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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"When this shit is all done and over with, or whenever you want, really, we can get married, start a family, all of that stuff." she replied. The positives of such an action were too good. They were in love, good genetic matches... Their descendants would be powerful. Even if not all of them had Force Sensitivity, they'd still be strong and have good genes none the less. She happily nuzzled him after he gently kissed her forehead. Fuck the Jedi and fuck the clans if they didn't like the fact that one of their members was marrying somebody that they didn't approve of.
Diego blushed more than a bit heavily when he heard Amara’s words on marriage. However, once the initial shock wore off, he found he wanted to. Despite having only known this woman for a week at most, the past few days had their connection grow so deeply and intimately and Diego found he loves her so much. It was an intense yet wonderful feeling.

He nuzzled back at her as he held her closer and tighter. “Thanks for choosing me. I will do my best to make you happy,” Diego told her in a dorky yet affectionate manner.
She was gently massaging shampoo into his scalp as they spoke their loving words to each other, and even though she knew there would be risk, would they let the world know of their marriage or would they hide it? She was happy either way, she just wanted to be with him. She spoke,"We will make each other happy. Successful partnerships only work if both partners work to make each other happy."
Diego smiled at her words. She was certainly very professional with her words, but he could feel the love and affection in every syllable she spoke with them. "Likewise," he told her as he kissed her forehead. He was also beginning to wash her hair before beginning to scrub her curvy body.
It felt so nice to have somebody else wash her hair instead of doing it herself. To have just that one little responsibility taken from her hands was really nice. it felt nice to clean him, and to have him clean her. Such sweet gestures between them both.
They were both cleaning one another and there was something to be had in the fact that it was the little things. "Well, it looks like we're going to be very happy together," Diego told Amara with a smile as he washing her body and he couldn't help but caress her while he did so.

He brought her closer to him, so their bodies were touching.
She was soaking in the sweet moment they were sharing. A true partnership, a true bond was what they had with each other. She continued to wash his body as he did hers, and she spoke,"Yes, we're happy now. Amazing how quickly it can all change so fast!" She couldn't wait to get what they were dealing with done and over with. Then things would be so much better.
It wasn't long before they finished showering. Diego was happy to be here with her. When they were done cleaning, Diego got dressed alongside her and when he finished, he couldn't help but embrace her, savoring her strong and toned body with his softer own.

"We probably won't have a lot of these peaceful moments for now so we gotta savor them," he added.
She happily rinsed off with him, and got dressed alongside her sweet Diego after they finished drying off, and she happily embraced him back, just so grateful for what they had. She spoke,"Grateful, always and forever."
Diego blushed at how happy she was with him, surprised at how someone was with him. He was happy with her as well.

However, the moment was ruined when Vee-Ar entered the room, bleeding wildly in a notion that reminded Diego of panic. “What’s up?” Diego asked Ver-Ar, Arms still around Amara. Vee-Ar began playing some recording that it gathered before.

It was surprising information. Apparently, the people they were spying on were also keeping tabs on spies and became a little suspicious they were being spotted on, so there were clean sweeps going to be done in the area.

“Oh crud, we gotta get out of here,” Diego noted.
She was soaking in the moment, and when Vee-Ar began beeping, she muttered,"Your droid is a cock-block." When he was finished beeping, her face was impassive, but she began moving in a fury, getting dressed, getting everything all done and taken care of. She used her natural speed and the Force to aid her in this endeavor. She heard people near the room, and she spoke,"Follow my lead." She began making very real sounds of physical pleasure, knowing hearing such noises would make others uncomfortable and go away.
“We gotta get going,” Diego told Amara as he finished getting dressed. However, he couldn’t help but stare at how fast she was in getting everything. She impressed him in many ways. However, it didn’t take long before the door was being knocked sternly and Vee-At amped up the sound.

“Get the battering ram.”

“We gotta get out of here through the fire escape,” Diego whispered to Amara as Vee-Ar was opening the window.
She silently cursed, they had to scram now. She made sure she had every last thing, and as soon as the window was open, she launched herself out of the window, scrambling down the fire escape as fast as she could. The mission had to be completed.
Vee-Ar had been standing there and charging something while Diego followed Amara down the fire-escape. When he had finished, he locked the fire-escape and made it seem like it was never opened. Vee-Ar then hovered down when the two arrive. He beeped and chirped a bit a before suddenly a vehicle appeared.

"A cruiser? This must belong to the hotel as part of their shuttle system," Diego noted. Vee-Ar let out a satisfied chirp before getting on. When Diego got on, he noticed some few changes. "He disabled the tracking and registered it under maintanance so the hotel or our pursuers will notice it is gone," Diego added, impressed by his droid's work.
Her feet touched the ground in mere seconds, such was her speed when she used the Force. She spoke,"Well, we best get going then." She was pissed, she wanted to stay for a few more days and chill, even with the urgent mission on hand.
Diego opened the door for Amara like a gentleman before he and Vee-Ar got in, Diego having carried in the stuff. The shuttle-cruiser drove in the direction while the investigators searched the hotel, finding nothing at all.

It wasn't long before the shuttle arrived over at the starport. Diego quickly flashed the card to them and they were directed to their ship. Vee-Ar made his way to the port of the ship of Amara. "Ready to get out of here? We might need to hyper-jump somewhere," Diego told her.
Amara practically flew into their shuttle, no time could be wasted. Not with what was chasing them. She spoke,"Yeah, we should go to a place charged with the Force... Clear our heads, a place like that." She didn't know where the idea came from, only that it came to her in a dream that she had while she was sleeping.
Diego was in some thought as they were already beginning to leave and head out of the port. "Well, there is one place. It's pretty quiet and strong in the forest. It's only spoken of in a few books and has been quieter as well. It's Dathomir though it is admittingly a bit eerie from what I heard," Diego added to her as Vee-Ar was working to optimize their ship.
Dathomir. That wasn't a name she heard of frequently. Good place to hide if you didn't want to be found. This is if you survived the inhabitants of the planet. She spoke,"Well, let's go then! Nothing can stop us together!"
Diego smiled at her when she said nothing could stop them together. He couldn't help but grab her hand and squeeze it softly when she said that. He hope she understood how much those words meant to him.

Vee-Ar began helping setting the coordinates and such for the hyperspace jump. Dathomir was a planet with a past in the Dark side of the force. A disgraced Jedi Knight landed here and taught the Force in esoteric ways to her daughters and matriarchic civilziations sprung up with men enslaved. Only by the time when she had grandchildren did said knight realize her horrible folly and try and make amends. While most would to some extent, not the Nightsisters, which the world was infamous for.
She squeezed back, glad that they had avoided getting caught. Now, onto Dathomir. Hopefully no other horrible things happened, but given what the planet was famous for... Anything was possible.
The hyperspace jump was activated and it was a smoother ride next to Vee-Ar helping the ship manage the ride through protocol reinforcements and calculations. Still, it was definitely an intense one, but fortunately, before long, they arrived.

Dathomir. Furthermore, initial scans revealed there has not been a ship present here for weeks. It would be a perfect time to hide out and because it was strong in the Force, Diego figured it would be a good place to help train Amara and have her finish meditating.

"That looks like a good spot. Nice and quiet and it appears to be away from any of the Witches' usual locations," Diego said as they descended into the world.
Amara was glad that they had escaped into hyper space without any further interruptions. She would have liked to stay at the pretty place they had just left for a little while longer. She nodded, and she spoke,"Long as we've got good peace and quiet, all will be well."
Diego smiled and nodded. Vee-Ar helped land a ship in a clearing near a forest before doing scans. "Not many individuals within a 10-mile radius. That's pretty good news," Diego said as he got off the ship and helped Amara off.

"How far have you gone into meditating with your lightsaber? I imagine no more than a few days given how long we were there," Diego said while Vee-Ar was helping to set up camp.
She looked relaxed when he said there weren't many folks in a ten mile radius. Good, they' be relatively undisturbed. She got out of the ship, and she spoke,"Not far, not enough time. Can do that now since we won't be bothered."
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