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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

Diego wasn't sure on what Amara would do for them. However, he was surprised to see her go on all fours and shake het butt at him. He reocgnized what she wanted him to do. After all, he did glance at more than a few lewd magazines and holographic vids during his adolescence.

He shivered in delight on how teasingly and lovingly she said his name. She wanted him so badly and he likewise wanted her. He never experienced anyone wanting to be with him like this and it was overwhelmingly inotxicating. Jedi teachings advise against following passions and instincts with this, yet also to trust within your instincts. So Diego trusted his instincts.

Diego lined up his erection to Amara's maidenhood and he slowly went inside, takign the time to savor every subtle aspect of wonderful feelings and sensation. He even then leaned in to give Amara a kiss while being fully inside of her.
She softly purred in pleasure, feeling Diego slowly enter her pussy. She gently kissed him back, enjoying how he took his time entering her. Considerate lover as well. Indeed with them, she was sure there were times where they would make love, which would be slow and sweet like it was shaping up right now, and times were it would be fast and hard fucking.
Diego got goosebumps on hearing Amara purr in pleasure. He savored the kiss. It was clear he was still very inexperienced and even a bit nervous about all of that, yet he wanted to make her happy. Diego looked into her eyes with his own as he let it fully hit him.

He was in love with her. He was hopelessly and fully in love with her. It didn't care if she was a Mandalorian and he a Jedi. He wanted to be with her, forever.

"I love you," Diego told her as he began his slow pace. He squeezed her a bit tighter and the blush on his face just showed the pure emotion of it all on his face.
She was softly moaning as he began his slow pace of taking her, and she softly whispered back,"I love you too!" There would be many legal proceedings to follow, given the wealth of her family. But she cared not about all that. She loved him.
Diegp's heart beat faster when he heard her say it. But it was absolutely wodnerful to hear someone besideds family tell him that. He felt absolutely elated. He leaned in to kiss her as he held her tighter, loving how they felt connected. His hands nervously went to squeeze her breasts while he held the kiss.
She gently kissed him back, enjoying their physical closeness as they enjoyed each other's bodies. This was definitely making love. Her family would most certainly approve. Good genes they both had, and they'd make strong, healthy Force Sensitive children.
Diego felt goosebumps on his body as he savored the gentle kisses with Amara, softly caressing their body as he kept at his slow and gentle pace, slowly growing more comfortable with being with her.

"O-oh... I'm gonna cum soon," Diego groaned out as he felt the pressure building, clasping Amara's hands tighter. He was feeling their Force connection grow stronger between them once more and it was utterly blissful.
She was lovingly moaning in pleasure as they continued to make sweet love to each other. She softly moaned,,"I can't wait!" They were a team, he and she. Alone, they were strong, and together, they were invincible. She was feeling hot, she knew she was close to her climax as well!
Diego savored every single wonderful moment, especially as their bond was growing stronger through the Force and through their intimacy. "O-oh goodness..." Diego groaned louder before he would cum inside of Amara, cumming at the same time as her.
Climaxing was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. It really was a release, a feeling of letting it go. She moaned hungrily in pleasure, too dazed for words.
Diego’s head became white with pleasure as an intense hot sensation shook his entire body. However, he also felt his connection with Amara grow exponentially greater and he Union between was absolute bliss to say the least. He groaned also in pleasure as he held onto her tighter. Their bodies were coated in sweet which shined in the moonlight and he couldn’t be happier.

“Ecstasy,” he managed to say after a moment of trya g to summon his words.
"True unity." she gasped out softly, her first words after several failed attempts to get coherent words out of her mouth. She was clearly very happy and very much in love. This was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Diego laid down on the bed, though with his grip still around Amara, her warm nude body was laying on his. He loved holding her. Being with her. The forbidden romance between them, but he didn't care. He turned her over so she was resting on her tummy on his, but he was still in her. He was caressing her hair lovingly before giving her a gentle kiss.
He was so warm. Not a physical heat. Well, it partially was a physical heat, but it was just his personality. Warm, loving, open. Now that she was on top of him, she ran her fingers through his dark hair. So soft and smooth and silky. She gently kissed him back, and she spoke,"I wish we could stay here forever."
Diego blushed as he felt Amara's fingers going through his hair and he savored the kiss between them. "I know what you mean," Diego told her as he hugged her close to him, savoring how wonderful their nude bodies were when they were touching.

"It's incredible," he added. Just the everything...
Marriage and a family were not things Amara had expected in her future once upon a time. Now she saw it. Little powerful children. They'd be monsters, not the bad sort, dominating with their great physical prowess and great skill in the Force. Good genetics would favor them greatly. But still, they had a job, a mission to complete, and they would need to do it soon.
Diego snuggled up against Amara as he continued to kiss her, savoring their connection. With just them in the moonlight, it felt like they had all the time in the world. He was so happy that she chose him, despite everything against them and how happy he was being with her.

He would soon fall asleep as he held his amazing huntress honey in his arms, feeling absolutely at peace.
It was such a beautiful moment they were having. Right now, it was just the two of them. No pain, no suffering, no war, no mission. Just them and their sweet passionate love. She fell asleep curled up in his arms, going to a land of no dreams, it was just perfectly peaceful.
It was a beautiful peaceful night. Diego had a wonderful night of sleep as he was holding, her bare body resting on his. It was absolutely wonderful. The sun began rising and the light was flooding into the curtains of the room. Diego stirred in his sleep, happily snuggling in the nude againast Amara. Of course, it wouldn't be long before he woke up, happy to see her in his arms.

"Good morning," Diego told her with a sweet smile.
She had one of her best sleeps she had in a long time, all curled up in his arms. She woke up slowly, and she spoke,"Good morning!" The air still had a faint scent of sweat and sex, and she spoke,"We should bathe. We smell!"
"Yeah we should," Diego answered back to her with a smile and chuckle before he got up and helped her get up from bed. "Should we bathe seperately or should we take a bath together?" Diego asked her, being able to catch their faint scent in the air.
She smiled as he helped her get up from the bed, and she tilted her head, and had a thoughtful look on her face, and she replied,"Together would save some more time, I think!"
"All right then!" Diego told her with a smile before he led them to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He held her in an embrace as the hot water ran down their bare bodies. "I'm really happy I met you," Diego told Amara with a hint of shyness and a blush on his face.
It was sweet to walk with him into the luxurious bathroom like a couple. To have her breasts press against his chest as the hot water from the shower they stepped into felt heavenly. She gently poked one of his red blushed cheeks, and spoke,"I am happy I met you too."
He blushed brighter when Amara gently poked one of his blushing cheeks. He wrapped his arms around her before he gave her a kiss on her forehead. "You're incredible," Diego told her with a sweet smile. He didn't think he'd ever meet someone who could care for him romantically yet here he was, lovingly spending time with a Mandalorian.
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