Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)

"They do, but I'm not like them." she replied. She listened to what he knew about the area, and she eventually saw people shaped beings getting closer to her line of vision. She spoke,"Half a mile or so and we'll be able to give the boy back to his tribe. As for that, these folks have lived this life style for such a long time... It'd seem almost wrong to disrupt it."
"That's true, but at the same time, this planet has had a long history being used by outside forces, perhaps even proceding the people here if the theory that the inhabitants are the descendents of a former human colony put by the Rakatan Empire is true," Diego countered as he was in thought about this.

It wasn't long before they reached the fire and they saw the people there. The Dantari. They looked very much like your normal humans, but they were larger, stronger and bulkier looking. A male and female pair stepped up when they saw the child in Diego's hand.

"Don't worry, they're okay," Diego told them reassuredly before he gave them the child. The parents looked releived along with the rest of the Tribe.
She spoke,"If they're the descendants of that human colony, I'm surprised they've barely evolved since then, or is Dantooine just that rarely visited?" The Dantari were massive. Very normal looking and all, but easily stronger and bulkier looking than the average human being. Amara smiled when Diego handed the baby over to the parents. Everything seemed to be fine for now. She spoke,"What do we do now?"
"I'm not sure on that. I mean, the average natural lifespan of a Dantari is longer than that of a human's. I mean, our ancestors' life span was on average for mid 30s and Dantari is about 70. So they might be able to live even longer with some of the stuff," Diego himself noted, but of course, he wasn't sure on what now.

He saw the child speak to his parents in Dantarian. It was a simple primitive language that was supplemented with facial expressions and body gestures. From what Diego could gather, some of the kids also had a bit of a disappointed look along with the child they save. Diego then took something to consider.

"I'm thiking... why send children to look for plants? I'm thinking, maybe they're all hungry. Like, the battle must have scattered the migrating animals here and so there's not much to eat in the area," Diego theorized as he was trying to figure it out.
She nodded, what he said made a lot of sense. She spoke,"Hey, how much do you know about farming?" She was curious, if they could teach them simple stuff like planning and she could teach them smithing, metal work, stuff like that... They'd be able to survive and such. It was almost a necessity in Mandalorian society to know the ways of metals and the like.
"Well I know a bit of the basics and such," Diego said before he realized what she was getting at. "Oh! I get ya! So we teach these people how to grow their own food and such?" Diego said, wanting to make sure. While it was a good idea, they didn't have months to be thorough about this.

"We do need to figure put the best way of doing this since we can't spend much time here. Probably a week at most. We could probably get the base here to help though," Diego wondered after some thought.
"So we take a week, you can do the farming stuff, I can teach them metalworking and the like. It's almost criminal for Mandalorians to not know a little bit of it. It'll make getting food and defending themselves that much easier." she replied smoothly. She continued,"Having the base to help would be fantastic, it would make teaching that much easier."
"Yeah, though they do have a skilled knowledge of herbology so it's just a matter of finding the right place. Though this does seem to be a good place," Diego noted as he nodded. "I am not sure if metal working could be the case considering the lack of mining," Diego added to her.

"We'll start with the basics and then as they progress, try and get some of te people of the base to help. Sound like a plan?" Diego asked her.
"Yeah, that's a good point." she replied when he mentioned that metal working could be a problem. She continued,"Works for me. Hopefully with this new knowledge from them, they can evolve from there. Maybe learn languages aside from Dantari."
"So we'll just focus on farming, animal-husbandry and probably greater hunting skills," Diego noted to her with a smile. He then had a thought when he saw a surprisingly young shaman there. He went over to him and gave him a puzzled look. The surprisingly intutitve young shaman understood the confusion of the outsider and pointed to a primitive looking urn.

"It appears the garoo, the local shaman, passed away recently with his student taking the role, but it appears he's inexperienced," Diego thought before he looked the young man. He leaned forward and closed his eyes. The young man was surprised and then awed. Diego then smiled.

"This new garoo... he's a Force sensitive. And a pretty strong one," Diego noted with a smile.
"That should be enough, shame we don't have more time to teach them and stuff." she spoke. She turned her attention to the shaman. Something was off about him. Nothing in a bad way, but there was something different about this young man. She smiled when Diego said that the young man was strong in the Force. She spoke,"Was the garoo before him Force Sensitive as well?"
"We can come back some time later to check up on their development. I guess I feel we have a duty to help these people... least I do. I cannot make you do anything you do not wanna do," Diego noted as he figured spending some time helping these people an off-duty time would be good for him.

The young man was only about sixteen at best and he had a shy and scholarly look despite still being well-built like the rest of his tribe. "I don't know. They often tend to be, but not always. However, I do feel properly training him will allow him to do his job the best, including healing," Diego explained.

"What else can we teach them for now? Maybe hunting?" he asled Amara.
"That works for me, check on them as we take breaks from our investigations. This lot of people fascinates me." she replied, giving this boy a once over. He reminded her of Diego in a way. Scholarly, even with the lack of normal books and the like here. She spoke,"Certainly hunting. Anything that involves basic weaponry." She wanted them to learn the basic arts of self defense in case the Separatists ever came calling again.
Over the next week, Diego began teaching the Dantari everything he knew about farming and recruited alot of the ex-Jedi from the area to help with teaching. Fortunately, the vast knowledge of local herbology the Dantari already knew made it easier for them to grasp the basics and the information on the plantlife meant Diego could teach about proper crop rotation and long-term plant maintaince so the people don't starve themselves or damage the soil by robbing it of nutrients.

Beyond that, it was also teaching bascis such as recognizing weather patterns and so on. However, he was only the secondary teacher when it came to teaching the outdoor skills. Amara was mainly for that. What he did do est though was help develop their language and teach them reading and writing. Furthermore, he even finished with the basics of mathematics and logistics.

Most of all though, he was teaching the new Garoo the basics of the Force. He was a very smart and perceprtive student and Diego was impressed with his process, especially with meditation. The young man was awed by it all as well as the rest of the Tribe.
Amara was a very strict teacher, allowing no room for error as she taught the tribe everything she knew on weaponry, self defense, and weather pattern recognition. As the week passed, she saw a very weak Tribe turn into a force to be reckoned with. This Tribe made her proud. In due time, if they had the chance to come back, there would be more to teach them, and she was excited to do so.
Diego was the hapless subject that was used by Amara for basic manuevers against Force-users. However, Diego would often blush at being held so close to Amara; he even swore that he was groped once or twice.

However, he also got to admire her use weapons of various kinds and even just be incredible and atheltic. They did work together in equal for some stiuff, such as harvesting paper or such to make the system of writing.

It was the last day of the week, and Diego was looking over the young Garoo succesfully healing his 100th person. Amara's strict practice meant the young Garoo got to practice his healing alot.
Amara was a merciless teacher, she would make everybody go through maneuvers dozens upon dozens of times a day. If they weren't already bulky before this week, they definitely looked jacked by the end of the week. Diego looked to be in even better shape too, which pleased her greatly. Her personal dummy. And better yet, perfect to grope. She was proud of what they accomplished in just the one week. She looked proud, like a cat that had caught a particularly juicy mouse.
Diego himself had a fairshare of injures from Amara's training. Though he did his ebst to hid them. not just from her, but himself. It reminded him alot of trying to go through physical training. Heavy physical duty was not his thing and he never envisioned himself to be the bulky muscular type. Hell, even trying to go past being chubby was a challenge and he thanked the patience of Jedi Master for respecting his limits and helping him overcome that his own way. However, that did not mean the thoughts or his body-image issues went away.

He sighed a moment as his hand went and went toward his stomach. He smiled a rather melancholic one as he squeezed his lovehandles. He was poked in the shoulder by the Garoo, having sensed his state. "I'm all right," Diego said with a reassured smile. He then saw the young Garoo point something in the distance and alerted him and Amara.

"Amara! The Garoo wants to show us something," Diego told her while he saw Vee-Ar was instructing some of the tribe members on the finer aspects of logistics.
Amara was leading exercises when Diego got her attention. She ended the exercises to go off with Diego, and she spoke,"I wonder what we will be shown!" She did love exploring, and Diego knew it.
"I can't believe a whole week has passed. The Tribe has learned so much," Diego noted as they were walking through the forest. "Vee-Ar is reinforcing some of the stuff on logistics, so it'll help them out," Diego told her with a smile as he was in thought of what they could teach them.

"Maybe we can teach them windmills and waterwheels, especially if we can come up with simple and good designs," Diego suggested with a smile as they exited a forest and were in a field.
She smiled, walking with him, and she spoke,"Imagine how much more advanced they will be when we see them next time." She was glad when they left the forest. She liked open fields. Nothing could hide from her line of vision in an wide open space.
"Yeah, though they'll probably focus on taming the landscape. We also have to make sure they won't abuse their newfound knowledge," Diego noted to her with a smile. He also noted she looked more comfortable in the field than in the woods.

"But this was a good week and I feel good being able to help out alot," Diego told ehr with a smile. "I'm also glad I got to spend time with you," he added with a shyer smile.
She spoke,"I doubt they'll do that. I hope they don't do that. I don't want to wipe out something so beautiful." she replied. She blushed under her helmet, and she spoke,"Darling, I was happy to spend time with you as well. You're getting so much better at hand to hand combat."
Diego nearly tripped and his blush became alot brighter. No one ever spoke to him sweetly like that and it was quite a shock. Furthermore, her complimenet also took him by surprise. "T-t-thanks," he managed to say while hus mind was processing everything. "-T'that's the first time you called me that," he said with a blush. While they were very intimate a week ago, he still wasn't sure if they were friends or on the way to becoming more.

The Garoo just muted his chuckles at the two lvoebirds' reactions.
She smiled gently, glad he couldn't see her happy face. She spoke,"Affection be a big part of the culture of my people. Or at least that is how it is with my family anyway."
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