Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

She spoke,"Makes sense. I saw you take your lightsaber apart and put it back together. The parts looked super intricate." She knew she would meditate. She did that on her own frequently enough. Good for clearing one's head. She walked back with him to her ship, and she spoke,"Going to be hard. That was fun to do."
"Yeah, the meditation tends to be done in isolation though sometimes Jedi bring their droids to keep watch or such," Diego adds to that as they lead the young Garoo to their Tribe. He smiled as he saw that they were improving so much. They had began making more practical clothing from hide, including moccasions along with farming and so on. The young Garoo went to them and raised his staff, which they looked at in awe.

The Garoo then went and hugged Diego good-bye. Diego smiled and hugged him back. He then saw the Garoo hug Amara good bye as well. Diego bid farewell to them all in their lanugage.
"Well, now I have you to keep watch." she replied with a smile, poking his cheek again. Calloused as her hands were, her touch was delicate. She hugged the young Garoo back. Force willing, the Tribe would be just fine.
Diego blushed a bit more when he felt her soft touch on his cheeks when she pinched them. He waved good-bye to the tribe as Vee-Ar led them back to the ship. It was in absolute pristine condition to say the least. Vee-Ar flew into his position.

"Vee-Ar says that he got our hotel reserved and anything thanks to the help of the contact we have," Diego explained to her as he helped Amara into the cockpit before he would soon follow insde. He waited for her to pilot them.
Even with Vee-Ar's help, she still gave him the most ungodly of stink eye's as he moved into his position. She spoke as she got into the cockpit,"That's good. Are we officially good and done with business of any sort on this planet?"
"Yeah, well, outaide of coming back later to check up on the people here," Diego told her, trying to keep her from starting something with Vee-Ar. "Here we go," he said to her with a smile as Vee-Ar charted the course for their next place, the city of Harnaidan on the planet of Muunilinst. Vee-Ar informed them that they would be able to reach there sooner through the use of the hyperdrive.

They had left the atmosphere of Dantooine by this point and Vee-Ar was waiting to hear from Amara in order to blast off.
Vee-Ar beeped and activated the hyper-drive for them, sending them off to Muunilinst. Diego never ceased to be amazed by the capabilities of the ship that Amara had for herself though he was wondering how she would sleep and such. Sure the Novasword was a bit big for a starfighter, but still not the sort of place one would sleep in comfortably.

However, it didn't take long for him to ponder this since they arrived at their destination. It was Muunilinst. Home of the Banking clan and at their center was their capital of Harnaidan. It managed to avoid much conflict for so far during the Clone Wars, but he didn't for how long it would last. They ended up arriving at their hotel. Diego normally needed to stay in smaller and more quiant abodes, but sometimes he would get lucky or if need be, call on a favor from his circle. One was on Muunilinst; he sved the man's life and fortune and thus would occasionally provide services or information.

In this case, providing with a hotel room to do some spying. Here, it was on the outskirts of the city, meaning it was closer to nature and thus allow Amara to better meditate alone or with Vee-Ar to harmonzie herself with her crystal. Though Diego figured that she'd only be halfway done at most by the time they left.

They parked into the hotel hangar and were shown their number and their room. It was quite nice to say the least. "Well, we have a week before the meeting will happen and we already have our reservation so I suppose we should just enjoy ourselves here in the meanwhile," Diego told Amara with a smile.
Amara was able to sleep whenever, wherever, however. Mandalorian warriors were trained to be able to sleep in any sort of situation. When on the battlefield, had to get sleep whenever possible. Sleeping like that did weird things to one's sense of time, but it was easy to get used to. She took her chance, and slept comfortably all the way to Muunnilist. Beeping woke her up when they got there. She guided her ship into the hotel hangar, and she spoke,"I like the fashions here. You and I will be going shopping." The way her voice was suggested that she would not take no for an answer.
"Umm... but would we have room for it on the ship and would we have the money?" Diego asked her as he saw her take her assertative stance on the matter. Regardless, he did not want to look for his formal wear later, so he could keep it as a surprise. Vee-Ar brought in the cases for them.

The week went by rather quickly to say the least.

Whenever they finished having breakfast, Diego would share some notes and tips for Amara to meditate with her crystal while Vee-Ar would keep her company or he would on occasion. Often times, he would also go into the city to either get more intel or so on. From what he ehard, things were getting itnerest with increasing tension and one of the groups of the clan acting shifty.

Though beyond that, it wasn't much. Diego managed to purchase some formal wear without Amara noticing so he could keep it a surprise. Hwever, it was alot of fun still being able to spend time with Amara and he found himself loving every moment of being wit her.
"I'm part of the richest clan of Mandalorians and I have my own money. You need not worry about it." she replied simply.

The week went by rather quickly, not that it bothered her.

She always ate big at breakfast, and after that, she always settled down for meditation time with her crystals. It was such a lovely and peaceful thing to do, to meditate. Everything was really coming together. She did enjoy her shopping and the like. Her favorite time was enjoying herself in the massive Jacuzzi in the room, filling it with hot water and fruity smelling bubble bath mixture. It was fun and all, but it was more fun when you had a companion in the tub too.
Before they knew it, the week was at its end and Vee-Ar gotten alerted by their ally that the two had arrived on the planet and would be arriving at the restaurant in a couple of hours. Diego had been the first to shower and he was getting dressed in his suit. It was something simple, but he liked it. Hidden inside a secret pocket though was his light-tonfas, just in case. He also had a small subtle recording device. It was an old-fashioned one so it would not be affected by jamming signals or such.

He was currently waiting in the hallway, apparently Amara wanted to surprise him with what she would be wearing on their night out.
Amara showered after Diego came out. She was going to wear a pretty sleeveless blue dress with blue high heels that were just as pretty. The shade of blue that she was going to wear would set off her pale blonde hair and her golden eyes perfectly. Of course, her various weapons were nicely hidden along her legs, and as per her wishes, she modified her high heels to allow for hidden daggers. She found her way out into the hall way, and was impressed with what she saw Diego was wearing.
Diego was awestruck to say the least. Amara's blue dress complimented her blond hair and golden eyes perfectly and also showed off her well-toned beauty. "Y-you look stunning," Diego managed to stutter out as he looked at her with a blush o his face. Diego himself was in a nice suit; a red dress shirt with black jacket, black pants and shoes. He even had on a tie though he chose a bowtie because he liked them.
She walked over to him, and gently poked his cheek with a painted nail, and she spoke,"You clean up nicely." She linked her arm through his, and she spoke,"Well darling, shall we go? I think we look like a fine couple!"
Diego blushed a bit, but smiled when he felt Amara poke his cheek and complimented him on his appearance. Diego nodded. "Let's get going," Diego said as he smiled at the thoughts of them being a couple and when they arrived downstairs, their ride had arrived and upon stepping in, began zooming in to the entertainment district of the city, where the restaurant laid ahead.

Diego escorted Amara to their tbale and he noticed they were getting a fair bit of stares, though namely toward Amara.
She looked like a movie star with the way she was dressed. She dressed to impress, and she most certainly was impressing. Some of the hotel guests were staring as she and Diego left the hotel and got into their ride. She was smirking as they arrived to the restaurant, they both got even more stares. She was seemingly oblivious to the fact that most of the stares were for her. Still, they weren't here to have fun, they were here to work.
Diego walked Amara over to their table for them to sit on. He turned his head from the curtain cutting them off from the restaurant and turned to the wall that seperated them from another table. He peeked out and saw the table was empty for now.

"They haven't arrived yet, but according to the time, they will arrive soon," Diego added before looking at Amara. "This is my first date and I never thought I would be on a date ever," he added with a blush.
She sat down at their table, looking like quite the lady. She watched him snoop for a wee moment, and she spoke sweetly,"Well darling, we can always have some physical fun later provided that we have the time!" She was hoping he would catch her drift, he was such a sweet dope to her.
Diego's face turned into an intense shade os scarlet when Amara mentioned the possibility of physical intimacy later tonight, However, he couldn't help but still smile at the possibility of added fun to spending more time with Amara.

However, the moment was ruined when the waiter arrived with their menus. Diego used the Force to focus his hearing. He heard the waiter speak to another waiter about the other reservation and the party would arrive within a bit.
She was poking his cheek again, his face was a very amusing shade of red. He seemed to have frozen. Then the damn wait staff had to ruin it all by arriving with their menus. She was flipping through it, everything looked delicious, especially the liquor menus.
Diego melted into her grasp. While he would blush and get flustered easily, he still enjoyed being with Amara and her teasing style. "What are you planning on getting?" Diego asked Amara, considering indulging in some pasta.
His blush was really adorable. She replied,"A nice glass of red wine, some beef, maybe some other veggies..." She ate a high iron and protein diet, so meat was big with her.
"I'm thinking of probably of getting pasta or such. I try not to each too much meat," Diego said as he was thinking of what he could get himself. "Do you wanna start with anything first though?" he added to her with a smile. HE liked being on this date with her.
"A nice glass of wine would be fantastic, and a small dish of fried seafood would be great." she spoke. He had her full and undivided attention. Very few people ever received this honor from her.
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