone. He as he pushed closer to her. He was not impressed with her tricks, and she would know.

The man kept pushing forward and grabbed her wrists. He pressed her up against the wall, his face just inches from hers. "I bet you want me to fuck you right here. Fuck you so rough, you can leave scratchmarks in my back so you can just moan like a whore and call out Rudolphus's name." He said as he stuck his tongue out and licked her face, further showing his dominance. "I wouldn't waste my time." He said as he just glared into her eyes.


The poor girls words were starting to sting the man. He sat back in his chair. "Why do you care?" He asked her as he stood up and stood over her. "Why is he stuck in your head as your fantasy man?" He said as he started to speak back to her. "I mean, you could get the same results if you just change your wardrobe." He said as he ripped her blouse showing more of her cleavage. Then he ripped her skirt so that her panties and the bottom of her ass was showing. "Now go out and find someone." He said slowly.
Bellatrix's face remained plastered with the same angry expression through all of his response. Even when he licked her cheek she didn't flinch or move, she just stayed put. After a long moment of silence Bella moved her wand to point it at his chest, and she laughed manically. "Fuck you? Oh, don't get me wrong dearie, you can be fun sometimes. But I'm not dying to fuck you. I've had better."

The witch scoffed and pushed her wand further into his chest, poking at him firmly. "You are just fun when I'm bored." Her nostrils flared and she was still smirking like an evil psychopath, fully capable of tearing him apart.


"I-I..." Hermione started to try and defend herself, but she was cut off by the tearing of her clothes. Her eyes were watering and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. For a moment she stared down at the floor and sniffled, looking more pathetic than ever. "I-I don't know w-why, but he is-s." The witch sniveled before wiping her cheek with the back of her hand. "A-and I don't-t want any-yone else!"

Suddenly Hermione's head shot up, and she grabbed hold of Snape's arm with a fierce grip. "Haven't you ever had just one person that couldn't leave your thoughts? Just one special witch that you wanted to be with, even if it was silly?" Her nails dug into his arm as she stood there pleading with him. "Just, please, Professor. Help me!" In a flash her hand had let go of him, and her sweater and blouse were on the floor. She pushed down her skirt so that she was left in her undergarments and stockings. "Please?"
The blonde man smiled. He stuck his hands up and stepped backwards and let her point the wand at him. She was crazy, but she wasn't stupid. Should she kill him, Voldemort would have her fucking head. He moved back towards the dead body of their former colleague. He was simply just testing her, besides, what was the worst that could happen?

The blonde's hands were still up in the air, and they should both know where Lucius's wand was. The wizard never broke eye contact with her and he never moved a muscle after he got to a good distance. "Well, do your worst then." He said, just tempting the crazed witch. He swore, every mission with Bellatrix was like this. . .


The potion master thought to himself. There was no one. He really hadn't met that special witch yet, and he probably never will. He moved closer to her and pushed her body against the table in the front of the dungeon. He slipped his left hand into her panties and shook his head. "You poor girl." He said as he just ran his finger along the outside of her lips. "Let old hermit Snape take care of you. . "
Bellatrix had obviously not expected Lucius to become so calm so quickly. Normally he would fight with her for at least a little bit longer... Perhaps he was tired. Shaking her head to push aside these thoughts, the witch smiled devilishly at him and moved her wand to trail over parts of his chest. With a delicate hand she pulled her ebony wand over his collarbone and neck, until it was pressed against his cheek.

"I think you are the one who wants me." Bellatrix laughed and then reached forward with her other hand, taking hold of his jaw. She squeezed it lightly before patting his cheek. "I think my sister hasn't been taking very good care of your... needs lately."


Despite being fully prepared to take whatever Snape could throw at her, Hermione still shrunk down a bit when the professor walked towards her. She felt the hard wooden desk against her thighs, keeping her from backing up. When his hand reached into her panties the brunette whimpered. "P-promise you will help convince him?" Hermione asked. After a moment she became more comfortable with her position and she reached forward to begin unbuttoning his shirt.
The blonde haired man raised his eyebrow as she took hold of his jaw and just smiled. He still had a wand against his cheek and he still was in the place, standing next to the body of a man whom at one time, he considered a good friend. In fact, it was regretful that he had to kill old Fenrir. It seemed the Dark Lord was down sizing his force. Maybe even Bellatrix would be next. All he knew, was that she was implying something. At one time, if his memory served him correctly, she was waving the fact that he was fucking Hermione in his face, using Narcissa as an excuse. This time, she was using her as a reason. It wasn't as though he didn't want to, but as of right now, it didn't seem like the time.

His long slender fingers brushed the hair out of his face and he sighed to himself. "Now, now Bella." He said placing a hand delicatley on her shoulder. Again, it wasn't as though he didn't want her right now. "Maybe that is something you can discuss with her." He said as he stepped away from her for a split second. He knew she was still butt hurt that he left her unsatisfied on the desk, and that was just something else that he could hang over her head. Besides, what was she going to do? Anyway he cut this, this was going to turn out well for him.


The dark haired man moved slowly and took down her panties. "We'll see." He said as he kneeled in front of her and moved his head between her legs. With a skillfull tongue, he entered her pussy and started to lap up her juices. Seemed Lucius had trained her well, or was this just another case of what the Muggles called, Stockholm Syndrome. Using his hands, he moved her legs aside and explored her pussy with his tongue, making sure that no bit was left untouched.
Bellatrix wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do with this man. On one hand the witch was always up for a romp with Lucius, but she was still rather annoyed that he had left her high and dry. So, in a way she wanted to go against her carnal urges and leave him just as unsatisfied as she was. The decision was hard already, but when Lucius touched her shoulder Bella nearly broke. "I'll surely talk to her all about your big cock and how it needs plenty of attention."

The brunette leaned forward and got close enough to kiss him, but she refrained. Instead she pulled down her wand and merely smiled at him. The door was soon unlocked and she reached out a hand to push him forward. "You're free to go now."


Hermione gasped when she felt Snape go between her legs. Lucius had never done such a thing, and the sensation was quite overwhelming. "Oh!" She cried, and a hand instinctively moved to grab a handful of her professor's hair. "T-that feels w-wonderful." The witch choked before arching her back towards him. Perhaps it would be fun to play with her teacher. After all, he seemed far more skilled with his tongue that Lucius had ever been.
The man pushed past her and laughed. He moved quickly as he made his way outside and using his wand sprouted out balls of flame around the dry grass and brush. He hoped Bellatrix would still be in the house as it burned down due to the fire. The fire spread quickly, and Lucius watched as the little shack was engulfed in the flame. As the fire cracked and spread, he lit a cigarette and threw it into the fire. Apparating quickly, he left the house, sure it was going to burn down. THere was no way it wouldn't and with it, the body would go with it. Hopefully Bellatrix too.

As he reached Malfoy manner, he moved to his chair and had a glass of scotch. With that mission done, Voldemort would sure to leave him alone. At least for a bit. Maybe soon it was time to go back to the school grounds and pick up his pet again. He needed to relieve his stress, and the comfort that Lucius was the only one to have fucked Hermione's brains out, there was something a bit more satisfying with that.


As Smape pulled out to take a breath, he looked up at her. "Maybe you should bring along a friend, if Lucius comes back for you." He said with a slight sneer. "Perhaps Ms. Lovegood." He buried his face back into her and just thrust his tongue into her and pulled it out. "That would add that much more for him." There was no way Lucius could be mad at him now. He was, hopefully, getting him another slave to play with, and a very good show for him to watch ontop of that.
Bellatrix looked rather disgusted as Lucius moved past her. But she didn't argue. The witch knew that the second he evacuated the house would go up in flames. So she apparated once he was out of her house, escaping the deadly fire before it even hit the building. But she didn't go to the Manor, oh no, she was quite tired of Lucius' games. Instead she went straight to the Dark Lord, explaining the scene in truthful detail. Though, when she told the story, Lucius appeared to be the bad, reckless partner who might be trying to gain power for himself and not the cause of Voldemort.


Hermione's entire body was engulfed in pleasure. It was like nothing she had ever felt before! Snape's tongue darted quickly in and out of her, and his hook nose constantly was against her clit - even when he moved back to speak Severus's warm breath was teasing her pussy. But despite all this, the witch couldn't stand to hear about Lucius getting another pet. "NO!" She shouted fiercely, hitting the desk with her fist. "I won't let him get someone else!" Hermione sat up a bit and moved her hands to Snape's greasy black hair.

"You can play with Luna if you like, but I won't let Lucius. It's not fair!" Hermione yanked on his hair so that his head pulled back instinctively. Her hazel eyes glared into his in a deadly manner. "Take me to the Manor."
Voldemort looked at her and smiled. He could sense the shaky nature of her voice, and he knew when she was lying. He stood up and looked off the two other Death Eaters in the room, who quickly scattered and closed the door behind them. The bald headed, snake tongued man stood in front of her and looked into her eyes. "Why must you lie to me?" He asked her with a slight hiss in his voice. "Tell me, why should I spare your life, or Rudolphus's life for that matter?" He said, drawing his wand from where he stowed it. Slowly, he ran the top of his wand down her chest and between her breasts, stopping right in the middle.


The Potion Master did not like what was happening. He head was pulled back and he shook his head. He breathed slowly and just thrust his head into her pussy once more. Now she was going to get it. Standing up slowly and looking into her eyes, he smiled. "Don't test me dear girl." He said as he unsheathed his cock, and teased her opening with it. "I was trying to help you and this is how you repay me?" He said as he slowly pushed into her. "How dare you. Maybe he does deserve a better pet than you, you are too emotionally involved. . ." Moving out of her hole, he decided to fill a different hole. Her asshole. With a quick thrust, he pushed into her ass and started to pump away vigorously.
Bellatrix gasped at her master's words. "My lord! I did no such thing!" She felt the tip of his wand run down her sternum and suddenly stop in the middle of her cleavage. "I assure you, my lord, I wouldn't dare lie to you, nor go against your word." Her voice began to sound pleading as she looked up into his snake-like eyes. For a split-second the woman glanced over at Lucius and growled viciously. "It's that rat's fault!" She snapped. "Any time I try to serve you he gets in the way! You need me, my lord. While the Malfoys are focusing on their glory and family I am willing to serve you fully. Rodolphus and I both would die for you, surely you know this."


Hermione looked down with flushed cheeks. She knew that she wasn't helping herself right now. If she wanted to get back to the Manor she needed to manipulate Snape, not yell at him! Her hazel eyes darted back at him and she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I really am! Its just... just..." The young witch's words were cut off by the sudden ramming of his cock. At first she let out a moan of reluctant pleasure at the feeling. Even though it hadn't been long, it felt like ages since she had been fucked. But then suddenly her hole was empty, and her tight ass was being filled. An animalistic shriek left the brunette, yet she wasn't in true pain for very long. Within seconds her ass got used to the feeling and she moaned again. "Mmm, Snape. Please keep going..."
The Dark Lord hissed and moved quickly back to his seat. With a flick of his hand, he decided that Lucius could leave. The blonde haired man nodded and walked slowly out of the room. He shook his head at the woman in the middle of the room, she was acting like such a child. Voldemort took a sip from a goblet, inside a silver liquid. Licking his lips he sighed. "Now it is just you and I Bellatrix." He said to her in a certain tone. "Why are you acting this way?" He asked her with a smile. "Is there something I can help you with?"


Lucius moved quickly, and made his way towards Hogwarts. It seemed he had something to pick up. As he arrived, he looked around, wondering where they were. He had a quick meeting with the current headmaster mostly about the security of the school and as he finished, he decided to go see his old friend Snape. Moving quickly, he reached the dungeon master's room, and inside heard familiar moanings. He quickly opened the door and watched as Snape pushed into his slave's ass. For a second, there was a look of disgust on the man's face, and then, then he decided he could use this to his advantage. He could always use another slave. That was, if Hermione wanted to redeem herself.


The dark haired dungeon master obliged at her request and fucked her asshole vigorously. He wanted to make that little hole bleed. The onslaught went on for about fifteen minutes, that was, until the door opened and Lucius stood there. He almost did not know what to do. He couldn't imagine how Hermione felt. He pulled out of her and looked at Lucius, before moving to grab his robes and hiding the bulge, he moved towards the door.
Bellatrix looked at the Dark Lord is shock as Lucius was allowed to leave. Her mouth hung open and she almost wanted to throw a fit - but such things weren't allowed in front of him. "I... I don't like you being tricked by such filth, my lord..." She whispered, her eyes suddenly darting back to look at Voldemort. "I want to be your right hand again, the only person you can trust! Why can't you give me that once more?" Her voice almost seemed to ache with the pain she felt, the neediness that was oozing from her very being.


Despite Severus' efforts to torture Hermione, the young witch hardly let out any more pained cries. She had dealt with Lucius at his worst, the pile of Slytherin students - this was hardly the hardest fuck she had received. Still, when he suddenly stopped she was surprised. The witch hadn't heard the door open, nor did she notice Lucius was there until Severus covered himself and walked to the door. "Lucius." She whispered.

Suddenly Hermione's face lit up. She hardly cared that her body wasn't clothed, in fact she wanted him to see her. She wanted him to know that the only reason she had done such a thing with Snape was to get him back. So in an instant Hermione had jumped off the desk and ran to the door. She squished in between him and Lucius and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "I promise it wasn't for fun!" She declared. "He told me that he would make you like me again if I fucked him. Please don't be mad at me! Please let me come back Lucius!"
The blonde haired man forced his way out of her hug and took a step back. "And you believed him?" He asked her, amused that she would believe such a thing from such a man as Snape. The potion master was known as a back stabbing deceiver. He shook his head and looked at Snape. "Get out of my sight." He said as Snape quickly nodded and moved. The man moved over to the desk where they had been fucking and thought to himself. He would let her come back, but she would have to do something to prove herself to him. "Well, I will let you come back, but you will not receive the attention you once did. In fact, I think I will be taking on another toy."

"Get yourself clothed." He said as he waited. Looking at her, he smiled. "I have a task for you. Bring one, Ms. Luna Lovegood to the manor." He said as he moved and left her sight. If she wanted to get back with him, she would have to do this, otherwise she would be forced to live life without him. Something he knew she did not want.


Voldemort looked at her. "Because you have to earn that." He said as he stood again and approached her. As he stood face to face with her, he leaned in. "And instead of my right hand, I want you to be something else." He said as he shoved his snake tongue into her mouth, wrapping his arms around her and dipping her so that his tongue could slither into the back of her throat. "Maybe this is bettterrrr." He said as he enjoyed the moment,
Hermione looked ashamed for a moment. She was willing to believe anything, do anything to have Lucius back. She would have fucked Hagrid if it meant going back to the Manor with him. But that willingness would surely be tested with his new task. "Another toy?" The witch gasped and her eyes seemed to immediately fill with tears. But she didn't cry, she wasn't going to let herself do such a thing in front of him. Instead she just nodded and followed his instructions to get dressed once again.

"I-I'll bring her to the Quidditch field in an hour." She whispered to him before he disappeared. Hermione then glanced around the room and found her wand which she stowed into her pocket. It couldn't be that hard to kidnap Luna - she was definitely gullible.

As Hermione walked down the hallways of Hogwarts she developed a plan that would surely work. All she had to do was convince the blonde Ravenclaw that one of those damned magical creatures she cared so much for had appeared on the Quidditch field. The two would go down there and waste time until Lucius returned to the grounds and took them both to the Manor.

This plan worked, and in a mere half hour Hermione had Luna at her side. "Are you sure the diddlepuffs were actually there?" Ms. Lovegood asked. "Oh, I am sure. I saw them from a distance, but I'm too scared to go near them without someone who knows about the creatures." Hermione gave Luna a sly smile, to which Luna giggled at. Soon they were at the field and Hermione tapped her heel into the grass. "They must have gone under one of the bleachers..."


Bellatrix almost gasped, but his mouth came down onto hers too quickly. Not that she minded, of course. Her arms wrapped around his neck in a tight embrace, and her tongue began to prod and poke at his own as the Dark Lord invaded her mouth. "Y-yes." She groaned against him as her right hand began to run up and down his scalp.
The man appeared soon enough, and placed and Imperio curse on the unsuspecting blonde. With a sly movement, he grasped both girls and apparated back to the manor. Oh, what fun the three of them would have, and the mudblood would have to work especially hard to keep his favor. This literally was a win - win situation for Lucius. On one hand, he would have two toys to mold and to watch and to fuck, and he would have the Mudblood try her hardest to win him back, though, he was never really hers. It was just a simple example of what the muggles called Stockholm Syndrome.

As they reached the manor, he looked at Hermione and smiled. "You have done well." He said, placing a delicate kiss on her forehead. A little reward for her good job and her good deed. However, now, he had work to do. "How would you like to go and sleep upstairs with me tonight?" He said as he petted her soft hair. "But first, I have work to do, wait for me?" He asked her with another kiss, this time on her lips.

As she left, he turned to Luna and placed two handcuffs on her with the other ends both on the bed. He removed her wand and set it in a drawer and then proceeded to lift the curse. As she came around, he looked at her with a smile. "Ms. Lovegood, welcome to my humble estate." He said with a sly smile as he sat on the bed with her.


The bald headed man shoved his tongue as har as he could down her throat and his slender fingers moved up and down her inner thigh, stopping briefly at her crotch and teased her sweet pussy, before moving back to her thigh. "Isn't this better than being my right hand man?" He asked her licking her neck and gazing deeply into her eyes.
Hermione beamed with excitement when Lucius appeared before her. In a matter of seconds they were back at the Manor, and she felt oddly at ease. It was almost ironic how peaceful she felt, being a mudblood in a pureblood's home. But none of that even crossed her mind while she stood there before the Malfoy, taking his kiss like a medal. "Oh yes!" The brunette exclaimed. She was practically giddy with excitement at that point. Not even the fact that she was leaving Lucius alone with Luna could bring her down. In fact, without a word she left the two alone and ran upstairs to his bedroom.


Meanwhile, Luna was dazed when she 'awoke' from the curse. Her arms felt stretched, and there was something oddly comfortable beneath her. After a few moments her eyes focused so that she was able to see Mr. Malfoy sitting above her. The blonde's eyes went wide with fear, and suddenly she was thrashing around on the bed. "What am I doing here?!" Luna shrieked. Her wrists twisted inside the handcuffs and her legs began to kick wildly against the duvet that was beneath her. "Take these off!" She demanded, her normal dreamy voice being broken momentarily.

Her expression was a mixture of fear and hatred. Luna's father had spoken of the Malfoys before, and how they were positively no good. This was undeniable proof of that. Though Luna had been kidnapped by Voldemort only a few weeks prior her memory had been wiped and she had no recollection of the events. As far as she knew, this was the first time she had been handcuffed to a bed.
The blonde haired man scooted himself closer to her. He let her say what she was going to say. It was not like he hadn't experienced something like this before. He wondered how easy she was going to break. He thought back to Hermione. This time, he just had to do hard work. He had to assert himself, and just fuck her. Break her will and then break her mind. Using his strength he held down her right leg, which was the leg closest to him, and moved her other hand underneath her skirt and underneath her panties. His slender middle finger teased her opening and he looked into her eyes.

On second thought, perhaps it would help the whole situation if Hermione was down here with him, helping him in thie process. He called for her, presumably loud enough for her to hear him. When she arrived he smiled. "How would you like to help me?" He said to her with a smile. He wondered how much effort she would put forth, how much she would try and prove.
Luna didn't seem to care when Lucius held down her leg, she just kicked her other one twice as hard. But when his hand went to her skirt she nearly fainted. For a moment she let him tease her, though she could easily say shock had been the cause of this; yet it reality she knew that wasn't true. The feeling was sensational! Something that seemed so natural, and yet so nostalgic. After that moment of peaceful bliss Luna snapped back into her usual self and screamed. "Stop that!" Her voice was unusually loud as she did so. "Don't touch me!"

Hermione had been sitting on the master bed all this time, but she picked up Lucius's voice the second he called for her. In an instant she was back at his side, a small smile on her face. "I'd love to!" The brunette cooed. She ran over to his side and sat down close to him. "What would you like me to do?" Her voice was sweet and calm, almost completely opposite to Luna's; who, at this point, seemed to think she was going insane. "Hermione?!" The blonde cried, to which Hermione just smiled and nodded. "Yes Luna, it's me. You are at Malfoy Manor. You know Lucius Malfoy? I am his pet now, and he wants you to be to." Hermione looked lovingly back at the man. "You should listen to him."

Luna looked mortified at the mudblood's response. She tried to yell something back, but her mouth couldn't form the words - she was just too terribly shocked.
The blonde haired man looked at her. She seemed like she was faking things a bit, but he didn't mind. "Why don't you show Luna how fun things can be." He said as he kept teasing her slit. It seemed like it was getting a little bit more moist. She seemed to be warming up to the idea of being fucked whenever he wanted to fuck her.

The man watched with intent eyes as she moved to show Luna how fun things were. In a second, he had pushed his finger into her and felt around. Something he always liked to do. She felt tight enough, but that was something that she would be experiencing later.
Hermione grinned and nodded. She slowly moved to Luna's side and gently stroked her cheek. "Luna, you need to calm down. Don't scream so loud, either. We are the only ones here right now, and Lucius won't just stop because you ask him too." The brunette gently caressed the other witch's cheek and forehead, before petting her hair lovingly. "And if you just let yourself enjoy it things will be much more fun, hmm?" Hermione was smiling sweetly at her friend who still looked shocked.

Luna was almost positive that Hermione was nuts. This couldn't be the Hermione she knew, the smartest girl in Hogwarts and the best friend of Harry Potter. This was someone completely different! Still, her hand on her cheek was calming. Slowly Luna let out a sigh. And for a moment she tried to relax as Hermione had told her to. In that short time she began to realize how good Lucius' fingers felt. He was pushing into her with his long digits, and the sensation drove Luna wild. She let out a soft moan, to which Hermione clapped her hands. "There you go!"
Lucius stood and started to remove his robes, and he motioned for Hermione to do the same thing. Luna would have to wait before she got what Hermione was going to get, but he would tantalize her with a taste of things to come. He moved toward the armchair and laid his robes upon them. The blonde was much bigger than Snape, and he knew it.

He motioned for Hermione to come towards him, and he held out his arms. He knew Luna would be taken aback by what was about to happen and what was about to happen to her after this was done. Luna would receive the same treatment that Hermione did, except this time, it would be different.
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