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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"The Jedi Code I think prohibits the consumption of substances like alcohol," Diego confessed to her with a smile though he himself was wondering about what to get. "I think I'll get a seafood pasta then and we start with the fried seafood as an appetizer," he said to her before looking at her admirably. She was absolutely amazing. He never met anyone like her, much less someone who was interested in him.

"I've never really done this sort of stuff. Like... tell me about yourself," Diego asked after a moment of hesitation.
"Come on Diego, I won't tell your superiors if you don't!" she merrily replied, thinking that a Code that prevented alcohol consumption was utter bullshit. She nodded when he told her about what he would order, and she spoke slyly,"Well, if you really want to know... I'll tell you everything you want to know later tonight!"
Diego couldn't help but blush and smile shyly at her attempts to persuade him to drink. "Maybe later, I mean right now we're on a mission," Diego did note. One of the reasons that Jedi tended to abstain from drinking was for practical reasons. It inhibited concentration and in field work, it could be nuts.

However, he knew a few sects allowed it or even indulged in it, apparently it was based on using the chaotic nature of inhibition to channel the Force as a different way.

"I guess that's fair," Diego said to her with a smile before he saw the waiter arrive for their orders.
She placed her order, including everything in the appetizers to the desserts and liquor. She knew exactly what she wanted, when she wanted it, and how she wanted it. Now it was time for Diego to place his order!
Diego was impressed by Amara's assertiveness and her preciseness when it came to her ordering what she wanted. Nonetheless, Diego placed his orders. Given she already ordered their appetizer for them both, he just ordered hus main course of a seafood pasta along with his own dessert. He wouldn't be drinking, least for tonight.

He wanted to be on top of everything. Though he wondered if Amara would tyr and get him to drink later in the night.
She would order some nice champagne from room service later on, and she was excited. Not only would the food be good when it came... This was shaping up to be one hell of a mission, and she liked that!
When the wauter left, Diego felt things become a bit quieter and he hears some foot steps. Diego took a quick glimpse and saw some businessman appear next to him. They were dressed in formal if not strnagle subtle attire and sit in the table next to them.

Their guests have arrived. They were speaking in seemingly casual ways though some words Diego feels were potential hints. However, there was something he feels he was missing...
Amara subtly put in an ear piece, disguising it as if she were checking if her ear ring backs were still on. Sleight of hand was quite a necessary skill as a bounty hunter. She was patiently listening to their conversation, everything she heard was being transmitted to a computer hidden in their room, which was checking through all known code breaking databases and the like.
As of right now, the gentlemen were still discussing various topics and Diego was taking notes of things and such. Things like names and such though he then heard them stop talking.

"Excuse me? Everything okay?" one asked to them. "Yeah of course! We were just a staring contest," Diego said suddenly, but he managed to make it sound convincing. He realized they were also listening for anything and them suddently turning quiet did seem suspicious.

"It looks like you beat me again, sweetie," Diego told Amara with a smile, hoping she caught what he was saying.
She caught on quickly to the scheme, and she spoke,"Darling, staring contests are so yesterday! Let's do a drinking or an eating contest, or better yet, both! You know ful well we can afford to do either or both! Something a little more challenging for us both, eh?" That seemed to calm down the people they were listening to, who laughed and spoke of the silliness of young people.
Diego felt relieved when the folks next to them seemed to have been fooled. They continued their talk though Diego realzied they needed to be balanced. Talk enough and loudly enough so the other party doesn't suspect them hearing what they were saying yet softly enough so they could still hear them and also not disrupt the party or annoy them to get them to move.

"Yeah, but we must still retain our politeness. We are in a wonderful establishment such as this," Diego added to her with a smile on his face. He was still recording everything and thus trying to get what they could.

He smiled a but more when he saw their beverages and appetizers arrive.
She smirked, giving the air of blowing him off. Her eyes lit up to quite some degree when she saw their appetizers and drinks arrive. Time to start digging in. She gave some bull shit talk with Diego while still eavesdropping on the conversation. The Corellian Wine was fantastic. She knew what she wanted to drink, but tonight was not the night to drink the alcoholic beverage of her home.
Diego just indulged in his carbonated beverage while savoring the seafood alongside with Amara. He would give some casual talk as well, but his relaxation and affectionate tone was real. He was so comfortable and happy to be with her.

However, he was still maintaining careful listening to what the others were saying and recordiing everything for later usage. It did seem to work as their targets were unaware and have even ordered their main course, meaning it was now their turn.
This food was incredible, and it was only the appetizers. She couldn't wait for the main course to come. Amara was enjoying playing their people next to them like a drum. Still, she was really happy to be alongside Diego, he was just that perfect.
Diego was enjoying the appetizers and it didn't take long for them to finish it. When the waiter arrvied, Diego ordered his main course of a seafood pasta after Amara had her course and thus it was a matter of more waiting.
Amara was happy when the waiter came back, and got ordered plenty of food. She was a hungry girl, and she needed to keep her energy up for all the naughty things she wanted to do with her darling Diego later.
After they gave their order, it was a matter of finishing off the appetizers and such. Diego was savoring being in the company of Amara. He was having alot of fun, yet he was still doing his best to listen in with the others.

"I'm having alot of fun," Diego told Amara with a spft smile as he went over to squeeze her hand lovingly.
She softly squeezed back, and she replied,"I am too. You should meet my family, time allowed. I think they'd like you." Perfect husband material. Good genetic match as well. She was always thinking ahead. Perfect for the future.
"Wait what?!" Diego said surprisingly with a blush. He was startled to say the least. "L-like... would they want to? I-I mean..." Diego was stammering to and he was just shocked. Like, why would she want to introduce him to ehr family? Unless... maybe she did like him like that.

"Y-you like me like that?" he asked, surprised and with a soft insecurity. Diego was always an affectionate person, even since his youth. While his Jedi masters did do their best to get him to restrain himself, he couldn't help but wearhis ehart on his sleeve and the idea of being with someone was something he deseperately wanted.
"They've been wanting me to settle down for such a long time. Not ready for that, but you're the man I want to settle down with if I get around to settling down." she softly replied, her fingers caressing the tops of his hands. She knew who she wanted, and that was him.
Diego looked utterly shocked as he felt her soft fingers caress his hand. "W-why me?" Diego said. For someone like him, he was quite surprised that someone wanted him, especially since they didn't know each other that long. Yet his heart also longed for her and the idea of it all was overwhelming, to indulge in a romance with Amara.
"I don't know, I can't explain it." she replied softly, making sweet lover eyes at him, glad she was choosing him. Hopefully everything worked out, but she was worried, she was pretty sure the Order looked down on relationships.
Diego slowly gave her a soft smile. "I-I feel the same. I mean... I never thought a woman like you would go for someone like me," Diego told her softly as he adjusted his glasses as a nervous tick, but he squeezed her hands some more. He was gonna try. Try and make this work. "I... want to try and make this work," he says shyly, not knowing what to say.
"Appearances aren't everything Diego. But I'd like for this to work. Alone, we are strong. Together we are lethal, invincible, even." she replied, gently squeezing. She was still listening in, definitely enjoying the conversations, both her conversation with Diego and their target's conversation.
Diego smiled and blushed before he took a breath. He leaned in and gave a shy kiss for Amara. Without being drunk or such, he could be rpetty shy when it came to this sort of affections. No one shown interesting in him like this before and he had to admit, he liked it.

"You're incredible," he told her with a wonderful happy smile.
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