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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

She happily kissed him back, and she was gently stroking his face as they kissed. He was so sweet and gentle and perfect. A perfect husband. The sort of man you want your parents to meet, the one who would cuddle your pets and behave at family functions.
Diego savored the wonderful kiss. when they parted, he was blushing with a shy smile. However, he was broken from the moment hearing some chuckling from their suspects nearby and he went back to focusing. He couldn't help but noting their tone to eb teasing or... mocking.

Fortunately, their food arrived and Diego relaxed a bit. They needed to make do with the growing pool of information, while also enjoying the delicious food.
This certainly wasn't acting on their part, this sweet kiss. He had good technique for somebody who was so new to this whole thing. Now that their food arrived, she got quiet, and began eating. Gosh darn, the food was fantastic!
Diego began digging into the food and savoring the date. For a moment, he felt like he wasn't a Jedi on a big mission. He felt like a normal man who was able to enjoy a date with a wonderful woman. For a moment, he felt a sense of tranquility in life.

"This is utterly amazing!" he told her with a smile.
"Yes, yes it is wonderful. May I meet your family one day?" she softly spoke. She was sure that their families would get along quite well. Hers was huge. And rowdy. Very, very rowdy. She was glad to actually be able to relax for once. She was just so grateful for this opportunity and relax!
Diego paused when she asked him about his family. "I haven't been able to talk with my family as much for a while. I've been busy with work," Diego added to her. "I'll explain it to you later," he mentioned. While he would love to explain it to her, there was the fact they were on a mission and he didn't want to mention anything on the Jedi in the event ayone could be listening.

"Though yeah, I would love to introduce you to them," Diego clairfied with a large smile on his face.
"That's sad. Work keeps you so busy!" she replied sweetly. She would love to meet his family one day though! She would be so excited and so happy to meet them! A joining of their two houses would be a most wonderful thing to her.
"Well, that does seem to be like the case for both of us," Diego ntoed to her with a smile. He kept enjoying his delicios seafood pasta. He then got an idea. He offered her a ncie piece of seafood covered in pasta. "Want to try it sweetie?" he asked her with a smile.
"Yeah, working so many long hours without the over time pay that both of our companies legally owes us sucks, but we make it work!" she replied sweetly. She opened her mouth nice and wide for this bite of pasta. The marinade for her steak was spicy, and she loved it. The hot peppers in the marinade were fantastic. No doubt the marinade had the whole pepper, seeds included.
Diego smiled and nodded. Even while they were talking in cover, he could feel the sweetness in her words. He fed Amara his delicious seafood pasta for her to try before he leaned in to kiss her.

"How is your steak?" he asked her with a smile.
The food was so freaking good! She had to try these recipes when she had the free time! She happly kissed him back, and she spoke,"Oh darling, do you like spicy? Mt steak is fantastic and spicy! I love spicy!"
"I like spicy food all riight. I would like to try the steak if you are offering though. How spicy is it?" Diego asked Amara. While he liked spicey food all right, and his hertiage was known for indulging in alot of spicy food, Diego was still a cautious person and didn't want to eat anything really spicy.
"I will offer. I taste... I can taste the Mohani pepper on this, the spiciest pepper found only on the planet Dathomir." she replied. She was surprised that she could taste it, not many wanted to go to Dathomir, the Witches of Dathomir and the Nightsisters did not take kindly to strangers, so the mere fact that this restaurant was able to get ahold of those peppers was nothing sort of a miracle.
Diego gulped a bit at hearing about the hot pepper. He did take a deep breath and tried the pasta a bit. "Oooh goodness! Its hot!" Diego said before he took a sip of his beverage to try and deal with the burning pain on his tongue. Despite this, he was able to enjoy the meal.

"It's pretty good, spiciness aside," Diego said with a sheepish smile.
She smiled, and spoke,"Sheer miracle the restaurant was able to get ahold of the pepper, it's one of the hottest in the galaxy, the Mohani pepper! But not the hottest, the pepper that takes the crown is the Unduri pepper found on Naboo and Corellia!" She was amused that he had quite the reaction to the spiciness of the meat.
"I guess you've been all sorts around the galaxy then," Diego told her with a smile on his face once he managed to recover from the insane spiciness of the pepper. He was surprised; he had more endurance than he thoguht, which he chalked up to his peoples' food, but still.

"Will we also be having dessrt today?" Diego asked her as he saw he was almost done with his pasta.
"I love travelling so very much! You don't learn and grow unless you travel outside of your comfort zone!" she cheerfully replied. When he asked about dessert, she replied,"Certainly! Gott top this spiciness with something delightfully sweet!" So many desserts to choose from. Ice cream, chocolates, cheesecakes, there were so many choices!
Despite their important mission, Diego was having alot of fun being able to be on a real date and he felt so close being with amara. "Why don't you choose for us, sweetie," Diego added with a smile. However, he knew that she was still paying attention to what was going on at the nearby table along with him.
Her eyes suddenly got a mischievous glint to it, and she spoke,"Something with lots of chocolate perhaps? Like cake or brownies?" She was still listening in, and kept hearing this code. Still, she kept up her banter with Diego so their marks wouldn't suspect that they were listening in.
"Oooh man, you know my weaknesses when it comes to my sweet tooth," Diego said as he was wondering on it. "Well, maybe the chokolate cake would be wonderful to have. What are you in the mood for?" he asked her sweetly.
She laughed gently, and she spoke,"We should both get the chocolate cake then! Or both get brownies! As a matter of fact, why don't we get both cake and brownies?" Nothing stopping them from getting both, if they couldn't finish, there was always the option of left overs.
"All right then! You live only once after all!" Diego told Amara with a smile on his face. Despite still focusing on the mission, he was also focusing on the fun he was having with the woman who had his heart in her hands.

"So, we'll get the Chokolate Kavern Cake and the Bronze Brownie platter?" he asked her.
She smiled, this was working out better than she expected! She spoke,"And let us not forget blue milk to wash it all down!" In her opinion, the best milk came from banthas on Tatooine. There was just something spectacular about the quality of milk that was produced from that planet.
"I never tried blue milk before," Diego told her with a sheepish smile. He tended to be a bit of a picky eater when it came to his foods. However, he was wanting to try it for her. "Is it really good?" he asked her with a smile.
"It's full of nutrition. I personally think the best stuff comes from Tatooine, but that's just my opinion." she sweetly replied, the stuff could be made into ice cream and yogurt and so many other delicious treats!
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