Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

Diego kept walking beside her, blush still evident on his face. "t-that means alot," he said once more while they were still walking through the field. However, Diego began sensing it. He began sensing a strong sense of the Force.

"No way..." Diego said, wondering if it was why he think it was. He began running toward the spot and there he was saw it, it was a cave. A cave spoken of in Jedi Lore.

He smiled before he grabbed Amara's hand and ran over there with a boyish glee. "Amara! Amara! Look at this!" he told her before they were at the mouth of the cave.

He showed her insde, where many beautiful crystals laid and the Force was strong. "It's the Crystal Cave of Dantooine... where Padawans would go and find the crystal to make their lightsabers. Even Adegan crystals could be found here," he told her with a sense of awe.
She spoke softly, poking the soft flesh of his cheek,"Careful pretty boy. Blush anymore and you'll burn up." The hair on the back of her neck began to stand up. She sensed it. The Force. How strong it was. She followed him, practically being dragged by Diego. She whistled when she saw the cave, it sounded metallic. She spoke,"My god... How beautiful... These are the crystals you make your lightsabers with... How absolutely beautiful..."
Diego blushed even harder at Amara's teasing and how she poked his slightly chubby cheek. Of course, he was able to enjoy the utterly awestruck look on her face at seeing the insides of the caves. "Yeah, and the Adegan crystals were used to make the best with their own unique properties," Diego told her with a smile. He also saw the Garoo look inside with awe.

Diego cleared his throat and he remembered a quote from a book: "The crystal is not, by itself, the power source of the weapon. Like the Force user, the crystal is attuned to the Force. Without that attunement, the crystal is just a rock. And while a non-Force user could probably ignite and wield a lightsaber, provided the crystal was properly attuned to the Force, all that lightsaber would be for him is a shaft of superheated plasma. But for a Jedi, the lightsaber becomes more: it is a manifestation of a Jedi's connection to the Force." he said with fond memory as he levitated his two lighttonfa in from of the Garoo and Amara and he dissasembled it and reassembled it with the Force, all while quoting the bit.
She just kept poking his cheek, greatly enjoying the reaction he gave. Such a sweet man. She was listening to his voice, seeing him, but it was like she was hearing him and not hearing him all at once, seeing him and not seeing him all at once. She walked past him and the garoo, as if she was in a trance. It was like the crystals were talking to her, begging her to pick one of them. The strongest 'voices' were coming from a nest of eggs that were unhatched, and voices that were just as strong were coming from dark blue hued crystals surrounding the nest. Diego would hear her say over and over again,"The crystals want me to pick them. The crystals want me to pick them." She instinctively turned on the heat reader in her helmet. The eggs were coming up as red, though as she touched them, she felt no heat. Perhaps the crystals inside were red?
"Woah, careful now," Diego told her as he saw her go through to the eggs. He knew well of the stories of the giant creepy arachnid-like beings that were here. Granted, the place did look quiet so he figured the eggs would be unhatched. Diego nonetheless had his two lighsaber tonfa in the event kinrath would come and cause problems.

The Garoo meanwhile was looking through the various crystals himself and there was one that got his attetnion. A lime greenish one.
She carefully poked the eggs with her armored fingers. They broke open at once. The shells were brittle, fragile. The eggs revealed ruby red crystals. They were beautiful. In her eyes, she saw her self holding two lightsabers with hilts of Mandalorian iron with blades of purple. And these red and blue crystals in front of her would give her what she just saw in a flash. She collected what she needed, and she seemed to come out of her trance.
Diego went over to Amara, making sure that she was okay. "Hey, you all right?" Diego asked her as he was holding her at the shoulders, concern on his face. He didn't know what was up with her, but she was walking in a weird motion so even though he couldn't see her face, he figured something was up.

The Garoo also went over, concerned look on his face and the handsome piece of crystal in his hand.
She replied,"I am fine. It was weird. The crystals wanted me to choose them, and now I have." She hoped he wasn't too worried. The voices stopped now that she had chosen her crystals. They were meant to be hers.
"Wow... that's a pretty strong reaction too," Diego said as he still kept holding her to ensure she was okay. He knew she was strong in the Force, but this was surprising to say the least. "What are you wanting to do?" Diego asked her though he was already suspecting he knew what as well as as with the Garoo.
She spoke,"Make a lightsaber, of course. Why else would the Force have directed me to collect these crystals?" She knew exactly how she wanted them to be designed too.
Diego looked at her with a smile. "I'll teach... if you want me to. On how to construct a Lightsaber," Diego offered to her. She wasn't a Padawan, but he would still want to teach and help her. He then was called by the Garoo.

He had stepped outside and attached his crystal to a strange stick like a staff. Though he was looking at it like trying to focus it. Diego smiled and nodded, confirming something to him. "I'm also going to teach the Garoo here on channeling the Force through his new staff. Force weaponry is not uncommon and perhaps they cannot create a new tradition here," he explained to Amara.
"Certainly. I know exactly on how I want my blades designed." she replied, following Diego outside. She spoke,"So you channel the Force into a weapon and it can block things the way a lightsaber does?"
Diego smiled and nodded before he cleared his throat: " Force Weapon is a Force ability that allowed the user to imbue an unpowered weapon with the Force for a period of time. By channeling energy into the weapon, it allowed the wielder to strike and do more damage than the weapon's simple appearance would suggest," Diego told her as recalled the official definition. "It also ones to fight against light saber users and it's something that I learned how to do so," Diego told her with a smile.

Diego went over to the Garoo and borrowed his staff for a big. He began channeling the Force through it. Notably, the crystal began glowing and Diego used the staff to crack a nearby boulder. He smiled when he saw the Garoo's awed look. He taught the young man about channeling the Force so he figured he would do well with it. He also noted the boy's pacifistic and scholarly nature and it looked like he would do well with this.
She was smiling as she learned about what he was talking about. She loved learning new things. She spoke eagerly, almost childlike,"When can you start showing me how to construct my lightsaber?"
Diego was surprised by her enthusiasm, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. "Well, we need to try and fund the actual parts. We migth ahve to wait until we're back on Corsucant," Diego noted as he saw the Garoo experiment with channeling the Force through his staff, the crystal glowing in different ways.

"I wonder what ways they will discover usage in the Force," Diego noted with some thought.
"They will use the Force in their own ways, ergo, they will find out how to use it in ways different than you and I." she replied wisely. She continued,"How many parts do we need?"
"Alot, as you can tell from when I took apart my own lightsaber," Diego told her before they stepped out. Diego was relieved they didn't run into any trouble. However, he then saw something that caught his attention.

"No way... it's still standing," Diego said before he ran and went over to the edge of a large hill and he saw it. Despite it having seen better days, it still managed to stay there.

"The Jedi Enclave... Even some of the Knights of now weren't sure if it was still standing," Diego said in awe.
"I hope my design does not require so many, but if it happens, it happens." she replied as they properly exited the cave. She whistled when she saw the place, and she spoke,"How long has it been abandoned?"
"Centuries if not millenium. Not since the days of the Old Republic," Diego murmured as he saw the ruins. Yet, despite it, he could sense the presence of the Force. He ran into it and found the door that led to the sub-levels down below.

"This is something," Diego murmured. He saw that it was much better underground. There were some rooms and such. He was looking around before he found it. "Amara! I think I found some parts and a blueprint. It's not much, but we can use it for now," he told her.
"This place should be restored and used as a base. If not, still restored and used as a museum." she replied, following him in. She was poking around, exploring there place. She rushed towards him when he said he found parts and a blueprint. She smiled, and took the blue print. She read it over, and she spoke,"Looks like a hell of a lightsaber design. I love it!"
"Yeah though it looks like someone has been here recently. We don't have time to look at that right now," Diego told her as he took the box of parts with a smile. He then got a signal from Vee-Ar. "Vee-Ar says he got some news for us," Diego said as he got out of the Enclave and helping Amara out.

Diego saw Vee-Ar was there. He seemed to be content with having the young Garoo look over him with fascination. Vee-Ar then revealed some more information on such. It was a video from an obscure part of the area where some of the fighters were talking.

"Harnaidan? That's on Muunilinst... That's the headquarters of the InterGalactic Banking Clan," Diego said as he was in thought. The conversation was revealing that there would be a meeting between two individuals to be discussing some business in response to what they found on Dantooine.
She replied,"Dooku, perhaps? Maybe the Rakata?" She followed Diego out of the Enclave, wondering what his droid had to tell them. She watched the video, and she spoke,"Well then, feel like doing some undercover work?" She was excited for the challenge that waited ahead.
"Maybe Dooku? I dont know about the Rakata? I mean, the plague wiped them all out and how they could survive that with genetic breakdown anyway?" Diego wondered out loud. However, Vee-Ar began slowing the audio down to get more info. The meeting would occur in a week at an exclusive restaurant. Vee-Ar then beeped to confirm something.

"Thanks Vee-Ar. He managed to get us reservations so we can go and spy on the meeting. I guess we had to use one of the favors he owed us, right?" Diego asked Vee-Ar who nodded. "Looks like we'll have to head out in a matter of hours. Don't worry about the lightsaber. The first step is you have to meditate with your crystal, which we can do while there," he elaborated to Amara. The Garoo just keep practicing and cheered a bit when he managed to split a rock with his Force-powered staff.
"Anything is possible Diego. Anything is possible." she replied. What was impossible one hundred years ago with science and technology was now possible. She spoke,"Darling, I do hope you have acceptable clothing to wear at this restaurant. I certainly do." Oh, she had perfect clothes and shoes and other accessories for occasions like these. Of course, all of her civilian clothing had fibers from metals and other fancy engineering woven in to give her maximum protection, even when out on the town. She nodded again, showing that she was paying to him telling her about how she would make her lightsaber.
Diego nodded though the idea of the Rakata back would be utterly terrifying to say the least. However, he noticed her rather flirty tone when she called him darling and regarding needing clothing for the restaurant. He didn't have some, but he knew where he could get some. He blushed heavily to say the least as a result.

"Before placing the crystal in the lightsaber, the Jedi need to imbue them with the Force. To do this, the Force-user was required to meditate on the crystal for many days," Diego explained to her. "For me, it was a few weeks if not a month of meditating for my crystal," Diego added, a smile on his face as he remembered his days as a Padawan.

"And I can get the clothing soon," Diego added as he began leading her back to their ship. "We should say good-bye to the tribe before going to the ship," he told her.
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