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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"What makes it different from other types of milk? I mean I only seen white milk," Diego confessed to her, trying to figure out how the heck blue milk would be blue. "I'll try it if you want me to," he told her sweetly.

"It's very good for you, I do hope you enjoy it. I always drink the stuff before and after a hard training session. Refreshes and revitalizes me as much as any good health drink or smoothie!" she replied, showing a great deal of enthusiasm.
Diego smiled at her enthusiasm and so when the waiter arrived, they ordered the cake, the brownies and the milk for them to enjoy as dessert. He also ordered some to-go boxes since he realzies they had some leftovers.
She was smiling as they ordered their delightful desserts. Missions and fun definitely did go hand in hand, and she was rather enjoying herself. She was excited for the more carnal pleasures they would enjoy later on. Oh, the sex would be fantastic once they got back to their room!
Diego got the boxes and he helped put his leftover food into his before he put Amara's leftovers in her box. "I am having alot of fun being here with you!" Diego told her with a smile as he grasped her hand.
She was happy that things were going as well as they were. She softly spoke,"I am as well. We should do this more often!" She was glad they were both working and having fun.
"Likewise," Diego told ehr with a smile befor ehe saw their dessert arrive. It was a platter of brownies orgaized nicely along with the cake and of course, two large glasses of the pale blue milk. "A sweet finish to a sweet date," he said with a dorky smile.
Her eyes lit up spectacularly when their dessert arrived, and she spoke,"Nicely worded... Shall we dig in?" The desserts were freshly made, she could see steam rising off the top of the stuff.
"Ladies first," Diego told her with a smile as he took a brownie and his glass of milk. He was still a bit hesitant on drinking blue milk, but once we say Amara begin drinking in, he took a cautious sip of it. "Hey, it's pretty good," Diego noted. It did taste kinda like normal milk, but also noticeably different. He dipped a brownie in to take a bite.
She happily took portions of their dessert, both the cake and brownies. Frosting on the cake was well made, and the cake was simply scrumptious! The cocoa simply had to have come from the lush jungles of Felucia, where else could beans of such high quality come from? She was happily eating the sweets and drinking the milk, saying nothing, she was enjoying her food far too much to talk.
Diego was having fun alot in indulging the cake and the brownies along with the milk. He felt like a happy kid again and it was so much fun to say the least. "This is all very good," he said with a childish smile on his face.
She spoke,"You never really had much time to indulge in sweet moments like this, did you? With me, you'll have a lot more time for fun! All work and no play makes for a very burned out person!" She knew she'd have fun with him later once they got back to their hotel room.
Diego couldn't help but smile at her infectious cheerfulness. "Not really. I didn't get to do this much when I was a kid," Diego confessed to her as he dunked another brownie in the milk.
"Y'all really need to loosen up and have fun! Don't the bosses give you time off for, y'know, mental health?" she spoke curiously as she ate her dessert. The beautiful thing about being a bounty hunter was that they could take a vacation whenever they wanted to do so. In her experience being burned out was a rather unhealthy thing!
"Not really. We do have time off for our personal stuff, but given the recent circumstances and the specifics of my jobs, it's been busy," Diego mentioned. Being an Investigator, epsecially a Jedi one, was tough work, but it was worth it because he got to help out.

Amara was right, He needed to do more time off. "I guess I never know what to do with time off as well," he confessed.
"Sleeping is always a nice thing...." she sweetly replied, then sidled up very close to him, and whispered into his ear,"Especially when you have somebody to sleep with!" She wanted to see how many shades of color his face turned.
"Yeah, I remember a few times some of the folk would sleep under the guise of meditating," Diego told her with a smile before he heard her seductive words in a whisper. He turned a very bright shade and began mumbling as lewd images couldn't help but rpesent themselves in his head.

He was redder than a bright cherry and couldn't do much else but eat another brownie.
"School lessons were very boring for me. Classmates didn't understand things as fast as I could, so I perfected being able to sleep with my eyes open to appear to pay attention when in actuality I was sleeping." she replied. Not very nice behavior but school was so boring for her! She looked delighted that she had the intended effect, making his face go red. It was something to see.
Diego couldn't help but chuckle at what Amara said, despite the heavy blush still on his face as a result of her comments. "The dessert here si sweet, but your comments are sweeter," he managed to tell her with a smile.
"Mmm, there's different levels of sweetness honey. Sweet as in hot chocolate with mini marshmallows or a fancy coffee with salted caramel?" she replied. She was having a good deal of fun messing with him as she finished her dessert and milk.
Diego blushed a bit some more at how Amara called him honey. However, he also liked it. It sounded very nice having someone be so affectionate like tht with him. Diego also finished his desset and milk, but also noticed that while he finished the cake, they had a few brownies they could take with them.

"This was amazing," he told her with a smile.
She was glad that they were fortunate enough to have leftover dessert. However, their targets were still there, still talking. Hopefully they would finish talking soon and leave. She smiled, and spoke,"Yes, yes it was. Hopefully the next time we get to do this will be at the next holiday gala sponsored by my company." Oh, the lies spewed forth so easily from her mouth!
Diego smiled and nodded before he ordered another box for their brownies. Diego then got an idea after he packed it away. "I got an idea. Let's pretend to leave to trick our targets and see if we can get any more info," he whispered into Amara's ear.
Her eyes lit up, and she spoke quietly into his ear,"Damn, that's a fine idea." She wondered if she should ask for the check now or wait till later. Fun as listening in was, the greatest fun was to come much later.
Diego had asked for the check and when they got it, Diego paid for it and made footstep sounds before sneaking under the table with Amara.

"They were a cute couple," one voice said. "Yeah, but it's good they're gone. It was getting irritating talking quietly," the other voice said, both of them unaware of the Jedi and Mandalorian still listening to them from under the table next to them.

"At the very least, we nearly finalized the arrangements," the first voice said.
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