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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"Yup. Meanwhile, it'll be good also to relax and get closer to the Force," Diego told her with a smile before going to help Vee-Ar set up camp and helping Amara get her unfinished lightsaber ready.

And over the enxt few weeks, that was Diego saw her do. Meditate to get to know every aspect of the Lightsaber and connecting the Force with it. Meanwhile, he had been doing things to help her. He built a shelter for her so at least the rain or such wouldn't fall on her.

Meanwhile, he would also practice the ways of the Force while he was here. Through meditation and working on his Force powers. With the end of the third week, Diego went to check up on Amara.
Amara over the next few weeks was constantly working on her lightsaber, taking breaks to sleep, eat and other things. Through her meditation, her lightsaber was slowly coming together. At the point she was now at as the few weeks passed, her lightsaber was nearing completion, and this pleased her very, very much. Within a day or so it would be fully completed.
The day was here and it finally arrived.

When Diego went to check up on Amara, he saw her. He saw her brimming with the power of the Force. How she looked so much at peace and getting to know every aspect of her Lightsaber. From the crystal to every subtle aspect of each little part. Until it happened....

He saw her unite it. He smiled at Amara lovingly when he saw her complete her light saber.

"You did it!" Diego told her with a smile, and unable to control imself, he went over to her, embracing her and even kissing her. He was getting more in touch with emotions.
Finally, at long last, her lightsaber was complete. Maybe she could made a companion for it later on, but definitely not right now. She smiled when he hugged and kissed her. She spoke,"I think I'll make a companion for it later on. Probably a shorter blade. I think you guys call a shorter lightsaber a shoto?" Oh, she had many ideas for potential weaponry later on.
“Yes, though those haven’t been in style for a while. Then again, I use a variation of them called the guard shoto,,” Diego said as he thought about it. He was very happy and proud of her. “I’ll be happy to help you out with it. For now, time to practice a bit. Though given how you probably are very expericned, I figure we can go on to sparring,” Diego said before he got into stance.

“Ready when you are, sweetie,” Diego said to her.
Amara lit up her blade. It came out a nice deep blue. And the two offshoots from her cross guard lit up blue too. She was very pleased, it made lovely crackling noise. She had a crazy happy look when he said it was time to practice. She was a merciless attacker.
Diego was primarily a defensive fighter when it came to using his lighttonfa. After all, being a bit on the hefty side meant that he couldn’t jump as much and he was always not as active as he should be. Instead, he focused on redirecting hits, deflection and blocking. Use the opponents’ force against him and let them tire out.

Despite this, Diego still was having a tough time with Amara, though he also noticed she was struggling to. Not with wielding the lightsaber, but with his actual technique. He did expect her to catch on quickly with her skills though.
Amara caught on to everything pretty quickly, she was able to quickly to adjust to the way Diego fought, and she quickly began gaining ground on him. Then she got the sense that they were being watched.
Diego was surprised to say the least. Amara had caught on to the intricate nature of wielding a lightsaber with their weight and such. Furthermore, she was beginning to further anaylze his defensive stane and trying to get through it. However, while physcial aspects were not his strong suit, he was still keen with his analytical skills. He was able to still see her own weak points and counter those.

After a half hour, Diego was panting, a bit tired, but still a heck of a lot of fun. He then sensed it. Someone was nearby.

"Come on out. We know you're there," he said, looking around as he saw Amara nticed it too, based on her expressiosn.
She was sweaty and tired, but she had a lot of fun fighting with a lightsaber. It just felt so natural in her hand. Then she saw that they were surrounded. And she could feel them in the Force. These were all women, and they were all Force Sensitive. Amara spoke,"We mean you no harm."
"Yeah, but they're giving us strange looks. Who are they...?" Diego murmured as he went over back to back with Amara as to figure it out,.

"Wait... could these be some of these Witches of Dathomir?" Diego asked her.
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